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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Practice Training ?

Practice Training ?
  • Handling Emergency Case

Study Objectives
  • ????????????,??????
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  • ??????????

(No Transcript)
Part One Background Material
Question How to deal with emergency case?
Tips for reference
Its normal to come across troubles during
traveling. For instance, the wallet is stolen
passport and visa are missing falling ill and so
on. The followings are the tips for your
1. Ask for help from your companion, and dont
be shy. 2. Be sure to take a quick response. 3.
Do not hesitate. 4. The tour guide is the
best one for help if there is one. 5. Be alert
to the possible theft or robbery. 6. Do not be
Part One Background Material
7. Be calm. 8. Take with you the necessary
medicine. 9. Politely ask help from local
residents. 10. Find the proper way to diminish
your loss, e.g. reimbursement.
Part Two Situational Dialogue
Dialogue One
Mr. Smith B a tour guide C Mr.
Zhang Excuse me, is this all the luggage? Yes, I
think so. My luggage seems to be missing. How
many pieces do you have? Two. A large red
hard-cover one and a small dark blue one both
have wheels. Could I see your luggage claim
checks1 and your full name? John Smith, here you
are. I have it. Just a moment and Ill check it
out for you. (After several minutes) Well, Mr.
Smith, your luggage seems to have been misplaced.
Part Two Situational Dialogue
A What am I supposed to do? They have all my
things. B Im terribly sorry. Well get in
touch with the airline and try our best to
get them back. Please fill out this claim form
with your check number.2 A OK, what will happen
if you cant find them? B Well, Mr. Smith, I do
not work for the airline. Lets talk to the
airline official. (A few minutes later) C
Here is Mr. Zhang. Im in charge of the
commercial luggage for the airport. A Mr.
Zhang, what are you doing about my bags? C Mr.
Smith. Im very sorry for this inconvenience. We
are working to correct this mistake
Part Two Situational Dialogue
I want my things back by tomorrow morning or Ill
write to the tour company and the airline.3 Mr.
Smith. Well need a little more time than that,
because while we should be able to locate your
luggage tonight, it will take more time to get
it here. Well, Im not leaving my hotel room
until I have my bags. Please, Mr. Smith, lets
proceed to the hotel, where you can rest after
your journey and enjoy a fine Chinese meal. OK,
that sounds good.
Part Two situational Dialogue
wheel wil, hw- n. ??,? claim
kleim n. ??,??v.
??,? ?,??,??,?? misplace 'mis'pleis vt.
??(??) commercial k?'m???l
adj ??? inconvenience
?ink?n'vinj?ns n. ??,?? proceed
pr?'sid v. ????,????
  • luggage claim check
  • ??????
  • 2. Please fill out this claim form with your
    check number.
  • ????????????????????
  • 3. Or Ill write to the tour company and the
  • ????????????????

