Title: Internet Anadolu
1Internet Anadoluda ÇalistayiEgitim Notlari
- Mustafa Akgül, M. Ufuk Çaglayan
- Ethem Derman, Attila Özgit
- 23 Mart 2003, v1.0
2Genel Bakis
- Egitim 1 Internet Nereden Nereye ve
Internet Kullanimi I - Egitim 2 Internet Kullanimi II
- Egitim 3 Internet Teknik Temelleri
- Egitim 4 LINUX ve Internet Servisleri
3Egitim 1Internet Nereden Nereye ve Internet
Kullanimi I
- Internetin Gelisimi
- Giris Bilgileri
- Web Kullanimi ve Bilgiye Erisim
- Web Temelli Elektronik Ticaret
4Egitim 2Internet Kullanimi II
- Internet Adresleri, Alan Adi Sistemi
- Elektronik Posta ve Listeler
- Sohbet
- Dosya Aktarimi, Uzaktan Erisim
- Internete Erisim Alternatifleri
5Egitim 3Internet Teknik Temelleri
- Fiziksel Baglantilar
- Yerel Alan Aglari ve Ethernet
- Internet Mimarisi Katmanlarina Genel Bakis -
Internet Katmani- Transport Katmani-
Uygulamalar Katmani
6Egitim 4LINUX ve Internet Servisleri
- LINUXun Basit Kurulumu
- LINUX ve Internet Servislerinin KullanimiWeb
Tarayici, Elektronik Posta - LINUX ve Internet Servislerinin SunumuWeb
Sunucu, Elektronik Posta - Örnek bir Uygulama Web ve Veri Tabani
7Internetin Gelisimi - 1
- Arpanet
- ABD Savunma Bakanligi, Ileri Arastirma Projeleri
Kurumu, 1957 - Analog telefon iletisimine alternatif olarak
bilginin sayisal paketler halinde gönderilmesi
kavrami, 60li yillar (datagram) - Bilgisayar iletisimi için TCP/IP modelinin
önerilmesi (1974), askeri projelerde kullanim
8Internetin Gelisimi - 2
- ABD, Ulusal Bilim Vakfinin (NSF) 1984de askeri
proje yapmayan üniversite ve kurumlara ARPANET
alternatifi sunmasi ve Internet - Önce 56Kbps ve 1.5Mbps daha sonra 45 Mbps hizinda
baglantilar, MERIT, MCI, IBM konsorsiyumu - Ticari ag/IP servisleri, 1990larin basi
9Internetin Gelisimi - 3
- Web kavraminin bulunmasi, Internet servislerinde
ve bilgiye erisimde patlama - Bugünkü Durum
- Internet servislerinin tamamen ticarilesmesi
- Gigabit hizlarinda baglantilar
- Internet II, Yeni Nesil InternetYeni bir
Internet mimarisi ve çok daha yüksek hizlardaki
baglantilar için için arastirmalar
10Internetin Gelisimi - 4
- Türkiyedeki Durum - 1
- Internete ilk IP baglantisi ODTÜ/TÜBITAK,
64Kbps, 12 Nisan 1993 - Bogaziçi, Ege, ITÜ, Bilkent gibi üniversitelerin
IP baglantilari - 1996dan bu yana, tüm üniversiteleri birbirine
baglayan TÜBITAK ULAKNET omurgasi
11Internetin Gelisimi - 5
- Türkiyedeki Durum - 2
- 1996 - 1999, Türk Telekom TURNET omurgasi
- Ticari Internet Servis Saglayicilar (ISS)in
ortaya çikmasi, hiz ve erisim problemleri - Sancili yillar, Internet Üst Kurulu, ISSler
dernegi, Devletde Internet kullanimi, Kamunet - 1999dan bu yana Türk Telekom TTNet omurgasi,
Telekomunikasyon Kurumu, serbest piyasaya geçis
(2003 sonu)
12Ilgili Organizasyonlar - 1
- Internet Dernegi (ISOC) www.isoc.org
- Ocak 1992den beri
- Internet Mimarisi Kurulu (Internet Architecture
Board, IAB) Internet protokollerinin tasarimi,
mühendisligi ve yönetiminden sorumlu, ama
Internetin isletilmesinden sorumlu degil - En önemli alt kurulu - Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF)
13Ilgili Organizasyonlar - 2
- ICANN The Internet Corporation for Assigned
Names and Numbers, www.icann.org - 1998den bu yana, Internet adreslerinin tahsisi,
Alan Adi Sisteminin yönetimi gibi konularda
kurallari koymakla sorumlu uluslararasi kurum
(karsiz sirket) - Isletim, rekabete açik ortamda özel sirketler
14Ilgili Belgeler
- Internet Drafts (tartisma amaçli belgeler)
- Request for Comments (RFC, Yorum Talebi)
- 3000den fazla RFChttp//www.rfc-editor.org/rfc.h
tml - Internet protokollerinin ve çalisma
prensiplerinin detayli açiklandigi teknik
belgeler - Tüm tartismalar ve belgeler Internet ortaminda
15Internet (TCP/IP) Mimarisi
- Ag Mimarisi Yazilim katmanlari ve bu katmanlar
arasindaki iletisim protokolleri - Internet TCP/IP Mimarisi Dört katmanli mimari
(ISO OSI Referans Modeli yedi katmanli) - Varsayim Ag içinde bilgi paketlerinin iletimine
güvenmemek gerekir..!
