Introduction To Quality Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction To Quality Management


What is ISO 9000 QMS? ... Foundation for quality excellence Documentation of Procedures Consistency of Service Quality Framework for Service Benchmarking Basis ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction To Quality Management

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • Overview of Quality and Quality Management -
  • What is Quality? 4 dimensions need, role,
    barriers and thinking/development of quality
  • What is service Quality?
  • What is Quality Management?
  • What is Quality by Design?
  • What is ISO 9000 QMS?

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • Overview of Quality and Quality Management -
  • Quality means different things to different
  • E.g. Delivery on time, Meeting customers
    requirement, productivity, reduced labor
    costs,meeting suppliers requirements,
    competitiveness, branding, reliability,
    technology, Profit,fitness for purpose/use,
    delighting the customer, good marketing/tendering,
    functionality, compliance to specifications,
    meeting company goals and objectives,
    commitments, etc

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • Overview of Quality and Quality Management -
  • Service Quality is,
  • Fitness of use/customer expectation,
  • Consistency to delivery (conformance) and
  • Design quality subject to Continuous Improvement.
    Quality by design- before the Product Line, In
    the PL, End of the PL

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • Overview of Quality and Quality Management -
  • QM is the planning, organizing,
    Controlling/Monitoring and directing of processes
    to ensure the objective are met.
  • Whereas, TQM is more than QM in terms of system
    approach, communications, commitment, policy,
    culture, control, leadership (Oakland
    Sohal1996) in order to improve competitiveness,
    effectiveness, focuses on prevention not

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • Overview of Quality and Quality Management -
  • ISO 9000 QMS
  • Foundation for quality excellence
  • Documentation of Procedures
  • Consistency of Service Quality
  • Framework for Service Benchmarking
  • Basis for Knowledge enhancement
  • Continuous Improvement

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • Reasons why QM is Important to the Construction
    Industry (3 main reasons for pursuit of quality)
    - refer/read to Beckford, J 1998 Quality A
    critical Introduction Chap 1
  • Economic Business initiatives, growing
    markets, Tiger vs. emerging economies, relocate
    ops to cheap labor countries (e.g. Sony, Nissan),
    better services, supply and demand, productivity
    and reliability issues, mergers acquisitions,
    imperative for Organization economic survival
    (reduced costs, increased productivity,
    Competitive and comparative advantage)
  • Manufacturing drives service sector product and
    manufacturing cycle.

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • Reasons why QM is Important to the Construction
    Industry -
  • Social Post-war era and recognition of quality
    on mgt platforms (Mayo, Herzberg McGregor
    different ways of designing managing jobs/orgs)
  • Unemployment levels cause by achieving quality??
    - Minimize waste of talent, costs of defects,
    wastages and maintenance. E.g , zero defects, no
    rework or rectification. Efficient systems. In
    USA 25 of bldg cost due to waste and defects,
    Failures in design in UK amounted to gt 1Bn
    Studies showed 10 improvement in construction
    efficiency adds 2.5 to GDP (Australia, CIDA1993)

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • Reasons why QM is Important to the Construction
    Industry -
  • Ethical
  • Emergence of environmental movements.
  • Minimize environmental damage, Global warming.
    Proper Waste and dumping of waste designs. Whose
    responsibility? At national and organization
    levels. At manager and individual level

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • Contd- Reasons why QM is Important to the
    Construction Industry -
  • Other Factors
  • Technological impact innovation, export
    technology, state-of the art materials and
    equipment, Internet Technology, disruptive
  • Legal Political Privatization
    deregulations, reforms National reputation. Govt.
    Incentives for exporting services and
    Knowledge-based global economy. Regulations and
    statutory requirements.
  • Question To what extend does the imperatives of
    economic,social, environmental,ethical,
    technological and Political/Legal have for
    quality apply in your country/Industry?

