University Health Associates - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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University Health Associates


University Health Associates My employee needs to be off work What do I do? Please you the left and right arrow keys to move from to . – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: University Health Associates

University Health Associates
  • My employee needs to be off work
  • What do I do?

Please you the left and right arrow keys to move
from slide to slide.
Ask yourself
  • Will they need to be off more than 7 days?
  • Yes They will need to complete a Family Medical
    Leave Request Form or Physician Statement and
    submit it to you and Human Resources
  • No They will just need a physician statement to
    attach to their timesheet

What Next?
  • They submitted my form, now what?
  • Once they have submitted their Leave Request
    Form, Human Resources will determine what type of
    leave they are eligible for.
  • Family Medical Leave of Absence
  • Medical Leave of Absence

What is Family Medical Leave of Absence
  • The FMLA allows employees to balance their work
    and family life by taking reasonable unpaid leave
    for certain family and medical reasons.
  • Employees are entitled to take up to 12-weeks of
    unpaid leave if they meet the eligibility
    criteria for FMLA
  • The employees job is protected during this leave
    in most cases

FMLA Eligibility
  • To be eligible for FMLA, an employee must meet
    all of the following requirements
  • Must be a full-time or part-time regular employee
  • Temporary employees and students are not eligible
  • Employed by UHA for at least 12 months
  • Worked at least 1,250 hours in the previous 12
  • Meet the family or medical criteria for the FMLA

Reasons to take FMLA
  • An employee is granted leave for any of the
    following reasons
  • Birth and care of a newborn child of the employee
  • Placement of a child for adoption or foster care
    for the newly placed child
  • Care for immediate family member(spouse, child or
    parent) with a serious health condition
  • Medical leave for the employee when they are
    unable to work due to their own serious health

UHA Specifics of FMLA
  • 12-weeks entitlement is over a rolling calendar
  • UHA will determine eligible time by verifying any
    previous time used in the previous 12 months from
    the first day of the leave being requested
  • Example - May 1, 2005 you request a leave through
    May 31, 2005. UHA will look back to May 1, 2004
    to see if you had taken a FMLA during that time
    and if so, how many weeks were used. If you took
    a 2 week leave August 1, 2004 - August 14, 2004,
    then you will only be eligible for 10 weeks for
    the May 1, 2005 leave since you had taken 2 weeks
    within the past 12 months.
  • Additionally, once you get to August 1, 2005, you
    will also regain the days you used prior in 2004
    since the calendar continually moves as you
    progress through your leave.

UHA Specifics of FMLA
  • Who are immediate family members
  • Employees spouse (includes common-law)
  • Employees parents (not in-laws or grandparents)
  • Employees children(biological, step, adopted or
  • In some cases, if the child is an adult, over the
    age of 18, you may not be eligible to take FMLA.
    The adult child must be incapable of self-care
    due to a mental or a physical disability.

UHA Specifics of FMLA
  • Serious Health Condition as certified by a
    health care provider
  • Inpatient care
  • Incapacity for three consecutive days with
    continuing treatment by health care provider
  • Pregnancy or prenatal care
  • Treatment for incapacity due to chronic health

UHA Specifics of FMLA
  • Unpaid leave versus paid leave
  • The FMLA Act allows employers to substitute paid
    leave for the period of time taken under FMLA
  • UHA requires an employee to use their Short-Term
    Disability and, in some cases, their Paid Time
    Off when on FMLA

Serious Health Conditions
  • Some examples of health conditions considered
    serious under FMLA
  • cancer, Alzheimer's, severe stroke, illness
    requiring hospice care, asthma, or other severe
    chronic conditions
  • Some examples of health conditions not considered
    serious under FMLA
  • common cold, flu, dental, orthodontics, acne
    treatments, and normal physician visits

Who is a Health Care Provider?
  • A Health Care Provider is
  • Physician
  • Podiatrist
  • Dentist
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Optometrist
  • Chiropractor licensed in our state
  • Mid-Level Provider Nurse Practitioner, Physician
    Assistant, Clinical Social Worker
  • Christian Science Practitioner

Who is not a Health Care Provider?
  • A Health Care Provider is not
  • Registered Nurse
  • Physical Therapist
  • Counselor
  • Front Office Staff
  • Technician or Technologist

Paid Leave Substitution
  • The Paid-Leave Substitution follows the same
    premise as our Short-Term Disability policy
  • Inpatient, invasive or evasive procedures or
    emergent care for serious health conditions give
    an employee immediate access to STD and continued
    access to STD for the period of incapacity
  • Three or more days of incapacity without one of
    the above reasons requires the employee to take
    the first 2 days of incapacity as PTO, then they
    can access STD on the third day. To continue
    accessing STD for the remainder of the illness,
    the employee would need a physician statement
  • The employee can choose to access PTO once they
    have exhausted their STD for FMLA except for
    pregnancies extending beyond the normal recovery
    times. In some cases of a Medical Leave, the
    employee may be required to access PTO once they
    have exhausted their STD, as well.

