Chapter 15: Kinetics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 15: Kinetics


Chapter 15: Kinetics The speed with which the reactants disappear and the products form is called the rate of the reaction A study of the rate of reaction can give ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 15: Kinetics

Chapter 15 Kinetics
  • The speed with which the reactants disappear and
    the products form is called the rate of the
  • A study of the rate of reaction can give detailed
    information about how reactants change into
  • The series of individual steps that add up to the
    overall observed reaction is called the reaction

  • There are five principle factors that influence
    reaction rates
  • Chemical nature of the reactants
  • Ability of the reactants to come in contact with
    each other
  • Concentration of the reactants
  • Temperature
  • Availability of of rate-accelerating agents
    called catalysts


The progress of the reaction A ? B. The number of
A molecules (in red) decreases with time while
the number of B molecules (in blue) increases.
The steeper the concentration versus time curve,
the faster the reaction rate. The film strip
represents the relative number of A and B
molecules at each time.
  • Chemical nature of the reactants
  • Bonds break and form during reactions
  • The most fundamental difference in reaction rates
    lie in the reactants themselves
  • Some reactions are fast by nature and others slow
  • Ability of the reactants to meet
  • Most reactions require that particles (atoms,
    molecules, or ions) collide before the reaction
    can occur
  • This depends on the phase of the reactants

  • In a homogeneous reaction the reactants are in
    the same phase
  • For example both reactants in the gas (vapor)
  • In a heterogeneous reaction the reactants are in
    different phases
  • For example one reactant in the liquid and the
    second in the solid phase
  • In heterogeneous reactions the reactants meet
    only at the intersection between the phases
  • Thus the area of contact between the phases
    determines the rate of the reaction


Effect of crushing a solid. When a single solid
is subdivided into much smaller pieces, the total
surface area on all of the pieces becomes very
  • Concentration of the reactants
  • Both homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction rates
    are affected by reactant concentration
  • For example, red hot steel wool bursts into
    flames in the presence of pure oxygen
  • Temperature of the system
  • The rates for almost all chemical reactions
    increase as the temperature is increased
  • Cold-blooded creatures, such as insects and
    reptiles, become sluggish at lower temperatures
    as their metabolism slows down

  • Presence of a catalyst
  • A catalysts is a substance that increases the
    rate of a chemical reaction without being
  • Enzymes are biological catalysts that direct our
    body chemistry
  • A rate is always expressed as a ratio
  • One way to describe a reaction rate is to select
    one component of the reaction and describe the
    change in concentration per unit of time

  • Molarity (mol/L) is normally the concentration
    unit and the second (s) is the most often used
    unit of time
  • Typically, the reaction rate has the units

  • By convention, reaction rates are reported as a
    positive number even when the monitored species
    concentration decreases with time
  • If the rate is known with respect to one species,
    the coefficients of the balanced chemical
    equation can be used to find the rates with
    respect to the other species
  • Consider the combustion of propane

  • Compared to the rate with respect to propane
  • Rate with respect to oxygen is five times faster
  • Rate with respect to carbon dioxide is three
    times faster
  • Rate with respect to water is four times faster
  • Since the rates are all related any may be
    monitored to determine the reaction rate

  • A reaction rate is generally not constant
    throughout the reaction
  • Since most reactions depend on the concentration
    of reactants, the rate changes as they are used
  • The rate at any particular moment is called the
    instantaneous rate
  • It can be calculated from a concentration versus
    time plot


A plot of the concentration of HI versus time for
the reaction 2HI(g) ? H2(g) I2(g). The
slope is negative because we are measuring the
disappearance of HI. When used to express the
rate it is used as a positive number.
  • The rate of a homogeneous reaction at any instant
    is proportional to the product of the molar
    concentrations of the reactants raised to a power
    determined from experiment

  • Consider the following reaction
  • From experiment, the rate law (determined from
    initial rates) is
  • At 0oC, k equals 5.0 x 105 L5 mol-5 s-1
  • Thus, at 0oC

