Title: Cath DB ?? ??
1- Cath DB ?? ??
- Admission data
- AMI data
- Discharge data
- Clinical Follow-Up data
- Presented by ???, choijinh_at_yahoo.com
21. ? ?? ??
32. ?? ???? ??
4List ?? ?? ? ?? ??
53. Admission ?? ?? ? ??? ??
6Admission data
Status Outpatient referral ???? ?? Emergency
department ????? ?? Transfer-Acute care
facility ??? ???/CCU/ICU?? ??? ??
Transfer-Non-Acute care facility ??? ???? ??? ??
7Medication data
8History Risk factor
? ????? ?? DM ?? ????? ???? ?? (fasting
glucose gt 140 or HbA1C gt 6.5) HT ?? ?????
???? ?? CRF creatinine gt 2.0 mg/dL Smoking
?? ?? ?? ???? Current smoker Dyslipidemia Meno
pause Previous chronic lung disease ????? ????
?? ??? ??? FHx Premature CAD male lt 45 yr,
female lt 55 yr
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11Clinical diagnosis
???? No Sx/No Angina ??? ??? ???? ??????? ???
?? (????, pre-transplantation W/U
?) Atypical Chest Pain ??????? ???? ?? (???? lt
50) Stable Angina ????? ???? (gt50) ?? ACS
Unstable Angina troponin ?? ?? ?? ?? ACS
Non-STEMI troponin ?? ACS STEMI troponin ??,
ST ?? ?? Silent ischemia ????? ????? ??? ??
12Unstable angina classification
Severity by resting chest pain Severity by resting chest pain Clinical circumstances Clinical circumstances Clinical circumstances
Severity by resting chest pain Severity by resting chest pain A B C
Severity by resting chest pain Severity by resting chest pain Secondary to extracardiac condition primary Post-MI (lt 2 wk)
II 48 hr 1 month IIA IIB IIC
III lt 48 hr IIIA IIIB troponin (-) IIIB troponin () IIIC
13Non-invasive test
?? negative positive equivocal incomplete cf
) old MI ???? ?? ? ?? SPECT reversible
perfusion defect () TMT typical ST
depression or elevation DSE reversible
regional wall motion abnormality
MRI evidence of myocardial ischemia (decreased
myocardial perfusion ) coronary
CT significant coronary artery stenosis (gt50)
or evidence of myocardial ischemia (decreased
myocardial perfusion )
14Lab data
15(No Transcript)
16AMI data
17AMI data - time
Cath Lab
ST resolution time
Chest pain ()
Cath Lab Arrival Time
Sx Onset Time
ER arrival time
Thrombolysis time (needle time)
First balloon time
Door-to-Needle time
Door-to-Balloon time
18AMI data, clinical
Killip class 1, 2, 3, 4 AMI PCI Primary PCI
PCI ? reperfusion ?? Rescue PCI failed
thrombolysis ? PCI ? reperfusion ?? Facilitated
PCI ????? thrombolysis ? PCI ? reperfusion
?? (Salvage PCI)
19AMI LV data
LV data Echo, MRI, CT, (LVG) 16 vs 17
segment LV function normal, hypokinesia,
akinesia, dyskinesia
20Discharge status
CABG No CABG Elective pre-planned Urgent lt
24 hr Emergent immediate Salvage CPR
() Transferred for CABG
21Clinical Follow-Up
22Definition of PCI-related terms TVF, TVR, TLR
TVF (target vessel failure) TVR, cardiac death,
or MI not clearly attributed to a vessel other
than the target vessel.
Death or MI of this vessel
TVR (target vessel revascularization) target
vessel revascularization non-TLR
TLR (target lesion revascularization) clinically
-driven revascularization of target lesion
23How to obtain clinical follow-up
Clinical follow-up MACE (major adverse cardiac
event) ? ?? ?? ??? ??/?? ?? revascularization
MACE (major adverse cardiac event)
(clinically-driven) revascularization
24How to obtain clinical follow-up
(1) ???? ?? ???, ??? ???/????, ???? ??? (2)
??? ???? (?? ??) ????(??) ? ??? (3) ?? ??
(???? ??!)