16Internet Mimarisi Katmanlari
Uygulama Katmani Interneti kullanmaya yarayan
Transport Katmani Internette mesajlarin bir
uçtan bir uca hatasiz ve güvenilir bir sekilde
Internet Katmani Paketlerin iletimi,
Ag Erisim Katmani Paketlerin veri olarak iletimi,
fizksel iletisime erisim
17Katmanlar Arasi Bilgi Aktarimi
4. Uygulama Katmani, mesaj
3. Transport K, segment
2. IK, paket
H3 H2 H1 DATA Trailer
1. NAL, frame
H Katman basligi (header)
18Bazi Internet Protokollari - 1
- Ag Erisim
- IP over Ethernet, RFC-894
- IP Over ATM, RFC 1577
- Internet Katmani
- Internet Protocol Sürüm 4 (IPv4), RFC-791
- Internet Protocol Sürüm 6 (IPv6)
- Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), RFC-792
19Bazi Internet Protokollari - 2
- Transport Katmani
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), RFC-793
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP), RFC-768
- Real Time Protocol (RTP)
- Uygulama Katmani - Altyapi
- Routing Information Protocol (RIP), RFC-1058
- Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), RFC-1267
- Domain Name System (Alan Adi S.), RFC-1035
20Bazi Internet Protokollari - 3
- Uygulama Katmani - Kaynak/Bilgi Paylasimi
- Dosya Aktarimi (File Transfer Protocol, FTP),
RFC-959 - Uzaktan Kullanim (TELNET), RFC-854
- WEB Hypertext Transport Protocol,
HTTPv1.1.RFC-2616, HTMLv2, RFC-1866 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP),
RFC-821Post Office Protocol (POP3), RFC-1225 - Mesaj Formatlari, RFC-822. Çogul Ortam Mesajlar
(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, MIME),
21Internette Bilgiye Ulasim
- Web Erisimi ve Arama Motorlari
- Dosya Aktarimi (ftp)
- Uzaktan Kullanim (telnet)
22Web - 1
- Web of linked/hypertext documents
- TimBerners-Lee, CERN, 1989 and 1991
- Mosaic browser, Marc Andreessen, NCSA, 1993
(later Netscape Corp.) - WWW Consortium (MIT, CERN)
23Web - 2
- HTML, Hyper Text Markup Language
- HTTP, Hyper Text Transport Protocol
- HTTP Server (Apache, etc.), Web Browsers
24Web - 3
- Secure Socket Layers (SSL) was developed by
Netscape Communications - Secure-HTTP (S-HTTP) running over SSL
- SSL supports several cryptographic algorithms to
handle authentication and encryption
25Web - 4
- Writing web pages in HTML
- URLs http//baam.boun.edu.tr/netlab/netlab.gif
- Mark-up commands to describe how a document
should be formatted - Headings, paragraphs, lists, fonts, forms, etc.
26Web - 5
- Web - database interaction
- To enter/retrieve web info to/from databases
- CGI scripts, PERL programming language
- PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a server-side HTML
embedded scripting language.
