ILC cryomodule design task list - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ILC cryomodule design task list


Title: What s Inside a TESLA Cryomodule Author: Thomas Peterson Last modified by: Thomas Peterson Created Date: 2/2/2005 7:51:57 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ILC cryomodule design task list

ILC cryomodule design task list
  • Tom Peterson, Fermilab
  • ILC Cryomodule Meeting
  • CERN, 16 - 17 January 2006

ILC cryomodule design task list introduction and
tasks 1-3 (start 3-D CAD model, consider pipe
sizes and segmentation)
Introduction TTF cryomodule is our reference
TTF Module end
CERN meeting goals
  • Technical
  • Definition of what a T4CM is
  • Identification of a comprehensive list of tasks
    to be accomplished in working toward the T4CM
  • Review the definition of the BCD module
  • Organizational
  • Formation of an international T4CM design team
  • Identify who will do what
  • Establish a timeline for T4CM design completion
  • Future meetings---discuss when, where, frequency,

Module design tasks
  • Module design issues were collected by working
    groups at meetings, including but not limited to
  • SLAC (14 - 16 Oct 2004)
  • KEK (13 - 15 Nov 2004)
  • DESY (6 - 8 Dec 2004)
  • Snowmass (August 2005)
  • SMTF collaboration meeting (5 - 7 Oct 2005)
  • These issues were assembled into a draft list for
    this meeting

Draft list of technical issues and tasks for
discussion at CERN
  • See MS Word document task summary
  • This is just an attempt to organize the ILC
    module design effort into separate tasks which we
    can fairly independently pursue
  • The list already includes a few names of people
    who have expressed interest in those topics
  • The list is not intended to be in any way
    exclusive in terms of what we do or who does

Draft list of technical issues and tasks for
discussion at CERN, tasks 1 - 3
  • Task 1 Begin a type IV 3-D model and drawing
    set by importing those features that will remain
    the same as type III.
  • Task 2 Decide on pressure drop criteria and
    pipe sizes for the modules
  • Task 3 Design of a segmentation spool piece
    and other cryogenic boxes (included here to
    mention that a designs are needed and will
    interface with modules)

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Task 1 Type III ---gt Type IV
  • We have a general consensus regarding what needs
  • Based largely on TTF experience, but also Jlab
    and others
  • Consensus collected by working groups at
    meetings, including but not limited to
  • SLAC (14 - 16 Oct 2004)
  • KEK (13 - 15 Nov 2004)
  • DESY (6 - 8 Dec 2004)
  • Snowmass (August 2005)
  • SMTF collaboration meeting (5 - 7 Oct 2005)

Features of type III cryomodule
  • Allows for fixed couplers
  • Invar rod and roller bearings allow cavities to
    remain axially fixed while the 300 mm tube
  • Smaller cross section results in standard pipe
    size for outer vessel
  • Axial position of last support changed to stiffen
    structure near quadrupole

Type IV cryomodule will include the following
features from Type III
  • 8 cavities per module
  • Same cooling scheme and cryogenic system concept
  • Same vacuum vessel diameter and 300 mm pipe
  • Nearly the same pipe locations and arrangement
  • Same cavity centerline location relative to
    vacuum vessel
  • Same support posts
  • Same thermal shields concept, although coupler
    port locations move
  • Same cavity support detail (300 mm header as
    structural backbone with cavities held by roller
    bearings and invar rods)
  • Same input coupler (at least in terms of mounting
    and interface to vacuum vessel, cavity, and
    thermal shields)

Cryomodule III model -- helium vessels in the
vacuum vessel
CAD model based on DESY design imported and
modified by Don Mitchell, Fermilab
Cryomodule III model -- helium vessels in the
vacuum vessel with input couplers and quadrupole
CAD model based on DESY design imported and
modified by Don Mitchell, Fermilab
Helium vessel supports
Support posts
Thermal shield installation
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Task 2 Module pipe sizes
  • Compared to TESLA 500, heat loads for ILC are
  • Larger flow rates
  • Pressure drops and pipe sizes need review
  • The review should include pressure drop criteria
    -- what pressure drops to allow

