Title: Application Layer Socket API, HTTP, VoIP, DNS
1Application LayerSocket API, HTTP, VoIP, DNS
- IS250
- Spring 2010
- John Chuang
2Application Layer Socket API
Socket API
Trans port
Trans port
Operating System
Net work
Net work
Net work
Net work
Host A
Host B
Router 1
Router 2
- Socket an API (application programming
interface) that allows the abstraction of the
underlying network (i.e., layers 4 and lower) - Sockets support send and receive methods
- Sockets identified by ltIP addr, TCP/UDP portgt
- Two common types of sockets
- Stream socket (supported by TCP)
- Datagram socket (supported by UDP)
- Read Comer 3.13-3.23
4Network Layers
- Application (layer 7) specific to application
need - Transport (layer 4) end-to-end delivery,
congestion and flow control - Network (layer 3) addressing, routing
- Data Link (layer 2) framing, error detection
- Physical (layer 1) bits (0/1), voltages,
frequencies, wires, pins,
5Representation v. Transfer
- Application layer protocols specify two aspects
of interaction - Data representation Syntax of data items that
are exchanged, e.g., HTML - Data transfer Interaction between client and
server, e.g., HTTP
6L7 Alphabet Soup
- Applications
- HTTP (Comer 4.4-4.10)
- FTP (Comer 4.11)
- Email, SMTP (Comer 4.12-4.16)
- telnet, SSH
- RTP, SIP (Comer 29)
- Network support
- DNS (Comer 4.17-4.25)
- BGP, RIP, OSPF (Comer 27)
7Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- HTTP specification (RFC 2616)
- http//www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt
- HTTP uses TCP
- Two types of HTTP messages
- HTTP Request
- HTTP Response
HTTP Request
HTTP Response
8HTTP Request Format
ltmethodgtltresource identifiergtltHTTP versiongtltCRLFgt
Request line
General header
Request header
Entity header
Blank line
Message body
Entity body
- Note
- ltCRLFgt carriage-return-line-feed
- optional fields in
9HTTP Header Fields
- Entity Headers
- Allow
- Content-Encoding
- Content-Language
- Content-Length
- Content-Location
- Content-MD5
- Content-Range
- Content-Type
- Expires
- Last-Modified
- HTTP Methods
- General Header Fields
- Cache-Control
- Connection
- Date
- Pragma
- Trailer
- Transfer-Encoding
- Upgrade
- Via
- Request Headers
- Accept
- Accept-Charset
- Accept-Encoding
- Accept-Language
- Authorization
- Cookie
- Expect
- From
- Host
- If-Match If-Modified-Since
- If-None-Match
- If-Range
- If-Unmodified-Since
- Max-Forwards
- Proxy-Authorization
- Range
- Referrer
- TE
Mandatory in HTTP/1.1
10HTTP Request Example
GET /index.html HTTP/1.1ltCRLFgt
Request line
Host www.sims.berkeley.edu ltCRLFgt
Request header
Blank line
11HTTP Response
- Note
- ltCRLFgt carriage-return-line-feed
- optional fields in
ltHTTP versiongtltstatus codegtltReason phrasegtltCRLFgt
Status line
General header
Response header
Entity header
Blank line
Message body
Entity body
- Response Header Fields
- Accept-Ranges
- Age
- Etag
- Location
- Proxy-Authenticate
- Retry-After
- Server
- Set-Cookie
- Vary
- WWW-Authenticate
- Status Codes
- 1xx Informational
- 2xx Success
- 3xx Redirection
- 4xx Client error
- 5xx Server error
- Some common codes
- 200 OK
- 401 Unauthorized
- 404 Not Found
12HTTP Response Example
Status line
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date Mon, 12 Nov 2007 201404
GMT Server Apache/2.0.52 (Red Hat) X-Powered-By
PHP/4.3.9 Set-Cookie PHPSESSIDf49e0b5ec
expiresWed, 05-Dec-2007 234724 GMT
path/ Last-Modified Mon, 12 Nov 2007 201404
GMT Cache-Control no-store, no-cache,
must-revalidate Cache-Control post-check0,
