Preceptor Preparation for Fieldwork 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Preceptor Preparation for Fieldwork 2


Title: Training Author: EC2555B Last modified by: Donna Barker Created Date: 6/2/1995 10:15:24 PM Document presentation format: Overhead Other titles – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Preceptor Preparation for Fieldwork 2

Preceptor Preparation for Fieldwork 2
Fieldwork Team
  • Donna Barker
  • Fieldwork Coordinator
  • 416-946-8782
  • Rachel Stack
  • Fieldwork Coordinator
  • 416-978-2679
  • Deb Cameron
  • International Fieldwork Coordinator
  • (416) 946-8568
  • Nella Rupp
  • Administrative Assistant
  • 416-978-8234

Objectives for This Recording
  • Provide information specifically related to
    Fieldwork 2
  • Learning Objectives
  • Evaluation
  • Projects/ Presentation
  • Issues Arising
  • Submission of Forms
  • NB A recorded presentation of the overall OT
    Fieldwork Program at the University of Toronto
    can be accessed at
  • http//

Department of OSOT Website
  • General department and curriculum information
  • Specific to fieldwork http//

Fieldwork Resource Manual
  • Refer to Fieldwork Resource Manual for
  • Philosophy of fieldwork and professional
  • Health policies and forms
  • Policies and procedures around illness,
    accidents, absences
  • Fieldwork selection and assignment processes
  • Pre-placement communication
  • Fieldwork objectives
  • Evaluation processes
  • Much more!!!
  • Link http//

Fieldwork 2 Placement Dates
  • Fieldwork 2 occurs in the fall and is seven weeks
    of full-time placement (37.5 hours / week) for a
    total of 262.5 hours
  • For specific dates of this years Fieldwork 2,
    please see http//

Fieldwork 2 (OCT1281Y) Objectives
  • General Objective
  • Students will focus on developing skill in
    advanced assessments, consolidating academic
    learning with clinical learning, and increasing
    independence in working with clients.
  • Specific Objectives
  • For specific objectives for each CBFE-OT
    competency, please refer to FW2 Course Outline
    found at http//

Stages of Professional Competency Development
Entry-Level Clinician
Stage 3
Knowledge Application
Stage 2
Stage 1
Entry-Level Student
Source Competency Based Fieldwork Evaluation for
Occupational Therapists Bossers, Miller,
Polatajko, Hartley, 2002
Stages of Competency Development
Source Competency Based Fieldwork Evaluation for
Occupational Therapists Bossers, Miller,
Polatajko, Hartley, 2002
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Student Performance Knowledge Application Transition - Reflection on Action Consolidation Reflection in Action
Educator Supervision Style Direct Teaching Evaluation Feedback Coaching Consulting Mentoring
Scoring Scores 1-3 1 low S1 2 rudimentary S1 3 mastery of S1 / transition to S2 Scores 3-6 3 transition to S2 4 rudimentary S2 5 intermediate S2 6 mastery of S2 / transition to S3 Scores 6-8 6 transition to S3 7 rudimentary S3 8 mastery of S3 / ready to enter clinical practice
(No Transcript)
1. Knowledge Application - educating
  • Emphasis on development of interaction skills
    with clients, family, and other health care
  • Students endeavour to apply their current
    academic knowledge base to actual practice
  • Supervision should be consistent/readily
  • Students require opportunities to observe and
    practise professional behaviours and skills that
    may include
  • assessment and intervention techniques
  • communication with family members / other health
    care personnel
  • clinical/professional reasoning specific to
    client centred occupational therapy practice

2. Transition - coaching
  • Emphasis on practice and experience in clinical
    problem-solving, assessment, and intervention
  • Students should begin to share and assume
    responsibility for all components of client
    centred practice, such as
  • referral analysis and assessment
  • planning and implementation of intervention
  • discharge planning and follow-up
  • Students should be encouraged to try to develop
    their own ideas/insights and should be able to
    engage in discussion of several solutions to
    occupational performance problems and viable
    courses of action