  • The exponents in the rate law are generally
    unrelated to the chemical equations coefficients
  • Never simply assume the exponents and
    coefficients are the same
  • The exponents must be determined from the results
    of experiments
  • The exponent in a rate law is called the order of
    reaction with respect to the corresponding

  • For the rate law
  • We can say
  • The reaction is first order with respect to
  • The reaction is third order with respect to I-
  • The reaction is second order with respect to H
  • The reaction order is sixth order overall
  • Exponents in a rate law can be fractional,
    negative, and even zero

  • Looking for patterns in experimental data provide
    way to determine the exponents in a rate law
  • One of the easiest ways to reveal patterns in
    data is to form ratios of results using different
    sets of conditions
  • This technique is generally applicable
  • Again consider the hypothetical reaction

  • Suppose the experimental concentration-rate data
    for five experiments is

  • For experiments 1, 2, and 3 B is held constant,
    so any change in rate must be due to changes in
  • The rate law says that at constant B the rate
    is proportional to Am

Thus m1
  • This means that the reactions is first order with
    respect to reactant A
  • For experiments 3, 4, and 5 A is held constant,
    so any change must be due to changes in B
  • The rate law says that at constant A the rate
    is proportional to Bn
  • Using the results from experiment 3 and 4

  • The reaction is second order in B and
  • ratekAB2

Thus n2
  • The rate constant (k) can be determined using
    data from any experiment
  • Using experiment 1
  • Using data from a different experiment might give
    a slightly different value

  • The relationship between concentration and time
    can be derived from the rate law and calculus
  • Integration of the rate laws gives the integrated
    rate laws
  • Integrate laws give concentration as a function
    of time
  • Integrated laws can get very complicated, so only
    a few simple forms will be considered

  • First order reactions
  • Rate law is rate k A
  • The integrate rate law can be expressed as
  • A0 is A at t (time) 0
  • At is A at t t
  • e base of natural logarithms 2.71828

  • Graphical methods can be used to determine the
    first-order rate constant, note

  • A plot of lnAt versus t gives a straight line
    with a slope of -k

The decomposition of N2O5. (a) A graph of
concentration versus time for the decomposition
at 45oC. (b) A straight line is obtained from a
logarithm versus time plot. The slope is negative
the rate constant.
  • The simplest second-order rate law has the form
  • The integrated form of this equation is

  • Graphical methods can also be applied to
    second-order reactions
  • A plot of 1/Bt versus t gives a straight line
    with a slope of k

Second-order kinetics. A plot of 1/HI versus
time (using the data in Table 15.1).
  • The amount of time required for half of a
    reactant to disappear is called the half-life,
  • The half-life of a first-order reaction is not
    affected by the initial concentration


First-order radioactive decay of iodine-131. The
initial concentration is represented by I0.
  • The half-life of a second-order reactions does
    depend on the initial concentration

  • One of the simplest models to explain reactions
    rates is collision theory
  • According to collision theory, the rate of
    reaction is proportional to the effective number
    of collisions per second among the reacting
  • An effective collision is one that actually gives
    product molecules
  • The number of all types of collisions increase
    with concentration, including effective

  • There are a number of reasons why only a small
    fraction of all the collisions leads to the
    formation of product
  • Only a small fraction of the collisions are
    energetic enough to lead to products
  • Molecular orientation is important because a
    collision on the wrong side of a reacting
    species cannot produce any product
  • This becomes more important as the complexity of
    the reactants increases


The key step in the decomposition of NO2Cl to NO2
and Cl2 is the collision of a Cl atom with a
NO2Cl molecules. (a) A poorly orientated
collision. (b) An effectively orientated
  • The minimum energy kinetic energy the colliding
    particles must have is called the activation
    energy, Ea
  • In a successful collision, the activation energy
    changes to potential energy as the bonds
    rearrange to for products
  • Activation energies can be large, so only a small
    fraction of the well-orientated, colliding
    molecules have it
  • Temperature increases increase the average
    kinetic energy of the reacting particles


Kinetic energy distribution for a reaction at two
different temperatures. At the higher
temperature, a larger fraction of the collisions
have sufficient energy for reaction to occur. The
shaded area under the curves represent the
reacting fraction of the collisions.
  • Transition state theory explains what happens
    when reactant particles come together
  • Potential-energy diagrams are used to help
    visualize the relationship between the activation
    energy and the development of total potential
  • The potential energy is plotted against reaction
    coordinate or reaction progress


The potential-energy diagram for an exothermic
reaction. The extent of reaction is represented
as the reaction coordinate.