ILC cryogenic system overview
  • Saturated He II cooled cavities _at_ 2 K
  • Helium gas thermal shield _at_ 5 - 8 K
  • Helium gas thermal shield _at_ 40 - 80 K
  • Two-phase line (liquid helium supply and
    concurrent vapor return) connects to each helium
  • Two-phase line connects to gas return once per
  • A small diameter warm-up/cool-down line connects
    the bottoms of the He vessels (primarily for
  • Subcooled helium supply line connects to
    two-phase line via JT valve once per string
    (12 modules)

Cryo-unit (bcdmain_linacilc_bcd_cryogenic_chapt
Module predicted heat loads
ILC cryogenic system much larger than TESLA 500
  • 8 cryogenic plant locations
  • Approximately 5 km spacing
  • Each location with 2 cryogenic plants of about
    the maximum size -- each plant equivalent to
    about 24 kW at 4.5 K
  • Each plant about 6 MW wall plug power
  • ILC cryogenics about 100 MW total

Module pipe sizes increase
(Increase diameter beyond X-FEL)
(Increase diameter beyond X-FEL)
(Review 2-phase pipe size and effect of slope)
Task 3 Cryogenic unit segmentation and other
cryogenic boxes
  • Segmentation issue is ultimately tied to
  • To be conservative, BCD should include features
    for cryogenic unit and vacuum segmentation
  • Arbitrarily assume 5 segments per 2.5 km
    cryogenic unit, so about 500 m long on average
  • Cryogenic string supply and end boxes, which may
    be separate from modules, are also required
    within the ILC lattice
  • These all must be integrated with the module

Segmentation concept
  • A box of slot length equal to one module
  • Can pass through cryogens or act as turnaround
    box from either side
  • Does not pass through 2-phase flow, so must act
    as a supply and/or end of a cryogenic string
  • Includes vacuum break for insulating vacuum
  • Includes fast-acting isolation valve for beam vac
  • May contain bayonet/U-tube connections between
    upstream and downstream for positive isolation
  • May also want external transfer line for 4 K
    standby operation (4 K only, no pumping line)

Segmentation box concept
ILC cryomodule design task list tasks 4 - 6
(cavity interconnect and tuners)
Draft list of technical issues and tasks for
discussion at CERN, tasks 4 - 6
  • See MS Word document task summary
  • Task 4 Design the intercavity connecting flange
    and bolting arrangement, detail the new spacing
  • Task 5 Modify the slow tuner design to allow
    closer cavity-to-cavity spacing
  • Task 6 Modify the fast tuner design for proper
    piezo function

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Task 4 cavity interconnect
  • Shorten cavity slot length
  • Cavity beam pipe length change
  • Bellows section -- minimum necessary
  • Flange bolt installation is a problem
  • Analyze slotted bellows flanges
  • Consider cleanliness of bolt installation
  • Consider effect on tuner (blade tuner ok?)
  • 283 mm iris-to-iris (from TDR) is baseline
    (chosen for BCD and type IV)

Existing Desy Interconnect Design
Salman Tariq
Interconnect Tesla TDR 283mm Currently 344mm
  • Flange/Bellows Design Specs
  • Bolted flange (12 bolts/flange)
  • Convoluted SS Bellows (10 waves, 54mm free
    length, 25mm)
  • -Length of bellows dictated by bolt length, old
    elastic parameters
  • Bellows elastic requirements 4mm (1mm
    thermal 3mm tuning)
  • Aluminum Alloy 5052-H32 Diamond Hex Seal
  • 7 Ton (15,000 lbs) clamping force, 35 N-m
  • Mechanical analysis done _at_ Desy, INFN
  • (Cornelius Martens, Roberto Paulon)

Need to be verified
TDR 344 mm reduced to 283 mm (110 63 110)
Cavity iris-to-iris length 1036 mm. Cavity
flange-to-flange now 1283 mm, TDR 1256 mm due to
shorter ends
Cavity slot length
  • Now 1036.2 105.6 97 141.6 1380.4
  • Suggest (from Helen Edwards) 1036.2 105.6 77
    105.6 1324.4
  • Gain 4, which may not seem like much, but gain
    1km for 20000 cav
  • But also, the lambda/2 or not question
  • Latest dimensions from Don Mitchell -- 1036.2
    105.6 71.8 105.6 1319.2
  • Note that 105.6 71.8 105.6 283 mm