Part Two Situational Dialogue
Dialogue Two
A a tourist B a tour guide A Good
morning, Miss Abby. Is there anything I can do
for you? B Yes. I left my coat here, but now I
cant find where it is. A I see. Could you
describe it, please? B It is made of wool with
grey checked lining.1 A Is there anything in
the pockets, Miss? B Let me see. Maybe there is
a name card in it. The name is Abby Blair. A
May I see some identification, please? B All
right. Here is my passport.
Part Two Situational Dialogue
A Dont worry. Just now a coat like that was on
the counter here and no one claimed it, so
I sent is to the Lost and Found Department.2 I
think your coat is there. B Could you
please tell me where the Lost and Finding
Department is? A Its at the end of the
corridor on the third floor. You wont miss
it. B Thank you very much. A Not at all. Have
a nice day.
Part Two Situational Dialogue
describe dis'kraib v.
?? grey grei adj. ???n.
??(?) identification ai?dentifi'kei??n n.
????? passport 'p?sp?t n.
?? counter 'kaunt? n.
?? corridor 'k?rid? n.
1. It is made of wool with gray checked
lining. ?????,???????? 2. Lost and Found
Department ?????
Part Two Situational Dialogue
Useful Expressions
For a tour guide
1. Have you checked your wallet or anywhere
else? ??????????????? 2. Would you please
wait a moment? Let me ask our captain.
??????????????????? 3. Could you help me find
its owner? ?????????? 4. Could you
describe it a little bit. ???????? 5.
Make sure youve written everything clearly
????????????? 6. Could you please fill out this
lost property form? ??????????
Part Two Situational Dialogue
Useful Expressions
7. We have checked our Lost and Found list but
Im afraid your glasses did not appear on
it. We can contact you if its located.
????????????? 8. Whats wrong / the trouble/
the matter with you? ????? 9. Please come
to the police station and report it.
?????????? 10. Well send someone to repair the
water tap immediately. Whats your room
number? ?????????????,?????????
Part Two Situational Dialogue
Useful Expressions
For a tourist
1. My passport was lost. I put it right here in
my pocket. ???????,??????????? 2. Oh, Im
so careless! Thank you so much. And when can I
get it back? ??,?????!?????,????????? 3.
Here is my ID card. ???????? 4. I found
this wallet in the street. I guess its lost.
???????????,???????? 5. Im informed that
someone has found my handbag. ????????????
Part Two Situational Dialogue
Useful Expressions
  • 6. By the way, could you tell me who has found
    my bag and brought it
  • here? I want to give my personal
    appreciation to him or her.
  • ?????,???????????????????????
  • (?)???
  • 7. I have a stomachache/ headache/ backache/
    fever/ heart attack.
  • ???/??/??/??/????
  • We have used up all of our traveler checks,
    and cant get a bank
  • advance.
  • ???????????,?????????
  • 9. Im a Chinese tourist and I want to report a
  • ????????,???????????
  • 10. This happened in your hotel. Ill ask for a
  • ?????????,??????

Part Three Writing-skill
How to Write an Complaint Letter
Tips for reference
Its usual that a tourist may lose his or
her personal property or belongs. The travel
service should pay great attention to offer help.
The following two sample letters are the letters
on Lost and Found. The information listed in them
includes time, location, what, etc. A quick and
efficient response may give the tourists a deep
impression upon your service.
Part Three Writing-skill
Sample 1(1)
On Lost
23 Oxford Street London 23rd
Jan., 2008 The Manager ABC Hotel Group 64
Changguo Road Nanjing, PRC Dear sir, I had
the fortune to stay at your esteemed hotel from
Jan 13th to Jan 20th. And my room No. was 308.
Part Three Writing-skill
Sample 1(2)
I am sorry to tell you that I lost my
wedding ring during my stay at your hotel.
Would you please look for it and kindly let me
hear from you soon!
Yours faithfully,
Part Three Writing-skill
Sample 2
On Found
Dear Mr. Peterson, In reply to your letter of
Jan 23rd we are glad to inform you that your
wedding ring has been discovered in the drawer of
the table. We have sent it to your permanent
address in London so that you will receive it
within the next few days. Yours
truly, Xinghua Lee
Part Three Writing-skill
Writing Practice
Suppose a tourist from UK lost her necklace,
and then she asked the chief in the Lost and
Found to write a notice of Lost. Be sure to have
the lost things clearly described.
Part Four Exercises
  1. Reading aloud until you can say it from memory,
    then translate it into Chinese.

In recent years, going abroad for a holiday
ahs become a national pastime. Traveling is
indeed fun. But what should you do if you lose
your luggage? Dont panic. Just go straight to
the airline youre traveling with. They will
direct you to the Lost and Found department. In
most cases, they will find your luggage. But you
must not forget one thing when youre at the
check-in counter. Make sure you get a baggage
check stub. Without it, the airline will have
great difficulty helping you.
Part Four Exercises
  1. Fill in the blanks according to the context.

