Why Earth Systems Engineering Management? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Why Earth Systems Engineering Management?


Title: Multi-disciplinary communication Author: Ima User Last modified by: Mike Gorman Created Date: 1/10/2003 3:54:00 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Why Earth Systems Engineering Management?

Why Earth Systems Engineering Management?
  • Michael E. Gorman
  • Division of Technology, Culture Communication
  • University of Virginia
  • meg3c_at_virginia.edu
  • repo-nt.tcc.virginia.edu

Michael E. Gorman
Both groups conduct tug of war against truck
Groups return home together.
Muzafer Sherif Turkey and WWI
  • As an adolescent with a great deal of curiosity
    about things, I saw the effects of war families
    who lost their men and dislocations of human
    beings. I saw hunger. I saw people killed on my
    side of national affiliation I saw people killed
    on the other side.It influenced me deeply to see
    each group with a selfless degree of comradeship
    within its bounds and a correspondingly intense
    degree of animosity, destructiveness, and
    vindictiveness toward the detested outgrouptheir
    behavior characterized by compassion and
    prejudice, heights of self-sacrifice, and bestial
    destructiveness. At that early age, I decided to
    devote my life to studying and understanding the
    causes of these things.

Robbers Cave Experiment (1954)
  • 22 boys, all 11 years old from Oklahoma
  • Attend summer camp at Robbers Cave State Park
  • Same level of conditions
  • Behavior
  • Accent
  • Zero Past History
  • Religion
  • IQ Grades
  • Fitness
  • Eyesight
  • Ethnicity

Robbers Cave Experiment (1954)
  • Week 1 Group formation
  • Rattlers and Eagles bonded separately
  • Week 2 Group contrasts
  • Competitive Activities baseball, tug of war
  • Fighting, sabotage, hatred

Robbers Cave Experiment (1954)
  • Week 3 Bring groups together
  • Use of ambassadors to begin talks failed
  • Integration around pleasant experienced failed
  • Common enemy worked temporarily
  • Series of super-ordinate goals successful

Members of both groups climb tree to see if tank
is empty.
Both groups take turns trying to clear faucet.
Both groups push truck to try to start it.
What are some superordinate problems/
opportunities that face our planet today?
Technological development as freedom
  • Economic unfreedom, in the form of extreme
    poverty, can make a person a helpless prey in the
    violation of other kinds of freedom (Amartya
  • Technological progress should involve enhancing
    human capabilities, quality of life
  • Technologies for Tier 4 markets--increased
    affluence, education, limits population growth,
    environmental damage

Why doesnt our global environment represent a
superordinate goal?
Barriers to Multidisciplinary Communications
Blind Men and the Elephant
  • Side of the elephant seems like a wall
  • Trunk like a snake
  • Leg like a tree trunk
  • Ear like a fan
  • Tail like a rope
  • Exacerbated by ideological assumptions
  • expertise stovepipes

Possible Relationships Between Technology
  • I(impact)P(population)A(affluence)
  • T(technology)

Means is the end
  • Technological or moral imperatives that do not
    honor the views of multiple stakeholders will
    reduce human freedom

Problem of Incommensurability(Kuhn)
  • Converging technologies (nano, bio, info, cogno)
    cross disciplines, but
  • Expert judgement is typically domain-specific,
    and sharing of expertise is not always valued.
  • How can communication and collaboration occur
    across these different cultures of expertise, and
    incorporate ethics as well?

Trading Zones as a solution to incommensurability
  • Galison-- radar, particle accelerators--scientists
    and engineers develop a creole to communicate
  • Baird--MRI--incomplete creole between physics and
    surgery led to an artifact being treated as a
  • Solved by interactional expert who combined
    physics and medecine
  • Lambert--trades made by JPL engineers and
    scientists in designing the Mars rover
  • Nanocajun

Other Case-Studies of Trading Zones and Moral
  • Unilever develops a triple bottom line (Myles
  • (http//it.darden.virginia.edu/unilever/)
  • Solar Electric Light Fund (Scott Sonenshein)
  • Monsanto and IP, Monsanto in Europe (Michael
  • No nerds, no birds Boeing engineers strike
    (Missy Cummings)
  • (http//www.darden.edu/collection/index.htm)

Three Network States
  • State 1 One group (or elite oligarchy)
  • has the overall problem representation
  • black boxes others into specific roles whose
    purpose those persons do not need to understand.
  • Communication downward (orders) upward
    (evidence of obedience)--no trade
  • Rigid hierarchy
  • Examples Seeing Like a State (Scott)
  • McDonough principles if they were implemented in
    a top-down fashion

Three Network States
  • State 2 Relatively equal trading zone
  • Actors typically trade across a boundary object,
    plastic enough to adapt to local needs and
    constraints of the several parties employing
    them, yet robust enough to maintain a common
    identity across the zone (Leigh Star).
  • Boundaries of what constitutes an allowable
    trade are negotiated.