27Web - 6
- Java Programming Language
- Developed at Sun Microsystems
- applets small Java programs in web pages
- To create active, dynamic web pages
- Object oriented, but simple language
- Many object libraries available
- Java VM. Performance problems
28Arama Motorlari
29Güvenlik Sorunlari
30Elektronik Ticaret
31Egitim 2Internet Kullanimi II
- Internet Adresleri, Alan Adi Sistemi
- Elektronik Posta ve Listeler
- Sohbet
- Dosya Aktarimi, Uzaktan Erisim
- Internete Erisim Alternatifleri
32Alan Adi Sistemi (Domain Name System, DNS) - 1
- Bilgisayaralarin sembolik isimleri ile
numaralari arasindaki iliskiye düzenleyen sistem - akgul.bilkent.edu.tr sembolik adi
IP nosuna karsilik gelir. - DNS sistemi düzgün çalismazsa Internet çöker!
- makina isimleri akilda kalir
33Alan Adi Sistemi - 2
- Makina isimleri - 2
- Her bilgisayarin, insanin, ve nesnenin adresi
vardir ve bu DNS ile ilintilidir - Protokoller makina adini sart kosmaz
- makina isimleri IP numaralarina döndürülür
34Alan Adi Sistemi - 3
- Domain (alan) ve altalanlar - 1
- kavramsal bir birim içindeki makinalari ve
altbirimleri belirler - Örgütsel, cografi, ülkesel bölünmeleri gösterir
.tr, .us. .de . com, edu, org, gov, com.tr,
bel.tr, k12.tr gibi
35Alan Adi Sistemi - 4
- Alanlar ve altalanlar - 2
- bir alan kendi altalanlarini istedigi gibi
olusturmakta tam yetkilidir. Bu bölünme
fonksiyonel, bölgesel vs olabilir - Alan ve altalan isimleri de IP ye dönebilir, ama
asil önemlisi o alan içindeki servisler ve
makinalar hakkinda bilgi verir
36Alan Adi Sistemi - 5
37Alan Adi Sistemi - 6
- Bir makinanin tam adi (FQDN) ilgili tüm alan ve
altalan bilgisini içerir palamut.cmpe.boun.edu.
tr , akgul.bcc.bilkent.edu.tr - sembolik isimler ilgili IP degisiminden
bagimsizdir, DNS sistemi bu saklar
38Alan Adi Sistemi - 7
- isim ?? IP degisimini DNS sistemi NS
sunuculari ile saglar - DNS sistemine ek olarak yerel olarak dosyalar ve
NIS gibi sistemler çalisir - NS sunuculari hiyararsik bir sekilde sorgular,
cachede tutar ve bunu paylasirlar
39Alan Adi Sistemi - 8
- DNS servers (DNSSs) - 1
- A host contacts its immediate DNSS for the
translation of an arbitrary name, the request is
routed in the DNSS hierarchy until a DNSS in the
hierarchy has the proper translation record.
40Alan Adi Sistemi - 9
- DNS servers (DNSSs) - 2
- Intermediate DNSSs remember (cache) the most
recent translations - DNSSs use UDP to talk to each other.
41Alan Adi Sistemi - 10
- DNS Translation Example
- palamut.cmpe.boun.edu.tr attempts to resolve the
IP address of, say www.lufthansa.de by contacting
the DNSS for cmpe or boun domains.
42Alan Adi Sistemi - 11
- DNS Translation Example (continued)
- Request is routed to tr DNSS, then to one of the
top level domain DNSSs (in US), then to de DNSS
(assume it has the record), then all the way back
to boun DNSS and to palamut.cmpe.boun.edu.tr
43Electronik Posta - 1
- A very frequently used application
- E-mail clients
- E-mail servers
- E-mail gateways
- Mailboxes on e-mail servers
44Nesne Adresleri
- URL Uniform Resource Locater
- http//akgul.nom.tr/yazilar/cbt/eturkiye.html
- ftp//akgul_at_inet-tr.org.tr2222/dosya/x.zip
- mailtoakgul_at_bilkent.edu.tr?Subjecthello
- Rsync//rsync.xyz.com897/xyz.ppt
- https//www.nic.tr/cgi-bin/whois?nameak
- Pro//usersifre_at_makinaport/nesne
45Electronik Posta - 3
- Examples TCP/IP e-mail
- RFC 822 message formats
- SMTP (RFC 821)
- RFC 822 Extensions
- MIME (RFC 1521)
- POP (Post Office Protocol)
- POP3 (RFC 1725)
46Electronik Posta - 4
- Server software Sendmail, postfix,qmail
- Client software Outlook, Eudora, etc.