Cavity Interconnect
Propose a parallel effort here in trying to
minimize cavity interconnect length
Salman Tariq
A. Optimize existing Desy design (shorter time
frame- SMTF 06 Mod 1?) We know this design
works, lets try to see if we can further refine
it - Develop a comprehensive nonlinear
(contact) FEA model using Ansys - Understand
stresses, deflections, and most importantly
contact pressure on sealing surfaces _at_ cryogenic
temperatures - Use these results as a benchmark
to evaluate future modified designs Possible
design changes being looked at 1. Completely
slotting bolt holes (could reduce length by
20-30mm) 2. Reducing flange thickness 3.
(open to suggestions) New Saclay Tuner(s)
B. Evaluate alternative clamp systems seal
design (longer time frame) - Quick disconnect
type (ILC industrialization) (e.g. JLab Radial
Wedge Flange Clamp) Issues of concern
cleanliness (frictionparticulates)
difficult to get off once clamped - Niobium
bellows? Welded connections eventually?
Task 5 Modify slow tuner design
  • Present lever tuner design takes cavity
    interconnect space. Need modification for closer
    cavity-to-cavity spacing.
  • Could modify lever tuner design
  • Or go to blade tuner for type IV. There appear
    to be some interferences.
  • Reliability. Are cold stepping motors a problem?
    Feature like a port on module for access? (Not
    for BCD this is a longer term issue.)

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Blade tuner concept
Invar rod interference with blade tuner (Don
Other slow tuner options
  • Modified Saclay lever tuner
  • KEK slide jack tuner
  • KEK coaxial ball screw tuner
  • TJNAF Renascence tuner modified for ILC cryostat
    (Renascence is the Jlab 12 Gev upgrade module)

CC2 Tuner Analysis Work
Salman Tariq
Kinematics Mechanics of Tuner Properly
understand kinematics of Saclay Lateral Tuner
Geometric modeling in IDEAS Actual measurements
using digital dial indicators
  • Stiffness measurements
  • FEA of 9-cell cavity reveals stiffness of
  • 3,438N/mm (warm) 3,883 N/mm (cold) Desy
  • Cavity shrinks 1.857mm from RT to 2K (need to
    verify this with Desy?)
  • Tuner mechanism/support stiffness to be
    measured experimentally using load cell and
    applied displacement
  • Plan to develop FEA model of cavityhelium
    vessel assembly and simulate cryogenic/thermal
    loads from RT down to 1.8K. Apply tuning loads.
  • Study the effects of bellows and Ti vessel, plus
    evaluate integrity of end cone (flange) design.
    Determine equivalent stiffness of cavity

Task 6 Modify fast tuner design
  • Modify the fast tuner design for proper
    piezo-electric actuator function
  • Support structure
  • Tuning range
  • Also consider modifications to the design for
    magnetostrictive fast tuner
  • Fermilab has a fairly large effort on fast tuner

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Piezo Fast Tuner Work
Problems/Issues Piezo preload not clearly
defined Large coarse tuning parameters (cavity
in compression) Cryo/vacuum loads during cool
down not clearly understood Results in large
tensile loads on piezo bracket loss in
preload Also side loads on Piezo bracket an
issue with this tuner design
Salman Tariq
  • Part of ongoing work on Capture Cavity 2
  • Using Saclay Lateral Tuner 1 (below) with
    Piezoelectric fast tuning (below right)

Piezoelectric Fast Tuner
Piezo-Actuator l39mm Umax150V ? l3?m at
2K ?fmax,static500Hz
Courtesy Lutz Lilje, Desy (5-10-2005)
  • We have developed an instrumented Piezo Bracket
    to understand force loads
  • Design is an instrumented version of the Desy
    single Piezo fixture
  • Addition of bullet piece (instrumented with
    strain gages) in line with piezo
  • Strain gages also mounted on tie rods and top
    bracket at clevis end
  • Warm testing starting this week