Three Network States--2 (cont.)
  • Unsuccessful networks include ones in which the
    boundaries are violated
  • Example
  • Boeing engineers who felt they were in an unequal
    trading zone, regarding executive pay
  • Airplanes as boundary objects engineers as
    designers or assemblers?

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Three Network States
  • State 3 Shared mental model
  • All participants need to share a common
    representation of the system and its goals.
  • Dynamic representations, so sharing needs to be
  • Examples
  • Boeing 777
  • ARPANET (Hughes, Waldrop)

A Communications Continuum
mental models
Three levels of shared expertisein
multidisciplinary trading zones(adapted from
Collins and Evans)
  • None--participants speak different languages
  • Interactional--ability to interact using a
    limited creole
  • Contributing--each discipline contributes to a
    new breakthrough, developing new terms
  • As with the states, these levels of expertise are
    on a continuum

Trading Zones, Shared Expertise and Communication
Four Types of Expertise
  • Information (what)
  • Skills (How)
  • Judgment (When)
  • Wisdom (Why)
  • Sharing requires deeper levels of communication
    and interaction as one goes down this knowledge

Interactional expertise information
  • Information-sharing requires common
    definitions--the way AIDs activists taught
    themselves terms, and the MEMs exchange had to
    standardize meanings

Interactional Expertise Skill
  • Skills within a domain require the interactional
    expert to apprentice--Collins and laser
  • The interactional expert must also possess the
    anthropologists skill of moving among cultures,
    of being a linguistic and cultural translator

Interactional Expertise and Judgment
  • Judgment in a domain implies contributing
    expertise--typically normal science
  • But the interactional expert can see
    opportunities in the gaps between
    disciplines--possibility of a new paradigm

Wisdom and expertise
  • The interactional expert begins on the margins of
    each discipline but in the center of the zone--a
    good position from which to encourage all
    participants to reflect on why a potential
    discovery or invention is (or is not) worth
    pursuing, and to exercise moral imagination with
    respect to other stakeholders.

Moral Imagination
  • We learn practical ethics from stories, which
    become mental models for virtuous behavior
  • Crichtons Prey?
  • These mental models can become unquestioned
  • Moral imagination consists of seeing that these
    realities are views, and that alternative views,
    e.g., those of other stakeholders, are worth
    listening to

A Failure of Moral Imagination Trading Zones
IP example
  • GMOs A technology that could lead to the next
    green revolution, but companies like Monsanto
    want to protect their RD investment, including
    preventing re-use of seeds
  • Farmer contracts that result in field inspections
  • A technology developed by USDA and Delta Pine
    that turns off trait--labeled terminator by
    an NGO that now calls for a moratorium on

McDonoughs Principles as Examples of
Superordinate Goals (derived from Earlier Work in
Industrial Ecology and other domains)
  • Waste Food
  • biological/organic nutrient cycle
  • technological nutrient cycle
  • Cradle to cradle design
  • Work from Current Solar Income
  • Respect Diversity
  • Ecological justice
  • more local employment

Successful example of moral imagination
  • Design of an environmental furniture fabric
  • An architect, a fashion designer, an
    environmental chemist and a textile manufacturer
    adopt a shared mental model--waste equals
    food--and commitment to continuous improvement

  • The potential relationships among social
    scientists, ethicists, engineers and scientists
    working together can be characterized by the
    three states.
  • Example
  • Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology materials systems
  • Have at least one dimension in the 1-100
    nanometer range
  • Are designed via control over physical chemical
    processes at the molecular level
  • Can be combined to form larger structures
  • Mike Roco
  • Senior adviser for nanotechnology
  • National Science Foundation

State 1 Elite control
  • Scientists and engineers create a technology that
    forces others to adapt
  • OR
  • Ethicists and social scientists dictate the
    future of the technology to the
    researchers--perhaps imposing a moratorium

Problems with a nanotechnology moratorium
  • Moratorium on what? Nanotechnology spans
    multiple disciplines and technologies--a
    moratorium could simply lead to a shift in
    labels, e.g., back to surface science
  • Certain lines of research could and probably
    should be forbidden, at least for a time, but
    only after discussion--hence, the need for
    ethicists and social scientists to be present at

State 2 Trading Zone
  • Social scientists, ethicists, engineers and
    scientists develop a creole that allows them to
    interact across a trading zone--developing
    mechanisms to jointly regulate the growth of this
    new technology--perhaps through the kinds of
    advisory boards used regularly in medical ethics