47Electronik Posta - 5
- Two methods of secure electronic mail PGP and
S/MIME - PGP Work of a single person, Phil Zimmermann
- Digital signatures DSS/SHA or RSA/SHA
- Encryption CAST or IDEA or Triple DES with
one-time session key, also DH and RSA - ZIP and Radix-64 conversion
48Electronik Posta - 6
- S/MIME Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions - A natural follower of RFC822 and MIME
- Envelope Concept
- SHA-1 preferred, also MD5
- Signatures DSS RSA with 512 to 1024 bits
- Message encryption One time keys, Triple DES
and RC2/40 bits
49Electronik Posta - 9
- SMTP over TCP/IP, UUCP and local mail are three
distinct facilities that enable users exchange
mail messages, but they also create problems
since they are incompatible mail delivery
systems. - sendmail eliminates the confusion created by
multiple mail delivery systems.
50Electronik Posta Listeleri - 1
- List servers LISTSERV majordomo
- Special e-mail servers to auto distribute e-mail
to a large group of users - subscribe, unsubscribe, distribute, archive
operations. moderated/not moderated lists - ???
51Electronik Posta Listeleri - 2
52Sohbet (Chat) - 1
53Uzaktan Erisim - 1
- For local capture of display, keyboard, mouse
etc. of a remote host - rlogin, telnet applications, X-Windows
- rlogin provides interactive access to remote
hosts similar to telnet.
54Dosya Aktarimi - 1
- ftp uygulamasi
- Herkese açik dosyalarin anonim FTP ile
getirilmesi- kullanici adiananymous-
sifreelektronik posta adresi
55Dosya Aktarimi - 2
- FTP örnek RFC getirme
- \gt ftp ds.internic.net
- \gt cd rfc
- \gt get rfc-index.txt
- \gt get rfc977.txt
- \gt quit
- RFC web http//www.rfc-editor.org
56Türkiyede Internete Erisim
57Egitim 3Internet Teknik Temelleri
- Fiziksel Baglantilar
- Yerel Alan Aglari ve Ethernet
- Internet Mimarisi Katmanlarina Genel Bakis -
Internet Katmani- Transport Katmani-
Uygulamalar Katmani
58Fiziksel Baglantilar
59Yerel Alan Aglari ve Ethernet
60Network Access Layer - 1
- Goal To move IP packets over
- Dial-up or leased telephone lines, wireless
networks, digital carriers such as E1, T1, SONET - Public switched packet services such as X.25,
SMDS, Frame Relay, or ATM - LANs such as Ethernet, token ring
- Any propriety networks such as SNA, etc.
61Internet Katmani - 1
- Main Functions
- Provide datagram (packet) service to transport
layer protocols TCP, UDP and to other protocols
such as ICMP, PPP etc. - Routing of packets through the subnet
- Congestion control
- Internetworking Connecting multiple networks
62Internet Katmani - 2
- Provides only connectionless (datagram) services,
no VC services..! - Review of packet switching (vs. message
switching) (next slide) - Delivery not guaranteed
- Order of packets not guaranteed
- Packets may take different routes
63Internet Protocol - 1
- IPv4 packetizes each transport message by adding
an IP header of min 20, max 60 bytes - IPv4 Packet Header
- Version , 4 bits (Version 4 and 6)
- Header length, 4 bits.Header length in bytes/4
(header always multiple of 4)
64Internet Protocol - 4
- Source/destination addresses IP address
- IP address is for the INTERFACE of a host.
Multiple interfaces mean multiple IP addresses,
i.e., routers. - 32 bit IP address in dotted-decimal (hexadecimal)
notation for ease of reading, i.e., or 0xC1.8C.C3.42 - IP address is divided into a network number and a
host number.
65Internet Protocol - 5
- IP address (continued)
- IP address division is determined by the address
classes A, B, C, D, E. - High order (leftmost) bits determine the address
class, hence the number of bits in the network
address. - Class A Address begins with bit 0. It has 8 bit
network number (range,
24 bit host number.
66Internet Protocol - 6
- IP address (continued)
- Class B Address begins with bits 10. It has 16
bit network number (range
.255), 16 bit host number. - Class C Address begins with bits 110. It has 24
bit network number (range
.255), 8 bit host number.
