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2Review Problem 6F(S152)Opinion/Dissent
- State Supreme Court in Prior Case
- Where Commercial Lease Required Landlords
Consent to Transfer, the Landlord could not
withhold consent Unreasonably - Did not rule on whether T could expressly waive
this reasonableness requirement - Lease Here Tenant may not transfer its interest
in this lease without permission of the Landlord,
which permission maybe withheld for any reason at
3Review Problem 6F(S152)Opinion/Dissent
- Two Issues
- Is Reasonableness Requirement Waivable? (DENALI
Today) - If Not, Were Ls Reasons for Denying Consent
Reasonable (EVERGLADES Tomorrow)
4DENALI Rev.Prob.6F(A) Is Reasonableness
Requirement re Consent to Transfer Waivable?
Denali Caribou
5EVERGLADES Rev.Prob.6F(B) Were Ls Reasons for
Denying Consent Reasonable?
6EVERGLADES Rev.Prob.6F(B) Were Ls Reasons for
Denying Consent Reasonable?
- L refuses T attempt to transfer lease rights to
PP no problem w financial credentials BUT - CEO of PP was outspoken public advocate of
political positions L sharply disagreed with - 5 years earlier, had denied same lease to PP
- Task Should provide substantive arguments for
and against each of the two reasons at issue - Could choose to follow cases we read, (e.g., Funk
limiting to economic Qs) but need to defend
choice - Could try to craft new general rules, then follow
7EVERGLADES Rev.Prob.6F(B) Were Ls Reasons for
Denying Consent Reasonable Political Differences
- L refuses T attempt to transfer lease rights to
PP no problem w financial credentials BUT - CEO of PP was outspoken public advocate of
political positions L sharply disagreed with - 5 years earlier, had denied same lease to PP
8EVERGLADES Rev.Prob.6F(B) Were Ls Reasons for
Denying Consent Reasonable Prior Rejection
- L refuses T attempt to transfer lease rights to
PP no problem w financial credentials BUT - CEO of PP was outspoken public advocate of
political positions L sharply disagreed with - 5 years earlier, L had denied same lease to PP
9Rev.Prob.6F(B) Reasonableness Note on Yeshiva
Univ. (Note 3 P706)
- L wanted to exclude Planned Parenthood b/c of
religious concerns re providing contraception - Language from case (must be relevant to any
Landlord) suggests religious concerns not OK. - BUT also issue of inconsistent application by L
- Birth control courses taught in Hospital run by L
- So doesnt look like bona fide religious concern
- Asked if hospital courses were embarassment to L,
official replied, Well, they're in the Bronx."
10GLACIER Rev.Prob.6G Evidence of Discrimination
Glacier Mountain Lion
11GLACIER Rev.Prob.6G Evidence of Discrimination
- Possible Discriminatory Reasons for Rejection
- Religion (Not Jewish Enough)
- Inter-Racial or Inter-Faith Relationship
- Israeli
- Possible Non-Discriminatory Reasons?
- Significance of Specific Facts?
- Rebecca Regularly wears Star of David
- Chris wears an earring in the shape of a cross
- Ben says Black, Red, Green, Whatever. No
Problem. - Rebecca says Part of the reason I left Israel is
so I dont have rabbis watching everything I do.
12GLACIER Rev.Prob.6G Evidence of Discrimination
- Other Evidence Supporting Discriminatory Reasons?
- Other Evidence Supporting Non-Discriminatory
Reasons? - Stronger Position Overall? Because?
13Chapter 7 Easements
- Overview Terminology
- Interpreting Language
- Easement v. Fee
- Scope of Express Easements
- Implied Easements
- By Estoppel
- By Prescription
- By Implication and/or Necessity
14Chapter 7 Easements
- Overview Terminology
- Easement Right to Use Land Owned by Someone
Else for Specific Purpose (e.g., Right of Way) - Basic Background Info in Readings
- Key Vocabulary
- Express v. Implied Easements
- Positive v. Negative Easements
- Appurtenant v. In Gross
- Dominant Tenement (Holding) v. Servient Tenement