Title: Persuasive Essay Challenge!
1Persuasive Essay Challenge!
2Game Board
Opening Paragraphs
Body Paragraphs
Conclusion Paragraphs
Transition Words
Persuasive Vocabulary
3Opening Paragraphs for100
- When you first receive your persuasive topic what
should you do? - Immediately begin writing
- Understand the Controversy
- Free Write
- Think about the topic through different
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4Opening Paragraphs for200
- What is the first thing you do when you start
writing a paragraph? - Write your name
- Indent
- Put the Date
- Title
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5Opening Paragraphs for300
- Which of these ideas does not belong in a
persuasive paragraph? - Back and Forth Ideas
- Strong Persuasive Vocabulary
- Transition Words
- Anecdote
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6Opening Paragraphs for400
- When should your opinion be expressed?
- Opening Paragraph
- 2nd Body Paragraph
- 1st Body Paragraph
- Conclusion Paragraph
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7Body Paragraphs for100
- Which of the following does not belong in a body
paragraph? - Transition Words
- Sequence
- Examples
- Presentation of Topic
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8Body Paragraphs for200
- How many points should be covered in each body
paragraph? - 3
- 4
- 2
- 1
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9Body Paragraphs for300
- How many sentences are needed to make a body
paragraph - complete ?
- 4
- 2
- 10
- 1
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10Body Paragraphs for400
- Which of the following should be incorporated
into body paragraphs? - Examples
- Facts
- Supporting Details
- All of the above
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11Conclusion Paragraphs for100
- Which is not a goal of a conclusion paragraph?
- Restating the Main Idea
- Summarizing all Key Points
- Introduce a New Topic
- Connect to the Audience
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12Conclusion Paragraphs for 200
- What is the most common mistake when writing a
conclusion paragraph? - Too many examples
- Too many details
- Too Similar to the Introduction Paragraph
- Too much Persuasive Vocabulary
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13Conclusion Paragraphs for 300
- How many points on the state rubric are lost
because an essay does not have a conclusion
paragraph? - 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
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14Conclusion Paragraphs for 400
- What is the best way to end a conclusion
paragraph of a persuasive essay? - Give the Readers Something to Think About
- With a Story
- With a Joke
- A New Valid Point
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15Transition Words for 100
- Which transition word should be used to start a
sentence when you want to use the word and? - Lastly
- Mostly
- Moreover
- Also
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16Transition Words for 200
- What always follows transitional words or
phrases? - Colon
- Comma
- Semi-Colon
- Period
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17Transition Words for 300
- Which is the best transitional phrase to start
your persuasive essay? - Once upon a time
- Thus stating,
- On the other hand,
- I strongly believe that
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18Transition Words for400
- Which is the best transitional phrase to start
your conclusion paragraph? - Once upon a time
- In conclusion
- On the other hand
- It is my opinion that
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19Persuasive Vocabulary for 100
- Immediately is a power word. What does it mean?
- Next week
- Without delay
- Later
- Tomorrow
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20Persuasive Vocabulary for 200
- Monumental is a power word. What does it mean?
- Important
- Small
- Not important
- Huge
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21Persuasive Vocabulary for 300
- Unsurpassed is a power word. What does it mean?
- In need of help
- Not capable of being improved
- Switching your argument
- Beyond
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22Persuasive Vocabulary for400
- Consequently is a power word. What does it mean?
- Opposite
- As a result
- Different
- Negative
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23That's Right!!!!
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a great writer!
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