SSIS V12.4 Release Training CW-TCM Service Plan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SSIS V12.4 Release Training CW-TCM Service Plan


Title: SSIS V12.4 Training Independent Family Community Support Plan (IFCSP) Author: Walswick, Angela M Last modified by: Ashfeld, Cheri Created Date – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Walswick


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SSIS V12.4 Release Training CW-TCM Service Plan

SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingCW-TCM Service Plan
Child Welfare-Targeted Case Management
Presentation for VPC December 2012
SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 2
  • Right-click and select New State Service Plan.
  • New Plan houses the service plans that have not
    yet been revised into the new format.
  • Click the drop-down menu from the Document
    template field.
  • Select CW-TCM Service Plan.

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SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 4
  • Select the Review Date in the corresponding
  • The Review Date is the date you intend to review
    the plan with the family. This may or may not be
    the same date reflected in the Effective to date
  • Select Yes to display the language block at the
    end of the service plan.

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SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 6
  1. Select the Effective from date in the
    corresponding field. This should be the date that
    CW-TCM Services may be claimed.
  2. Select the Effective to date in the corresponding
    field. If the CW-TCM Plan is done in conjunction
    with another service plan (such as a CP Plan),
    the plans should reflect the same review date
    (such as 90 days). If the CW-TCM Plan is not
    created with another service plan, it is required
    to be reviewed at least annually.

SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 7
  • In the Child section, select the identified
    childs name in the Participant field.
  • Note that the Participant field is a hyperlink.
    Click on the word Participant and the mouse moves
    to the Participants folder in the Tree View. This
    allows you to add or correct information that
    merges into this field. When the childs name is
    selected, the Date of birth autofills below.

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SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 9
  • Both client and collateral names merge into the
    Parent/Legal Guardian section. Select both
    parents names to merge both into the CW-TCM
    Plan. When a name is selected, additional fields
  • The parents Address merges from the
    Address/Phone/Email/State Detail folder. Note
    that this field is a hyperlink. Each address
    entered for the parent displays. Select the
    current address.

SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 10
  • Each telephone number entered for the parent in
    his or her Address/Phone/Email/State Detail
    folder merges by type. Select one or more of the
    desired Phones to merge into the CW-TCM Plan.

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SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 12
  • This section is labeled Parent/Legal Guardian
    however, all clients and collaterals displaying
    in the Participants folder merge. It is intended
    that the Parents or Legal Guardians be selected
    in this field, but other participants may also be
    selected if desired by the caseworker.

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SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 14
  • If a collateral is selected -- and it has a
    business association added to its
    Education/Employment folder (via a Business
    Organization search) -- the address and/or
    telephone number of that business does not
    display on the service plans Setup tab. Rather,
    the address and/or phone must be entered in the
    collaterals Address/ Phone/Email folder for it
    to display.

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SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 16
  • If a collateral is selected, and an address
    and/or one or more telephone numbers is added to
    the Address/Phone/Email folder, it displays as an
    Address and Phone selection on the Setup tab.

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SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 18
  • Ensure that the primary caseworkers name
    displays in the Staff field. When the workers
    name is selected, any Document credentials and
    Phone number associated with that name in Admin
  • It is recommended that the agencys general
    telephone number be used so that if the
    caseworkers telephone number changes, it will
    not display incorrectly on a service plan.
  • Click Save to access the Document tab.

SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 19
  • The Document tab holds the actual CW-TCM Plan.

SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 20
  • The Document tab opens with a Navigation bar to
    the left. The blue arrow indicates which screen
    is reflected to the right.
  • A red checkmark displaying next to a node on the
    Navigation bar indicates that the Complete check
    box at the bottom of the screen was selected.
    Clicking Complete means that this screen will
    print on the service plan.

SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 21
  1. Service plans print automatically in a format
    that does not separate sections or sentences
    between pages. This may make the plan longer, but
    it keeps information together on the same page.
    Select Alternate Print Format to have the printed
    text display continuously with no breaks between

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  • Demographic information merges from the Setup tab
    and displays as the top of the Title Page.
    Review it for accuracy.
  • Expand the names of clients to view contact
    information. Click the Address and Phone Numbers
    tabs to view either merge field. Both print on
    the service plan.
  • Note that collateral information displays in the
    same way. Click Complete.
  • Click the double arrow buttons to advance to the
    next screen.

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  • Identify the reason the child is in need of Child
    Welfare Targeted Case Management services in
    the Eligibility field.
  • Identify the goals to be achieved by the
    provided services in the Goals field. Click
  • This information is required to claim for
    CW-TCM funds.
  • Type directly into the Editor boxes, or click the
    blue E to open the Editor in its own larger
    window. The Editor window allows for more text

SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 26
  • Answer the questions on the Specific Services
    screen. The information regarding Specific
    services, Action steps, Timelines, and Person(s)
    responsible is required to claim for CW-TCM
    funds. Click Complete.

  • Identify the required signers on the Signature
    Setup screen by typing their names in the
    corresponding text boxes. Note that the Complete
    box is already selected.
  • Review the Navigation bar to ensure that each
    screen you wish to print on the plan has a red
    checkmark next to the node.

  • Right-click on the Document tab.
  • Select Print to open the Print Preview.
  • This is the quickest way to print any service

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SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 30
  • Review the plan for accuracy. Note that the
    toolbar of the Print Preview has an option to
    e-mail the service plan if permitted by your
  • If something is not displaying in the plan,
    review the Navigation bar and ensure that a red
    checkmark displays next to each screen you wish
    to print on the plan.

SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 31
  1. The Properties tab holds information about the
    creation of the service plan.
  2. The Template Status field on this tab is not the
    same as the Status field on the Setup tab. If the
    Template Status field here indicates the plan is
    Active, it means that the plans template is
    active and the plan may be copied in its

SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 32
  • Once signatures have been obtained on the CW-TCM
    Plan, return to the Setup tab.
  • Change the plan from Draft to Active in the
    Status field. Click Save.
  • An Active service plan is no longer editable
    however, copying the plan returns it to Draft
    status, thereby permitting edits.

  1. Click Tools from the toolbar.
  2. Select External Documents.
  3. Expand the External Documents folder and select
    CW-TCM Service Plan. A blank CW-TCM Plan can be
    printed from this location.

SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 34
  • Right-click on the CW-TCM Plan in the Tree View.
  • Select Print Service Plan.
  • Select Blank Plan.
  • A blank CW-TCM Plan may also be printed using
    these steps.

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