Techniques of Molecular Biology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Techniques of Molecular Biology


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Techniques of Molecular Biology

Chapter 20
Techniques of Molecular
??1? ?? 200332540269
  • Introduction(p.647)
  • Nucleic Acids(p.648)
  • Proteins(p.672)

  • Understanding how the genetic processes of the
    cell work requires powerful,and complementary
    experimental approaches including the use of
    suitable model organisms in which the tools of
    genetic analysis are available.

  • Methods for separating individual macromolecules
    from the myriad mixtures found in the cell,and
    for dissecting the genome specific DNA sequences

  • Using computational or computational or
    bioinformatics approaches,to undertake
    large-scale genomic comparisons of both the
    cosing and noncoding regions of various
  • The methods of molecular biology depend upon,and
    were developed from,an understanding of the
    properties of biological macromolecules

  • A NOTE
  • It is important to appreciate that when we talk
    about isolating and purifying a given
    macromolecule in the ensuing discussion we rarely
    mean that a single molecule is isolated.rather,the
    goal of these procedures is to isolate a large
    population of identical molecules from all of the
    other kinds of molecules in cell

1.1 Electrophoresis through a Gel separates DNA
and RNA Molecules According to Size
  • This part is devoted to techniques for the
    manipulation and characterization of nucleic
    acids,from the isolation of RNAs and DNAs to the
    sequencing of entire genomes and comparative

  • Gel electrophoresis (????) separation of DNA and
    RNA molecules.Linear DNA molecules separate
    according to size when subject to an electric
    field through a gel matrix(an inert,jello-like
    porous material)??

  • DNA molecules are flexible and occupy an
    effective volume pores in the gel matrix sieve
    the DNA molecules according to this volumelarge
    molecules migrate more slowly through the gel
    because they have a larger effective volume than
    do smaller DNAs,and thus have more difficulty
    passing through the interstices of the gel.
  • Different sizes are separated because they moved
    different distances through the gel.

Figure 20-1 DNA separation by gel electrophoresis
  • After electrophoresis is complete
  • DNA molecules can be visualized by staining the
    gel with fluorescent dyes(such as ethidium????)

  • Two alternative kinds of gel matrices
  • Polyacrylamide(?????)has high resolving
    capability but can separate DNAs only over a
    narrow size range. Can resolve DNAs that differ
    from each other in size by as little as a single
    base pair but only with molecules of up to
    several hundred base pairs.
  • Agarose(???)has less resolving power than
    polyacrylamide but can separate from one another
    DNA molecules of up to tens,and even hundreds,of

  • Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis(????????)very
    long DNAs be resolved from one another if the
    electric field is applied in pulses that are
    oriented orthogonally to each other.figure20-2

  • Each time the orientation of the electric field
    changes,the DNA molecule,snaking its way through
    the gel,reorient to the direction of the new
    field.the larger the DNA,the longer it takes to
  • This can be used to determine the size of entire
    bacterial chromosomes and chromosomes of lower

Figure 20-2 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis
  • ??

  • Electrophoresis separates DNA molecules according
    to their molecular weight,shape topological
    properties. (figure 6-26)
  • It is used to separate RNAs.RNAs have a uniform
    negative charge,but RNA usually single-stranded
    and have extensive secondary and tertiary deal with this ,RNAs can be treated
    with reagents to prenvent the formation of base

Figure 6-26 schematic of electrophoretic
separation of DNA topoisomers.
1.2 Restriction Endonucleases Cleave DNA
Molecules at Particular Sites
  • Restriction endonucleasesnucleases that cleave
    DNA at particular sites by the recognition of
    specific sequences.
  • Restriction enzymes used in molecular biology
    typically recognize short(4-8bp) target
    sequences,usually palindromic,and cut at a
    defined position within those suquences.

