Title: Format grafico per presentazioni istituzionali
19th -21st March 2009 IATT General Secretary
2Why do we choose Laying Techniques with Low
environmental impact?
- To meet specific business requirements such as
- to develop the broadband network(ADSL, NGN2)
- to minimize the costs respecting the
environment - to improve relationship with the local
authorities - Advantages of the above technology?
- work made easier and quicker
- cost reduction
- minor social and environmental impact
3 Sistema propedeutici allimpiego delle tecniche
- La realizzazione di nuove infrastrutture
comporta - il rischio di danneggiamento di quelle esistenti
- la necessità di unaccurata indagine preliminare
del sottosuolo. - Ciò può avvenire tramite
- strumentazione cercatubi
- reperimento di informazioni tramite Aziende/Enti
- Limpiego di tecniche di posa innovative richiede
unindagine del sottosuolo accurata,
realizzabile attraverso i sistemi Georadar.
4 Sistema propedeutici allimpiego delle tecniche
- Lindagine realizzata con sistemi Georadar
permette di rivelare in modo non invasivo la
presenza e la posizione di oggetti nel
sottosuolo, fino ad una profondità di 3 m,
sfruttando la riflessione delle onde
elettromagnetiche (100-600) MHz. - Lapparecchiatura è costituita da
- ununità di controllo e di acquisizione dei dati
- una o più antenne
- Opportuni software permettono di
- acquisire, elaborare ed interpretare i dati
- restituire elaborati grafici (cartacei o
elettronici) in pianta e in sezione - ottenere elaborati cartografici anche
tri-dimensionali. - La normativa interna Telecom Italia prevede
limpiego dei sistemi Georadar (Codice della
norma DRATCOPRE98001 del 21/09/1998)
5 Laying Technology Mini-trench
- The minitrench technology means the construction
of an open mini-dig on a very compact sub-soil
surface, (5/15 X 30/40 cm), using a special
toothed disc trencher. - Small-sized machines allow the use of this
technology on roads, pavements and curbs. - Main work phases
- Excavation with an appropriate trencher
- Debris removal
- Pipe/cable laying
- Filling
- Easy re-excavation
6 Laying Techniques Mini-trench
- Main characteristics
- Limitated road surface damage
- Reduction of Sub-soil débris
- no subsidence after re-excavation
- Facilitated re-excavation
- No interruption to car and pedestrian traffic
7 Laying Technology Mini- trench
The Telecom Italia Specifications provide for the
use of the traditional mini-trench with the
following laying technology standards (
8 Laying Technology Mini-trench
Standard Filling Technique
9 Laying Technology Mini-trench
- Telecom s decision to experiment with
non-invasive techniques through the use of
innovative materials is due to the increasing
interest in the use of new technology in the
mini-trench field - 1DD OneDayDig
- reduced mini-trench
10 1DD Laying Technique
- The so called OneDayDig consists of a specific
laying technique,. - Its innovative characteristics enable
- the simultaneous implementation of the following
phases - - trenching , débris removal, pipe
laying and maintenance - the use of a specific innovative coating (mapei)
for maintenance
11 1DD Laying Technique
- Main characteristics
- Small-sized excavation (5 cm X 30 cm)
- Implementation in urban and sub-urban areas
- Synergetic use of small innovative machinery
- Use of a new filling material which also works
for surface maintenance - Time saving permits worksite opening and
closure on the same day.
12 1DD Laying Technique
- Filling Material characteristics
- Strong resistance to compression (55 N/mm²) and
thermal shock - Quick setting (siutable for vehicles within 1 - 2
hours) - Homogeneous aspect (no damage to pre-existing
road surface) - Perfect adhesion to the excavation sides (
silos effect) - Easy removal by means of machinery without
damage to pre-existing utilities.
13 1DD Laying Technique
Final Aspect
14 LayingTechnique reduced mini-trench
- The Mini-trench Technique uses traditional
machinery. - Main characteristics
- Reduced-size excavation (5 cm X 30/40 cm)
- Innovative filling material.
