What is Trauma and Why Must We Address It? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What is Trauma and Why Must We Address It?


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What is Trauma and Why Must We Address It?

Creating Trauma Informed Systems of Care for
Human Service Settings
  • What is Trauma and Why Must We Address It?

Joan Gillece, PhD National Center for Trauma
Informed Care
What is Trauma?
  • Definition (NASMHPD, 2006)
  • The experience of violence and victimization
    including sexual abuse, physical abuse, severe
    neglect, loss, domestic violence and/or the
    witnessing of violence, terrorism or disasters
  • DSM IV-TR (APA, 2000)
  • Persons response involves intense fear, horror
    and helplessness
  • Extreme stress that overwhelms the persons
    capacity to cope

Definition of TraumaInformed Care
  • Mental Health Treatment that incorporates
  • An appreciation for the high prevalence of
    traumatic experiences in persons who receive
    mental health services
  • A thorough understanding of the profound
    neurological, biological, psychological and
    social effects of trauma and violence on the
  • (Jennings, 2004)

Prevalence of TraumaMental Health Population
United States
  • 90 of public mental health clients in have been
    exposed to trauma
  • (Mueser et al., 2004, Mueser et al., 1998)
  • 51-98 of public mental health clients in have
    been exposed to trauma
  • (Goodman et al., 1997, Mueser et al., 1998)
  • Most have multiple experiences of trauma
  • (Mueser et al., 2004, Mueser et al., 1998)
  • 97 of homeless women with SMI have experienced
    severe physical sexual abuse 87 experience
    this abuse both in childhood and adulthood
  • (Goodman et al., 1997)

Prevalence of TraumaChild Mental Health/Youth
Detention Population - U.S.
  • Canadian study of 187 adolescents reported 42
    had PTSD
  • American study of 100 adolescent inpatients 93
    had trauma histories and 32 had PTSD
  • 70-90 incarcerated girls sexual, physical,
    emotional abuse
  • (DOC, 1998, Chesney Sheldon, 1991)

Prevalence of TraumaSubstance Abuse Population
  • Up to two-thirds of men and women in SA treatment
    report childhood abuse neglect (SAMSHA
    CSAT, 2000)
  • Study of male veterans in SA inpatient unit
  • 77 exposed to severe childhood trauma
  • 58 history of lifetime PTSD (Triffleman et al.,
  • 50 of women in SA treatment have history of rape
    or incest
  • (Governor's Commission on Sexual and Domestic
    Violence, Commonwealth of MA, 2006)

Other Critical Trauma Correlates The
Relationship of Childhood Trauma to Adult Health
  • Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs) have serious
    health consequences
  • Adoption of health risk behaviors as coping
  • eating disorders, smoking, substance abuse, self
    harm, sexual promiscuity
  • Severe medical conditions heart disease,
    pulmonary disease, liver disease, STDs, GYN
  • Early Death (Felitti et al., 1998)

Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • Recurrent and severe physical abuse
  • Recurrent and severe emotional abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Growing up in household with
  • Alcohol or drug user
  • Member being imprisoned
  • Mentally ill, chronically depressed, or
    institutionalized member
  • Mother being treated violently
  • Both biological parents absent
  • Emotional or physical abuse
  • (Fellitti et al, 1998)

ACE Study
  • Male child with an ACE score of 6 has a 4600
    increase in likelihood of later becoming an IV
    drug user when compared to a male child with an
    ACE score of 0. Might heroin be used for the
    relief of profound anguish dating back to
    childhood experiences? Might it be the best
    coping device that an individual can
    find? (Felitti et al, 1998)

ACE Study
  • Is drug abuse self-destructive or is it a
    desperate attempt at self-healing, albeit while
    accepting a significant future risk? (Felitt
    i, et al, 1998)

ACE Study
  • Addiction is best viewed as an understandable,
    unconscious, compulsive use of psychoactive
    materials in response to abnormal, prior life
    experiences, most of which are concealed by
    shame, secrecy, and social taboo. (Felitti
    et al, 1998)

What does the prevalence data tell us?
  • The majority of adults and children in
    psychiatric treatment settings have trauma
  • A sizable percentage of people with substance use
    disorders have traumatic stress symptoms that
    interfere with achieving or maintaining sobriety
  • A sizable percentage of adults and children in
    the prison or juvenile justice system have trauma
  • (Hodas, 2004, Cusack et al., Mueser et al.,
    1998, Lipschitz et al., 1999, NASMHPD, 1998)

What does the prevalence data tell us?
  • Growing body of research on the relationship
    between victimization and later offending
  • Many people with trauma histories have
    overlapping problems with mental health,
    addictions, physical health, and are victims or
    perpetrators of crime
  • Victims of trauma are found across all systems of
  • (Hodas, 2004, Cusack et al., Muesar et al.,
    1998, Lipschitz et al., 1999, NASMHPD, 1998)

  • We need to presume the clients we serve have a
    history of traumatic stress and exercise
    universal precautions by creating systems of
    care that are trauma-informed
  • (Hodas, 2005)

Trauma Informed Non Trauma Informed
  • Recognition of high prevalence of trauma
  • Recognition of primary and co-occurring trauma
  • Assess for traumatic histories symptoms
  • Recognition of culture and practices that are
  • Lack of education on trauma prevalence
    universal precautions
  • Over-diagnosis of Schizophrenia Bipolar D.,
    Conduct D. singular addictions
  • Cursory or no trauma assessment
  • Tradition of Toughness valued as best care

Trauma Informed Non Trauma Informed
  • Power/control minimized - constant attention to
  • Caregivers/supporters collaboration
  • Address training needs of staff to improve
    knowledge sensitivity
  • Keys, security uniforms, staff demeanor, tone of
  • Rule enforcers compliance
  • Patient-blaming as fallback position without

Trauma Informed Non Trauma Informed
  • Staff understand function of behavior (rage,
    repetition-compulsion, self-injury)
  • Objective, neutral language
  • Transparent systems open to outside parties
  • Behavior seen as intentionally provocative
  • Labeling language manipulative, needy,
  • Closed system advocates discouraged

(Fallot Harris, 2002 Cook et al., 2002, Ford,
2003, Cusack et al., Jennings, 1998, Prescott,
Trauma Informed Care
  • Contact information
  • Joan Gillece, PhD
  • Joan.gillece_at_nasmhpd.org
  • 703-739-9333
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