3. Consolidation - mentoring
  • Emphasis on final preparation of student to
    assume the role of competent, entry-level
    occupational therapist
  • Students should be encouraged to assume as much
    independence as possible in professional
    reasoning in linking academic theory with
  • Students may require some guidance but should
    take responsibility for of client centred
    practice components
  • referral analysis assessment
  • planning Implementation of intervention
  • discharge planning follow-up

Providing Feedback to Level 2 Fieldwork Students
  • Promote student self-reflection
  • Prompt with appropriate questions
  • Engage in discussion of several solutions to
    occupational performance problems and encourage
    student to begin to make decisions about the most
    viable course of action
  • (Bossers, 2009)

Personal Learning Objectives
  • Negotiated between student and preceptor
  • Recommended that learning objectives are
    developed during the first week of placement
  • There should not be a learning objective for each
    competency. 3-4 objectives overall is adequate
  • There should not be more than one objective for
    each competency
  • Objectives can be completed on CBFE-OT or on a
    separate sheet. However, documentation of
    objective completion must be included on CBFE-OT
    evaluation after the appropriate competency.
  • SMART(ER) objectives

Resource(s) Required to Meet the Objective(s)
Interprofessional Education (IPE) Requirements
  • By the end of the programme, students must have
  • A Structured IPE Placement OR 3 Flexible
    IPE Activities during fieldwork
  • In most cases, these requirements are completed
    during Fieldwork 1. However, occasionally a
    student may need to complete a Flexible Activity
    (or two!) during Fieldwork 2, 3, or 4.
  • Please see the Fieldwork Resource Manual for
    further information about IPE requirements during
    fieldwork http//

Student Presentation / Project
  • Students must complete a presentation or project
    during Fieldwork 2
  • The topic should be negotiated between fieldwork
    supervisor and student and should be pertinent to
    their current fieldwork practice, is of benefit
    to the facility, and will aid them in their
    application of theory and practice.

(No Transcript)
Student Evaluation CBFE-OT
  • Please contact the university fieldwork
    coordinator as soon as you have any concerns
    regarding a student passing the placement.
  • Expectation - U of T Fieldwork Coordinator and
    student will be notified at or prior to midterm
    if there is a concern that student may not pass
    the fieldwork placement.
  • U of T fieldwork coordinator will conduct a site
    visit to speak with the preceptor and student.
    Fieldwork coordinator will review learning
    objectives and CBFE-OT to provide strategies to
    address learning needs and/or other issues.

Student Absences
  • With the exception of illness related absences,
    all student absences should be approved prior to
    the absence by the University Fieldwork
  • Students may be requesting additional hours to
    make up time for absences related to religious
    holidays, illness, conferences or extenuating
    personal circumstances.
  • Please ensure that you record all student
    absences and additional hours on the first page
    of the CBFE-OT evaluation.

Completion of placement
  • Students require the following information to be
    returned to U of T upon completion of placement
  • Completed CBFE-OT (including signatures)
  • Student Report on Fieldwork Placement (including
  • Students will not receive a grade for fieldwork
    until the original hard copy of the completed
    CBFE-OT is returned to the university.

Returning Completed Fieldwork 2 Forms
  • Deadline for return of completed and signed
    CBFE-OT evaluation and completed and signed
    Student Report on Fieldwork Placement, is
    approximately 3 weeks after the completion of the
  • Forms can be sent to the Fieldwork office via the
    student if they are in a sealed envelope with
    your signature over the seal or they can be
    mailed to
  • Fieldwork Administrative Assistant
  • Department of Occupational Science and
    Occupational Therapy
  • Rehabilitation Science Building
  • 160 500 University Ave
  • Toronto, Ontario
  • M5G 1V7

  • Thank-you for your willingness to take a student
    on placement. The students, myself, and the rest
    of the faculty appreciate your partnership in the
    education of our occupational therapy students!
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