The International Organization for Migration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The International Organization for Migration


The International Organization for Migration Unaccompanied Foreign Minors: The Family Tracing Project as an additional Way to Improve the Understanding of the Phenomenon – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The International Organization for Migration

  • The International Organization for Migration
  • Unaccompanied Foreign Minors
  • The Family Tracing Project as an additional Way
    to Improve the Understanding of the Phenomenon

IOM - International Organization for Migration
  • Established in 1951
  • Main intergovernmental organization in the field
    of migration
  • 127 Member States
  • More than 445 field locations in over 100

Family Tracing Activities and Assisted Voluntary
Return of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors residing
in Italy
  • In support of the Italian Committee for the
    Foreign Minors (ICFM) in one of these duties as
    assigned by Law.
  • Based on DPCM n. 535 of the 09.12.1999 Art. 2
    Duties of the Committee
  • ..f) is tasked with all such a duties allowing
    for enhancing the identification of UAM family
    members in Italy, and in their Countries of
    Origin or in Third Countries, by cooperating with
    relevant public administrations and competent
    national and international organizations..
  • IOM was assigned the task of family tracing in
    March 2008
  • The Committee is not competent as for minors
    seeking international protection

Family Tracing Activities and Assisted Voluntary
Return of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors
  • The Project involves IOM Missions in UAMs
    Countries of Origin in Europe (i.e. Greece,
    France, Germany, Spain), Eastern Europe (i.e.
    Albania, UNSC Res 1244 Admin. Kosovo, Moldova,
    FYROM, Serbia, Ukraine), Northern and Sub-Saharan
    Africa, (i.e. Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Burkina
    Faso, Senegal, Guinea Conakry, Ghana, Nigeria,
    Camerun, Ivory Coast, Togo), South Asia (i.e.
    Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan) and
    South America (i.e. Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil)
  • Family Tracing activities in Morocco and Egypt
    have not yet started as not consent from the
    Governements has been given.

Family Tracing Activities and Assisted Voluntary
Return of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors
  • Projects Activities no. 1 Family Tracing
  • Some 900 family tracings completed by IOM based
    on minors profiles provided by the Committee.
  • Family tracing is an useful tool to better
    support UAMs integration process, as it provides
    Italian social-workers with an in depth knowledge
  • UAMs migratory project, be it a familys
    venture or based solely on individuals
    expectations familys expectations and their
    reflections on minor s choices
  • Context of origin possible problems /
    vulnerabilities within the family of origin
    and/or within the context of origin risks
    possible development opportunities in the area of
  • From April 2008 to May 2009

Family Tracing Activities and Assisted Voluntary
Return of Unaccompanied foreign Minors
  • Projects Activities no. 2 Family Reunification
  • To be implemented through Assisted Voluntary
    Return and Reintegration (AVRR) programmes
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) of
    20th November 1989, Article 9
  • States Parties shall ensure that a child shall
    not be separated from his or her parents against
    their will, except when competent authorities
    subject to judicial review determine, in
    accordance with applicable law and procedures,
    that such separation is necessary for the best
    interests of the child. Such determination may be
    necessary in a particular case such as one
    involving abuse or neglect of the child by the
    parents, or one where the parents are living
    separately and a decision must be made as to the
    child's place of residence.
  • CRC, Article 10
  • 1.In accordance with the obligation of States
    Parties under article 9, paragraph1, applications
    by a child or his or her parents to enter or
    leave a State
  • Party for the purpose of family
    reunification shall be dealt with by States
  • Parties in a positive, humane and
    expeditious manner. States Parties shall further
    ensure that the submission of such a request
    shall entail no adverse consequences for the
    applicants and for the members of their family.

Family Tracing Activities and Assisted Voluntary
Return of Unaccompanied foreign Minors
  • Projects Activities no. 2 Family Reunification
  • In particular, family tracings are essential
    activities when the minor wishes to be reunited
    with his/her family and it is ascertained that
    family reunification upholds his/her best
    interests (according to the decision of the
    Committee and the other relevant judicial and
    local authorities).
  • CRC Convention, Article 8
  • 1. States Parties undertake to respect the right
    of the child to preserve his or her identity,
    including nationality, name and family relations
    as recognized by law without unlawful

Family Tracing Activities and Assisted Voluntary
Return of Unaccompanied foreign Minors
  • Projects Activities 3 awareness raising and
    information dissemination
  • This activity aims at informing relevant
    actors and actual and potential beneficiaries
    about the services offered by the Project it is
    addressed to
  • the Italian local authorities, NGOs and all
    those working with minor migrants and, when
    possible, also to UAMs themselves.
  • CRC Convention, Article 12
  • 1. States Parties shall assure to the child who
    is capable of forming his or her own views the
    right to express those views freely in all
    matters affecting the child, the views of the
    child being given due weight in accordance with
    the age and maturity of the child.
  • 2. For this purpose, the child shall in
    particular be provided the opportunity to be
    heard in any judicial and administrative
    proceedings affecting the child, either directly,
    or through a representative or an appropriate
    body, in a manner consistent with the procedural
    rules of national law.

Family Tracing Activities and Assisted Voluntary
Return of Unaccompanied foreign Minors
  • How the Project works
  • ICFM receives the reports on UAMs compiled by the
    Italian Social Services, Police or other Public
    Authorities, and transmits them to IOM Rome
    together with an official request to start up
    family tracing activities
  • IOM Rome analyzes, translates and records the
    information in a dedicated database and then
    sends minors individual profiles to IOM Missions
    in CoOs
  • IOM Missions in CoOs contact the families and
    meet with them at their place of residence,
    conducting an interview and filling in an
    interview protocol that later will be inserted in
    the database then sends the report to IOM Rome.
    The interview protocol gives also an assessment
    over the feasibility of minors reintegration,
    taking into account all the information and a
    snap shot of the situation in the context of
  • IOM Rome reviews and translates the family
    tracing report and sends it back to the
    Committee, which in turn forwards the report to
    the competent Social Services.

(No Transcript)
How the Family Tracing tool can be enhanced
  • Through a better knowledge of the integration
    path followed by the minor, which can only be
    provided by the social workers directly involved,
    in order to have a more detailed picture of
    his/her story, starting from the minors own
    perception of the migratory project, needs and
  • By this mean, the information obtained through
    family tracing activities can be effectively
    compared to the information on the minors
    present situation in Italy (i.e. his/her
    reception, quality of the family relationships,
    family members in Italy, etc.), thus better
    allowing for identification of possible
    vulnerability factors
  • CRC Convention, Article 3
  • 1. In all actions concerning children, whether
    undertaken by public or private social welfare
    institutions, courts of law, administrative
    authorities or legislative bodies, the best
    interests of the child shall be a primary

  • For more information on our Projects and
  • http//
  • For more information on the Family Tracing
  • IOM Regional Office for the Mediterranean area
  • Via Nomentana 62, 00161 Rome, Italy
  • Tel (39) 06 44 23 14 28
  • Fax(39) 06 44 02 53 3
  • Email
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