Title: FL DVR CBTAC Program: Counselor Training
1FL DVR CBTAC Program Counselor Training
- Beth Keeton, Center for Social Capital
- Ethel Brock, FL DVR
- Pam Hinterlong, FL DVR
2RSA Self-Employment
- Self-Employment and business ownership are
referenced as vocational outcomes and options
that can be provided to individuals under the
Rehabilitation Services Act - Section 7 (11) (C)
- Section 103(a)(13)
3Why Self-Employment?
- Offers opportunity to enhance quality of life and
self sufficiency - Businesses grown around individual
- Talents, skills, interests, etc.
- May be best fit for some
SBA, Office of Advocacy Frequently Asked Questions
4Why Self-Employment?
- Accommodations written into business plan
- Can reduce transportation issues
- Can provide flexible hours
5Why Self-Employment?
- Potential for greater financial rewards
- Unique opportunities associated with SSA benefits
- Challenges job scarcity and tight labor
market assumptions in ways that benefit entire
6Florida Small Business
- 1.9 million total (2006)
- 426,023 small employers in 2006
- Represent 99 of states employers 44 of
private-sector employers - Created 58.7 of net new jobs from 2004-2007
7Florida Disability Statistics
- 3.9 of individuals receiving disability benefits
are working (SSI Annual Statistical Report, 2006) - 75 of individuals with developmental
disabilities want jobs (Wilson Resources, 2002) - Average wages 162.50/wk
- Average hours/week worked lt 20
Increased range of options are necessary!
8Success Stories
9FL CBTAC Program
- Launched in 2007
- Contract with Center for Social Capital began in
July 2008 - Goal Certify vendors to provide comprehensive
Self Employment services - Y1 Outcomes 74 vendors certified statewide
10Center for Social Capital Role Responsibilities
- Develop provide certification training
- Develop online resources and manual
- Provide ongoing TA to
- VR Counselors
- Customers
- Facilitate State Level Networking meetings
- Provide ongoing training in variety of formats
11CBTAC Role
- Support entrepreneurs through all stages of
business development, including - Identifying potential business concepts
- Conducting market research/feasibility studies
- Developing necessary business financials
12CBTAC Role, cont.
- Support entrepreneurs through all stages of
business development, including - Analyzing SSA benefits
- Determining potential funding sources
13CBTAC Training TA Overview
- Must meet Vendor Certification minimum
qualification requirements (www.rehabworks.org) - 3-day certification-level training
- Intensive training on all 4 modules
- Simulation activities for key areas of business
plan development, including - Developing business financials
- Assessing feasibility
- Analyzing SSA benefits
- Writing business plans
- Completion of certification field assignment
14CBTAC Training TA Overview
- Ongoing follow-up support available as necessary
by Center for Social Capital - Regional on-site TA
- Individualized off-site TA
- e.g., phone, internet, IVocalize
- Quarterly Regional Networking Meetings
15When to Refer to a CBTAC
- If/when customer
- Identifies interest in self-employment
- Presents a business concept counselor
- Presents a business plan to counselor
- Wants to discuss/explore self-employment vs. wage
employment - Initial Meeting may replace Vocational Evaluation
16CBTACs in your area
- Vendor Profile on desktop
- RIMS only lists county of location
- Most providers are willing to travel to other
counties / areas - Customer/ Counselor may meet with more than one
potential CBTAC - before making referral
17How CBTACs Can Support VR Counselors
- Work with customers to
- Determine if Self Employment is a viable option
- Assess identified business concepts
- Assess existing business plans
- Provide support to improve or complete
- Identify other funding sources
- Educate customer team about Self Employment
18CBTAC Responsibilities
- Receive referral from VR counselor
- Conduct initial meeting with VR Customer
- Gather information
- Explain general process including the steps to
develop a business plan - Business Planning Team Development
- Assist VR Customer in developing a viable
business plan by working through the modules - Assist with implementation of business plan
19CBTAC Responsibilities, cont.
- Refer back to VR at any point if
- Customer self-selects out
- Exploration process reveals Self Employment not
viable - CBTAC invoices only for completed benchmarks
- Information learned during Self Employment
exploration used to support other job development
20CBTAC Responsibilities, cont.
- Assess plan for long-term support
- Identify follow-along funding (if req.)
- Delineate support structures in plan
- Paid supports
- Natural supports
- Employees/services (e.g., accounting)
- Work with counselor to determine when case will
21CBTAC Responsibilities, cont.
- Work with customer to assemble Business
Development Team - Critical for long-term support
- First step in process (may be ongoing throughout
process as well)
22Business Development Team
- Membership could include
- Family members and/or friends
- Provider agencies, State Agencies, CWICs
- Representatives from SCORE, SBA, etc.
