European Option Pricing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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European Option Pricing


Black-Scholes Equation in Cauchy Form Well-posed Problem By the PDE theory, above Cauchy problem is well-posed. Thus the original problem is also well-posed. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: European Option Pricing

Chapter 5
  • European Option Pricing
  • ------
  • Black-Scholes Formula

  • In this chapter,
  • we will describe the price movement of an
    underlying asset by a continuous model ---
    geometrical Brownian motion.
  • we will set up a mathematical model for the
    option pricing (Black-Scholes PDE) and find the
    pricing formula (Black-Scholes formula).
  • We will discuss how to manage risky assets using
    the Black-Scholes formula and hedging technique.

  • In 1900, Louis Bachelier published his doctoral
    thesis Thèorie de la Spèculation", - milestone
    of the modern financial theory. In his thesis,
    Bachelier made the first attempt to model the
    stock price movement as a random walk. Option
    pricing problem was also addressed in his thesis.

  • In 1964, Paul Samuelson, a Nobel Economics Prize
    winner, modified Bachelier's model, using return
    instead of stock price in the original model.
  • Let be the stock price, then
    is its return. The SDE proposed by P. Samuelson
  • This correction eliminates the unrealistic
    negative value of stock price in the original

  • P. Samuelson studied the call option pricing
    problem (C. Sprenkle (1965) and J. Baness (1964)
    also studied it at the same time). The result is
    given in the following. (V,etc as before)

  • In 1973, Fischer Black and Myron Scholes gave
    the following call
  • option pricing formula
  • Comparing to Samuelsons one, are no
    longer present. Instead, the risk-free interest r
    enters the formula.

  • The novelty of this formula is that it is
    independent of the risk preference of individual
    investors. It puts all investors in a
    risk-neutral world where the expected return
    equals the risk-free interest rate. The 1997
    Nobel economics prize was awarded to M. Scholes
    and R. Merton (F. Black had died) for this
    brilliant formula and a series of contributions
    to the option pricing theory based on this

Basic Assumptions
  • (a) The underlying asset price follows the
    geometrical Brownian motion
  • µ expected return rate (constant)
  • s- volatility (constant)
  • - standard Brownian motion

Basic Assumptions -
  • (b) Risk-free interest rate r is a constant
  • (c) Underlying asset pays no dividend
  • (d) No transaction cost and no tax
  • (e) The market is arbitrage-free

A Problem
  • Let VV(S,t) denote the option price. At maturity
  • where K is the strike price.
  • What is the option's value during its lifetime
    (0lt tltT)?

?-Hedging Technique
  • Construct a portfolio
  • (? denotes shares of the underlying asset),
    choose ? such that ? is risk-free in (t,tdt).

?-Hedging Technique -
  • If portfolio ? starts at time t, and ? remains
    unchanged in (t,tdt), then the requirement ? be
    risk-free means the return of the portfolio at
    tdt should be

?-Hedging Technique --
  • Since
  • where the stochastic process satisfies
    SDE, hence by Ito formula
  • So

?-Hedging Technique ---
  • Since the right hand side of the equation is
    risk-free, the coefficient of the random term
    on the left hand side must be zero. Therefore,
    we choose

?-Hedging Technique ----Black-Scholes Equation
  • Substituting it, we get the following PDE
  • This is the Black-Scholes Equation that describes
    the option price movement.

  • The line segment S0, 0lt tlt T is also a
    boundary of the domain . However, since the
    equation is degenerated at S0, according to the
    PDE theory, there is no need to specify the
    boundary value at S0.

Black-Scholes Equation in Cauchy Form

Well-posed Problem
  • By the PDE theory, above Cauchy problem is
    well-posed. Thus the original problem is also

  • The expected return µ of the asset, a parameter
    in the underlying asset model , does not appear
    in the Black-Scholes equation . Instead, the
    risk-free interest rate r appears it. As we have
    seen in the discrete model, by the ?---hedging
    technique, the Black-Scholes equation puts the
    investors in a risk-neutral world where pricing
    is independent of the risk preference of
    individual investors. Thus the option price
    arrived at by solving the Black-Scholes equation
    is a risk-neutral price.

An Interesting Question
  • 1) Starting from the discrete option price
    obtained by the BTM, by interpolation, we can
    define a function on the domain
  • S0lt Slt8,0lttltT
  • 2) If there exists a function V(S,t), such that
  • 3) if V(S,t) 2nd derivatives are continuous in
  • What differential equation does V(S,t) satisfy?