Salman Tariq Ruben Carcagno And others
Instrumented Piezo Bracket Drawing (FNAL)
Piezo Kinematics
ILC cryomodule design task list tasks 7 - 12
(quad package and support scheme)
Draft list of technical issues and tasks for
discussion at CERN, tasks 7-12
  • See MS Word document task summary
  • Item 7 Quad support details for hanging from
    300 mm tube in module center
  • Item 8 Quad current leads
  • Item 9 Vibrational analysis of support
  • Item 10 Shipping loads, stability, and
  • Item 11 Active quad movers for remote
  • Item 12 Separate quad cryostat (alternative

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Task 7 Quad package and support
  • Quad package includes quad, steering dipole(s)
    and beam position monitor (BPM)
  • In type IV design, mount at center post for best
    stability, alignment and vibration
  • Quad package is still a major unknown we can
    only estimate an envelope size now
  • Evaluate and further develop BPM for resolution
    and clean room compatibility

What Tolerances are Important? (Nick Walker)
  • When beam dynamics people talk about cavity (or
    quadrupole) alignment, they refer to the EM
    centre of the field of interest
  • Cavities electrical centres of the HOM
    (transverse dipole modes ? wakefields)
  • Quadrupoles magnetic centre of field(null-point
    ? no dipole field)

Quad (from TDR table 3.3.3)
Dipoles (from TDR table 3.3.3)
Quad package (from TDR table 3.3.3)
TDR Quad/steerer-BPM package
  • We should clarify what is necessary for beam
    based alignment -- positional stability,
    vibration, BPM resolution.

QBPM TESLA and option 2 (Helen) Option 2 has the
same spaces for QBPM elements and additional 335
for steerer separate, for overall length of 1222
instead of TESLA 887
BPM length
  • BPM (e.g. reentrant Saclay) 170mm (Lutz Lilje in
    11 January e-mail and also described at
  • 1222 mm quad package on previous slide assumed 66
    mm BPM

Possible resulting quad package length for BCD
1326 mm
  • Avoid nesting of quad and steering magnets
  • Need to be conservative in selecting length
    without knowing details
  • 77 (end) 170 (BPM) 666 (quad) 335 (steerer)
    78 (end) 1326 mm (quad BPM steerer
  • Perhaps 170 mm less if can nest BPM and steerer
  • But there may be additional space needed for
    magnetic shielding of the quad stray field from
    adjacent cavities

Task 8 Quad current leads
  • Quad at 2 K in subatmospheric helium, so no vapor
    flow from quad
  • Leads are conductively cooled, at least at cold
  • TDR quad is 100 amps HTS may be advantageous
  • With steerer magnets, multiple 40 A lead pairs
    (from TDR)
  • Need current lead flexibility for final alignment
    of quad in cryostat

Task 9 Vibrational analysis
  • Analyze quad supports and module for vibrational
  • Need vibrational stability requirements (next
  • Could build and test a physical model for
    verification of analytical model
  • Flow rates at TTF about factor 100 less than ILC
    -- flow-induced vibration should be checked
  • Perhaps a high flow test at TTF (?)

Vibrations (from Nick Walker)
  • Cavities dont care
  • cavities will not vibrate at the 300 mm level
  • Quadrupole somewhat critical
  • assume lt100 nm RMS
  • Generates 1 sy oscillation at linac exit
  • couple additional nm emittance growth
  • beam collision OK (fast feedback) but collimator
    wakefields may be problematic
  • more feedback may help work to do!
  • Bottom line try and keep quad vibration at or
    below 100nm level
  • cryomodule should not add additional vibration
    above ground motion.

