The Chemical Level of Organization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Chemical Level of Organization


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Chemical Level of Organization

  • The Chemical Level of Organization

The Chemical Level of Organization
  • Matter
  • elements
  • atoms and molecules
  • Chemical bonds
  • Chemical energy
  • Chemical reactions
  • Inorganic compounds
  • Organic compounds

How Matter is Organized
  • Chemistry is the science of the structure and
    interactions of matter.
  • all living things consist of matter.
  • Matter is anything that occupies space.
  • mass is the amount of matter in any object.
  • weight is the force of gravity acting on matter.

Chemical Elements
  • Elements are substances that can not be split
    into simpler substances by ordinary means.
  • 112 elements ( 92 occur naturally )
  • 26 of naturally occurring elements are in the
  • represented by chemical symbols ( first 1-2
    letters of name )
  • 4 elements form 96 of the bodys mass
  • hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen
  • Trace elements are present in tiny amounts
  • such as copper, tin, selenium zinc

Structure of Atoms
  • Atoms are the smallest units of matter that
    retain the properties of an element
  • Atoms consist of 3 types of subatomic particles
  • protons, neutrons and electrons
  • Nucleus contains protons (p) neutrons (neutral
  • Electrons (e-) surround the nucleus as a cloud
    (electron shells are designated regions of the

Electron Shells
  • Most likely region of the electroncloud in which
    to find electrons
  • Each electron shell can hold onlya limited
    number of electrons
  • first shell can hold only 2 electrons
  • 2nd shell can hold 8 electrons
  • 3rd shell can hold 18 electrons
  • higher shells (up to 7) hold many more electrons
  • Number of electrons number of protons
  • Each atom is electrically neutral charge 0

Atomic Number Mass Number
  • Atomic number is number of protons in the
    nucleus. .
  • Mass number is the sum of its protons and

  • Atoms of an element with different numbers of
    neutrons different mass numbers . Ex. Hydrogen,
    Deuterium, Tritium
  • All isotopes of an element have same properties
  • have same number of electrons (which determine
    its chemical properties)

Figure 2.1
Molecule, Element, compound
  • Molecule more than one atom existing in union
  • Element Molecule contains identical atoms
  • Compound Molecule contains different atoms

IONS Charged particles
  • When an atom gains or loses electros ions are
  • Positively charged cation
  • Negatively charged anion

Free Radicals
  • Atom with an unpaired electron in its outmost
  • Unstable and highly reactive
  • Can become stable
  • by giving up electron
  • taking one off another molecule (breaking apart
    important body molecules)

Free Radicals Your Health
  • Produced in your body by absorption of energy in
    ultraviolet light in sunlight, x-rays, by
    breakdown of harmful substances, during normal
    metabolic reactions
  • Linked to many diseases -- cancer, diabetes,
    Alzheimer, atherosclerosis and arthritis
  • Damage may be slowed with antioxidants such as
    vitamins C and E, selenium beta-carotene
    (precursor to vitamin A)

Chemical Bonds
  • Bonds hold together the atoms in molecules and
  • An atom with a full outer electron shell is
    stable and unlikely to form a bond with another
  • Octet rule states that biologically important
    elements interact to produce chemically stable
    arrangements of 8 electrons in the valence shell.
  • Whether electrons are shared, donated or acquired
    determines the types of bonds formed

Covalent Bonds
  • Atoms share electrons to form covalent bonds
  • Electrons spend most of the time between the 2
    atomic nuclei
  • single bond share 1pair
  • double bond share 2 pair
  • triple bond share 3 pair

Polar Covalent Bonds
  • Unequal sharing of electrons between atoms.
  • In a water molecule, oxygen attracts the hydrogen
    electrons more strongly
  • Oxygen has greater electronegativity as indicated
    by the negative Greek delta sign.