Answer of the Question
  • V(S,t) satisfies the Black-Scholes equation in S.
    i.e., if the option price from the BTM converges
    to a sufficiently smooth limit function as ? 0,
    then the limit function is a solution to the
    Black-Scholes equation.

Black-Scholes Formula (call)

Black-Scholes Formula (put)

Generalized Black-Scholes Model (I)
-----Dividend-Paying Options
  • Modify the basic assumptions as follows
  • (a)The underlying asset price movement satisfies
    the stochastic differential equation
  • (b) Risk-free interest rate rr(t)
  • (c) The underlying asset pays continuous
    dividends at rate q(t)
  • (d) and (e) remain unchanged

  • Use the ?-hedging technique to set up a
    continuous model of the option pricing, and find
    valuation formulas.
  • Construct a portfolio
  • Choose ?, so that ? is risk-neutral in t,tdt.
  • the expected return is

?-hedging -
  • Taking into account the dividends, the
    portfolio's value at is
  • Therefore, we have

B-S Equation with Dividend
  • Apply Ito formula, and choose
  • we have
  • Thus, B-S Equation with dividend is

Solve B-S Equation with dividend
  • Set
  • choose aßto eliminate 0 1st terms

Solve B-S Equation with dividend -
  • Let aß be the solutions to the following initial
    value problems of ODE
  • The solutions of the ODE are

Solve B-S Equation with dividend --
  • Thus under the transformation, and take
    original problem is reduced to

Apply B-S Formula
  • Let s1, r0, TTˆ, tt,

European Option Pricing (call, with dividend)
  • Back to the original variables, we have

European Option Pricing (put, with dividend)
Theorem 5.1
  • c(S,t) - price of a European call option
  • p(S,t) - price of a European put option,
  • with the same strike price K and expiration
    date T.
  • Then the call---put parity is given by
  • where rr(t) is the risk-free interest rate,
    qq(t) is the dividend rate, and s s(t) is the

Proof of Theorem 5.1
  • Consider the difference between a call and a put
  • W(S,t)c(S,t)-p(S,t).
  • At tT,
  • W is the solution of the following problem

Proof of Theorem 5.1-
  • Let W be of the form Wa(t)S-b(t)K, then
  • Choose a(t),b(t) such that

Proof of Theorem 5.1--
  • The solution is
  • Then we get the call---put parity, the theorem is

Predetermined Date Dividend
  • If in place of the continuous dividend paying
    assumption (c), we assume
  • (c) the underlying asset pays dividend Q on a
    predetermined date tt_1 (0ltt_1ltT)
  • (if the asset is a stock, then Q is the dividend
    per share).
  • After the dividend payday tt_1, there will be a
    change in stock price
  • S(t_1-0)S(t_10)Q.

Predetermined Date Dividend -
  • However, the option price must be continuous at
  • V(S(t_1-0),t_1-0)V(S(t_10),t_10).
  • Therefore, S and V must satisfy the boundary
    condition at tt_1
  • V(S,t_1-0)V(S-Q,t_10)
  • In order to set up the option pricing model
    (take call option as example), consider two
    periods 0,t_1, t_1,T separately.

Predetermined Date Dividend --
  • In 0 Slt8, t_1 t T, VV(S,t) satisfies the
    boundary-terminal value problem
  • Obtain VV(S,t) on t_1

Predetermined Date Dividend ---
  • in 0 Slt8,0 t t_1,VV(S,t) satisfies
  • By solving above problems, we can determine the
    premium V(S_0,0) to be paid at the initial date
    t0 (S_0 is the stock price at that time).

  • Note that there is a subtle difference between
    the dividend-paying assumptions (c) and (c)
    when we model the option price of dividend-paying

  • In the case of assumption (c), we used the
    dividend rate qq(t), which is related to the
    return of the stock. Thus in t_1,t_2, the
    dividend payment alone will cause the stock price
    By this model,
    if the dividend is paid at tt_1 with the
    intensity d_Q,
  • then at tt_1 the stock price
    Thus we can derive from the corresponding option
    pricing formula.