  • Example
  • EcoR1 recognizes and cleaves the sequence
    5-GAATTC-3(figure 20-3)
  • Sau3A1 recognizes an octameric sequence5-GCGGCCGC
    -3 and cut.(table 20-1)

Figure 20-3 Digestion of a DNA fragment with
endonuclease EcoRI
Table 20-1 Some Restriction Endonucleases and
Their Recognition Sequences
Enzyme Sequence Cut frequency
Sau3A1 5-GATC-3 0.25kb
EcoR1 5-GATTC-3 4kb
Not1 5-GCGGCCGC-3 65kb
Figure 20-4 Recognition sequences and cut sites
of various endonucleases
  • Different endonucleases recognize different
    traget sites,cut at different positions within
    those sites. Molecules with blunt ends or with
    5or 3 overhanging ends can be generated.

Figure 20-5 Cleavage of an EcoRI site
1.3 DNA Hybridization Can Be Used to Identify
Specific DNA Molecules
  • Hybridization(??)
  • The capacity of denatured to reanneal allows for
    the formation of hybrid molecules homologous,
    denatured DNAs from two different sources are
    mixed with each other under the appropriate
    conditions of ionic strength and temperature. the
    process of base-pairing between complementary
    single-stranded polynucleotides from two
    different sources.

  • Probe(??)be used to search mixtures of nucleic
    acids for molecules containing a complementary
    sequence. The pro DNA must be labeled so that it
    can be readily located once it had found its
    target sequence.

  • There are two basic methods for labeling DNA.the
    first involves synthesizing new DNA in the
    presence of a labeled precursorthe other
    involved adding a label to the end of an intact
    DNA molecule.

1.4 Hybridization Probes Can Identify
Electrophoretically Separated DNAs and RNAs
  • Southern blot hybridization(????)identify within
    the smear the size of the particular fragment
    containing your gene of interest.
  • The cut DNA that has been separated by gel
    electrophoresis is soaked in alkali to denature
    the double-stranded DNA fragments.transferred to
    a positively-charged membrane.
  • The DNA bound to the membrane incubated with
    probe DNA containing a sequence complementary to
    a sequence within the gene of interest.

  • Autoradiogram(?????)on the blot the probe
    hybridizes detected by a variety of films or
    other media that are sensitive to the light or
    electrons emitted by the labeled DNA .

Figure 20-6 A Southern Blot
  • Northern blot hybridization be used to identify a
    particular mRNA in a population of RNAs.
  • Use northern blot hybridization to ask how much
    more mRNA of a specific type is present in a cell
    treated with an inducer of the gene in question
    compared to an uninduced cell.

1.5 Isolation of Specific Segments of DNA
  • Much of the molecular analysis of genes and their
    function requires the separation of specific
    segments of DNA from much larger DNA molecules,
    and their selective.
  • DNA cloning and amplification by PCR have become
    essential tools in asking questions about the
    control of gene expression and maintenance of the

1.6 DNA Cloning
  • DNA cloningto construct recombinant DNA
    molecules and maintain them in cells.
  • This process typically involves a vector that
    provides the information necessary to propagate
    the cloned DNA in the cell and an insert DNA that
    is inserted within the vector and includes the
    DNA of interest

1.7 Cloning DNA in Plasmid Vectors
  • The DNA fragment must be inserted within that
    second DNA molecule to be replicated in a host
  • Vector DNAs typically have three characteristics
  • They contain an origin of replication that allows
    them to replicate independently of the chromosome
    of the host.
  • They contain a selectable marker that allows
    cells that contain the vector to be readily
  • They have single sites for one or more
    restriction enzymes.this allows DNA fragments to
    be inserted at a defined point within an
    otherwise intact vector.

  • Plasmids(??)the most common vectors are small
    circular DNA molecules. Derived from circular DNA
    molecules. Found naturally in many bacteria and
    single-cell eukaryotes.
  • Two characteristics
  • Can propagate independently in the host,carry a
    selectable marker.
  • Present in multiple copies per cell. This
    increases the amount of DNA that can be isolated
    from a population.

