Title: Defending universally-accessible quality public services:
1 Defending universally-accessible quality public
services a central challenge for municipal
workers unions La defensa de los servicios
publicos de calidad para todos un desafio
central para los sindicatos de empleados
municipales Jorge R. Mancillas Health and
Municipal Services Officer Responsable de salud
y municipales Oslo, Norway 26 November,
2Public services improved quality and length of
- For the last 100 years, unions and political
organizations of workers - Fought for and improved key determinants of
health - Better incomes better living and working
conditions - Fought for public services health, water,
sanitation, education... - Result Improvements in Life Expectancy and
quality of life
IMF index - Indice del FMI Economic freedom
available to private companies Libertad
economica ejercida por empresas GRIS no datos o
NO PS - Sector privado 1 Weak PS - Sector
privado debil 7 Strong PS - Sector
privado fuerte
4Political economic transitions
Military coups
Financial tools Lendinggtdebt crisis
Tax cuts Budget deficits
51970s Political economic transitions
1970s coups chile
Military coups
Financial tools Lendinggtdebt crisis
Tax cuts Budget deficits
61980s political economic transitions
1980s US UK
Financial tools Lendinggtdebt crisis
Tax cuts Budget deficits
71990s political economic transitions
Financial tools Lendinggtdebt crisis
Tax cuts Budget deficits
82000s political economic transitions
Financial tools Lendinggtdebt crisis
Tax cuts Budget deficits
9Progression of reforms
Pressure on Public services
DEVELOPING Structural adjustment reforms Plus
military coups or war gt weak states
DEVELOPED Tax cuts Budget deficits
Reduced public spending Staff cuts service cuts
Public services deteriorate
Privatization by stealth Outsourcing
Contracting out Public-private partnerships Privat
e financing initiatives
Direct privatization Sale or issue of shares in
public Company (telecom, utilities)
Increased private sector dominance of economy
10Impact on workers
1. Loss of public sector jobs
2. Worsening of employment conditions
- Increase in short-term, part-time employment
- Lower wages
- Loss of benefits
3. Worsening of working conditions
- Larger workloads
- Greater workplace hazards
11Consequences of commercialization
- Public services
- basic rights commodities for
sale - 1. Decreased access to public services
- 2. Generalized deterioration in quality of
services - 3. Increases in costs
- 4. Reduced democratic accountability
- Access to and quality of public services received
- depend on economic status, increasing
inequalities -
Survey of 59 countries Source
World Bank staff calculations
13Global economic crisis challenges and
- OPPORTUNITY Push for growth of public sector
- The crisis exposes the structural flaws of the
private sector, its limitations and failures. - Opportunity to explain private sector
limitations and offer alternatives - b) Public investment in publicly owned services
and infrastructure to promote growth in a way
that ensures public accountability and pursuit of
social goals
- CHALLENGE The crisis puts public services at
further risk - Renewed push to cut public services due to
resources devoted to financial rescue and
decreased revenues due to reduced tax base - Argument that crisis broke because structural
reforms were not complete
14Goals of this meeting
ANALYSIS 1) Develop an updated global picture
of the policies and strategies being used to
promote privatization, the form they take in each
sub-region, and the forces behind
them. STRATEGY 2) Share experiences (positive
and negative) with the host of strategies that
unions have pursued to deal with the many aspects
of privatization. 3) Identify concrete steps we
can pursue nationally, regionally and globally to
better respond to the challenge of
privatization/marketization of municipal
services. 4) Develop teams and networks to
better organize effective responses and to
advance in the achievement of quality municipal
15Plan for this meeting
- Develop a clear picture of trends and actors
- a) Outcomes of 30 years experience - Warner
- Factors influencing decisions on private or
public - b) Forces behind privatization - Hall
- GROUP DISCUSSION identify targets for our
efforts means to influence them
- 2. Develop a picture of successful union
strategies - a) Political actions - Sternatz
- b) Alliances with communities/users of services
- Tokumo - c) Union alternatives for reform of Municipal
services - Butcher - GROUP DISCUSSION identify universal elements of
successful strategies
The WIN strategy example of a systematic
- 3. Global activities and how we organize to
pursue them - GROUP DISCUSSION specific global targets and
activities to impact them - development of teams and networks
16100 years of difference
PSI Founded by 17 44,000 members 20
million members Delegates 6 countries 161
17Dr. Jorge R. Mancillas Jorge.mancillas_at_world-psi.o
rg (33) 450 40 11 50