Title: Taking Travel Retail around the world
1Taking Travel Retail around the world
Eamon Foley 1st April 2011
- ARI Background History
- International Business Experience
- Travel Retail Channel
- Strategic Location and Organisation
3What is Aer Rianta International (ARI)?
- Duty Free, Duty Paid and In-Flight Retailer
- International Airport Shareholder and Operator
(Dusseldorf, Larnaca Paphos) - Subsidiary of Dublin Airport Authority
- Established in 1988 in Shannon
4Strong Financial Performance
- ARI Turnover of 10.7bn from 1988-2010
- ARI Profits of 452m from1988-2010
- ARI Turnover of 954m in 2010
- 340m cash generated for the DAA
- Debt free
- ROCE of 26
5Proud of our roots
History Duty Free Founders
Shannon 1947
Shannon 1950
6Pathfinders into new markets
- Shannon 1947
- Dubai 1983
- Moscow 1988
- Bahrain 1991
- Kiev 1992
- Beirut 1996
- Montreal 1998
- Cyprus 1998
- Cairo 2004
- Delhi 2010
7Retailing Operations
8International Experience - Background
- Operated in 20 countries (now 13)
- Predominantly emerging markets
- Often the first mover
- Some failures JFK, Karachi
9International Experience -Learnings
- Partnership
- To do or not?
- Selection process
- Relationship management
- Criteria for success
- Research the market
- Understand cultures (country, business,
individual) - Check out business infrastructure
- Set risk /reward objectives
- Risk management is critical
- People are key to success
10Travel Retail Sector Business Model
- Retail is Retail and simple
- Specialised in many respects
- Concession model
- Consumer profile
- Price advantage
- Airport environment
- Sense of place
11Travel Retail Sector Opportunities for
Indigenous Business
- Get to know the sector
- Need strong international brands or exclusive
products - Understand the operators needs
- Be innovative
- Case Studies Butlers, Shamrock Souvenirs IDL
/ Cooley
13Uisge Beatha Cyprus, Midleton Dublin T2
14Uisge Beatha
- The Uisge Beatha developed to showcase malt
whisky exclusively. - Range initially covered Scotch only
- A more international selection has emerged over
time. - Cooley selections to be listed in Cyprus are
- Cooley (Ireland) Tyrconnell, Connemara, Lockes.
15Strategic Location for International Organisation
- Head office
- Centralised or Regionalised?
- Global or Local
- Selection Criteria
- ARI Structure
- Why Shannon?