  • To insert a fragment of DNA into a vector is a
    relatively simple process(figure 20-7)
  • Restriction enzyme linearize the plasmid.
  • A restriction enzyme cleaved a target DNA to
    generate potential insert DNAs,vector DNA has
    been cut with the same enzyme.
  • DNA ligase to link the compatible ends of the two

Figure 20-7 Cloning in a plasmid vector
  • Some vectors not only allow the isolation and
    purification of a particular DNA,but also drive
    the expression of genes within the insert DNA.
  • These plasmids are called expression vectors
  • Used to express heterologous or mutant genes to
    assess their function.
  • Used to produce large amounts of a protein for

1.8 Vector DNA Can Be Introduced into Host
Organisms by Transformation
  • Transformation is the process by which a host
    organism can take up DNA from its environment.
  • The bacteric have genetic competence means do
    transformation naturally.

  • Transformation generally is a relatively
  • It is this low efficiency of transformation that
  • Makes necessary selection with the antibiotic.
  • Also ensures ,in most cases,each cell receives
    only a single molecule of DNA.

1.9 Libraries of DNA Molecules Can Be Created by
  • A DNA library(??)is a population of identical
    vectors that each contains a different DNA
    insert.Figure 20-8
  • Genomic libraries(?????) derived from total
    genomic DNA cleaved with a restriction enzyme.

  • Reverse transcription(???) to enrich for coding
    sequences in the library,a cDNA library is
    used.Figure 20-9
  • mRNA is converted into DNA sequence.performed by
    a special DNA polymerase that can make DNA from
    an RNA template.mRNA sequences can be converted
    into double-stranded DNA-----cDNAs.

  • Figure 20-8 Construction of a DNA library

Figure 20-9 Constuction of a cDNA library
  • ?
  • ?

1.10 Hybridization Can Be Used to Identify a
Specific Clone in a DNA Library
  • Using a DNA probe whose sequence matches part of
    the gene of interest.such a probe can be used to
    identify colonies of cells harboring clones
    containing that region of the gene.
  • Colony hybridization a labeled DNA probe id used
    to screen a library.

1.11 Chemically Synthesized Oligonucleotides
  • Phosphoamidines the most common methods of
    chemical synthesis are performed on solid
    supports using machines that automate the
    process. The precursors used for nucleotide
    addition are chemically protected
    molecules.Figure 20-10

  • Site-directed mutagenesis the oligonucleotide is
    hybridized to the cloned fragment,and used to
    prime DNA synthesis with the cloned DNA as
    template. A double-stranded molecule with one
    mismatch id made. The two strands are then
    separated and that with the desired mismatch
    amplified further.

Figure 20-10 Protonated phosphoramidite
  • ?
  • ?

1.12 The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Amplifies DNAs by Repeated Rounds of DNA
Replication in Vitro
  • The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) ?????? is a
    powerful method for amplifying particular
    segments of DNA,distinct from cloning and
    propagation within a host cell.

  • PCR uses the enzyme DNA polymerase that directs
    the synthesis of DNA from deoxynucleotide
    substrates on a single-stranded DNA template.

  • Steps
  • The DNA template is denatured by heating and
    annealed with synthetic oligonucleotide primer
    corresponding to the boundaries of the DNA
    sequence to be amplified.
  • Annealed with primers and used as a template for
    a fresh round of DNA synthesis.
  • DNA will have been synthesized by DNA polymerase.

  • Figure 20-11 Polymerase chain reaction

  • Repeated rounds of DNA duplication-whether
    carried out by cycles of cell division or cycles
    of DNA synthesis in vitro-amplify tiny samples of
    DAN into large quantities.
  • In cloning often rely on a selective reagent or
    other device to locate the amplified sequence in
    an already existing library of clones.
  • In PCR the selective reagent ,the pair of
    oligonucleotides, limits the qmplification
    process to the particular DNA sequence of
    interest from the beginning.

1.13 Nested Sets of DNA Fragments Reveal
Nucleotide Sequences
  • Sequenators(?????) is a automatic sequencing
  • To nested sets of DNA molecules created, one
    methods is chain-terminating nucleotides(????)

