Title: Probabilistic Reasoning and Bayesian Networks
1Probabilistic Reasoning and Bayesian Networks
- Lecture Prepared For
- COMP 790-058
- Yue-Ling Wong
2Probabilistic Robotics
- A relatively new approach to robotics
- Deals with uncertainty in robot perception and
action - The key idea is to represent uncertainty
explicitly using the calculus of probability
theory - i.e. represent information by probability
distributions over a whole space of guesses,
instead of relying on a single "best guess"
33 Parts of this Lecture
- Part 1. Acting Under Uncertainty
- Part 2. Bayesian Networks
- Part 3. Probabilistic Reasoning in Robotics
4Reference for Part 3
- Sebastian Thrun, et. al. (2005) Probabilistic
Robotics - The book covers major techniques and algorithms
in localization, mapping, planning and control - All algorithms in the book are based on a single
overarching mathematical foundations - Bayes rule
- its temporal extension known as Bayes filters
5Goals of this lecture
- To introduce this overarching mathematical
foundations Bayes rule and its temporal
extension known as Bayes filters - To show how Bayes rule and Bayes filters are used
in robotics
- Part 1
- Probability theory
- Bayes rule
- Part 2
- Bayesian Networks
- Dynamic Bayesian Networks
7Outline of this lecture
- Part 1. Acting Under Uncertainty (October 20)
- To go over fundamentals on probability theory
that is necessary to understand the materials of
Bayesian reasoning - Start with AI perspective and without adding the
temporal aspect of robotics - Part 2. Bayesian Networks (October 22)
- DAG representation of random variables
- Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBN) to handle
uncertainty and changes over time - Part 3. Probabilistic Reasoning in Robotics
(October 22) - To give you general ideas of how DBN is used in
robotics to handle the changes of sensor and
control data over time in making inferences - Demonstrate use of Bayes rule and Bayes filter in
a simple example of mobile robot monitoring the
status (open or closed) of doors
8Historical Background and Applications of
Bayesian Probabilistic Reasoning
- Bayesian probabilistic reasoning has been used in
AI since 1960, especially in medical diagnosis - One system outperformed human experts in the
diagnosis of acute abdominal illness(de Dombal,
et. al. British Medical Journal, 1974)
9Historical Background and Applications of
Bayesian Probabilistic Reasoning
- Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) representation for
Bayesian reasoning started in the 1980's - Example systems using Bayesian networks
(1980's-1990's) - MUNIN system diagnosis of neuromuscular
disorders - PATHFINDER system pathology
10Historical Background and Applications of
Bayesian Probabilistic Reasoning
- NASA AutoClass for data analysishttp//ti.arc.nas
a.gov/project/autoclass/autoclass-c/finds the
set of classes that is maximally probable with
respect to the data and model - Bayesian techniques are utilized to calculate the
probability of a call being fraudulent at ATT
11Historical Background and Applications of
Bayesian Probabilistic Reasoning
- By far the most widely used Bayesian network
systems - The diagnosis-and-repair modules (e.g. Printer
Wizard) in Microsoft Windows(Breese and
Heckerman (1996). Decision-theoretic
troubleshooting A framework for repair and
experiment. In Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence Proceedings of the Twelfth
Conference, pp. 124-132) - Office Assistant in Microsoft Office(Horvitz,
Breese, Heckerman, and Hovel (1998). The Lumiere
project Bayesian user modeling for inferring the
goals and needs of software users. In Uncertainty
in Artificial Intelligence Proceedings of the
Fourteenth Conference, pp. 256-265.http//researc
h.microsoft.com/horvitz/lumiere.htm) - Bayesian inference for e-mail spam filtering
12Historical Background and Applications of
Bayesian Probabilistic Reasoning
- An important application of temporal probability
models Speech recognition
13References and Sources of Figures
- Part 1Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig,
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach, 2nd
ed., Prentice Hall, Chapter 13 - Part 2Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig,
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach, 2nd
ed., Prentice Hall, Chapters 14 15 - Part 3Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard, and
Dieter Fox, Probabilistic Robotics, Chapter 2
14Part 1 of 3 Acting Under Uncertainty
15Uncertainty Arises
- The agent's sensors give only partial, local
information about the world - Existence of noise of sensor data
- Uncertainty in manipulators
- Dynamic aspects of situations (e.g. changes over
16Degree of Belief
- An agent's knowledge can at best provide only a
degree of belief in the relevant sentences. - One of the main tools to deal with degrees of
belief will be probability theory.
