Title: OSiL: An XML-based schema for stochastic programs
1OSiL An XML-based schema for stochastic programs
- H.I. Gassmann, R. Fourer, J. Ma, R.K. Martin
SP XI Vienna, August 2007
- Motivation and review
- A four-stage investment problem
- OSiL format
- Conclusions and future work
3Why a standard?
- Benchmarking
- Archiving
- Algorithm development
- Distributed computing
- Sharing of problem instances
4Why XML?
- Existing parsers to check syntax
- Easy to generate automatically
- Tree structure naturally mirrors expression trees
for nonlinear functions - Arbitrary precision and name space
- Automatic attribute checking (e.g.,
nonnegativity) - Querying capabilities via XQuery
- Encryption standards being developed
- Easy integration into broader IT infrastructure
5Stochastic programs
Any data item with nonzero subscript may be
random (including dimensions where mathematically
sensible) stands for arbitrary relations (?, ,
D means with probability 1 or with
probability at least b or with expected
violation at most v or
6Problem classes and time domain
- Single-stage problems
- Mean-variance problems (Markowitz)
- Robust optimization
- Chance-constrained problems
- Reformulated and solved as deterministic
nonlinear problems
7Problem classes and time domain (contd)
- Two-stage problems with recourse
- Solved by
- Deterministic equivalent methods
- Benders decomposition
- Stochastic quasigradient methods
- Stochastic decomposition (Higle and Sen)
- Monte Carlo sampling (Shapiro and Homem-de-Mello)
- Regression approximation (Deák)
- Distributions
- Known
- Approximated (by scenario generation)
- Partially known (moments, distribution type,
support, etc.)
8Problem classes and time domain (contd)
- Multi-stage recourse models
- Deterministic equivalent
- Nested Benders decomposition
- Progressive hedging
- Multistage stochastic decomposition
- Probabilistic constraints and risk measures can
be added as linking constraints
9Problem classes and time domain (contd)
- Horizon problems (Grinold, Sethi)
- Markov reward processes
- Continuous time problems
10Example (Birge)
I 2, T 3, B 55, R 80, at1 1.25,
1.06, at2 1.14, 1.12
11Markup languages
- Intersperse text (data) and information about it
(formatting, etc.) - Examples
- TeX (extensible through user \def)
12OSiL Schema
- Written in XML
- Very flexible
- Intended to handle as many types of mathematical
programs as possible - Linear and integer
- Nonlinear
- Stochastic
13OSiL Schema Header information
14Header information Example
- lt?xmlversion"1.0"encoding"UTF8"?gt
- ltosil xmlns"os.optimizationservices.org
- xmlnsxsihttp//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
instance - xsischemaLocation"OSiL.xsd"gt
- ltinstanceHeadergt
- ltnamegtFinancialPlan_JohnBirgelt/namegt
- ltsourcegt
- Birge and Louveaux, Stochastic
Programming - lt/sourcegt
- ltdescriptiongt
- Three-stage stochastic investment
problem - lt/descriptiongt
- lt/instanceHeader gt
- ltinstanceDatagt
- ...
- lt/instanceDatagt
- lt/osilgt
15OSiL Schema Deterministic data
16Instance data
Variables, objectives, constraints
- ltvariables numberOfVariables"8"gt
- ltvar name"invest01" type"C" lb"0.0"/gt
- ltvar name"invest02"/gt
- ltvar name"invest11"/gt
- ltvar name"invest12"/gt
- ltvar name"invest21"/gt
- ltvar name"invest22"/gt
- ltvar name"w"/gt
- ltvar name"u"/gt
- lt/variablesgt
- ltobjectives numberOfObjectives"1"gt
- ltobj maxOrMin"max" numberOfObjCoef "2"
lb"0.0"gt - ltcoef idx"6"/gt1.lt/coefgt
- ltcoef idx"7"/gt-4.lt/coefgt
- lt/objgt
- lt/objectivesgt
- ltconstraints numberOfConstraints"4"gt
- ltcon name"budget0" lb"55" ub"55"/gt
- ltcon name"budget1" lb"0" ub"0"/gt
17Instance data Core matrix (sparse
matrix form)
- ltlinearConstraintCoefficients
- numberOfValues14"gt
- ltstartgt
- ltelgt0lt/elgt
- ltelgt2lt/elgt
- ltelgt4lt/elgt
- ltelgt6lt/elgt
- ltelgt8lt/elgt
- ltelgt10lt/elgt
- ltelgt12lt/elgt
- ltelgt13lt/elgt
- ltelgt14lt/elgt
- lt/startgt
ltvaluegt ltelgt1lt/elgt ltelgt1.25lt/elgt
ltelgt1lt/elgt ltelgt1.14lt/elgt
ltelgt1lt/elgt ltelgt1.25lt/elgt ltelgt1lt/elgt
ltelgt1.14lt/elgt ltelgt1lt/elgt
ltelgt1.25lt/elgt ltelgt1lt/elgt
ltelgt1.14lt/elgt ltelgt1lt/elgt ltelgt-1lt/elgt
ltrowIdxgt ltelgt0lt/elgt ltelgt1lt/elgt