- Accountants, lawyers
- Community Business Mentors (person running
similar business) - DVR Counselor
- Other Support Services
23CBTAC Training TA
24Initial Meeting
- Purpose
- Provide overview of process
- Discuss advantages disadvantages of both self-
and wage-employment - Consider potential team membership supports
- Answer questions related to Self Employment
- Evaluate if Self Employment seems a viable option
25Initial Meeting Report
- Summary of meeting, including
- Who attended
- Topics discussed
- Evaluation on the viability of Self Employment at
this time (and explanation) - If returning referral, provide explanation as to
why not accepting - Summary of Next Steps
26Module 1 Business Concept Development
- Training
- Person-Centered Planning
- Discovery
- Identification of potential business concepts
- Action Steps
- PCP/Discovery/exploration process action
planning - Researching potential business concepts
27Module 1 Report
- Summary of
- Discovery activities
- Person-Centered Planning
- Business concepts to be explored
- Identification of team members participating in
meeting(s) - Action Plans from meeting(s)
28M1 What You Should Know
- What was learned during Discovery
- Team member roles/responsibilities
- Business concepts to be explored
- Why concepts fit customer
29Module 2 Market Research Benefits Analysis
- Training
- Purpose of Market Research
- Forms of Market Research
- Overview of Benefits Work Incentives
- Action Steps
- Honing of business concept
- Develop Market Research Action Plan
- Benefits Analysis (connect w/ CWIC)
30Module 2 Report
- Summary of market research efforts
- Summary of team meetings, team members involved,
etc. - Identification of business concept
- Update on benefits analysis
- Referred to CWIC, list of benefits received, etc.
- Action plan from meeting(s)
31M2 What You Should Know
- Research who, what, how, why
- How was research done
- Interviews, sell a few, advertise/analyze
- Who was interviewed
- Potential customers
- Industry experts, competitors, etc.
- What questions asked, information derived, etc.
- Why product/service needed AND fits customer?
32M2 The 3 Cs
- As a result of market research, should have
pretty extensive knowledge of - Customers
- Competitors
- Capabilities
33M2 Feasibility Studies
- Formal feasibility studies sometimes needed
- Smaller financial investment to explore idea more
fully - Assessed on case by case basis
- TA available
34Module 3 Marketing Business Financials-
- Developing Marketing Plans
- Customers (Target Market), Competition,
Competitive Edge, etc. - SWOT Analysis
- Strategies for marketing (pricing positioning,
advertising, etc.) - Business Financials
- Start-Up and Operating Costs
- Cash-Flow Balance Sheets
- Profit Loss Statements
- Break-Even Analysis
35Module 3 Marketing Business Financials- Action
- Development of Marketing Plan
- Completion of Business Financials
36Module 3 Report
- Summary of
- Market characteristics
- Key marketing strategies
- Overview of business financials
- Start-up costs, PL, CF, etc.
- Action plans from meeting(s)
- Update on benefits analysis
Submit initial list of key start-up items never
too early to begin the search for Vendors!!
37M3 What You Should Know
- Marketing Plan
- How product will be priced, placed, and promoted
- Costs associated with marketing should be in
business financials
38M3 What You Should Know
- Business Financials
- Projected sales, expenses, net profit for first
3 years - Projected cash-flow for first 3 years
- Projected start-up expenses
- Vendor, vendor, vendor
- See Vendor Certification Handout
39M3 What You Should Know
- Benefits analysis
- Whether PASS is an option
- How benefits will be impacted by Self Employment
earnings - TTWIIA opportunities
40Module 4 Business Plan Development
- Training
- Business structure (sole-proprietorship, LLC,
etc.) - Management Summary
- Operations Summary
- Resources available to support Self Employment
- Action Steps
- Completion of Business Plan
- Include all supports needed how they will be
41Module 4 Report
- Summary of operations plan
- Description of team
- How all components of day to day operations will
be supported - E.g, what needs to be done on a day to day basis
who will meet the need - Overview of plan for long-term support
- Implementation hours requested
- Final update on benefits analysis
- Description of any additional start-up costs
42M4 What You Should Know
- Operations/Production Plan
- How business will run on day to day basis
- Who will be responsible for what
- Management Plan
- What are all key management activities
- Support necessary how will be provided
- Long-term support/funding
43Business Plan Implementation
- If Implementation Hours are requested, the CBTAC
should provide details on how many hours will be
needed for each item to be accomplished - Implementation Hours may be approved by Counselor
in increments / phases
44CBTAC Benchmark Rates
Initial Meeting 300
Module 1 Business Concept Development 1750
Module 2 Market research Benefits Awareness 600
Module 3 Marketing Finance 1750
Module 4 Business Plan Development 600
Completed Business Plan 2000
Business Plan Implementation per hour 39
- For more information about self employment cases,
please call or email - Pam Hinterlong, Program Manager
- 850-245-3302
- Pam.Hinterlong_at_vr.fldoe.org
- Ethel Brock, Contract Manager
- 850-245-3277
- Ethel.Brock_at_vr.fldoe.org
- Beth Keeton, Trainer, Center for Social Capital
- 727-289-6389
- bkeeton_at_centerforsocialcapital.org