Full FMLA or Intermittent FMLA
  • Full FMLA
  • Off work for 7 or more consecutive days
  • Time is taken in 8 hour days
  • Intermittent FMLA
  • Off work intermittently over a specific time
  • Time is taken as needed in hourly increments,
    periodically during the specified time period

UHA Intermittent FMLA Specifics
  • For Intermittent FMLA, UHA will allow the
    employee to access STD or PTO depending on the
    reason for the leave
  • For periodic treatments for chronic illness, the
    employee can access STD
  • For periodic follow-up physician visits, the
    employee can access PTO
  • Remember we still follow the STD policy when
    determining the type of paid leave to

Certification of Leave
  • Certification (physician statement) or the Family
    Medical Leave Request form must be submitted to
    Human Resources as soon as possible or prior to a
    leave known in advance
  • If certification is not received within 30 days
    of the first day of the leave, the leave can be
    denied for FMLA.
  • For intermittent leave, employees should provide
    a physician statement to their supervisor for
    each occurrence to ensure the appropriate Paid
    Leave is used.

  • UHA requires employees on an intermittent leave
    to recertify the need for the leave annually
  • UHA requires employees to recertify any time
    there is a change in the original leave request

Returning from Leave
  • UHA requires all employees returning from FMLA to
    present a Return-to-work slip prior to working
  • Return-to-work slips are to be presented to
    supervisors and HR
  • If the leave was for a family member, a
    return-to-work slip is preferred however, a
    verbal notification can be given to the
    supervisor and HR

My employee is not eligible for FMLANow What?
  • If your employee does not meet the eligibility
    for FMLA, they may still qualify for a Medical
    Leave of Absence
  • Medical Leave of Absence entitles the employee to
    up to 6 months or 26 weeks of leave for serious
    health conditions.
  • UHA uses the same criteria for determining
    medical need for a Medical Leave of Absence as we
    use for FMLA

Medical Leave Specifics
  • Medical Leaves run concurrent with all other
    leaves. An employee can only be authorized to be
    off the job a total of 6 months/26 weeks in a
    rolling calendar year
  • Example - they have exhausted your FMLA
    entitlement (12 weeks) and need to be out again
    for 6 weeks. This would be a Medical Leave, but
    they would only have 8 weeks remaining of Medical
    Leave at the end of the current 6 week request.
  • Still follows a rolling calendar year

Medical Leave Specifics
  • Immediate Family
  • Same as the FMLA
  • Serious Health Conditions
  • Same as the FMLA
  • Paid Leave Substitution
  • Same as the FMLA
  • Certification/Recertification
  • Same as the FMLA
  • Health Care Providers
  • Same as the FMLA

As a supervisor, what do I do?
  • My employee has notified me he/she may be off for
    more than 7 days. What do I need to do?
  • Make sure you get the appropriate form from your
    employee prior to the leave ensure all the
    information requested on the form is complete
  • If he/she do not have the appropriate form in
    advance, instruct your employee on the
    appropriate form he/she needs to request a leave
  • If you do not get the appropriate form from the
    employee within a week of the first day of leave,
    you should follow-up with the employee to ensure
    you get the appropriate form. Delays in getting
    the form can impact whether the leave is approved
    or denied and the employees paid leave balances
    can be inappropriately charged
  • Forward copies of the form to HR upon receipt for
    processing of the employees leave

As a supervisor, what do I do?
  • While my employee is out on a leave, what do I
    need to do?
  • When on leave, keep in contact with your employee
    to make sure nothing has changed
  • If something has changed with his/her leave,
    request an updated physician statement indicating
    the change
  • Communicate any changes in the leave to HR
    forward the appropriate forms upon receipt
  • Complete a timesheet for the employee, and make
    sure to keep a copy for their files upon their

As a supervisor, what do I do?
  • My employee is preparing to return to work, what
    do I need to do?
  • Contact the employee to verify the return-to-work
    date and if there will be any limitations or
    restrictions associated with the return
  • If there are limitations or restrictions, contact
    HR to discuss there are no light duty positions
    in which to place the employee. The return may
    need to be delayed, or the hours of work may need
    to be adjusted, to accommodate the employees
    limitations pr restrictions upon returning to
  • Require a return-to-work slip prior to the return
    date or on the date of the return before the
    employee begins the work day
  • Make sure HR gets a copy of the return-to-work
    slip upon receipt

  • Family Medical Leave Request Form
  • UHAonline under Human Resources - Forms
  • Family Medical Leave FAQ
  • UHAonline under Human Resources - Frequently
    asked questions
  • Human Resources is available to answer your
    specific questions
  • 293-4270
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