ISAC Gift Assistance Programs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ISAC Gift Assistance Programs


Title: Illinois Future Teacher Corps (IFTC) Program Author: JGALLER Last modified by: keck Created Date: 3/18/2004 5:17:58 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ISAC Gift Assistance Programs

ISAC Gift Assistance Programs
  • Grant Programs for Dependents of
    Police/Fire/Correctional Officers
  • Bonus Incentive Program
  • Student to Student Grant Program
  • Higher Education License Plate Program
  • June 2011

Grant Programs for Dependents of
Police/Fire/Correctional Officers
  • Grant program for the spouse and children of
    Illinois police, fire and correctional officers
    killed or at least 90 disabled in the line of
  • Recipients must be enrolled at least half-time in
    undergraduate or graduate study
  • Provides payment toward tuition and mandatory
    fees for 8 semesters or 12 quarters
  • Factored into the financial aid package prior to
    receiving MAP gift assistance

P/F/C Eligibility
  • To be eligible, a student must either be
  • a natural or legally adopted child or a child in
    the legal custody of the police, fire or
    correctional officer who was disabled or killed
    in the line of duty
  • the spouse of the individual who was disabled or
    killed in the line of duty
  • Common law partners are not eligible

P/F/C Eligibility
  • A student must also be
  • a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen
  • enrolled at least half-time at a MAP-approved
  • making satisfactory progress toward a degree or
  • A student does not have to
  • be an Illinois resident at the time of enrollment
  • demonstrate financial need

P/F/C Eligibility
  • An applicant is ineligible if he or she is
  • A spouse who remarries after a police, fire or
    correctional officer is killed
  • A spouse who divorces a permanently disabled
    police, fire or correctional officer
  • A stepchild who, at the time of an officers
    death or permanent disability, was not in the
    legal custody of the officer

Eligibility Clarification
  • 2011-12 Program Rules clarify that when a
    disability is involved, the child must be in the
    legal custody of the officer at the time the
    injury was sustained.
  • A qualified applicant shall be
  • 1) either
  • A) the natural child, legally adopted child, or
    child in the legal custody of a correctional
    officer at the time the officer was permanently
    disabled or killed in the line of duty or at the
    time a permanently disabling injury occurred in
    the line of duty or
  • B) the husband or wife of a correctional officer
    at the time the officer permanently disabled or
    killed in the line of duty or at the time a
    permanently disabling injury occurred in the line
    of duty and

Applying for P/F/C
  • An ISAC application must be submitted each year
    by the deadline dates
  • October 1 for consideration for all terms
  • March 1 for consideration for second
    semester/second and third quarter
  • June 15 for consideration for summer term
  • Eligibility in one academic year does not carry
    over into future years

Applying for P/F/C
  • First-time applicants must also submit a
    certified death certificate or certified
    physicians statement
  • Documentation must also prove that the death or
    disability occurred in the line of duty
  • Once eligibility has been established for one
    member of a family, it is established for all
    qualified applicants in the family. 
  • Thereafter, a simplified application will be
    required from each student on an annual basis.

P/F/C Benefits
  • Pays tuition and mandatory fees
  • At a public institution, student may receive a
    grant that does not exceed its cost of tuition
    and mandatory fees
  • At a private institution, student may receive a
    grant that does not exceed the maximum amount
    payable to a student enrolled in the most
    expensive comparable program of study at a public

(No Transcript)
P/F/C Benefits
  • May receive eight semesters or 12 quarters of
    full-time enrollment
  • for undergraduate or graduate study
  • Funds are disbursed in multiple installments
    unless eligibility is not determined until final

P/F/C Payment
  • Certification of Enrollment for Payment Rosters
    are sent to schools each term after the
    application deadline has passed.
  • Must return the roster even if a student isnt
  • Provide the reason for ineligibility

P/F/C Payment
  • If funds are insufficient to pay all eligible
    applicants, determinations will be made based on
    application date
  • In a withdrawal situation, the recipient can
    receive the grant for costs incurred, up to the
    term award

(No Transcript)
P/F/C Resources
  • ISAC Administrative Rules
  • Part 2731 (Dependents of Correctional Officers)
  • Part 2732 (Dependents of Police or Fire Officers)
  • Grant Program for Dependents of Police, Fire or
    Correctional Officers Application
  • Explains eligibility requirements, benefits and
    application procedures
  • College Zone, FAA Zone, Gift Assistance Programs

Bonus Incentive Grant (BIG)
  • Provides an incentive to use proceeds from
    Illinois College Savings Bonds at Illinois
    colleges and universities
  • Incentives range from 40 to 440
  • Application will be made available at Web site on August 1