Ionic Bonds
  • Positively and negatively charged ions attract
    each other to form an ionic bond
  • In the body, ionic bonds are found mainly in
    teeth and bones
  • An ionic compound that dissociates in water into
    and - ions is called an electrolyte

The Ionic Bond in Sodium Chloride
  • Sodium loses an electron to become Na (cation)
  • Chlorine gains an electron to become Cl- (anion)
  • Na and Cl- are attracted to each other to form
    the compound sodium chloride (NaCl) -- table salt
  • Ionic compounds generally exist as solids

Hydrogen bonds
  • Hydrogen bonds are the most important inter
    molecular force of attraction .
  • Formed by the attraction between slightly
    positive Hydrogen atom and a slightly negative
    atom of another element.
  • Too weak to create molecules but creates shapes
    and stabilizes large molecules like proteins or
    nucleic acids

Water_Polarity QT Mov
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Chemical Reactions
  • When new bonds form or old bonds are broken
  • Metabolism is all the chemical reactions in the

Energy and Chemical Reactions
  • Chemical reactions involve energy changes
  • Law of conservation of energy
  • energy can neither be created nor destroyed--just
    converted from one form to another
  • Reactions that yield energy Exergonic reactions
    (Larger to smaller mols.)
  • AB ? A B
  • Reactions that require energy to occur
    Endergonic reactions (smaller to larger mols )
  • A B ?AB

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Energy Transfer in Chemical Reactions
  • Chemical reactions usually involve both
  • Human metabolism couples exergonic and endergonic
    reactions, so that the energy released from one
    reaction will drive the other.
  • Glucose breakdown releases energy used to build
    ATP molecules that store that energy for later
    use in other reactions

Activation Energy
  • Atoms, ions moleculesare continuously moving
  • Activation energy is the collision energy needed
    to break bonds begin a reaction
  • Increases in concentration temperature,
    increase the probability of 2 particles colliding
  • more particles in a given space as concentration
    is raised
  • particles move more rapidly when temperature is

Catalysts or Enzymes
  • Normal body temperatures and concentrations are
    too low to cause chemical reactions to occur
  • Catalysts speed up chemical reactions by lowering
    the activation energy needed to get it started
  • Catalysts orient the colliding particles properly
    so that they touch at the spots that make the
    reaction happen
  • Catalyst molecules are unchanged and can be used
    repeatedly to speed up similar reactions.

Effectiveness of Catalysts
  • Catalysts speed up chemical reactions by lowering
    the activation energy.

Synthesis Reactions--Anabolism
  • Two or more atoms, ions or molecules combine to
    form new larger molecules
  • All the synthesis reactions in the body together
    are called anabolism
  • Usually are endergonic because they absorb more
    energy than they release
  • Example
  • combining amino acids to form a protein molecule

Decomposition Reactions--Catabolism
  • Large molecules are split into smaller atoms,
    ions or molecules
  • All decomposition reactions occurring together in
    the body are known as catabolism
  • Usually are exergonic since they release more
    energy than they absorb

Exchange Reactions
  • Substances exchange atoms
  • consist of both synthesis and decomposition
  • Example
  • HCl NaHCO3 gives rise to H2CO3 NaCl
  • ions have been exchanged between substances

Reversible Reactions
  • Chemical reactions can be reversible.
  • Reactants can become products or products can
    revert to the original reactants
  • Indicated by the 2 arrows pointing in opposite
    directions between the reactants and the products
  • AB A B

Inorganic Compounds Solvents
  • Most of the chemicals in the body are compounds
  • Inorganic compounds
  • usually lack carbon are structurally simple
  • water, salts, acids and bases
  • Organic compounds
  • contain carbon usually hydrogen
  • always have covalent bonds

  • pH - measure or acidity/alkalinity pH - log
  • acidic lt 7 lt basic
  • Acids-raise H content
  • Bases-lower H content
  • release OH- or accepts H (alkaline)
  • 1pH unit 10x difference
  • 1000 as many H in a pH of 5 as there are in 8
  • Buffer-takes up or releases H or OH- to prevent
    changes in pH. In the bicarbonate system,
    H2CO3 H base acceptor, HCO3- acid acceptor

Concept of pH
  • pH scale runs from 0 to 14 (concentration of H
    in soln.)
  • pH of 7 is neutral (distilled water)
  • pH below 7 is acidic and above 7 is alkaline

