Title: Math 5A
1AR Cities 1
AR Cities 2
AR Cities 3
AR Cities 4
AR Cities 5
1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
2 pt
2 pt
2 pt
2 pt
2 pt
3 pt
3 pt
3 pt
3 pt
3 pt
4 pt
4 pt
4 pt
4 pt
4 pt
5 pt
5 pt
5 pt
5 pt
5 pt
2What a boy shoots in his gun
3What is Beebe?
4Its not cold and it jumps
5What is Hot Springs?
6What you do when you come to a bridge
7What is Crossett?
8What you must have to mail letters
9What is Stamps?
10A small stone
11What is Little Rock?
12A famous Indian maiden
13What is Pocahontas?
14Pilgrims came to America in it
15What is Mayflower?
16Take out all the Ts and you have sugar.
17What is Stuttgart?
18Add er and it comes from McDonalds
19What is Hamburg?
20A large white bloom on a tree
21What is Magnolia?
22A United States law officer
23What is Marshall?
24A hairless door handle
25What is Bald Knob?
26Evergreen tree on a steep hillside
27What is Pine Bluff?
28Never been used and a place where ships dock
29What is Newport?
30Lots of trees and bigger than a town
31What is Forrest City?
32A single hardwood tree
33What is Lonoke?
34To iron a bed
35What is Prescott?
36Boys name and two thousand pounds
37What is Cotton Plant?
38Nut tree on a hill
39What is Walnut Ridge?
40Kiss again.
41What is Smackover?
42To cross a creek and frozen water
43What is Fordyce?
44 Ball park food
45What is Weiner?
46Get lucky at the track
47What is Wynne?
48A boulder made of cotton cloth
49What is Calico Rock?
50Alabaster walkway
51What is White Hall?