  • In the case of assumption (c), we used the
    dividend Q, which is related to the stock price
    itself. So at the payday tt_1, the stock price
  • Thus we have at tt_1 the boundary condition for
    the option price.
  • We should be aware of this difference when
    solving real problems.

Remark 2
  • For commodity options, the storage fee, which
    depends on the amount of the commodity, should
    also be taken into account.
  • Therefore, when applying the ?-hedging technique,
    for the portfolio
  • where ?qdt denotes the storage fee for ? amount
    of commodity and period dt.

Remark 2-
  • Similar to the derivation we did before, choose
    such that ? is risk-free in
    (t,tdt). Then we get the terminal-boundary
    problem for the option price VV(S,t)
  • This equation does not have a closed form
    solution in general. Numerical approach is

Remark 2--
  • If the storage fee for ? items of commodity and
    period dt is in the form of ?qSdt, proportional
    to the current price of the commodity, then
  • And the option price is given by the
    Black-Scholes formula.

Generalized B-S Model (II) ------Binary Options
  • There are two basic forms of binary option (take
    stock option as example)

Cash-or-nothing call
  • Cash-or-nothing call (CONC)
  • In Case tT stock price lt strike price, the
    option 0
  • In Case tT stock price gt strike price, the
    holder gets 1 in cash.

Asset-or nothing call
  • Asset-or nothing call (AONC)
  • In Case tT stock price lt strike price, the
    option 0
  • In Case tT stock price lt strike price, the
    option pays the stock price.

  • If the basic assumptions hold, then the binary
    option can be modeled as

Relation of CONC,AONC VC
  • Consider a vanilla call option, a CONC and a AONC
    with the same strike price K and the same
    expiration date T. Their prices are denoted by V,
    V_C and V_A, respectively. On the expiration date
    tT, these prices satisfy

Relation of CONC,AONC VC -
  • And V(S,t), V_A(S,t) and V_C(S,T) each satisfies
    the same Black-Scholes equation. In view of the
    linearity of the terminal-boundary problem,
    therefore in S0 Slt8,0 t T,
  • i.e throughout the option's lifetime, a vanilla
    call is a combination of an AONC in long position
    and K times of CONC in short position.

Theorem 5.2

Proof of Theorem 5.2
  • Let V_A(S,t)Su(S,t). It is easy to verify that
    u(S,t) satisfies
  • Define , then the above
    equation can be written as

Proof of Theorem 5.2 -
  • In S, compare the terminal-boundary problem for
    u(S,t), and the terminal-boundary problem for
    V_C(S,t). If the constants r, q are replaced by q
    and r, then u(S,t) and V_C(S,t) satisfy the same
    terminal-boundary value problem. By the
    uniqueness of the solution, we claim
  • Thus the Theorem is proved.

Solve pricing of CONC AONC
  • Once the CONC price V_C(S,tr,q) is found, the
    AONC price V_A(S,tr,q) can be determined by
    Theorem 5.2.
  • In order to solve the CONC problem, make

Solve pricing of CONC AONC -
  • Then the Ori Prob. is reduced to a Cauchy problem
  • Analogous to the derivation of the Black-Scholes
    formula, we have

Solve pricing of CONC AONC--
  • Back to the original variables (S,t), and by
    Theorem 5.2, we have

Generalized B-S Model (III) ------Compound Options
  • A compound option is an option on another option.
    There are many varieties of compound options.
    Here we explain the simplest forms of compound
  • A compound option gives its owner the right to
    buy (sell) after a certain days (i.e. tT_1) at a
    certain price K a call (put) option with the
    expiration date tT_2 (T_2gtT_1) and the strike
    price K. There are following forms of compound

Compound Options
  • 1. At tT_1 buy a call option on a call option
  • 2. At tT_1 buy a call option on a put option
  • 3. At tT_1 sell a put option on a call option
  • 4. At tT_1 sell a put option on a put option

Compound Options -
  • Three risky assets are involved the underlying
    asset (stock), the underlying option (stock
    option) and the compound option.
  • First, in domain S_20 Slt8,0 t T_2, define
    the underlying option price, which can be given
    by the Black-Scholes formula, denoted as V(S,t).

Compound Options --
  • Then on S_10 Slt8,0 t T_1, set up a PDE
    problem for the compound option V_co(S,t). For
    this we again make use of the ?-hedging technique
    to obtain the Black-Scholes equation for

Compound Options ---
  • At tT_1, the corresponding terminal value is
  • For the case when r,q,s are all constants, we can
    obtain a pricing formula for this form of the
    compound option. Take a call on a call at tT_1
    as example.