Task 10 Shipping
  • Cavity and quad positions in module need to be
    stable in shipping from final test location to
    linac location
  • Analyze expected loads
  • Design shipping restraints
  • Define shipping requirements

Task 11 Active quad mover design
  • The task could start with an attempt to determine
    the need (or not) for remote-controlled quad
    alignment and specification for active movers.
  • Can equivalent be achieved via corrector magnets?
  • Active quad mover design
  • Probably not incorporated into Type IV an
    alternative for later modules

Task 12 Separate quad cryostat -- a parallel
design effort
  • Tom Nicol presentation

ILC cryomodule design task list tasks 13 - 15
(module ends, interconnect, length)
Draft list of technical issues and tasks for
discussion at CERN, tasks 13-15
  • See MS Word document task summary
  • Task 13 Design module end to accommodate the
    input coupler at the far end of the cryostat
  • Task 14 Module-to-module interconnect design
  • Task 15 Module slot lengths

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Task 13 Module end configuration
  • When quad is at the center or absent, the vacuum
    flange interferes with input coupler port
  • Result is 363 mm extra length needs to be added
    to make room for the input coupler port
  • The module with quad in the center is longer than
    the TTF module (quad at end) with other factors
    such as cavity spacing the same

Task 14 Module-to-module interconnect
  • Need layout for automatic end pipe welding
  • Minimize space (850 mm vacuum flange to vacuum
    flange in TTF)
  • Two beam vacuum isolation valves (each end of
  • HOM absorber in interconnect space
  • 2-phase pipe to 300 mm header cross-connect in
    interconnect space

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Interconnect HOM absorber
  • Broadband HOM 270mm (Lutz Lilje in 11 January
    e-mail and also described at http//www-user.slac.
  • Note that earlier assumptions have included a
    shorter, 210 mm, HOM absorber

Task 15 Module slot length
  • A slot length results from integration of many of
    the other tasks
  • Current assumptions imply 12565 mm with a quad
    and 11271 without a quad, for a packing factor of
  • Calculated over three modules with one quad per
    three modules
  • Not including cryogenic boxes and other drift
  • For RDR we need an estimate soon

Module length choices (some history of previous
considerations, next 3 slides from Helen)
  • Options
  • Make just as long as required for TESLA TDR
    Quad/BPM design length
  • Make as long as present module 12200
  • Make the Quad/BPM slot length same as a cavity
  • Arbitrarily have chosen 12200 mm module slot
    length for the following slides

Option 2 measurements from center post This was
assuming that we wanted to keep the present slot
length of 12200 and that the extra space would go
toward QBPM package for its development. Its
space might become less when its design better
  • 2nd option module layout
  • Symmetric posts but are they not out far enough?
  • Difficulty at module interconnect??
  • What are the interconnect constraints and
  • This layout has 1473 between vac vessel ext
    interferences. That would give an interface
    opening of 735, present opening is nominally 850

Module lengths QBPM 1st 125689, 2nd 1247772
ILC cryomodule design task list tasks 16, 17 and
conclusions (module instrumentation and tests)
Draft list of technical issues and tasks for
discussion at CERN, tasks 16-17
  • See MS Word document task summary
  • Task 16 Develop module test plans and module
    component test plans
  • Task 17 Design of instrumentation for
    installation into the module
  • Conclusions

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Task 16 Module test plans
  • What must be done on a module test stand, and
    what instrumentation and features are required?
  • Thermal measurements
  • Alignment verification, etc.
  • What earlier (before final cold test) tests of
    the module and module components should be done
    for QA, QC, and understanding module performance?
  • Tie-in to module test stand design

Task 17 Module instrumentation
  • What special instrumentation is required to be
    built into the module for understanding
    performance both on the test stand and in the
    test linac?
  • Additional temperature sensors
  • Wire position monitor or another system (such as
    optical windows) to verify cavity positional
    stability with thermal cycles
  • Etc.

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Conclusion There remain many critical open
design issues
  • Quad/corrector/BPM package is a major unknown
    right now and goes into the heart of the module
  • Tuner details, slow and fast, but especially fast
    tuner, and tuner reliability
  • Vibrational analysis, which will be compared to
    measurements for verification of the model for
    future design work
  • Development of module and module component test
  • Verification of cavity positional stability with
    thermal cycles
  • Design of test instrumentation for the module
  • Robustness for shipping, analysis of shipping
    restraints and loads, shipping specifications
  • Active quad movers(?) A complication

