Management Compensation, Business Analysis, and Business Valuation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Management Compensation, Business Analysis, and Business Valuation


Title: Cost Management and Strategy: An Overview Author: Wilms Last modified by: blochere Created Date: 5/22/2006 2:35:21 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Management Compensation, Business Analysis, and Business Valuation

Management Compensation, Business Analysis, and
Business Valuation
Chapter Nineteen
Learning Objectives
  • Identify and explain the types of management
  • Identify the strategic role of management
    compensation and the different types of
    compensation used in practice
  • Explain the three characteristics of a bonus
    plan the base for determining performance, the
    compensation pool from which the bonus is funded,
    and the bonus payment options

Learning Objectives (continued)
  • Describe the role of tax planning and financial
    reporting in management compensation planning
  • Explain how management compensation plans are
    used in service industries
  • Apply different methods for business analysis and
    business valuation

Management Compensation
  • Recruiting, motivating, rewarding, and retaining
    effective managers is critical to the success of
    all firms
  • Management compensation policies and procedures
    for compensating managers they include one or
    more of the following
  • A fixed payment (called salary)
  • A bonus (based on the achievement of performance
    goals for the period)
  • Benefits (also referred to as perks, such as
    travel, membership in a fitness club, medical
    benefits, and other extras paid for by the firm)

The Strategic Role of Management Compensation
  • Top management should consider the specific
    strategic conditions facing the firm as a basic
    consideration in developing the compensation plan
    and making changes as strategic conditions change
  • Top management can manage risk aversion
    effectively by carefully choosing the mix of
    salary and bonus in total compensation
  • There is concern that executive pay is high
    compared to that of lower-level employees

Management Compensation and the Sales Life Cycle
Sales Life Cycle Phase Salary
Bonus Benefits
Product Introduction
High Low
Low Growth Low
High Competitive Maturity
Competitive Competitive
Competitive Decline High
Low Competitive
The Objectives of Management Compensation
  • ... are consistent with the three objectives of
    management control presented in Chapter 17
  • To motivate managers to exert a high level of
    effort to achieve the goals set by top management
  • To provide the incentive for managers, acting
    autonomously, to make decisions consistent with
    the goals set by top management
  • To develop fairly the rewards earned by managers
    for their effort and skill and the effectiveness
    of their decision-making

Bonus Plans
  • Bonus compensation is the fastest growing element
    of total compensation and is often the largest
  • Bonus plans can be categorized according to three
  • The base of compensation, that is, how the bonus
    pay is determined
  • Compensation pools, that is, the source from
    which the bonus pay is funded
  • Payment options, that is, how the bonus is to be

Base of Compensation
  • Bonus compensation can be determined on the basis
  • Stock price
  • Strategic performance measures (cost, revenue,
    profit, or investment SBUs)
  • Performance measured by the balanced scorecard
  • The choice of a base comes from a consideration
    of the compensation objectives of the firm
  • Once the base is chosen, the firm must choose a
    method for calculating the amount of the bonus
    based on the actual level of performance relative
    to the target

Bonus Compensation Pools
  • Bonus compensation pools are either unit-based
    or firm-wide
  • A unit-based pool is based on the performance of
    the managers unit the amount of the bonus for
    any one manager is independent of the performance
    of other managers
  • A firm-wide pool contains the amount of bonus
    available to all managers bonuses depend on the
    firms performance as a whole

Bonus Payment Options
  • The four most common payment options are as
  • Current bonus (cash and/or stock) based on
    current performancethe most common form
  • Deferred bonus (cash and/or stock) earned
    currently but not paid for two or more years
  • Stock options confer the right to purchase stock
    at some future date at a predetermined price
  • Performance shares grant stock for achieving
    certain performance goals over two years or more

Tax Planning and Financial Reporting
  • In addition to achieving the three main
    objectives of compensation plans, firms attempt
    to choose plans that reduce taxes for both the
    firm and the manager
  • Many perks are deductible by the firm but are not
    considered income to the manager (e.g., club
    memberships, company cars, and entertainment)
  • Firms also attempt to design compensation plans
    to have a favorable effect on the firms
    financial reports

Business Analysis
  • Business analysis includes a set of tools used to
    evaluate the firms competitiveness and financial
  • Three major sections to a business analysis
  • Strategic and competitive analysis, including
    SWOT analysis and strategic positioning analysis
  • Consideration of tools used to implement
    strategy, including the balanced scorecard (BSC)
  • Ratios to measure the performance of individual
    SBU managers and of the entire company

The Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
  • The use of the BSC to evaluate a firm is similar
    to the use of CSFs in evaluating and compensating
    an individual manager
  • A favorable evaluation results when the CSFs are
    superior to the benchmarks and to prior years
  • For example, assume EasyKleen, a manufacturer of
    cleaning products, sets its benchmark at 90 of
    the best performance in the industry (see next
    slide for company data)

