Title: WRF/Chem : Simultaneous prediction of weather and air quality
1WRF/Chem Simultaneous prediction of weather and
air quality
- Georg Grell
- Directly involved in WRF/CHEM development
- Steven Peckham (NOAA/FSL), Rainer Schmitz (U. of
Chile, IMK-IFU), and Stu McKeen (NOAA/AL) - Many more national and international collaborators
2Structure of talk
- Status of WRF/chem
- First shot at evaluation of WRFV2/Chem
Comparison of WRFV2 with WRFV1/chem, other
models, and observations during NEAQS2004 - Future WRF/chem plans at FSL and WG11
Georg Grell (lead), NOAA/FSL Peter Hess (lead), NCAR Carmen M. Benkovitz, Brookhaven National LabDaewon W. Byun, University of HoustonGreg Carmichael, University of IowaJohn McHenry, North Carolina Kenneth L. Schere, EPAPai-Yei, Whung, NOAAStu McKeen, NOAA/AL Bill Skamarock NCARRainer Schmitz, University of Chile and IMK-IFU Doug Westphal (NRL) Jon Pleim, NOAA,ARL,EPA Jerome Fast (PNNL) Jeff McQueen (NCEP/NWS)
Mission The mission of the atmospheric chemistry
working group is to guide the development of the
capability to simulate chemistry and aerosols
online as well as offline within the WRF
model. The resulting WRF-chem model will have
the option to simulate the coupling between
dynamics, radiation and chemistry. Uses include
forecasting chemical-weather, testing air
pollution abatement strategies, planning and
forecasting for field campaigns, analyzing
measurements from field campaigns and the
assimilation of satellite and in-situ chemical
measurements. Interaction with other WRF
Groups The initial development of WRF-chem is
involved with the Numerics and Model Dynamics
(WG1), Model Physics (WG11), and Land Surface
Modeling (WG14). Current Status of
WRF/CHEM Model Evaluation Future Plans Real-time
Air Quality Forecasts from WRF/CHEM
This page developed by Bill Moninger and Randy
Collander.Model questions should be directed to
Georg Grell and Steve Peckham.Last modified
Thursday July 24, 2003 053106 PM
4WRF/chem (chemistry similar to MM5/chem )
- As of now Online, sometimes also called
inline - Completely embedded within WRF CI
- Consistent all transport done by meteorology
model - Same vertical and horizontal coordinates (no
horizontal and vertical interpolation) - Same physics parameterization for subgrid scale
transport - No interpolation in time
- Easy handling (Data management)
- Most efficient (overall CPU costs)
5Chemistry package - Transport
- WRF grid-scale transport of all species
(currently mass core, mass and scalar conserving
5th order in space, 3rd order in time) - a version of PPM (both positive definite and more
efficient, but less accurate) is now also
available within mass core - Subgrid-scale transport by turbulence
- Subgrid-scale transport by convection
6Sub-grid transport
- PBL MY2.5 mixing
- Soil/veg/snow any available WRF routine
Convective transport based on new Grell/Devenyi
ensemble scheme
7For tracer transport, the closure of the
convective scheme is simply
- Parameterized rainfall rate from any of the WRF
convective parameterizations
8 An ensemble of feedback assumptions is used
This makes it possible to tune the vertical
redistribution of chemical species by
subgrid-scale convection
9Current Chemistry Package
- Dry deposition (coupled with soil/veg scheme,
flux-resistance analogy) - Wet deposition by convective parameterization
- Biogenic emissions (as in Simpson et al. 1995 and
Guenther et al. 1994), include temperature and
radiation dependent emissions of isoprene,
monoterpenes, also nitrogen emissions by soil - May be calculated online based on USGS landuse
10Current Chemistry Package
- Chemical mechanism from RADM2 (Quasi Steady State
Approximation method with 22 diagnosed, 3
constant, and 38 (!) predicted species is used
for the numerical solution), RACM (60 !!
predicted species or more) to be released soon - Photolysis (Madronich), coupled with hydrometeors
and aerosols
- Based on Modal Aerosol Dynamics Model for Europe
(MADE, Ackermann et al. 1998) - Modified to include Secondary Organic Aerosols
(SOA), (Schell et al. 2001) - Extra transport total number of aerosol
particles within each mode as well as all primary
and secondary species for Aitken as well as
Accumulation mode - Diagnostic 3D variables PM2.5, PM10, 3 variables
for interaction with photolysis and atmospheric
- Modal representation three modes (Aitken,
Accumulation, Coarse), using log-normal
distributions - Inorganic chemistry based on MARS (Saxena et al.
1986) - Organic chemistry based on SORGAM (Schell et al.