ltelgt0lt/elgt ltelgt1lt/elgt ltelgt1lt/elgt
ltelgt2lt/elgt ltelgt1lt/elgt ltelgt2lt/elgt
ltelgt2lt/elgt ltelgt3lt/elgt ltelgt2lt/elgt
ltelgt3lt/elgt ltelgt3lt/elgt ltelgt3lt/elgt lt/rowIdxgt
18OSiL Schema Dynamic structure
19Dynamic information Example
- ltstages numberOfStages"4"gt
- ltstagegt
- ltvariables numberOfVariables"2"
startIdx"0" endIdx"1"/gt - ltconstraints numberOfConstraints"1"
startIdx"0"/gt - lt/stagegt
- ltstagegt
- ltvariables numberOfVariables"2"
startIdx"2" endIdx"3"/gt - ltconstraints numberOfConstraints"1"
startIdx"1"/gt - lt/stagegt
- ltstagegt
- ltvariables numberOfVariables"2"
startIdx"4" endIdx"5"/gt - ltconstraints numberOfConstraints"1"
startIdx"2"/gt - lt/stagegt
- ltstagegt
- ltvariables numberOfVariables"2"gt
- ltvar idx"6"gt ltvar idx"7"gt
- lt/variablesgt
- ltconstraints numberOfConstraints"1"
startIdx"3"/gt - lt/stagegt
20Explicit and implicit event trees
21OSiL Schema Scenario trees
22Scenario tree Example
- ltstochasticInformation decisionEvenSequence"Deci
sionAfterEvent"gt - lteventTreegt
- ltscenarioTree numberOfScenarios"8"gt
- ltrootScenario prob"0.125"
stage"0"/gt - ltscenario prob"0.125" stage"3"
parent"0"gt - ltlinearConstraintCoefficientsgt
- ltel rowIdx"3"
colIdx"4"gt1.06lt/elgt - ltel rowIdx"3"
colIdx"5"gt1.12lt/elgt - lt/linearConstraintCoefficientsgt
- lt/scenariogt
- ltscenario prob"0.125" stage"2"
parent"0"gt -
23Node-by-node representation for stochastic
problem dimensions
24Node-by-node Example
- ltstochasticInformation decisionEvenSequenc
e"DecisionAfterEvent"gt - lteventTree gt
- ltnodalTreegt
- ltsNode prob"1" base"coreProgram"gt
- ltsNode prob"0.5"
base"coreProgram"gt - ltsNode prob"0.5"
base"coreProgram"gt - ltsNode prob"0.5"
base"coreProgram"/gt - ltsNode prob"0.5"
base"firstSibling"gt - ltchangesgt
- ltel rowIdx3"
colIdx"4"gt1.06lt/elgt - ltel rowIdx"3"
colIdx"5"gt1.12lt/elgt - lt/changesgt
- lt/sNodegt
- lt/sNodegt
25Distributions (implicit tree)
26Discrete random vector
- ltdistributionsgt
- ltmultivariategt
- ltdistr stage"1"gt
- ltmultiDimensionalDistributionGroupgt
- ltmultivariateDiscretegt
- ltscenariogt
- ltprobgt0.5lt/probgt
- ltelgt1.25lt/elgt
- ltelgt1.14lt/elgt
- lt/scenariogt
- ltscenariogt
- ltprobgt0.5lt/probgt
- ltelgt1.06lt/elgt
- ltelgt1.12lt/elgt
- lt/scenariogt
- lt/multivariateDiscretegt
- lt/multiDimensionalDistributionGroupgt
- lt/distrgt
27General distribution (incomplete information)
- Random variables separated from model entities
- Linked to stochastic problem elements by
transformations (linear or nonlinear) - Useful for factor models and other stochastic
29OSiL schema Linear transformations
30Linear transformation Example
- ltstochasticTransformationgt
- ltlinearTransformationgt
- ltstochasticElements
- numberOfElements"6"gt
- ltel rowIdx"1" colIdx"0"/gt
- ltel rowIdx"1" colIdx"1"/gt
- ltel rowIdx"2" colIdx"2"/gt
- ltel rowIdx"2" colIdx"3"/gt
- ltel rowIdx"3" colIdx"4"/gt
- ltel rowIdx"3" colIdx"5"/gt
- lt/stochasticElementsgt
- ltmatrixCoefficients
- numberOfElements"6"gt
- ltstartgt
- ltelgt0lt/elgt
- ltelgt1lt/elgt
- ltelgt2lt/elgt
- ltelgt3lt/elgt
- ltelgt4lt/elgt
ltrowIdxgt ltelgt0lt/elgt
ltelgt2lt/elgt ltelgt3lt/elgt
ltelgt4lt/elgt ltelgt1lt/elgt
lt/rowIdxgt ltvaluegt
ltel mult"6"gt1.0lt/elgt lt/valuegt
lt/matrixCoefficientsgt lt/linearTransformationgt
31Penalties and probabilistic constraints
32Nonlinear expression (2x0
x12)2 (1 x0)2
- ltplusgt
- ltpowergt
- ltminusgt
- ltvar coef"2.0" idx"0"/gt
- ltpowergt
- ltvar coef"1.0" idx"1"/gt
- ltnumber value"2"/gt
- lt/powergt
- lt/minusgt
- ltnumber value"2"/gt
- lt/powergt
- ltpowergt
- ltminusgt
- ltnumber value"1"/gt
- ltvar coef"1.0" idx"0"/gt
- lt/minusgt
- ltnumber value"2"/gt
- lt/powergt
- lt/plusgt
- Arbitrary nonlinear expressions
- Arbitrary distributions
- Scenario trees
- Stochastic problem dimensions
- Simple recourse
- Soft constraints with arbitrary penalties
- Probabilistic constraints
- Arbitrary moment constraints
34Further work
- Internal data structures (OSInstance)
- OSiLWriter SMPS ? OSiL
- Library of problems (netlib, POSTS, Ariyawansa
and Felt, Watson, SIPLib,) - Readers
- Solver interfaces
- Buy-in
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