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The Rise of Dictators in Europe Chapter 19 Section 4 and 5 I.) Benito Mussolini Background: 1. socialist newspaper editor & nationalist politician 2. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


The Rise of Dictators in Europe
Chapter 19 Section 4 and 5
I.) Benito Mussolini
  • Background
  • 1. socialist newspaper editor nationalist
  • 2. great orator (public speaker)
  • 3. organizes new party in 1919 Fascist Party

  • Fascism militant political movement that
    emphasized loyalty to the
  • state and to its leader
  • 1. opposed communism democracy
  • 2. control people through force censorship
  • 3. appealed to upper middle class (keep
    existing social classes)
  • 4. private property rights remain

  • Why did Fascism and the Fascist Party spread in
  • 1. many frustrated over Treaty of Versailles
  • 2. high inflation, unemployment, social
  • 3. fear over spread of Communism
  • 4. ineffective Italian government

  • Mussolinis Appeals to the Italian people
  • 1. promised to restore protect the Italian
  • 2. stressed Italian pride
  • 3. pledged to return Italy to military glory of
    the Roman Empire

Black Shirt Army
  • Rise to Power
  • 1. Criticized Italian govt. used Black Shirt
    Army (secret police)
  • 2. Oct. 1922 30,000 Fascists march on Rome
  • Outcome King Victor Emmanuel III
    appoints him Premier of Italy
  • 3. Election of 1924 Fascists win control
    of parliament
  • Outcome Mussolini made head of govt.
    called IL Duce (leader)

  • Mussolini Extends Fascist Control
  • 1. abolish all political parties except Fascism
  • 2. secret police
  • 3. limited civil liberties
  • 4. outlawed strikes controlled unions

II.) Adolph Hitler
  • Born in Austria in 1889
  • 1. Failed at being an artist and fought in
    World War I (won Iron Cross)
  • 2. Joined National Socialist German Workers
    Party in 1920 (Nazi Party)

  • Nazism political system based on strong
    nationalism which believed in racial superiority
    and state control of industry
  • 1. German version of Fascism
  • 2. supported by people in middle and lower
  • 3. opposed Communism

  • Why did Nazism and the Nazi Party spread in
  • 1. depression hits and German economy collapsed
  • 2. factories stopped and banks closed
  • 3. high unemployment (30 in 1932)
  • 4. German people upset w/ Weimar Republic
    (German govt. created 1919)

  • Hitlers Rise to Power
  • 1. chosen as Nazi Party leader (given the title
    der Fuhrer)
  • 2. 1923 led Brownshirts (Nazi militia) in
    attempt to seize power
  • 3. arrested given 5 years in prison serves 9
    months released 1924
  • 4. writes Mein Kampf set forth beliefs and
    goals for Germany

  • 5. By 1932 Nazi Party largest in Germany
  • 6. Jan. 1933 Hitler named Chancellor by
    President Hindenburg
  • 7. 1933 Enabling Act Hitler assumes absolute
  • a. Black Shirts (S.S.) Gestapo (Secret Police)
    used against enemies
  • 8. Called his rule The Third Reich

  • Hitler increases his control over Germany
  • 1. turns press, radio, literature, painting,
    film into propaganda tools
  • 2. burned books and govt. controls churches
  • 3. school children join Hitler Youth or
    League of German Girls
  • 4. enemies placed in concentration camps
    Jews into Ghettos

III.) Joseph Stalin
  • Lenin dies in 1924
  • Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin fight for control
    of Soviet Union
  • 1. Trotsky worldwide communism revolution
  • 2. Stalin focus on Russian development

  • C. Stalin Seizes Power
  • 1. 1922- General Secretary of
  • Communist Party
  • 2. 1924- places his supporters
  • in key positions
  • 3. 1928- Total control of
  • Communist Party

D. Stalin Seizes Control of the Economy 1.
Command Economy govt. makes all economic
decisions a. Five Year Plan Stalins economic
plan for rapid industrial growth for the

strengthening of national defense b. Collective
Farms Stalins agricultural plan in which
hundreds of families
work on these farms
produce food for the state
  • Stalins Takes Control of Every Aspect of Life
  • 1. Secret Police arrest execute traitors
  • a. Great Purge (1934-39) Stalins campaign to
    eliminate anyone who

  • threatened his power
  • 2. Indoctrination govt. instruction to people
    about communism Soviet beliefs
  • 3. Propaganda spread information to persuade
    communist Soviet beliefs
  • 4. Censorship govt. controls press, radio, art,
  • 5. Persecution discouraged religious worship
    destroyed/seized church property

  • Soviet Government Under Stalin
  • 1. 1936 new Soviet Constitution
  • a. Supreme Soviet (parliament)
  • b. Council of Ministers (executive
    administrative power)
  • c. Politburo (Political Bureau) had control
    over Soviet Union

  • Stalin in charge
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