Additional goals from Chris Adolphsen-- RDR
module and cryosystem definition
  • Length of cryomodules with and without quads
  • Answer 12565 mm with a quad and 11271 without a
  • External support of cryomodules (e.g. from the
    floor or ceiling)
  • Answer from the floor until forced otherwise
  • Beamline and insulating vacuum segmentation
  • Answer segmentation box every 500 meters
  • Cryogenic maintenance length and the additional
    space required between segments
  • Asnwer segmentation box of one module slot
    length every 500 m
  • Space required to convert from cold to warm
  • Answer 1.5 meter transition
  • Refrigerator spacing, capacities and space
  • Results to come from cryogenic system effort

BCD/RDR versus Type IV
  • The module design for the RDR should be
    well-understood and conservative, in order to
    have confidence in the cost estimate
  • Type IV is a new development, requires design
    effort, consideration of various options, over a
    time period of a few years
  • These efforts diverge at some point -- BCD/RDR is
    a fixed reference with more risky alternatives
    (ACD) while we move on with type IV design
  • We should review and confirm the previous slides
    responses to the requests from Chris

Organization of effort
  • An international effort
  • Need division of tasks to make best use of our
  • Minimize duplication of efforts
  • Take advantage of ideas and expertise
  • Pursue options with parallel efforts
  • Each institution has limited resources
  • Work has begun
  • Fermilab has organized a group to do type IV
    design, other labs have also expressed interest
    and/or begun

Type IV probable schedule
  • Design module -- 12 - 24 months (2006 - 2007)
  • Magnet/BPM package
  • Tuners, etc.
  • Integrate into module design
  • Build and test -- 12 - 18 months (2007 - 2008)
  • In addition to module, need module test stand and
    test facility!
  • Total 2 to 3 1/2 years, depending on scope of
    work and availability of resources.

X-FEL Modules
  • 100 modules will be industrially produced
  • Brings us to the level of manufacturing
  • Some differences from ILC, but much of module
    design and manufacturing is the same
  • Cavity supports, thermal shields, MLI, vacuum
    vessel assembly, internal piping, etc.
  • X-FEL experience will be important and valuable
    part of ILC module development
  • X-FEL module effort will stay ahead of ILC effort
  • Remain in close contact and take advantage of
    similar designs, experience, and industrial input
    to design

After Type IV--gt increasing quantities
  • Experience with large quantities of SC magnets
    follows an old engineering rule (factors of 10)
  • 1 prototype
  • 10 pre-production prototypes
  • 100 first production run (X-FEL!)
  • Not throw-aways but slower production, still
    making adjustments, relatively large fraction of
  • 1000 full production run
  • There are design changes and manufacturing method
    changes at each stage

Industrialization, impact on design
  • Economy of materials and labor will always be
    considerations in our designs
  • But right now the emphasis is still on viability
  • As we move to production of quantities of modules
    in industry, the design will continue to change
  • Reduction of required labor
  • Less costly materials
  • Less costly manufacturing of components
  • Design for more efficient assembly

Type IV is not the (final) ILC design
  • Test results of types III and IV will teach us a
  • There will be some choices beyond type IV from
    parallel development efforts
  • Industrialization will have a significant impact
    on the design
  • Type IV is the next step in module design for ILC

  • Throughout these presentations, I have included
    slides from various other people
  • Especially Carlo Pagani and Helen Edwards
    provided summaries of module features and design
  • But, of course, most information came ultimately
    from the TTF collaboration

TESLA-style module information . . .
  • http//
  • Links to talks presented by Lutz Lilje, Axel
    Matheisen, W.-D. Mueller, Bernd Petersen, Nick
    Walker, and others at our December 6 - 7, 2004,
    module meeting at DESY
  • http//
  • First ILC workshop, November 13 - 15, 2004 at
  • http//
  • DESY TESLA page with link to the TESLA Design
    Report and other information including talks and
    posters from the March 2004 ITRP visit

Sources of Information
  • Bernd Petersen, Lutz Lilje, Axel Matheisen, Nick
    Walker, Hans Weise, and others (DESY)
  • Carlo Pagani (INFN)
  • Terry Garvey (LAL-Orsay)
  • Helen Edwards, Tom Nicol, Don Mitchell, Harry
    Carter, Salman Tariq, and others (Fermilab)
  • John Weisend (SLAC)
  • TESLA TDR (March 2001)
  • And others!
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