Inorganic Acids, Bases Salts
  • Acids, bases and salts always dissociate into
    ions if they are dissolved in water
  • acids dissociate into Hand one or more anions
  • bases dissociate into OH-and one or more
  • salts dissociate into anions and cations, none
    of whichare either H or OH-
  • Acid bases react in the body to form salts
  • Electrolytes are important salts in the body that
    carry electric current (in nerve or muscle)

Water Its Properties
  • Most important inorganic compound in living
  • Medium of nearly all chemical reactions
  • Polarity
  • uneven sharing of electrons
  • partial negative charge near oxygen atom and
    partial positive charge near hydrogen atoms
  • makes it an excellent solvent for ionic or polar
  • gives water molecules cohesion
  • allows water to moderate temperature changes

Water has a high surface tension
  • Water is wet
  • Water is attracted to itself, and this
    attraction, due to H bonds is stronger than the
    attraction to the air above
  • Adhesion and cohesion allow for capillary action
    water transport in plants

Water as a Solvent
  • Most versatile solvent known
  • polar covalent bonds (hydrophilic versus
  • its shape allows each watermolecule to interact
    withneighboring ions/molecules
  • oxygen attracts sodium
  • hydrogen attracts chloride
  • sodium chloride separate as ionicbonds are
  • hydration spheres surround each ion and
  • decrease possibility of bonds being reformed
  • Water dissolves many substances

Water molecules and solutions
Dissolving_Salt QT Mov
Water in Chemical Reactions
  • Participates as a product or reactant in certain
    reactions in the body
  • hydrolysis reactions
  • water is added to a large molecule to separate it
    into two smaller molecules
  • digestion of food
  • dehydration synthesis reaction
  • two small molecules are joined to form a larger
    molecule releasing a water molecule

Heat Capacity of Water
  • Heat capacity is high
  • can absorb a large amount of heat with only a
    small increase in its own temperature
  • large number of hydrogen bonds in water
  • bonds are broken as heat is absorbed instead of
    increasing temperature of water
  • large amount of water in body helps lessen the
    impact of environmental changes in temperature

Water is a good evaporative coolant
  • Heat of vaporization is also high
  • amount of heat needed to change from liquid to
  • evaporation of water from the skin removes large
    amount of heat
  • B/c it takes a lot of energy to change water from
    a liquid to a gas, it takes energy with it

Water as a Lubricant
  • Major component of lubricating fluids within the
  • mucus in respiratory and digestive systems
  • synovial fluid in joints
  • serous fluids in chest and abdominal cavities
  • organs slide past one another

Ice floats
  • Water has a high freezing point and lower density
    as a solid than a liquid

Chemical Reactions
  • energy causes rearrangement of e-'s and new
    bonds, new compounds are formed, E can be force
    of collision, heat, electricity etc.
  • reactants yield product(s)
  • Balanced equations (energy cannot be created or
    destroyed). Balance the following equations
  • CH4 O2 CO2 H2O
  • CuO NH3 Cu H2O N2
  • NH3 O2 NO H2O

  • CH4 2O2 CO2 2H2O
  • 3CuO 2NH3 3Cu 3H2O N2
  • 4NH3 5O2 4NO 6H2O

  • Mixtures-- combination of substances in which the
    individual components retain their own properties
  • solutions-- or more substances is distributed
    evenly in another substance
  • solution solvent(H2O)solute(dissolved
  • suspension-- particles of materials are
    temporarily mixed together
  • colloid-- particles larger than solution,
    smaller than suspension

Chemistry Tutorial
  • http//

Organic Compounds
  • Always contain carbon and hydrogen
  • Usually contain covalent bonds
  • Usually large, unique molecules with complex

Carbon Its Functional Groups
  • Properties of carbon atoms
  • forms bonds with other carbon atoms produce
    large, stable molecules
  • with many different shapes (rings, straight or
    branched chains)
  • Many functional groups can attach to carbon
  • esters, amino, carboxyl, phosphate groups (Table
  • Very large molecules called macromolecules
    (polymers if all monomer subunits are similar)

