Title: Coliform organisms Elvire Jacques, MD Environmental health
1Coliform organismsElvire Jacques,
MD Environmental health
2Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
- 1974
- EPA regulates contaminants which may be health
risks and which may be present in public drinking
water supplies. - Revisions 1986, 1996
3Microbial indicator of fecal contamination
- Always found in warm-blooded animal feces
- Greater number than pathogens
- Cannot multiply in water
- Simple, reliable identification tests
- Increased resistance to disinfectants
- Dutka, Jrnl Environmental Health 3639-46,1973
4Coliform organisms
- Gastrointestinal tracts of humans and animals
- Harmless
5- Different species
- Escherichia coli
- Klebsiella species
- Enterobacter species
- Citrobacter species
- Proteus species
- Misc.
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7EPA health goal
8Legal limit on total coliforms
- Systems must not find coliforms in more than 5
of monthly samples to meet EPA's standards. - If more, report violation to the state and the
9Contaminant MCLG (mg/L) MCL or TT (mg/L) Health effects Source
Cryptosporidium 0 TT GI illness Human and animal feces
Giardia 0 TT GI illness Human and animal feces
Legionella 0 TT Legionnaires disease water
Total coliform (fecal colif and E. coli 0 5 Presence may indicate other harmful bacteria Environment Fecal colif. and E. coli from human and animal feces
Viruses (enteric) 0 TT GI illness Soil runoff
10- The presence of coliform bacteria in tap water
suggests that the treatment system is not working
properly or that there is a problem in the pipes
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12Contamination, then what?
- Repair the disinfection/filtration equipment
- Flush or upgrade the distribution system
- Enact source water protection programs to prevent
13Total coliform positive
- Repeat samples within 24 hours
- Analyze for fecal coliforms and Escherichia coli
(E. coli) - Positive fecal coliform
- MCL violation
- State and public notification because of direct
health risk.
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16 Water Treatment Agents
- Chlorine
- Ozone
- Sun
- Filtration systems
17Ozone treatment
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19Water treatment plant
20Thank you