2001), anthropogenic and biogenic precursors are
treated seperatly (for use with RADM2 chemistry
biogenic precursors and their particle
concentrations are set to zero, RACM will soon be
tested) - Dynamics include nucleation, condensational
growth, and coagulation
13Aerosol/radiation feedback through three variables
- Dry scattering aerosol mass (organic and
inorganic mass without soot) - Dry absorbing aerosol mass, soot only
- Aerosol liquid water content
- Absorption of (3) so far neglected
Needs Improvement
14New Stuff for WRFV2 Chemical Mechanism,
Chemical Solver
- RACM chemistry with implicit Seulex solver
- Seulex solver generated using KPP (mass
conserving) - 73 species (49 transported species)
- 237 reactions
- Much better biogenics (important for SOA
formation, also for Ozone) - First step towards generalization (split of
mechanism/ solver, KPP generation of solver) - KPP offers adjoint generation
15Implementation of BEIS3 in WRFV2-Chem
Based on EPA BEIS3 v11 for SMOKE processor
BELD3 1km gridded vegetation
WRF T, P, shortwave flux
Speciated gridded emissions at each emissions
Reference emission factors
RADM/RACM speciation factors
Speciated reference emissions on WRF-Chem grid
RACM species emitted by BEIS3 ISO, API, LIM,
16Example of WRF-Chem BEIS3 Processing 27 km grid,
040609 0Z forecast
Reference Isoprene Emissions
Isoprene Emissions on 040609 at 17Z
17Physics and Chemistry Interface Design
- Flexible for use in different dynamical cores
- Plug compatible - few places to modify
- if adding scheme
- Model layer separated no parallelization code
- in physics or chemistry
18Organization of chemistry within WRF
Biogenic emissions
Solve Met
anthropogenic emissions
Species advection
Dry deposition driver
TKE turbulent diffusion
Convective transport
Photolysis driver
chemical mechanism driver
Aerosols driver
Solve interface
chemistry Driver
19Lined up for inclusion in the WRFV2/chem
repository (coming very very soon)
- YSU PBL scheme (PNNL)
- New advection scheme (version of PPM, NCAR)
- CBMZ Chemical mechanism (PNNL)
- MOSAIC sectional aerosol module (with 4 or 8
bins, PNNL) - FAST-J photolysis routine (PNNL)
20Coming Soon
- SMOKE emissions Model (BAMS)
- More aerosol modules, two upgrades to MADE/SORGAM
(BAMS, Germany) - Fast Ozone solver (no aerosols for this one,
CHILE) - More chemical mechanisms (NCAR, Chile)
- Offline version (CDAC in India)
- Simple cloud oxidation scheme (NCAR and AL)
- Plume rise subroutine (AL)
- Photolysis routines from NCAR
- NCEPs NMM core (for met)
21Coming not so soon
- More sectional aerosol choices (EPA/ARL, NCSU)
- Coupling aerosols/microphysics (NCAR, PNNL)
- More chemical mechanisms (NCSU, EPA/ARL, NCAR)
- Aqueous phase chemistry (NCAR)
- More radiation schemes that include aerosols
interactions (PNNL) - Data assimilation (U IOWA)
22How to look at model output?
- RIP (developed at U of Washington for MM5 and
WRF, uses NCAR graphics) - VIS5D
- FX-Net (for real-time forecasting, based on NWS
AWIPS workstations)
23FX-Net User Interface
- Imitates the AWIPS
- User Interface
- Functionality
- - Load
- - Animation
- - Overlay/Toggle
- - Zoom
- - Swap
24FX-net is now completed
25How do you get chemical input conditions?
- No 3-d observations available
- Most species are not even available on surface
- ????
26Chemical model input the solution
- You forecast your initial fields (works
reasonable well since chemistry is very dependent
on emissions input data) - You keep your boundary conditions constant,
except during outflow
There may be a need for data assimilation systems
to be developed in the near future to make use of
the ever increasing amount of Satellite data.
3dvar, 4dvar, OSSEs?
27More on chemical model input
- Anthropogenic emissions data are very important
for model simulations - Yet they are highly uncertain!! In some instances
they have been off by an order of magnitude!
Both, 3DVAR and 4DVAR can be used to nail down
emissions better, also ensemble forecasts may
have a large roll in the future!!
28Possible applications of current modeling system
- Prediction and simulation of weather, or regional
or local climate - Coupled weather prediction/dispersion model to
simulate release and transport of constituents - Coupled weather/dispersion/air quality model with
full interaction of chemical species with
prediction of O3, UV radiation, as well as PM
29WRF/Chemverification and evaluation
- NEAQS 2004 WRFV2/Chem, WRFV1/chem, also 5 other
AQ forecast models, Ozone and PM
30WRFV2/chem evaluation has started
- NEAQS2004 field experiment
- WRFV2/Chem was run with 27km and 12km horizontal
resolution, WRFV1/Chem with 27km - 7 models were used to produce ensemble forecast
- Aircraft, Radiosondes, Boundary layer profilers,
and other observations will allow verification
and evaluation in 3d
31Simulation Domains during July and August
- D01
- 110x135x35_at_ 27 km horiz. res.