15 Mini-trench Laying Technique
16Mini-trench Laying Technique
Comparison with traditional trenching
17Laying Technique Mini-trench
Minor visual impact manholes
18Tecnica di posa Minitrincea
19Social-environmental aspects Saving Percentages
A survey carried out by Telecom Italia Lab ()
shows the Saving Percentages regarding the use
of innovative technology compared to traditional
excavation methods (worksite costs have not been
taken into account)
() according to the environmental impact model
elaborated by the Federation of Swedish
20Main social-environmental Aspects
- Reduction of excavation works (exploitation of
pre-existing works and waste disposal
arrangements) - Reduction of heavy vehicle traffic (HGV)
- Rapid access to the public area (from days to
hours) - Reduced road surface damage and limited
deterioration - Reduced road condition impact
- Reduced impact and interference to nearby
businesses and residential properties - Increased safety for pedestrians thanks to the
elimination of open trenches - Increased operator safety
- 80 social-environmental cost reduction
- 67 reduction in workplace accidents
- Reduced damage to pre-existing utilities
21Aspetti economici
Tecniche consolidate e innovative Applicabilità Grado di protezione impianto Costo (/m) Lavorazione media giornaliera Note
Scavo tradizionale Sempre Alto 63 50 m Al costo va aggiunto il ripristino definitivo, sovente richiesto anche per mezza/intera carreggiata
Posa aerea su palificazione Limitata ad aree periferiche e rurali Basso 8 1000 m (circa 30 pali) Manutenzione onerosa Rilascio permessi difficoltoso
Posa aerea su edifici In aree urbane su tracciati esistenti Bassa 2.5 ? 4 ----- Manutenzione onerosa Rilascio permessi difficoltoso
Perforazione Orizzontale Guidata Sempre Alto 63 (50 su volumi) 250 m Particolarmente indicato per il superamento di linee ferroviarie, corsi dacqua, autostrade o nei centri urbani ad alto traffico o in presenza di copertura superficiale di pregio
No Dig leggero Sempre Alto TBD 250 m In sperimentazione (Umbria)
Minitrincea Sempre Medio - Alto 23 (18 su volumi) 250 m Legata a rilascio di permessi e non conveniente in presenza di copertura superficiale di pregio
Microtrincea ridotta OneDayDig Sempre Medio - alto TBD 250 m In sperimentazione (Sardegna, Roma e Milano)
Microtrincea Teraspan Sempre Basso TBD 100 m In sperimentazione (Roma)
22Economic Aspects comparison of techniques
Traditional trenching Mini-trench
Implementation cost é ééé
Environmental impact é ééé
Safety equipment ééé éé
Implementation period é ééé
diffusion ééé é
é basso éé medio ééé eccellente é basso éé medio ééé eccellente é basso éé medio ééé eccellente
23Economic Aspects Comparison of Techniques
Real -Life case recovery of arial cable and
laying of copper telephone cable - 30 cp lain
in suburban environment. (approx. 1 km) owing
to the intensity of traffic in the zone, works
carried out as pre-establihed on a daily
basis Completion of road signs and fencing of
digging well carried out not more than 50
meters of linear work daily closure of
diggings and re-surfacing by the end of working
day The alternative is the Mini-trench which as
well as the previously mentioned advantages,
allows the working of 250/300 m a day..
24Economic Aspects Percentage savings 40 - 60
costs Traditional Trenching (/m) Traditional Mini-trench (/m)
Excavation 41,28 23, 90
Cable laying 4,28 4,28
Cable and laying material 3,86 3,86
Recovery of arial cables 0,35 0,35
Recovery of fencing posts 1,24 1,24
Joints 0,50 0,50
Vaious materials 0,018 0,018
Temporary re-openings ----
Road block and signs
Final re-surfacing (on average 2 meters) 22,7 (che quasi raddoppia in caso di strade ANAS o Provinciali) 10 (in caso di imposizione da parte dellEnte)
TOTAL 74,228 93,746 34,148 - 44,148
- NB oneri compresi nelle voci omnicomprensive
Scavo e Posa cavo
25Economic aspects Percentage saving
On road MIN MAX
Rural 40,5 54,0
ANAS or Provincial 52,9 63,6
The final cost benefit analysis demonstrates that
the eco- friendly Laying Technique is highly
suitable for network development in our
country. The main aim is therfore to promote the
culture of this technique, and above all to
facilitate its authorization by local