Statistics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Statistics Sampling Distributions and Point Estimation of Parameters Contents, figures, and exercises come from the textbook: Applied Statistics and Probability for ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Statistics

  • Sampling Distributions and Point Estimation of

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
Point Estimation
  • Statistic
  • A function of observations, , ,,
  • Also a random variable
  • Sample mean
  • Sample variance
  • Its probability distribution is called a sampling

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Point estimator of
  • A statistic
  • Point estimate of
  • A particular numerical value

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Mean
  • The estimate
  • Variance
  • The estimate
  • Proportion
  • The estimate
  • is the number of items that belong to the
    class of interest
  • Difference in means,
  • The estimate
  • Difference in two proportions
  • The estimate

Sampling Distributions and the Central Limit
  • Random sample
  • The random variables , ,, are a
    random sample of size if (a) the s are
    independent random variables, and (b) every
    has the same probability distribution

  • If , ,, are normally and independently
    distributed with mean and variance
  • has a normal
  • with mean
  • variance

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Central Limit Theorem
  • If , ,, is a random sample of size
    taken from a population (either finite or
    infinite) with mean and finite variance
    , and if is the sample mean, the limiting
    form of the distribution of
  • as , is the standard normal
  • Works when
  • , regardless of the shape of the
  • , if not severely nonnormal

  • Two independent populations with means and
    , and variances and
  • is approximately standard normal, or
  • is exactly standard normal if the two populations
    are normal

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Example 7-1 Resistors
  • An electronics company manufactures resistors
    that have a mean resistance of 100 ohms and a
    standard deviation of 10 ohms. The distribution
    of resistance is normal. Find the probability
    that a random sample of resistors will
    have an average resistance less than 95 ohms
  • Example 7-2 Central Limit Theorem
  • Suppose that has a continuous uniform
  • Find the distribution of the sample mean of a
    random sample of size

  • Example 7-3 Aircraft Engine Life
  • The effective life of a component used in a
    jet-turbine aircraft engine is a random variable
    with mean 5000 hours and standard deviation 40
    hours. The distribution of effective life is
    fairly close to a normal distribution. The engine
    manufacturer introduces an improvement into the
    manufacturing process for this component that
    increases the mean life to 5050 hours and
    decreases the standard deviation to 30 hours.
    Suppose that a random sample of
    components is selected from the old process and
    a random sample of components is
    selected from the improved process. What is the
    probability that the difference in the two sample
    means is at least 25 hours? Assume
    that the old and improved processes can be
    regarded as independent populations.

  • Exercise 7-10
  • Suppose that the random variable has the
    continuous uniform distribution
  • Suppose that a random sample of
    observations is selected from this distribution.
    What is the approximate probability distribution
    of ? Find the mean and variance of this

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
General Concepts of Point Estimation
  • Bias of the estimator
  • is an unbiased estimator if
  • Minimum variance unbiased estimator (MVUE)
  • For all unbiased estimator of , the one with
    the smallest variance
  • is the MVUE for
  • If , ,, are from a normal
    distribution with mean and variance

  • Standard error of an estimator
  • Estimated standard error
  • or or
  • If is normal with mean and variance
  • and

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Mean squared error of an estimate
  • Relative efficiency of to

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Example 7-4 Sample Mean and Variance Are Unbiased
  • Suppose that is a random variable with mean
    and variance . Let , ,.,
    be a random sample of size from the population
    represented by . Show that the sample mean
    and sample variance are unbiased estimators
    of and , respectively.
  • Example 7-5 Thermal Conductivity
  • Ten measurements of thermal conductivity were
  • 41.60, 41.48, 42.34, 41.95, 41.86
  • 42.18, 41.72, 42.26, 41.81, 42.04
  • Show that and

  • Exercise 7-31
  • and are the sample mean and sample
    variance from a population with mean and
    variance . Similarly, and are the
    sample mean and sample variance from a second
    independent population with mean and variance
    . The sample sizes are and ,
  • (a) Show that is an unbiased
    estimator of
  • (b) Find the standard error of .
    How could you estimate the standard error?
  • (c) Suppose that both populations have the same
    variance that is, . Show
  • Is an unbiased estimator of .

Methods of Point Estimation
  • Moments
  • Let , ,, be a random sample from
    the probability distribution , where
    can be a discrete probability mass function or a
    continuous probability density function. The th
    population moment (or distribution moment) is
    , 1, 2,. The corresponding th
    sample moment is 1, 2, .

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Moment estimators
  • Let , ,, be a random sample from
    either a probability mass function or a
    probability density function with unknown
    parameters , ,, . The moment
    estimators , ,, are found by
    equating the first population moments to the
    first sample moments and solving the
    resulting equations for the unknown parameters.