A successful (a) and unsuccessful (b) collision
for an exothermic reaction.
  • Activation energies and heats of reactions can be
    determined from potential-energy diagrams

Potential-energy diagram for an endothermic
reaction. The heat of reaction and activation
energy are labeled.
  • Reactions generally have different activation
    energies in the forward and reverse direction

Activation energy barrier for the forward and
reverse reactions.
  • The brief moment during a successful collision
    that the reactant bonds are partially broken and
    the product bonds are partially formed is called
    the transition state
  • The potential energy of the transition state is a
    maximum of the potential-energy diagram
  • The unstable chemical species that exists
    momentarily is called the activated complex


Formation of the activated complex in the
reaction between NO2Cl and Cl.
  • The activation energy is related to the rate
    constant by the Arrhenius equation
  • k rate constant
  • Ea activation energy
  • e base of the natural logarithm
  • R gas constant 8.314 J mol-1 K-1
  • T Kelvin temperature
  • A frequency factor or pre-exponential factor

  • The Arrhenius equation can be put in standard
    slope-intercept form by taking the natural
  • A plot of ln k versus (1/T) gives a straight line
    with slope -Ea/RT

  • The activation energy can be related to the rate
    constant at two temperatures
  • The reactions mechanism is the series of simple
    reactions called elementary processes
  • The rate law of an elementary process can be
    written from its chemical equation

  • The overall rate law determined for the mechanism
    must agree with the observed rate law
  • The exponents in the rate law for an elementary
    process are equal to the coefficients of the
    reactants in chemical equation

  • Multistep reactions are common
  • The sum of the element processes must give the
    overall reaction
  • The slow set in a multistep reaction limits how
    fast the final products can form and is called
    the rate-determining or rate-limiting step
  • Simultaneous collisions between three or more
    particles is extremely rate

  • A reaction that depended a three-body collision
    would be extremely slow
  • Thus, reaction mechanism seldom include
    elementary process that involve more than
    two-body or bimolecular collisions
  • Consider the reaction
  • The mechanism is thought to be

  • The second step is the rate-limiting step, which
  • N2O2 is a reactive intermediate, and can be
    eliminated from the expression

  • The first step is a fast equilibrium
  • At equilibrium, the rate of the forward and
    reverse reaction are equal

  • Substituting, the rate law becomes
  • Which is consistent with the experimental rate law

  • A catalyst is a substance that changes the rate
    of a chemical reaction without itself being used
  • Positive catalysts speed up reactions
  • Negative catalysts or inhibitors slow reactions
  • (Positive) catalysts speed reactions by allowing
    the rate-limiting step to proceed with a lower
    activation energy
  • Thus a larger fraction of the collisions are


(a) The catalyst provides an alternate,
low-energy path from the reactants to the
products. (b) A larger fraction of molecules have
sufficient energy to react when the catalyzed
path is available.
  • Catalysts can be divided into two groups
  • Homogeneous catalysts exist in the same phase as
    the reactants
  • Heterogeneous catalysts exist in a separate phase
  • NO2 is a homogeneous catalyst for the production
    of sulfuric acid in the lead chamber process
  • The mechanism is

  • The second step is slow, but is catalyzed by NO2

  • Heterogeneous catalysts are typically solids
  • Consider the synthesis of ammonia from hydrogen
    and nitrogen by the Haber process
  • The reaction takes place on the surface of an
    iron catalyst that contains traces of aluminum
    and potassium oxides
  • The hydrogen and nitrogen binds to the catalyst
    lowering the activation energy


The Haber process. Catalytic formation of ammonia
molecules from hydrogen and nitrogen on the
surface of a catalyst.
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