State 3 Shared Mental Model
  • Social scientists, ethicists, scientists and
    engineers work together to create new
    breakthroughs that will benefit society

Similar approach should be taken with other
technologies that have environmental consequences
Societal dimensions and reflective practice
  • Goal to explore how scientists, engineers,
    ethicists and social scientists could collaborate
    on nanotechnology research
  • Student entering the UVA MRSEC has two advisors
    a materials scientist (Groves) and a social
    scientist (Gorman). Together, we explore how
    depositing nanodots of one metal oxide on another
    can be directed toward world ills
  • Medical or environmental sensors
  • All three of us keep diaries of our cognitive
    processes and send them to a cognitive scientist
    (Shrager) (http//aracyc.stanford.edu/jshrager/pe
  • Supported by NSF (SES-0210452)

Table of World Ills
Metaphor Mountains and Bridges
  • Bridges
  • Growing nanodots in spots indicated by a focused
    ion beam
  • See if the difference in surface charge between
    substrate and dots is sufficient to bind target
  • Mountain Identify target substances related to a
    global problem

Metaphor Mountains and Bridges
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Sensor design using bio-nano example.
Metal oxide nanodot and substrate will need to
have different surface charges
Mountain-bridge metaphor as a step towards the
kind of shared mental model necessary to fully
integrate societal dimensions into cutting-edge
research. Requires moral imagination regarding
the mountain. Suggests goals for educating a new
generation of students and professonals regarding
converging technologies
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3 States, Emerging Technologies and the
  • State 1 Control of the environment or of people
  • Engineers and scientists developing technologies
    while leaving others to deal with end-of-pipe
    environmental consequences
  • Environmental technologies mandated from thetop
    by those who do not understand local
  • Ethicists mandating a moratorium on new
    technologies without consulting researchers

State 1 Extractive Industry Quincy Mine Shaft, UP
State 2 Balancing interests
  • The potential environmental impacts of new
    technologies need to be monitored and negotiated
    with agencies like EPA, with environmental
    scientists and with multiple stakeholders--
  • fisherfolk, students from the developing world
  • Everglades as example
  • SFWMD reservoir
  • Army Corps flood and reclamation
  • Park Service wildlife refuge

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  • The impacts of breakthrough technologies on
    complex systems are not entirely predictable,

State 3 Adaptive management of a coupled
natural-human-technological system
  • The Earth Systems Engineer has to be in
    continued dialog with the creation that we are
    responsible for, and part ofcreating new and
    more self-aware cognitive systems.
  • Brad Allenby

Yellowstone to Yukon
Requirements for such a dialogue
  • Continuous and fine-grained monitoring of the
  • Reversible technologies
  • Should be designed to permit alteration of
    technological systems as we get more data on
    their impacts
  • And hear from stakeholders
  • Adaptive management of resilient systems
  • What aspects of system most need to be resilient?
  • True interdisciplinary collaboration
  • Shared mental models at the level of systems
  • Axiological (values) component must be considered

A Course on ESEM
  • Project-based
  • Guest speakers provide multi-disciplinary
  • Environmental science and engineering students
    working in teams
  • On environmental systems
  • Everglades
  • Yellowstone to Yukon
  • Phoenix, AZ

Ethical principles
  • Establish trading zones involving multiple
    stakeholders--including those affected by new
  • Exercise moral imagination
  • Follow the golden rule do unto others as you
    would have them do unto you
  • End result A shared commitment to technologies
    that improve human capabilities, globally

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  • Baird, D. and M. Cohen (1999). "Why trade?"
    Perspectives on science 7(2) 231-254.
  • Collins, H. M. and R. Evans (2002). "The third
    wave of science studies." Social Studies of
    Science 32(2) 235-296.
  • Galison, P. (1997). Image logic A material
    culture of microphysics. Chicago, The University
    of Chicago Press.
  • Gorman, M. E. and M. M. Mehalik (2002). "Turning
    Good into Gold A Comparative Study of Two
    Environmental Invention Networks." Science,
    Technology Human Values 27(4) 499-529.
  • Gorman, M. E., M. M. Mehalik, and P. Werhane.
    (2000). Ethical and environmental challenges to
    engineering. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall.
  • Hughes, T. P. (1998). Rescuing prometheus. New
    York, Pantheon books.
  • Scott, J. C. (1998). Seeing like a state How
    certain schemes to improve the human condition
    have failed. New Haven, Yale University Press.
  • Sherif, M. (1967). Social Interaction. Chicago

Back-up slides
  • Nanomembranes whose permeability can be adjusted
  • Nanoparticles that can serve as sorbents,
    facilitating study and precipitation of
  • http//www.ruf.rice.edu/cben/FateAndTransport.sht
  • Nanomaterials that become food rather than

Types of knowledge and the tacit dimension
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