BIG Eligibility
  • To be eligible for the grant, bondholder must
  • Have continuously owned the bond(s) for at least
    12 months preceding the date of maturity
  • Use at least 70 of the bond proceeds for
    educational costs at an eligible Illinois
  • Use the proceeds from the bond(s) in either the
    academic year in which the bond(s) matured, or
    the academic year immediately following maturity.
  • Designate only one student beneficiary for each
    bond that matures
  • the same student beneficiary may be named to five
    bonds with no more than 25,000 of aggregate
    compound accreted value at maturity for each
    academic year

BIG Eligibility
  • In addition, the student
  • Must be enrolled on at least a half-time basis as
    an undergraduate or graduate student at an ISAC
    approved institution.
  • Cannot be attending an educational institution
    organized solely for the purpose of religious
  • Cannot be enrolled in an academic program of
    divinity for any religious denomination or
    pursuing a course of study to become a minister,
    priest, rabbi, etc.

Applying for BIG
  • Application becomes available August 1
  • Must be completed by the bondholder, the student
    beneficiary, and the institution
  • School official must certify the student's
    enrollment status and forward the complete
    application to ISAC.
  • Should submit on or as soon after August 1 as
  • Applications will be accepted until all available
    funds are awarded
  • An application must be submitted to ISAC each
    year for which assistance is requested.

Applying for BIG
  • ISAC may require applicants to provide
    documentation verifying that the bondholder owned
    the bond(s) for required length of time.
  • The bondholder can designate only one student
    beneficiary for each bond redeemed.
  • State law (Public Act 93-812) prohibits exempting
    money held in college savings bonds from
    calculation of financial aid eligibility.
  • Counts as an asset in determining a student's
    eligibility for state and federal financial

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Student-to-Student (STS) Grant Program
  • Need-based program for undergraduate students at
    state-supported colleges and universities
  • Funds are derived from voluntary contributions of
    students and matching grants from ISAC
  • No state appropriation for 2011-12

STS Eligibility
  • To qualify for an award, students must
  • be enrolled on at least a half-time basis at a
    participating institution
  • demonstrate financial need through completion of
    the FAFSA

STS Program Procedures
  • Students must approve the plan for raising
    voluntary contributions by a majority of those
    voting in a campus-wide referendum
  • Contributions must be voluntary and optional
  • Only voluntary contributions made by enrolled
    students are eligible for matching

STS Program Procedures
  • Funds can be collected from graduate students,
    however the STS program can only provide aid to
    undergraduate students
  • A portion of student contributions can be set
    aside and used to aid graduate students, but
    those funds cannot be matched by ISAC
  • No eligible contribution can exceed 12 per
    academic year

STS Benefits
  • Annual award amount maximum is 1,000
  • it is applicable to all terms, including the
    summer term
  • The institution awards the grant to students
    according to the plan developed and approved by
    its student body.

STS Resources
  • ISAC Administrative Rules
  • Part 2770
  • College Zone, FAA Zone, Gift Assistance Programs

Higher Education License Plate (HELP) Program
  • Provides grant money to students who attend
    Illinois institutions that participate in the
    special collegiate license plate program
  • A portion of the proceeds of plates sold are used
    to fund the program
  • Institutions determine the amount of each grant
    according to program guidelines

HELP Eligibility
  • To qualify, a student must be
  • a resident of Illinois
  • enrolled at a college or university that
    participates in the collegiate license plate
  • demonstrate financial need through completion of
    the FAFSA
  • maintaining satisfactory academic progress
  • an undergraduate student and have not received a
    baccalaureate degree

HELP Procedures
  • Secretary of State deposits 25 for each set of
    license plates sold into the University Grant
  • All moneys deposited into the Fund are
    appropriated to ISAC to make reimbursements to
    participating colleges for HELP grants
  • Each January, ISAC is notified of the amounts
    deposited on behalf of each participating
    institution during the previous calendar year.

HELP Benefits
  • The institution determines the amount of each
    grant, which is the lesser of
  • 2,000 for two semesters or three quarters of
    full-time undergraduate enrollment or 1,000 for
    two semesters or three quarters of half-time
    undergraduate enrollment
  • the amount of tuition and mandatory fees
    applicable to two semesters or three quarters of
    full-time or half-time undergraduate enrollment
  • the amount of the applicants financial need, or
  • the remaining funds available.

HELP Payment
  • At the beginning of each State fiscal year, ISAC
    notifies each participating institution of the
    amount of funds available for their institution
  • A payment request form is sent to the institution
    that must be signed and returned to ISAC.
  • Funds are then remitted to the institution.
  • The institution must award the full amount of
    funds disbursed in the academic year that it was

(No Transcript)
HELP Resources
  • ISAC Administrative Rules
  • Part 2737
  • College Zone, FAA Zone, Gift Assistance Programs

  • Thank you for participating today!
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