Title: Steric Hindrance Issues
1Steric Hindrance Issues
- Sites that are sterically hindered can be blocked
and may undergo very little substitution. These
include - - a site that has two ortho substituents
- - a site that is ortho to one very bulky group
Example two ortho substituents
The site between CH3 and Cl is crowded.
2Steric Hindrance Issues
Sites that are sterically hindered are be blocked
and may undergo very little substitution. These
include - a site that has two ortho
substituents - a site that is ortho to one
very bulky group
Example ortho to a bulky group (such as
isopropyl or t-butyl)
The site next to t-butyl is crowded.
3Substitution Reactions - Practice
- Predict the major product for the following
416.3 Alkylation of Aromatic Rings
- EAS Reactions - use electrophiles like NO2 or
Can we add an alky group ( -R), via a carbocation
5Ring Alkylation Friedel-Crafts Reaction
- Aromatic substitution of an alkyl for an -H
- Catalyst AlCl3 Aluminum chloride promotes
formation of the carbocation
6Limitations of Friedel-Crafts Alkylation
- Only alkyl halides can be used (F, Cl, I, Br)
- Aryl halides and vinylic halides do not react
(their carbocations are too hard to form)