A John, a tourist B Mr. Bail, a tour
guide A Hello? Is that Mr. Bail? B Yes, (1)
. A This is John. Ive been left
behind, and what was worse, Ive (2)
. B Dont worry. Can you (3)
the place where you are? A Theres a
(4) here. Its called Dong Fang. B
I see. Youve taken the (5) .
Now, youve got to turn back, (6)
till you arrive at a bus station.
Then turn left and go about 200 meters and
youll find us at the (7)
lost my way
wrong way
walk straight
parking lot
Part Four Exercises
A Oh, gosh, itll sure take a long time. B
Not that long, John, about (8)
, I guess. You can ask a policeman for the
way when necessary. A Thank you.
10 minutes
Part Four Exercises
  • Read the following passage and decide whether
    they are true (T)
  • or false (F).

When people visit this state they rarely
expected the worst. However, there is always the
risk of an emergency or disaster such as a
bushfire. Becoming lost in the bush, falling into
a hidden hole, experiencing difficulty when
swimming in cold water and even flood, may all
seem unlikely when planning a trip, but could
become a reality. The State Council is
undertaking a pilot program to develop a Tourism
Emergency Plan, which has been fully funded by
the Federal Government. This includes places
where tourists gather such as hotel
establishments and local attractions. The project
will explore the best ways to relay information
and inform people about dangers and emergency
procedures. The project will also include
Part Four Exercises
? Maps of brochure for dangerous areas.
? Identifying potential dangers. ?
Identifying potential emergency incidents.
? Developing training packages. ?
Development of a training direction. Mr.
Dempster said the project was essential to
encourage self-protection among visitors and it
would also give tourist operators and residents
greater skills to protect themselves and their
own property in the event of a bushfire.
This program is being developed based on number
of models used in Australia and overseas.
Part Four Exercises
1. This project is to prevent the potential
flood. 2. The project is funded by the American
government. 3. The project is aimed to protect
the big bush only. 4. The organization will hand
out brochures to the local residents to improve
their alertness. 5. The project has its root in
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
Part Four Exercises
4. Role Play.
Suppose one of your tourists has lost his
passport. As a tour guide, you are trying your
best to calm him down and helping him to find the
passport through various channels.
Part Four Exercises
  1. Translation.
  • (1) ???????????,??????
  • (2) ?????????,???????????
  • (3) ?????,????????????????

I lost my credit card while I was shopping. Id
like to put a stop on my card.
____ _ ___________________________________________
Ive locked myself out. Would you please open
the door for me?
If there is a fire alarm, you can escape from the
emergency exit and stairways.
____ _____________________________________________
Part Four Exercises
(4) ????????????????????? (5)
????????????????????????? (6)
You may come to the Lost and Found Office to get
back your passport during the business hour.
______ ___________________________________________
I may leave my ID card in your bank when I cashed
the travelers check just now.
______ ___________________________________________
Make sure youve written everything clearly when
you fill out the lost property form.
______ ___________________________________________
Part Five Social Etiquette
Taboos for Travel
Singaporeans generally entertain guests with
lunch or dinner. Eating with Indians and
Malaysians in Singapore, one should be careful
not to use his left hand. When you are talking
with Singaporeans, try to avoid discussing
politics and religion. They hate men with long
hair and beard which may result in a prohibited
immigrants. In India, men do not shake hands
with women even in public places speak alone
with India women is unwise, and women are rarely
seen in public places.
Part Five Social Etiquette
Saudi is well-known for their generousness
and you should not always focus on his wristwatch
or other items, or he will give it to you on the
spot. Any refuse would be seen as rudeness. They
offer great hospitality. Invited as a guest, you
may bring small gifts with you, but do not carry
liquors. In addition, do not send gifts to
hostess alone, nor to a married woman. Do not
send sculptures with women pictures and the image
of women. The greatest Italian meal is lunch
which may last for two to three hours.
Persistently refusal of invitations for lunch or
dinner is discourteous. If invited, you may bring
flowers, wine or chocolate as a gift, but not
with chrysanthemum, which is used at funerals.
Flowers for gift should be in singular. Changes
are not directly addressed to you for money at
shopping, but with other goods instead.
? ???,???????????,?????????????????,??????
???????? ??????,??????????????,???????????
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