Figure 20-12 Dideoxynucleotides used in DNA
Figure 20-13 Chain termination in the presence of
Figure 20-14 DNA sequencing by the chain
termination method
Figure 20-15 DNA sequencing gel
1.14 Shotgun Sequencing a Bacterial Genome
  • DNA was prepared from individual recombinant DNA
    colonies and separately sequenced on Sequenators
    using the dideoxy method is called shotgun.
  • This method might seem tedious,but it is
    considerably faster and less expensive than the
    techniques that were originally envisioned.
  • Figure 20-17

1.15 The Shotgun Strategy Permits a Partial
Assembly of Large
  • The automated sequencing machines are efficient.
  • To determine the complete sequence of the average
    human chromosome it is necessary to generate a
    large number of sequencing reads from many shot
    DNA fragmentsFigure20-16

Figure 20-16 Strategy for construction and
sequencing of whole genome libraries
  • Recombinant DNA, containing a random portion of a
    human chromosome , can be rapidly isolated from
    bacterial plasmids and then quickly sequenced
    using the automated sequencing machines.
  • Contigs the short sequences from random shotgun
    DNAs into larger contiguous sequences.
  • Reads containing identical sequences are assumed
    to overlap and are joined to from larger

Figure 20-17 Contigs are linked by sequencing the
ends of large DNA fragments
1.16 The Paired-End Strategy Permits the Assmbly
of Large
  • A major limitation to producing larger contigs is
    the occurrence of repetitive DNAs. Such sequences
    complicate the assembly process since random DNA
    fragments from unlinked regions of a chromosome
    or genome mighe appear to over due to the
    presence of the same repetitive DNA sequence. One
    method that is used to overcome this difficulty
    id called paired-end sequencing.

  • BAC(bacterial artificial chromosome) a special
    cloning vector to obtain paired-end sequence data
    from large DAN fragments that are at least 100kb
    in length.
  • The use of BACs often permits the assignment of
    multiple contigs into a single scaffold of
    several megabases.figure 20-17

1.17 Genome-Wide Analyses
  • Bioinformatics tools are required to identify
    genes and determine the genetic composition of
  • Computer programs have been developed that
    identify potential protein coding genes through a
    variety of sequence criteria,including the
    occurrence of extended open-reading frames that
    are flanked by appropriate 5and 3splice
    sites.Figure 20-18

  • These methods not 100 accuracy.
  • The most important method for calidating
    predicted protein coding genes and identifying
    those missed by current gent finder programs id
    the use of cDNA sequence dataFigure 20-18.cDNAs
    are generated by reverse transcriptionFigure
    20-19 from mature mRNAs and hence represent bona
    fide exon sequences. The cDANs are used to
    generate EST (expressed sequence taga short
    sequence read from a large cDNA) date.

Figure 20-18 Gene finder methodsanalysis of
protein-coding regions in ciona
Figure 20-19 Synteny in the mouse and human
1.18 Comparative Genome Analysis
  • Comparative analysis helps identify short exons,
    some located near the 5end of the gene and the
    core promoter, that are often missed by gene
    prediction programs.
  • One of the striking findings of comparative
    genome analysis is the high degree of synteny,
    conservation in genetic linkage, between
    distantly related animals.

Figure 20-19 synteny in the mouse and human
  • The most commonly used genome tool is BLAST
    (basic local alignment search tool).
  • 3 steps in this process
  • you are asked which program you wish to use.
  • To select a dataset.
  • The results of the search are usually obtained in
    less than a minute.
  • (the publicly available fly BLAST web site

Figure 20-21 example of a BLAST search
The results of the search -----p672
  • The availability of whole genome swquences for an
    increasing number of animals is providing a
    rapidly expanding database for comparative
    genomics. The exon-intron nature of eukaryotic
    genes and the lack of strict sequence constraints
    in noncoding elements create formidable
    challenges to the identification of
    protein-coding sequences and regulatory elements
    by computational approaches. New and more
    effective tools of bioinformatics will be
    required to fully epxploit the treasure trove of
    information that is being generated by automated
    DAN sequencing.