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Maximum likelihood estimator
  • Suppose that is a random variable with
    probability distribution , where is
    a single unknown parameter. Let , ,,
    be the observed values in a random sample of size
    . Then the likelihood function of the sample
  • Note that the likelihood function is now a
    function of only the unknown parameter . The
    maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of is the
    value of that maximizes the likelihood
    function .

  • Properties of a Maximum Likelihood Estimator
  • Under very general and not restrictive
    conditions, when the sample size is large and
    if is the maximum likelihood estimator of
    the parameter ,
  • (1) is an approximately unbiased estimator for
  • (2) the variance of is neatly as small as
    the variance that could be obtained with any
    other estimator, and
  • (3) has an approximate normal distribution.

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Invariance property
  • Let , ,., be the maximum
    likelihood estimators of the parameters ,
    , , . Then the maximum likelihood
    estimator of any function
    of these parameters is the same function
  • of the estimators , ,, .

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Bayesian estimation of parameters
  • Sample , ,,
  • Joint probability distribution
  • Prior distribution for
  • Posterior distribution for
  • Marginal distribution

  • Example 7-6 Exponential Distribution Moment
  • Suppose that , ,, is a random
    sample from an exponential distribution with
    parameter . For the exponential,
  • Then results in
  • Example 7-7 Normal Distribution Moment Estimators
  • Suppose that , ,, is a random
    sample from a normal distribution with parameters
    and . For the normal distribution,
  • . Equating to
    and to gives
  • and
  • Solve these equations.

  • Example 7-8 Gamma Distribution Moment Estimators
  • Suppose that , ,, is a random
    sample from a gamma distribution with parameters
    and , For the gamma distribution,
  • . Solve
  • and

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Example 7-9 Bernoulli Distribution MLE
  • Let be a Bernoulli random variable. The
    probability mass function is
  • where is the parameter to be estimated. The
    likelihood function of a random sample of size
  • Find that maximizes .

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Example 7-10 Normal Distribution MLE
  • Let be normally distributed with unknown
    and known variance . The likelihood
    function of a random sample of size , say
    , ,, , is
  • Find .
  • Example 7-11 Exponential Distribution MLE
  • Let be exponentially distributed with
    parameter . The likelihood function of a
    random sample of size , say , ,,
    , is
  • Find .

  • Example 7-12 Normal Distribution MLEs for
  • Let be normally distributed with mean
    and variance , where both and are
    unknown. The likelihood function of a random
    sample of size is
  • Find and .
  • Example 7-13
  • From Example 7-12, to obtain the maximum
    likelihood estimator of the function
  • Substitute the estimators and into the
    function , which yields

  • Example 7-14 Uniform Distribution MLE
  • Let be uniformly distributed on the interval
    0 to . Since the density function is
    for and zeros otherwise, the
    likelihood function of a random sample of size
  • for , ,,
  • Find .

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Example 7-15 Gamma Distribution MLE
  • Let , ,, be a random sample from
    the gamma distribution. The log of likelihood
    function is
  • Find that

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Example 7-16 Bayes Estimator for the Mean of a
    Normal Distribution
  • Let , ,, be a random sample from
    the normal distribution with mean and
    variance , where is unknown and
    is known. Assume that the prior distribution for
    is normal with mean and variance
    that is,
  • The joint probability distribution of the sample

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Show that
  • Then the Bayes estimate of is

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Exercise 7-42
  • Let , ,, be uniformly distributed
    on the interval 0 to . Recall that the
    maximum likelihood estimator of is
  • (a) Argue intuitively why cannot be an
    unbiased estimator for .
  • (b) Suppose that . Is
    it reasonable that consistently
    underestimates ? Show that the bias in the
    estimator approaches zero as gets large.
  • (c) Propose an unbiased estimator for .
  • (d) Let . Use the fact that
    if and only if each to
    derive the cumulative distribution function of
    . Then show that the probability density
    function of is

  • Use this result to show that the maximum
    likelihood estimator for is biased.
  • (e) We have two unbiased estimators for the
    moment estimator and
  • , where
    is the largest observation in a random
    sample of size . It can be shown that
    and that
  • . Show that if
    , is a better estimator than .
    In what sense is it a better estimator of ?

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Exercise 7-50
  • The time between failures of a machine has an
    exponential distribution with parameter .
    Suppose that the prior distribution for is
    exponential with mean 100 hours. Two machines
    are observed, and the average time between
    failures is hours.
  • (a) Find the Bayes estimate for .
  • (b) What proportion of the machine do you think
    will fail before 1000 hours?

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
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