Compound Options ----
  • At t0,
  • where

Compound Options -----
  • S is the root of the following equation
  • and M(a,b?) is the bivariate normal
    distribution function
  • M(a,b?)ProbXa,Yb,
  • where X N(0,1), Y N(0,1) are standard normal
    distribution, Cov(X,Y)?(-1lt\rholt1).

Chooser Options (as you like it)
  • Chooser option can be regarded as a special form
    of compound option. The option holder is given
    this right
  • at tT_1 he can choose to let the option be a
    call option at strike price K_1, expiration date
    T_2 or let the option be a put option at strike
    price K_2, expiration date T_2,(T_2,T_2gtT_1gt0).

Chooser Options -
  • Here four risky assets are involved
  • the underlying asset (stock),
  • the underlying call option (stock option strike
    price K_1, expiration date T_2),
  • the underlying put option (stock option strike
    price K_2, expiration dateT_2)
  • the chooser option.

Chooser Options --
  • Denote
  • both are solutions given by the Black-Scholes

Chooser Options ---
  • In order to find the chooser option price
    V_ch(S,t) onS_10 Slt8,0 t T_1, we need to
    solve the following terminal-boundary value

Chooser Options ----
  • If the underlying call option V_C and put option
    V_P have the same strike price K and expiration
    date T_2, then by the call-put parity
  • thus

Chooser Options -----
  • Then by the superposition principle of the linear
    equations, we have
  • where

Numerical Methods (I) ------ Finite Difference
  • With the computation power we enjoy nowadays,
    numerical methods are often preferred, although
    for European option pricing closed-form solutions
    do exist. Especially for complex option pricing
    problems, such as compound options and chooser
    options, numerical methods are particularly

BTM vs Finite Difference Method
  • The binomial tree method (BTM) is the most
    commonly used numerical method in option pricing.

  • a. How to solve the Black-Scholes equation by
    finite difference method (FDM)?
  • b. What is the relation between FDM and BTM?
  • c. How to prove the convergence of BTM, which is
    a stochastic algorithm, in the framework of the
    numerical solutions of partial differential

Introduction to Finite Difference Method
  • Finite difference method is a discretization
    approach to the boundary value problems for
    partial differential equations by replacing the
    derivatives with differences.

Types of Approaches
  • There are several approaches to set up finite
    difference equations corresponding to the partial
    differential equations.
  • Regarding the equation solving techniques, there
    are two basic types
  • 1. the explicit finite difference scheme, whose
    solving process is explicit and solution can be
    obtained by direct computation
  • 2. the implicit finite difference scheme, whose
    solution can only be obtained by solving a system
    of algebraic equations.

Definition 5.1
  • Suppose is a finite difference
    equation obtained from discretization of the PDE
  • If for any sufficiently smooth function ?(x,t)
    there is
  • then the finite difference scheme
    is said to be consistent with Lu0.

Lax's Equivalence Theorem
  • Given a properly posed initial-boundary value
    problem and a finite difference scheme to it that
    satisfies the consistency condition, then
    stability is the necessary and sufficient
    condition for convergence.

Implicit Finite Difference Scheme vs Explicit One
  • According to the numerical analysis theory of
    PDE, for the IB problem, the implicit FDS is
    unconditionally stable, whereas the explicit FDS
    is stable if a2?t/?x2a1/2, and unstable if
    agt1/2. This result indicates, although the
    explicit FDS is relatively simple in algorithm,
    but in order to obtain a reliable result, the
    time interval must satisfy the condition
    ?t(1/2a2)?x2. In contrast, although the
    implicit FDS requires solving a large system of
    linear equations in each step, the scheme is
    unconditionally stable, thus has no constraint on
    time interval ?t. That means if the computation
    accuracy is guaranteed, ?t can be large, and the
    result is still reliable.

Explicit FDS of the B-S Equation
  • We have shown the Black-Scholes equation can be
    reduced to a backward parabolic equation with
    constant coefficients under the transformation
    xln S

Theorem 5.4
  • then the FD scheme of B-S is stable.