67Internet Protocol - 7
- IP address (continued)
- Rule Regardless of address class, all hosts on
a single physical network must have the same
network number, but different host numbers. - i.e., 2 hosts with IP addresses
and (C class addresses) on the
same Ethernet cable/hub (even if on different
segments separated by repeaters and/or bridges)
violate the above rule.
68Internet Protocol - 7
- IP address (continued) Host number assignment
conventions - Host number 0 means "this host" or "this network"
(do not use). - Host number 1 is used to number gateways (router
interfaces). - Host numbers with all bits 1's, e.g., 255 or
255.255, are used as broadcast addresses.
69Internet Protocol - 8
- Subnet Addresses and Masks
- IP address can actually be divided into a network
number, a subnet number and a host number.
70Internet Protocol - 11
- Basic IP Routing
- Routing of the packets is done only by IP.
- IP routes a packet by looking at only the network
number part of the address, not the host number. - Goal is to simplify the routing algorithm and to
reduce the size of routing tables. Note that all
hosts connected to the same data link network
will have the same network number.
71Internet Protocol - 12
- Basic IP Routing (continued)
- Routing table entries are in the following
form.ltnetwork number, gateway number, flagsgt193.
140.192.0 U199.144.191.0 193.140.19
7.1 Udefault U - A router examines a packet header as it passes
through. Source and destination IP addresses do
not change.
72Internet Protocol - 13
- Basic IP Routing (continued)
- A router decrements the TTL field and if zero,
discards the packet and sends an ICMP time
expired message to the source IP address. - A routing protocol is used to update routing
tables at each routing node of the network.
Routing protocol enables routers to find out the
most effective route to a certain destination
73Internet Protocol - 14
- Basic IP Routing (continued)
- Routing protocol (RIP, BGP) is not part of IP. IP
performs actual routing although IP does not know
how routing tables are built. Routing protocols
build routing tables.
- DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol,
RFC2131 - DHCP provides complete network configuration/param
eters in addition to IP address assignment and
remote boot of an OS. - Permanent, time-limited, manual IP addresses
- DHCP server
75ICMP - 1
- Internet Control Message Protocol, RFC-792. ICMP
uses IP. About 12 ICMP messages. - Destination Unreachable Message A router cannot
locate destination host. - Time Exceeded Message Routers use it to inform
hosts about packets discarded when packet TTL
value reaches 0.
76ICMP - 2
- Echo Request/Reply, Timestamp Request/Reply
Messages To check if a host is alive, or to
measure delays on a route. Basic messages behind
ping utility. - High volume of ICMP messages may indicate bad
77IPv6 - 1
- Many problems associated with IPv4
- Inefficient address space
- Address space hierarchy
- Problems with multicasting and security
- No service quality parameters
- Mobile hosts
78IPv6 - 3
- IPv6 Header (continued)
- Source and Destination Addresses Each 128 bits
(16 bytes). Insufficient address space problem is
79Transport Katmani - 1
- Issues and services
- TL provides end to end services to hosts.
- TL entities exchange segments between socket
numbers (TSAPs). - TL enhances the quality of service (QoS) of the
underlying network layer, namely IP and provides
flow control and error recovery. - Connection oriented and connectionless services
(TCP and UDP)
80TCP - 1
- TCP Header Fixed 20 bytes
- Source port and destination port numbers,each 16
bits. First 1024 ports are reserved. - Segment sequence number, 32 bits.Relative byte
offset of the first byte of current messsage. - Segment acknowledgment number, 32 bits.Relative
byte offset of the last byte of ack'ed messsage.
81User Datagram ProtocolUDP - 1
- Unlike TCP, UDP is packet oriented, has no ack
facility, no guarantee of UDP packet delivery or
ordered delivery. - Better suited to support client/server model.
- UDP is used by application level protocols and
services such as Remote Procedure Call (RPC),
82User Datagram ProtocolUDP - 2
- UDP Header Fixed 8 bytes
- Source port and destination port numbers,each 16
bits. - Data length, 16 bits.
- Checksum, 16 bits
- UDP data, max 64Kbytes, follow the header.
83Other Transport Protocols - 1
- Real Time Transport Protocol (RTP)
- RFC 1889
- For real time multimedia applications such as
Internet radio, television, telephony etc. - RTP runs over UDP, therefore it is not exactly a
transport protocol. RTP offers generic,
application independent services to multimedia
applications, therefore it could be classified as
a transport protocol.