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • Economic equations
  • Old way, Cost Profit Price (customer use to
    pay this)
  • New way, Price (upfront) Cost(end of project)
    Profit, (can result in negative if no profit at
    end of project)
  • Advocated 3rdway, Price Profit Cost,
    (based on cost performance budgets). E.g. Coy
    profit tender cost awarded costs to
    supplier/subcontractor or project procurement
    profit budget costs-awarded costs
  • What are the key differences in the above
    application of the economic equations?. Give
    examples related to your work experience

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • Different views of of QM practices-
  • Reluctance to accept due to lack of
    understanding, knowledge and awareness
  • Reluctance to accept due to Org resistance to
  • Perception/mindset that QM only suitable for
    Manufacturing/assembly line environment
  • Construction vs. Manufacturing. E.g. One-off
    projects vs. mass production. Permanent vs. Temp
  • Compare and contrast the different
    views/perspectives of QM in the Singapore
    construction industry? In relation to your
    organization's goals and objectives

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • QM terminology (What are the commonalities or
    differences in the terminologies or
    definition?.Do you practice/use such
    terminologies in your organization?. Gives
  • QC The operational techniques and activities
    that are used to fulfill requirement for quality
    i.e. the control techniques and activities to
    ensure a product or service meets specification.
    E.g. design checks, testing equipment, Material
    and functional tests.

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • QM terminology
  • QA All those planned and systematic actions
    necessary to provide adequate confidence that a
    product or service will satisfy given requirement
    for quality. Different from QC in that it is a
    preventive function and does not control.

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • QM terminology
  • ISO 9000 definition AS/NZS ISO 84021994
    Quality management includes both quality control
    and quality assurance, as well as the additional
    concepts of quality policy, quality planning, and
    quality improvement. Quality management operates
    throughout the quality system.
  • ISO 9000 Y2K stds. defines QM as a complete set
    of processes used in QM system

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • QM terminology
  • QM and TQM similarities TQM is the management
    approach that achieves continuous incremental
    improvement in all processes, goods and services
    through the creative involvement of all people
    (CIDA 1993)

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • QM terminology
  • Kubal 1994 TQM is a management processes of
    continuous internal improvement throughout an
    organization that ultimately results in
    improvements in the finished product

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • QM terminology
  • Oakland Sohal, 1996 TQM is a comprehensive
    approach to improving competitiveness,
    effectiveness and flexibility through planning,
    organizing and understanding each activity, and
    involving each individual at each level

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • QM terminology
  • Stebbing 1990 Continuous improvement cycle as
    the Quality Management //wheel of Plan,
    Train,Action, Monitor, Improve and Review
    (similar toTQM PDCA cycle)
  • CWQC Company wide quality control
  • TQC Total quality control

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • Summary
  • Different views and definitions of QM/TQM,
    However CI is common in most of the
    research/practices. Suggested Paradigm shift in
    thinking beyond ISO 9000
  • QM platforms supporting ISO 9000 QMS or TQM
  • Importance of QM in construction Industry.
  • Discuss/list the key differences of QC, QC, QCC,
    TQM, JIT, Business Process Re-engineering(BPR),
    ISO 9000 QMS, Singapore Quality Award?
  • What is Design for quality, conformance of
    quality and fitness for purpose?

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • Assessment Questions- (Give examples of
    non-conformances and corrective actions taken
    that you have encountered in your organization)
  • Identify and summarize 3 reasons why QM is
    important to the construction industry.
  • Compare and contrast 3 economic equations and use
    them to justify why the construction industry
    needs to take a QM approach to the way it

Introduction To Quality Management Topic 1
  • Assessment Questions- ( jot down your answers
    for week 2 class discussion on 12 Sep)
  • Explain why views within the construction
    industry are wrong in thinking that QM is
    applicable only to an assembly line environment
    and is not applicable to construction.
  • Argue why there is more commonality to be found
    behind the various quality definitions, terms and
    approaches than might generally be understood.
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