  • The properties of different biological molecules
    depend on certain characteristic groupings of
    atoms called functional groups.
  • If you know the properties of some of the
    functional groups, you will be able to quickly
    look at many simple biological molecules and get
    some idea of their solubility and possible
    identity. The names of the six most important
    functional groups are
  • Hydroxyl Carbonyl Carboxyl Amino
    Sulfhydryl Phosphate

  • Two functional groups containing oxygen, the
    hydroxyl and carbonyl groups, contribute to water
  • Hydroxyl groups have one hydrogen paired with
    one oxygen atom (symbolized as -OH). Hydroxyl
    groups are not highly reactive, but they readily
    form hydrogen bonds and contribute to making
    molecules soluble in water. Alcohols and sugars
    are "loaded" with hydroxyl groups.

  • Genistein and daidzein, two phytoestrogens from
  • Notice that the only difference between these two
    molecules is the additional hydroxyl (-OH)  group
    on genistein. Both are typical isoflavones.
    Genistein, however, is considerably more
    estrogenic than daidzein chemists attribute this
    to the influence of the additional hydroxyl
    group. The hydroxyl groups are important for
    binding to estrogen receptors.

  • Carbonyl groups have one oxygen atom
    double-bonded to a carbon atom (symbolized as
    -CO). Like hydroxyl groups, carbonyl groups
    contribute to making molecules water-soluble. All
    sugar molecules have one carbonyl group, in
    addition to hydroxyl groups on the other carbon
  • Aldehyde groups, where the CO group is at the
    end of an organic molecule. A hydrogen atom is
    also located on the same carbon atom.
  • Keto groups, where the CO group is located
    within an organic molecule. All sugars have
    either a keto or an aldehyde group.

  • Carbonyl -COH C3H6O aldehydeend
    (propanol) ketone inside (acetone)

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Carboxylic Acids
  • Carboxyl groups are weak acids, dissociating
    partially to release hydrogen ions.The carboxyl
    group (symbolized as COOH) has both a carbonyl
    and a hydroxyl group attached to the same carbon
    atom, resulting in new properties. Carboxyl
    groups frequently ionize, releasing the H from
    the hydroxyl group as a free proton (H), with
    the remaining O carrying a negative charge.
    Molecules containing carboxyl groups are called
    carboxylic acids and dissociate partially into H
    and COO. Carboxyl groups are common in many
    biological molecules, including amino acids and
    fatty acids.

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Amino Group
  • Nitrogen in biological molecules usually occurs
    in the form of basic amino groups.Nitrogen is
    another abundant element in biological molecules.
    Having a valence of 3, nitrogen normally forms
    three covalent bonds, either single, double, or
    triple bonds. Amino groups (-NH2) are common
    functional groups containing nitrogen. Amino
    groups are basic, and often become ionized by the
    addition of a hydrogen ion (H), forming
    positively charged amino groups (-NH3).

  • Sulfur is found mainly in proteins in the form of
    sulfhydryl groups or disulfide groups.Like
    oxygen, sulfur typically has a valence of 2,
    although it can also have a valence of 6, as in
    sulfuric acid. Sulfur is found in certain amino
    acids and proteins in the form of sulfhydryl
    groups (symbolized as -SH). Two sulfhydryl groups
    can interact to form a disulfide group
    (symbolized as -S-S-).

Phosphate Groups
  • In biological molecules, phosphorus occurs mainly
    in the form of acidic phosphate groups.
  • Phosphorus normally has a valence of 5. Its most
    common functional group in organic molecules is
    as a phosphate group (symbolized as OPO32-).
    Phosphorus is covalently paired to 4 oxygen atoms
    in phosphate groups one PO bond and three P-O-

Function Groups Practice
Types of Organic compounds
  • Four major groups of organic compounds,
    necessary for life are
  • polymers monomers
  • Carbohydrates monosacchrides
  • Lipids fatty acids
  • Proteins amino acids
  • Nucleic acids nucleotides

  • Bare Bones Chemistry
  • BioTopics Contents http//
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