Title: National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS)
1National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS)
- Pharm. Dr. Mrs. C.O. Olumese
- UBTH Benin City
- 08072220360
- 08023381884
2National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS)
- Introduction
- Definition
- Objectives of NHIS
- The NHIS Council
- Contributors
- Stakeholders In NHIS
- Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOS)
- NHIS Operators
- Steps To Take In Enrolment Into NHIS
3NHIS outline contd.
- Payment Systems For Services Rendered
- Guidelines For The Registration Of Pharmacies And
Pharmacists - Guidelines On Registration Of Government
Hospitals - Contractual Agreement With HMOS
- Contractual Agreement With NHIS
4NHIS- Introduction
- The quality of health of a countrys population
no doubt enhances productivity, economic growth
and development. - In spite of the resource constraints, government
is committed to improving health care delivery in
Nigeria -
- The National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) is
one of the governments efforts in this regard.
- It is the national pooling of contributions from
the incomes of eligible persons to provide
standard healthcare services to them and their
dependants. - The Scheme was established by the National Health
Insurance Scheme Act, 1999 (No. 35 of 1999).
- To ensure that every Nigerian has access to good
health care services. - To protect families from the financial hardship
of huge medical bills. - To ensure the availability of funds to the health
sector for improved services - To ensure the equitable distribution of health
care costs among different income groups. - To limit the rise in cost of health care services
7NHIS-Objective contd.
- To ensure efficiency in health care services
- To ensure adequate distribution of health
facilities within the federation. - To ensure adequate patronage of all levels of
health care - To maintain high standard of health care delivery
services within the scheme - To improve and harness private sector
participation in the provision of health care
8NHIS-The NHIS Council
- Responsibilities
- To manage the scheme in accordance with the
provision of the act - To determine the overall polices of the scheme
including the financial and operative procedures
of the scheme - To ensure the effective implementation of the
polices and the procedures of the scheme -
9NHIS-The NHIS Council contd.
- To assess from time to time, the research
consultancy and training program relative to the
scheme - To arrange for the financial and medical audit of
the zonal health insurance offices established
under the section 21 of the act. - To ensure public awareness about the scheme
10NHIS-The NHIS Council contd.
- To coordinate quarterly returns from the zonal
health insurance offices - To coordinate manpower training under the scheme.
- To set guidelines for effective corporation with
other organizations to promote the objective of
the scheme - To carry out such other activities as are
necessary and expedient for the purpose of
achieving the objective of the scheme as set out
in the act
- any employer who has a minimum of 10 employees
- 15 of the basic salary to be contributed
- 5 by the employee
- 10 by the employer
- .Primary health care providers
- .Fee-for service health care providers
- a. Secondary health care providers
- b. Tertiary health care providers
13NHIS-Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOS)
- The HMO is a private or public institution body,
corporate or a provident association registered
by the scheme to utilize its administration to
provide health care services through health care
facilities approved by the scheme.
14NHIS-Classification of HMO
- Zonal HMO
- National HMO
- Function of HMO
15NHIS-Function of HMO
- To collect contributions from eligible employers,
employees and other contributors to the NHIS. - To ensure that all contributors have easy and
unhindered access to and receive appropriate
health care services from the accredited health
care providers. - To make payments to health care providers for
service rendered. - To maintain quality assurance in the delivery of
health care benefits to the insured persons. - Rendering returns to the scheme as required.
16NHIS-HMO contd.
- Registration requirements
- Registration with corporate affairs commission
- certificate of incorporation, articles of
association and trust agreement e.t.c. - evidence of financial viability
- Maintenance of account with NHIS approved banks
- Insurance with an NHIS approved insurance company
17NHIS-HMO contd.
- Completion of prescribed application form
including the following information - Names and addresses of the principal officers
- Ownership structure and composition of the
organization - Possession of necessary staff and infrastructure
including computerization - Payment for stipulated registration, guidelines
and other sundries.
- NHIS council
- Health Maintenance Organization
- Heath Care Providers
- State Health Insurance Arbitration Boards
- Standards Committee
- State Health Insurance Boards
- Fill an NHIS registration form and select any
hospital of your choice from the NHIS accredited
list of hospitals / clinics as your primary
health care provides - Get enrolled
- Receive NHIS ID card
- Attend hospital when in need at no extra cost
20NHIS-Payment Systems For Services Rendered
- CAPITATION- payment made in advance to a health
care provider - FEE FOR SERVICE- paid for specific services and
prices per item
21NHIS-Requirements For Approval And Registration
Of Pharmacies And Pharmacists
- Approval and be registered by the HMO despite
being registered by PCN - The pharmacy shall be pharmacists owned
- Standards Of Premises
- REGISTERED PROVIDER means a Pharmacy registered
under the scheme. - DRUG includes any substance or mixture of
substances listed in the NHIS formulary - ARBITRATION BOARD means the National Health
Insurance Arbitration Board
- BILL means the sum total of drug costs on all
prescriptions presented for payment and the
agreed professional charge calculated per
prescription. - SUBSCRIBER means anybody who contributes to
the fund and is therefore insured under the
regulation establishing the scheme.
- PRIMARY MEDICAL CENTRE provide enlistment and
initial encounter facilities for enrollees of
NHIS outpatient facilities shall have the
following minimum features - - Waiting and reception areas
- - Consulting room
- - Treatment room with cabinet, dressing,
injection, trolley wash hand basin injection
trolley etc. - - Adequate Dangerous Drug Act cupboard
- - Patients toilet facilities
- - Drug dispensing room
- - Sterilizer
- both out patient and in patient services for
general, medical, surgical, pediatric and
maternal care. They should also have diagnostic
and treatment facilities like - - Laboratory including blood bank
- - X-ray and allied diagnostics
- - Surgical operating theatre
- - Pharmacy dept
- - Lying in ward with locker for each bed
- - Separate ward for male and female
- - First stage labor room
CENTRE contd.
- Sterilizer
- Isolation and sluice room
- Public health facilities
- Fire extinguisher
- Nurses bay
- Doctors room
- There shall be appropriate administrative outfit
for proper co-ordination.
- Primary Care
- one (1) medical practitioner
- 2 registered nurses
- 2 hospital assistants
- 1 administrative staff
- Dispensary (supervised by qualified
- Secondary / Comprehensive Health Care Centre
- Not less than one (1) registered medical
practitioner in relevant areas of medical
practice and specialties
- Not less than four (4) registered nurses and
midwives - Not less than four (4) hospital assistants
- Not less than two (2) admin staff.