Title: Measuring Progress: the view from Australia
1Measuring Progressthe view from Australia
- Professor Mike Salvaris
- Victoria University
- Melbourne, Australia
- My work and goals
- Survey of the Australian scene
- National project Measures of Australia's
Progress - Local projects the Community Indicators Project
- Measuring wellbeing a global movement?
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8Well-being, Sustainability, Quality of Life
- Ultimately indicators have to shift emphasis from
money and consumption to factors that relate to
the quality of our lives (socially, economically
and ecologically). These qualitative indices
point to the purpose of economic development to
build better lives.
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14Most important functions of local government
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16Key strategic links of VCIP
- Better measures of progress
- Better statistics and statistical capacity
- Better whole of community planning
- Citizen engagement and local democracy
- Stronger communities
- Better Statewide planning - with local community
plan as building blocks
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185 pillars of community wellbeing
- Social
- Cultural
- Economic
- Environmental
- Governance and democratic
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20 The future does not just happen to us we
ourselves create it by what we do and what we
fail to do. It is we who are making tomorrow what
tomorrow will be. For that reason, futurists
think not so much in terms of predicting the
future as in terms of trying to decide wisely
what we want the future to be. Edward