Numerical Methods (II) ------ BTM FDM
  • BTM is essentially a stochastic algorithm.
    However, if S is regarded as a variable, and
    option price VV(S,t) is regarded as a function
    of S,t, then BTM is an explicit discrete
    algorithm for option pricing. If the higher
    orders of ?t can be neglected, we will be able to
    show that it is indeed a special form of the
    explicit FDS of the Black-Scholes equation.

Theorem 5.5
  • If ud1, ignoring higher order terms
  • of ?t, then for European option, pricing the BTM
    and the explicit FDS of the Black-Scholes
  • (?s2?t/(ln u)21) are equivalent.

Theorem 5.6(Convergence of BTM for E- option)
  • If
  • then as ?t? 0, there must be
  • where V_?(S,t) is the linear extrapolation of

Properties of European Option Price
  • European option price depends on 7 factors (take
    stock option as example) S (stock price), K
    (strike price), r (risk-free interest rate), q
    (dividend rate), T (expiration date) , t (time),
    s (volatility).

Dependence on S
  • That is, as S increases, call option price goes
    up, and put option price goes down.

Dependence on K
  • For different strike prices, call option price
    decreases with K, and put option price increases
    with K.

Dependence on S K Financially
  • When the stock price goes up or the strike price
    goes down, the call option holders are more
    likely to gain more profits in the future, thus
    the call option price goes up In contrast, the
    put option holders have smaller chance to gain
    profits in the future, thus the put option price
    goes down.

Dependence on r
  • If the risk-free interest rate goes up, then the
    call option price goes up, but the put option
    price goes down.

Dependence on r Financially
  • The risk-free interest rate raise has two
    effects for stock price, in a risk-neutral
    world, the expected return E(dS/S)(r-q)dt will
    go up For cash flow, the cash K received at the
    future time (tT) would have a lower value
    Ke-r(T-t) at the present time t. Therefore,
    for put option holders, who will sell stocks for
    cash at the maturity tT, thus the above two
    effects result in a decrease of the put option
    price. For call option holders, the effects are
    just the opposite, and the option price will go

Dependence on q
  • If the dividend rate increases, then the call
    option price goes down, and the put option price
    goes up.

Dependence on q Financially
  • The dividend rate directly affects the stock
    price. In a risk-neutral world, as the dividend
    rate increases, the expected return of the stock
  • E(dS/S)(r-q)dt decreases, thus the call
    option price decreases, but the put option price

Dependence on s
  • when a stock has a high volatility s, its option
    price (both call and put) goes up.

Dependence on sFinancially
  • An increase of the volatility s means an increase
    of the stock price fluctuation, i.e., increased
    investment risk. For the underlying asset itself
    (the stock), since E(sdW_t)0, the risks (gain or
    loss) are symmetric. But this is not true for an
    individual option holder.
  • Example (call) The holder benefits from stock
    price increases, but has only limited downside
    risk in the event of stock price decreases,
    because the holder's loss is at most the option's
    premium. Therefore the stock price change has an
    asymmetric impact on the call option value.
    Therefore the call option price increases as the
    volatility increases. Same reasoning can be
    applied to the put option.

Dependence on tT
Dependence on tT Financially
  • No matter how long the option's lifetime T is, a
    European option has only one exercise. A long
    expiration does not mean more gaining
    opportunity. So, European options do not become
    more valuable as time to expiration increases.
  • As for t, larger t, smaller T-t, means closer to
    the exercise day. Therefore, for European options
    we cannot predict whether the option price will
    go down or go up as the exercise day comes

Dependence on tT Financially-
  • However, there is an exception. In the case q0,
  • i.e. with the expiration day coming closer, the
    call option on a non-dividend-paying stock will
    go down.

Table of European Option Price Changes
call put
S -
K -
r -
q -
T ? ?
t ? ?
Risk Management?(Sigma)
  • ? is the partial derivative of the option or its
    portfolio price V with respect to the underlying
    asset price S. The seller of the option or its
    portfolio should buy ? shares of the underlying
    asset to hedge the risk inherited in selling the
    option or portfolio.

Risk ManagementG(Gamma)
  • Since ? is a function of S t, one must
    constantly adjust ? to achieve the goal of the
    hedging. In practice, this is not feasible
    because of the transaction fee. Therefore in real
    operation one must choose the frequency of ?
    wisely. This is reflected in the magnitude of G.
    A small G means ? changes slowly, and there is no
    need to adjust in haste Conversely, if G is
    large, then ? is sensitive to change in S, there
    will be a risk if ? is not adjusted in time.