Financial Performance
Additional Performance Data
EasyKleen has three CSFs 1) Return on total
assets (financial performance) 2) Number of
quality defects (business processes) 3)
Number of training hours for plant workers
(human resources)
BSC Performance Review
Financial Ratio Analysis
  • Ratio analysis uses financial statement data to
    evaluate performance, often in the areas of
    liquidity and profitability
  • Liquidity refers to the firms ability to pay its
    current operating expenses and maturing debt (one
    year or less)
  • Key liquidity measures
  • Accounts receivable turnover
  • Inventory turnover
  • Current ratio
  • Quick ratio
  • Cash-flow ratios for operating cash flows and
    free cash flow

Financial Ratio Analysis (continued)
  • Key profitability ratios are
  • Gross margin percent
  • Return on assets
  • Return on equity
  • Earnings per share

Financial Ratio Analysis Example
Economic Value Added (EVA)
  • EVA is a business units income after taxes and
    after deducting the cost of capital
  • EVA approximates a firms economic profits
  • EVA requires adjustments to financial accounting
    data to correct for accounting distortions
  • EVA focuses managers attention on creating
    value for shareholders
  • By earning higher profits than the firms cost of
    capital, the firm increases its internal
    resources available for dividends and/or to
    finance its continued growth

EVA Example
  • EVA for EasyKleen is determined as follows,
    with invested capital defined as total assets
    less current liabilities

Business Valuation
  • Business valuation examines the value of a
    company, to come up with a single dollar figure
    to represent the companys worth
  • The value of a business can be approached in two
    different ways
  • From the viewpoint of the owner, shareholder, or
    interested investor, i.e., the value of the
    firms shareholder equity
  • From the viewpoint of a potential buyer what
    one would one pay to purchase the entire
    company--debt, equity, and assets

Business Valuation (continued)
  • Four approaches to measuring the value of
    shareholders equity
  • The book value method is the quickest and easiest
    method and is equivalent to the value that
    appears on the balance sheet for stockholders
  • The market value method is the market value of
    the firms common equity, directly from the
    current market value of the firms shares (market
  • The discounted cash flow method measures the
    firms equity value as the discounted present
    value of its estimated net cash flows
  • The multiples-based approach uses a ratio of
    stock price to some financial measure to
    determine the value of the firms equity

The Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Method
  • Four steps in the application of the DCF method
  • Forecast free cash flows (operating cash flow
    less capital expenditures and less dividends
    paid) over a finite horizon (usually 5 to 10
  • Forecast free cash flows beyond the finite
    horizon, using some simplifying assumption (e.g.,
    cash flows will continue on indefinitely)
  • Discount free cash flows at the WACC, the firms
    weighted-average cost of capital
  • Calculate the value of equity by adding the
    values calculated in step 3 to current
    nonoperating investments and then subtracting the
    market value of long-term debt

Using Multiples for Valuation
  • The multiples-based valuation uses the ratio of
    stock price to a key financial measure to
    determine a multiple that is used in valuation
  • Key financial measures used in multiples-based
    valuation include
  • Earnings
  • Sales
  • Cash Flow

Enterprise Value (EV)
  • Enterprise value (EV) is another measure of what
    the market says a company is worth, but this time
    in an acquisition
  • EV is measured as the market value of the firms
    equity (market capitalization) plus debt, and
    less cash (cash is not available after the
    acquisition to pay off debt or for other uses)
  • EV is used by investors and shareholders when an
    acquisition is being considered

Chapter Summary
  • Compensation plans are policies and procedures
    for compensating managers
  • A salary is fixed payment
  • A bonus is based on the achievement of
    performance goals for the period
  • Benefits (also referred to as perks) include
    travel, membership in a fitness club, medical
    benefits, and other extras paid for by the firm
  • In addition to achieving the three main
    objectives, firms attempt to choose compensation
    plans that reduce or avoid taxes for both the
    firm and the manager

Chapter Summary (continued)
  • A wide variety of bonus plans exists, but can be
    categorized according to three aspects
  • The base of compensation, that is, how the bonus
    pay is determined (e.g., stock price, strategic
    performance measures (cost, revenue, profit, or
    investment SBU), or the balanced scorecard
  • Compensation pools, that is, the source from
    which the bonus pay is funded (unit-based or
  • Payment options, that is, how the bonus is to be

Chapter Summary (continued)
  • In recent years, the use of different payment
    options for bonus compensation plans has greatly
    increased, but the four most common payment
    options are as follows
  • Current bonus (cash and/or stock) based on
    current performance - most common form
  • Deferred bonus (cash and/or stock) earned
    currently but not paid for two or more years
  • Stock options confer the right to purchase stock
    at some future date at a predetermined price
  • Performance shares grant stock for achieving
    certain performance goals over two years or more

Chapter Summary (continued)
  • Business analysis includes a set of tools used
    to evaluate the firms competitiveness and
    financial performance
  • There are three major sections to a business
  • Strategic and competitive analysis, including
    SWOT analysis and strategic positioning analysis
  • Consideration of tools used to implement
    strategy, including the balanced scorecard
  • Ratios to measure the performance of individual
    SBU managers and of the entire company

Chapter Summary (continued)
  • Business valuation examines the value of a
    company, to come up with a single dollar
    figure of worth
  • There are four approaches to equity valuation
  • The book value method
  • The market value method (market capitalization)
  • The discounted cash flow method
  • The multiples-based approach
  • Enterprise value (EV) is a measure of what the
    market says a company is worth for acquisition
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