Title: Bhopal: A Legal, Environmental and Human Disaster
1Bhopal A Legal, Environmental and Human Disaster
2 A Hand in Things to Come Union Carbide
comes to India 1972
3UCIL factory to produce pesticide (Sevin) in the
center of Bhopal. Photo credit Raghu Rai
4Biases in Establishment of the Factory
- Sited in a poor neighborhood
- No community involvement
- No disaster planning or evacuation plan
5The UCIL Factory
- A lethal process using MIC
- Inferior technology
- Cost cutting from safety features of factory
6- Disaster strikes at midnight Dec2-3rd, 1984 while
Bhopal is asleep.
7Dream turns into a nightmare. Photo credit Raghu
8Death estimates vary from 3000 to 10,000 that
night. Photo credit Raghu Rai
9Dysfunctional Safety Features
1040 tonnes of MIC held without refrigeration.
11Medical Response At Hamidia Hospital
12Badly damaged eyes and lungs. Photo credit Raghu
13Biased Treatment of Survivors
- Composition of MIC for medical support not
revealed till today! - Chaotic treatment of impoverished survivors.
- Blind hysterectomy suggested in gynecological
problems. - All studies by ICMR stopped in 1992.
- No support for Trans-generational abnormalities
- Running between legal systems of India and US
- Original suit 3.3 billion Settled for 470
million - 500 per affected Bhopali family Versus 900 per
affected US sea otter (Exxon Valdez oil spill). - Representation of all victims and survivors by
Govt. of India
15 WARNING! Trespassers will NOT be prosecuted.
- The soil water of Bhopal have been contaminated.
16Results of Study done by Shristi Surviving
Bhopal, 2002
Heavy Metals (in ppm) Heavy Metals (in ppm) Heavy Metals (in ppm) Heavy Metals (in ppm) VOC (in ppm) Halo-organics (in ppm) Halo-organics (in ppm) Pesticides (in ppm)
Samples Chromium Nickel Mercury Lead Chlorobenzenes Dichloromethane Chloroform HCH isomer
Soil 0.647 1.032 0.568 0.137 0.932 0.103 6.546 1.605
Ground water 0.012 1.099 0.057 0.026 0.006 1.636 0.849 0.011
Vegetables 0.475 0.596 0.837 0.191 0.132 0.028 7.506 0.021
Breast milk ND 0.097 0.129 0.149 2.854 0.359 1.594 2.392
17Water contaminants in Bhopal against standards
Chromium (ug/Liter) Nickel (ug/Liter) Mercury (ug/Liter) Lead (ug/Liter) Chloroform (ug/Liter)
50 (BIS) 848 (Bhopal) 30 (ICRCL) 982 (Bhopal) 1 (BIS) 127 (Bhopal) 15 (USEPA) 30 (Bhopal) 100 (USEPA) 848 (Bhopal)
BIS - Bureau of Indian Standards ICRCL
Interdepartmental Comm. for the redevelopment of
contaminated land (UK). USEPA United States
Environment Protection Agency
18Womens daily lives revolve around water.
19Rehabilitation Sambhavna Clinic
20We all live in