Risk ManagementT(Theta)
  • T is the rate of change in the option or
    portfolio price over time. The Black-Scholes
    equation gives the relation between ?, G and T

Risk ManagementV (Vega)
  • V is the partial derivative of the option or its
    portfolio price with respect to the volatility of
    the underlying asset.
  • The underlying asset volatility s is the least
    known parameter in the Black-Scholes formula. It
    is practically impossible to give a precise value
    of s Instead, we consider the sensitivity of the
    corresponding option price over s This is the
    meaning of V

Risk Management?(rho)
  • ? is the partial derivative of the option or
    portfolio price with respect to the risk-free
    interest rate.

How to Manage Risk?
  • For European options, we have obtained the
    expressions of these Greeks in the previous
    section. Now we will explain how to use these
    parameters (especially ? and G) in risk

A Specific Example
  • Suppose a financial institution has sold a stock
    option OTC, and faces a risk due to the option
    price change. Therefore it wants to take a
    hedging strategy to manage the risk. Ideally, a
    hedging strategy should guarantee an approximate
    balance of the expense and income, i.e., the
    money spent on hedging approximately equals the
    income from selling the option premiums.

How does the hedging strategy work?
  • At t0 the seller buys ?_0 shares of stock at S_0
    per share, and borrows ?_0 S_0 from the bank. At
    tt_1, to adjust the hedging share to ?_1 (S_1 is
    the stock price at tt_1), the seller needs to
    buy ?_1-?_0 shares at S_1 per share if ?_1gt?_0
    and sell ?_0- ?_1 shares at S_1 per share if
    ?_1lt?_0 and borrow (save) the money needed
    (gained) for (from) buying (selling) the stocks,
    and at tt_1 pay the interest ?_0 S_0r?t to the
    bank for the money borrowed at tt_0. In general,
    at tt_n, the seller owns ?_n shares of stock,
    and has paid hedging cost D_n

How does the hedging strategy work? -
  • On the option expiration day tT, the seller owns
    ?_N shares of stock, i.e.
  • if S_TgtK (i.e. the option is in the money), the
    seller owns one share of stock,
  • if S_TltK (i.e. the option is out of the
    money), the seller owns no share of stock.
  • If the option is in the money, the option holder
    will exercise the contract to buy one share of
    stock S from the seller with cash K
  • if the option is out of the money, the option
    holder will certainly choose not to exercise the

How does the hedging strategy work?--
  • The above hedging strategy successfully hedges
    the risk in selling the option.
  • In this deal the sellor's actual profit is
  • profitV_0erT-D_T,
  • where V_0 is the option premium. If there is
    a transaction fee for each hedging strategy
    adjustment, then the seller's profit is
  • profitV_0erT-D_T-S_i0N-1e_i,
  • where e_i is the fee for the i-th adjustment.

  • In practical operation, hedging adjustment
    interval ?t is not a constant, and depends
  • on . If G is large,
  • is made more frequently If G is small,
    adjustment can be made less frequently.

Summary 1
  • Introduced a continuous model for the underlying
    asset price movement---the stochastic
    differential equation. Based on this model,
    using the ?-hedging technique and the Ito
    formula, we derived the Black-Scholes equation
    for the option price, by solving the terminal
    value problem of the Black-Scholes equation, we
    obtained a fair price for the European option,
    independent of each individual investor's risk
    preference---the Black-Scholes formula.

Summary 2
  • As derivatives of an underlying asset, a variety
    of options can be set up in a various
    terminal-boundary problem for the Black-Scholes
    equation. To price these various options is to
    solve the Black-Scholes equation under various
    terminal-boundary conditions.

Summary 3
  • BTM is the most important discrete method of
    option pricing. When neglecting the higher orders
    of ?t, BTM is equivalent to an explicit finite
    difference scheme of the Black-Scholes equation.
    By the numerical solution theory of partial
    differential equation, we have proved the
    convergence of the BTM.

Summary 4
  • The option seller can manage the risk in selling
    the option by taking a hedging strategy. Since
    the amount of hedging shares ? ?(S,t) changes
    constantly, the seller needs to adjust ? at
    appropriate frequency according to the magnitude
    of G(S,t), to achieve the goal of hedging.
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