pre-check0 Pragma no-cache Transfer-Encoding
chunked Content-Type text/html
charsetutf-8 lthtml xmlns"http//www.w3.org/1999
/xhtml" lang"en" xmllang"engt lt/htmlgt
General header
Response header
Entity header
Blank line
Entity body
13HTTP/1.1 and Persistent TCP Connections
- An HTML object often has other embedded objects
(e.g., images) - HTTP/1.0 requires a new TCP session for each
object - Overhead of session establishment
- HTTP/1.1 permits reuse of one TCP session for
multiple requests - Use Connection Keep-Alive header
14L7 Alphabet Soup
- Applications
- HTTP (Comer 4.4-4.10)
- FTP (Comer 4.11)
- Email, SMTP (Comer 4.12-4.16)
- telnet, SSH
- RTP, SIP (Comer 29)
- Network support
- DNS (Comer 4.17-4.25)
- BGP, RIP, OSPF (Comer 27)
15Real-Time Multimedia
- How to support real-time multimedia applications
(e.g., video, audio) over a best-effort IP
network? - Packets may be delivered out of order or lost
- Retransmission is too slow to be helpful
- Technique delayed playback using timestamps and
jitter buffer
Source Douglas Comer
16Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP)
- Protocol for transport of real-time multi-media
data - Sequence number and timestamp in RTP header
Source Douglas Comer
17Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP)
- RTP messages encapsulated in UDP datagrams
- Why not TCP?
Source Douglas Comer
18RTP Companion Protocols
- RTCP Real-time Transport Control Protocol
- Control packets sent periodically to report
quality such as loss rate and jitter - RTSP Real-time Transport Streaming Protocol
- Used by streaming media players to provide remote
control like capabilities (e.g., play, stop, fast
19IP Telephony (VoIP)
- Companies around the world are replacing
traditional telephone switches with IP routers - Routers cost much less than traditional telephone
switches - Sending both data and voice as IP packets lowers
cost because underlying infrastructure is shared - The basic idea behind IP telephony
- continuously sample audio, convert to digital
(PCM) - send digitized stream across IP network (RTP)
- convert stream back to analog for playback
- Complications arise in signaling and backward
compatibility with PSTN
20IP Telephony (VoIP)
- IP telephone
- Media gateway controller
- Media gateway
- Signaling gateway
Source Douglas Comer
21VoIP Protocols
- RTP for user multimedia data
- Multiple protocols for signaling
- SIP Session Initiation Protocol RFC 2543
(IETF) - H.323 (ITU)
- ENUM converts telephone number to URI
facilitates DNS lookup
Source Douglas Comer
22Example SIP Session
Source Douglas Comer
23L7 Alphabet Soup
- Applications
- HTTP (Comer 4.4-4.10)
- FTP (Comer 4.11)
- Email, SMTP (Comer 4.12-4.16)
- telnet, SSH
- RTP, SIP (Comer 29)
- Network support
- DNS (Comer 4.17-4.25)
- BGP, RIP, OSPF (Comer 27)
24Domain Name Service (DNS)
- Routers and end-hosts use IP addresses
- e.g.,
- Human beings remember hostnames
- e.g., ischool.berkeley.edu
- Need translation service!
- Client sends query message (hostname) to domain
name server using UDP - Name server sends response message (with resolved
IP address) back to client
25DNS Query
Local Name Server (ns1.berkeley.edu)
Client (client.ischool.berkeley.edu)
Server (www.publisher.com)
26DNS Query
Root Name Server (f.root-servers.net)
Local Name Server (ns1.berkeley.edu)
Remote Name Server (ns.publisher.com)
Client (client.ischool.berkeley.edu)
Server (www.publisher.com)
27Hostnames a-m.root-servers.net Source
28Next Time Overlays
- Build your own networks at the application layer