2.1 Specific Proteins Can Be Purified from Cell
  • The purification of individual proteins is
    critical to understanding their function.
  • The purification of a protein is designed to
    exploit its unique characteristics, including
    size, charge, shape, and in many

2.2 Purification of a Protein Requires a Specific
  • A DNA or RNA polymerase be assayed by adding the
    appropriate template and radioactive nucleotide
    precursor to a crude extract to label DNA.
  • Incorporation assay are useful for monitoring
    the purification and function of many different
    enzymes catalyzing the synthesis of polymers.

2.3 Preparation of Cell Extracts Containing
Active Proteins
  • The starting material for almost all protein
    purifications are extracts derived from cells.
  • Cells can be lysed by detergent, shearing
    forces, treatment with low ionic salt, or rapid
    changes in pressure, to weaken and break the
    membrane surrounding the cell to allow proteins
    to escape.

2.4 Proteins Can Be Separated from One Another
Using Column Chromatography
  • Column chromatography(????)The most common method
    for protein purification. Protein fractions are
    passed through glass columns filled with
    appropriately modified small acrylamide(?????) or
    agarose(???) beads. Separate proteins on the
    basis of their charge or size, respectively.

Figure 20-22 lon exchange and gel filtration
  • Lon exchange chromatography(??????)the proteins
    are separated by their surface ionic charge using
    beads that are modified with either
    positively-charged chemical groups.

  • Gel filtration chromatography(??????) separates
    proteins on basis of size and shape.
  • Small proteins can enter all the pores and, can
    access more of the column and take longer to
  • Large proteins can access less of the column and
    elute more rapidly..

2.5 Affinity Chromatography Can Facilitate More
Rapid Protein Purification
  • Specific knowledge of a protein can frequently be
    exploited to purify a protein more rapidly.

  • Immunoaffinity chromatography(??????) very common
    form of protein affinity chromatography.
  • An antibody that is specific for the target
    protein is attached to beads. Antibody will
    interact only with the intended target protein
    and allow all other proteins to pass through the
    beads . The bound protein can then be eluted from
    the column.

  • Adding short additional amino acid sequences to
    the beginning(N-terminus) or the end (C-terminus)
    of a target protein. Add to the modified proteins
    that assist in their purification.
  • Epitopes (a sequence of 7-10 amino acids
    recognized by an antibody) allow the modified
    protein to be purified using immunoaffinity
    purification and a heterologous antibody that is
    specific for the added epitope.

  • Immunoprecipitation (????) used to rapidly purify
    proteins or protein complexes from crude
  • Precipitation is achieved by attaching the
    antibody to the same type of bead used in column
    chromatography. Rapidly sink to the antibody.

2.6 Separation of Proteins on Polyacrylamide Gels
  • Sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) a protein, treated
    with the strong ionic detergent, behaves as an
    unstructured polymer.
  • With mixtures of DNA and RNA, electrophoresis in
    the presence of SDS can be used to resolve
    mixtures of proteins according to the length of
    individual polypeptide chains. After
    electrophoresis, the proteins can be visualized
    with a stain

2.7 Antibodies Visualize Electrophoretically-Separ
ated Proteins
  • Immunoblotting(?????) steps
  • Electrophoretically separated proteins are
    transferred and bound to a filter.
  • Incubated in a solution of an antibody that had
    been raised against an individual purified
    protein of interest. The antibody finds the
    corresponding protein on the filter to which it
  • A chromogenic enzyme id used to visualize the
    filter-bound antibody.

2.8 Protein Molecules Can Be Directly Sequenced
  • Protein molecules can also be sequenced, the
    linear order of amino acids in a protein chain
    can be directly ditermined.

  • Two widely used methods for determining protein
  • Edman degradation
  • a chemical reaction in which the amino acids
    residues are sequentially released for the
    N-terminus of a polypeptide chain.

  • Figure 20-23 protein sequencing by edman

  • Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS)
  • the mass of very small samples of a material
    can be determined with great accuracy.
  • The principle is that material travels through
    the instrument in a manner that is sensitive to
    its mass/charge ratio.

  • Figure 20-24 analysis of the proteome by 2D
    electrophoresis and mass spectrometry

2.9 Proteomics
  • The availability of whole genome sequences in
    combination with analytic methods for protein
    separation and identification has ushered in the
    field of proteomics.
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