- WRFV1/Chem and WRFV2/Chem
32Available model forecasts
- WRFV1/Chem 36hr runs twice daily (very
reliable, has been running for almost 2 years) - WRFV2/Chem27km 72 hour simulations at 00z, 60hr
simulations at 12z - WRFV2/Chem12km 36 hour twice daily
- Both WRFV2 runs had a significant amount of
misses (switch from V1 to V2 happened just before
the beginning of the experiment), these holes
were filled after the experiment
All evaluations are for WRFV1 and WRFV2-27km
33Model Input
- RUC20 3dvar analysis, including cloud analysis
- ETA forecasts for boundary conditions
- 12-hr forecasts for chemical fields
34Real-time Model Configuration
- Scheme _
- Advection
- Microphysics
- Longwave rad.
- Shortwave rad.
- Surface layer
- Land-surface
- PBL scheme
- Cumulus
- Photolysis
- Chemistry
- Aerosols
- Biogenics
- Anthropogenic emissions
- WRFV1-Chem _
- 5th horiz. / 3rd vert.
- NCEP 5-class ice
- Dudhia
- Monin-Obukhov (Eta)
- M.-Y.-J. 2.5 TKE (Eta)
- B.-M.-J.
- Madronich (1987)
- USGS based
- 96
35Real-time Model Configuration
- Scheme _
- Advection
- Microphysics
- Longwave rad.
- Shortwave rad.
- Surface layer
- Land-surface
- PBL scheme
- Cumulus
- Photolysis
- Chemistry
- Aerosols
- Biogenics
- Anthropogenic emissions
- WRFV2-Chem _
- 5th horiz. / 3rd vert.
- NCEP 5-class ice
- Dudhia
- Monin-Obukhov (Eta)
- M.-Y.-J. 2.5 TKE (Eta)
- Grell-Devenyi ensemble
- Madronich (1987)
- Beis3
- 99
36Ozone monitors
Distribution of 8hr max Ozone values (observed)
37Ozone 8hr average comparison
38Statistics for 8 Air Quality Forecast Modelswith
342 AIRNOW O3 monitors(7/6/04 through 7/29/04 -
24 days) Statistics for maximum 8-hr averages,
based on 00Z forecasts only. Medians of 342
monitor comparisons
Institute, model, horiz. resolution r coefficent Mean bias RMSE
NOAA FSL, WRF/Chem-1, 27km 0.66 14.4 ppb 20.8 ppb
NOAA FSL, WRF/Chem-2, 27km 0.65 3.5 ppb 12.4 ppb
Baron AMS, MAQSIP, 15km 0.64 2.9 ppb 10.6 ppb
Baron AMS, MAQSIP, 45km 0.62 4.5 ppb 11.4 ppb
MSC Canada, CHRONOS, 21km 0.62 18.6 ppb 24.0 ppb
NWS/NCEP, CMAQ/ETA, 12km 0.53 9.3 ppb 14.9 ppb
U of Iowa, STEM, 12km 0.52 25.3 ppb 29.6 ppb
MSC Canada, AURAMS, 42km 0.45 7.1 ppb 16.4 ppb
39PM2.5 comparison model domains
40PM stations
Obs (ug/m3)
41 PM2.5
42 Ensemble average
43(No Transcript)
44(No Transcript)
45Sorted r-correlations
46Diurnal Variations
47Evaluation quick and dirty Summary
- WRFV2/chem appears to be outperforming WRFV1/chem
(for correlations, and especially for Bias and
RMSE) - PM2.5 comparisons to surface stations at least as
good as ozone comparison - WRFV2/Chem also looks good in comparison to all
other models for ozone as well as PM forecasts - This evaluation is only first look, early
results from comparison to aircraft data already
indicate other shortcomings - 3d and met-evaluation still forthcoming
- Ensemble forecasts show best performance
48WRF/chem Current Work at NOAA/FSL
- Completing verification runs with Summer of 2004
data and assisting AL with evaluation - New advection routine
- Online/offline
- Other new repository additions (sectional
aerosol, PBL, other chemical mechanisms) - NMM core
- Add new modules into repository
- Real-time runs will continue
- Our scientists will work with scientists around
the country and the world to implement further
49Current and future work
- Data assimilation, 3dvar versus fdda, 4dvar,
enembles - Anthropogenic and biogenic emissions
- Aqueous phase chemistry coupled to
microphysics/aerosols - Applications (LES, MIRAGE, Latin America)
50Current and future work
- Much work with aerosols in country and world
- Evaluation of current module
- Working with various improved versions of current
module - Implementing new, different approaches
- Radiation feedback to meteorology
- Microphysics feedback
- Much work with chemical mechanisms
- More flexible mechanisms
- More separation of time solver
- Speed ( maybe less accurate, but maybe sufficient
for forecasting) - Anti-speed (better and more accurate chemistry)
51Current collaborations outside of NOAA
- NCAR (WRFV2, Repository, further developments on
photolysis scheme, chemical mechanisms, biogenic
emissions - PNNL (various aspects of WRF/Chem)
- IMK-IFU, and University of Chile (RACM mechanism,
Rosenbrock solver for chemistry, aerosols) - CDAC in India (offline version of WRF/Chem)
- CPTEC in Brazil (convective transport, wet