84Protocols A Summary
- Protocol Numbers
- IP 0
- ICMP 1
- IGMP 2
- TCP 6
- UDP 17
85Ports A Summary
- Port Numbers, a subset
- time 37/tcp time 37/udp
- telnet 23/tcp
- ftp 21/tcp
- smtp 25/tcp
- http 80/tcp
86TCP/IP Clients - 1
- PCs with Windows
- In Control Panel/Network menu
- Assign an IP number and mask.Example, select auto IP
assignment (DHCP, WINS) - Assign a gateway IP number.Example - Find out and define the IP number of DNS
servers, i.e., and
87TCP/IP Clients - 2
- UNIX/LINUX Workstations
- inetd daemon for TCP/IP services, inetd.conf
configuration file. - ifconfig command for interface configuration.ifco
nfig le0 displays interface properties - Assign an IP number, mask, gateway IP number, DNS
server IP number in a similar manner (very much
OS dependent).
88TCP/IP Routing - 1
- Bridges versus routers
- A bridge is transparent to IP
- Two segments joining the bridge create a single
physical network, i.e., the same IP network
number, from IP's point of view - Whether a bridge or router is used significantly
influences how IP addresses are assigned.
89TCP/IP Routing Protocols - 1
- Two large groups Interior and exterior
- RIP, an interior protocol mostly in use within
autonomous systems, uses hop count as the metric - BGP, an exterior protocol to interconnect large
networks, uses delay as the metric
90TCP/IP Routing Protocols - 2
Autonomous System 2
Autonomous System 1
Interior Routing Protocol
Exterior Routing Protocol
91Multimedia Networking - 1
- Download and play applications, such as MP3, MPEG
are relatively easy to handle and similar to FTP. - Real multimedia applications require streaming
audio and video and sometimes interactivity which
requires more complex mechanisms to handle on
best effort networks
92Multimedia Networking - 2
- Real-time (RT)Application
- Key Issues
- Bandwidth Compression
- Timing Delivery
- Best Effort Networks
- Heterogeneous
- Was not initially designed for RT applications
93Multimedia Networking - 3
- Problems with the Best Effort Networks
- Packet Loss (up to 20 may be tolerated)
- End-to-end Delay may cause disturbances if it
exceeds 150 msec for interactive applications - Packet Jitter can be removed by using sequence
numbers, time stamps and playout delay
94Multimedia Networking - 4
- Video Compression standards
- H.261
- H.263
- MPEG-1, -2, -4
- MPEG-7 making audio-visual material
- as searchable as text is today.
95Services and Applications
96TCP/IP Troubleshooting - 1
- Ifconfig (ipconfig in Win NT) to check the
status of all available network interfaces - netstat to check the status of all available
network interfaces example netstat -ain
97TCP/IP Troubleshooting - 2
- ping to check whether a remote host is
operational - nslookup to get information from DNS
- traceroute (tracert in Windows NT) tells the
route a packet is taking
98Egitim 4LINUX ve Internet Servisleri
- LINUXun Basit Kurulumu
- LINUX ve Internet Servislerinin KullanimiWeb
Tarayici, Elektronik Posta - LINUX ve Internet Servislerinin SunumuWeb
Sunucu, Elektronik Posta - Örnek bir Uygulama Web ve Veri Tabani
99LINUXun Basit Kurulumu
100LINUX ve Internet Servislerinin Kullanimi
101LINUX ve Internet Servislerinin Sunumu
102Örnek bir Uygulama
103Kitaplar Listesi - 1
- A. S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 4th Ed.,
Prentice-Hall, 2003. - W. Stallings, Data and Computer Communications,
6th Ed., Prentice-Hall, 2000.
104Kitaplar Listesi - 2
- LINUX, Microsoft Windows vb rehber kitaplari
- Online "man/help sayfalari
- RFCler ve diger IETF belgeleri
105Egitim Notlari ile ilgili Temas
- M. Ufuk Çaglayan
- Bilgisayar Mühendisligi Bölümü
- Bogaziçi Üniversitesi
- Bebek, Istanbul 34342
- Faks (212) 287 2461
- Tel (212) 358 1540 ext 1698 M. Ufuk Çaglayan
- E-posta caglayan_at_boun.edu.tr
- HTTP netlab.boun.edu.tr