17Probability Theory
- Assigns to each sentence a numerical degree of
belief between 0 and 1.
18In Probability Theory
- You may assign 0.8 to the a sentence"The
patient has a cavity." - This means you believe"The probability that the
patient has a cavity is 0.8." -
- It depends on the percepts that the agent has
received to date. - The percepts constitute the evidence on which
probability assessments are based.
19Versus In Logic
- You assign true or false to the same
sentence.True or false depends on the
interpretation and the world.
- Prior or unconditional probability
- The probability before the evidence is obtained.
- Posterior or conditional probability
- The probability after the evidence is obtained.
- Suppose the agent has drawn a card from a
shuffled deck of cards. - Before looking at the card, the agent might
assign a probability of 1/52 to its being the ace
of spades. - After looking at the card, the agent has obtained
new evidence. The probability for the same
proposition (the card being the ace of spades)
would be 0 or 1.
22Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
23Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- PropositionAscertain that such-and-such is the
24Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- Random variableRefers to a "part" of the world
whose "status" is initially unknown.Example
Cavity might refer to whether the patient's lower
left wisdom tooth has a cavity.Convention used
here Capitalize the names of random variables.
25Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- Domain of a random variableThe collection of
values that a random variable can take
on.Example The domain of Cavity might be
?true, false?The domain of Weather might be
?sunny, rainy, cloudy, snow?
26Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- Abbreviations used here
- cavity to represent Cavity true
- ?cavity to represent Cavity false
- snow to represent Weather snow
- cavity ? ?toothache to represent Cavitytrue ?
27Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- cavity ? ?toothache
- or
- Cavitytrue ? Toothachefalse
- is a proposition that may be assigned with a
degree of belief
28Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- Prior or unconditional probabilityThe degree of
belief associated with a proposition in the
absence of any other information.Examplep(Cavi
tytrue) 0.1 or p(cavity) 0.1
29Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- p(Weathersunny) 0.7
- p(Weatherrain) 0.2
- p(Weathercloudy) 0.08
- p(Weathersnow) 0.02
- or we may simply write
- P(Weather) ?0.7, 0.2, 0.08, 0.02?
30Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- Prior probability distributionA vector of values
for the probabilities of each individual state of
a random variableExample This denotes a prior
probability distribution for the random variable
Weather.P(Weather) ?0.7, 0.2, 0.08, 0.02?
31Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- Joint probability distributionThe probabilities
of all combinations of the values of a set of
random variables.P(Weather, Cavity) - denotes the probabilities of all combinations of
the values of a set of random variables Weather
and Cavity.
32Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- P(Weather, Cavity)
- can be represented by a 4x2 table of
Cavitytrue Cavityfalse
33Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- Full joint probability distributionThe
probabilities of all combinations of the values
of the complete set of random variables.
34Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- Example Suppose the world consists of just the
variables Cavity, Toothache, and
Weather.P(Cavity, Toothache, Weather) - denotes the full joint probability distribution
which can be represented as a 2x2x4 table with 16
35Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- Posterior or conditional probabilityNotation
p(ab)Read as "The probability of proposition
a, given that all we know is proposition b."
36Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- Examplep(cavitytoothache) 0.8Read as"If
a patient is observed to have a toothache and no
other information is yet available, then the
probability of the patient's having a cavity will
be 0.8."
37Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
38Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- Product rule
- which is rewritten from the previous equation
39Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- Product rule
- can also be written the other way around
Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
cavity ? toothache
Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
cavity ? toothache
42Derivation of Bayes' Rule
43Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- Bayes' rule, Bayes' law, or Bayes' theorem
44Bayesian Spam Filtering
- Given that it has certain words in an email, the
probability that the email is spam is equal to
the probability of finding those certain words in
spam email, times the probability that any email
is spam, divided by the probability of finding
those words in any email
45Speech Recognition
- Given the acoustic signal, the probability that
the signal corresponds to the words is equal to
the probability of getting the signal with the
words, times the probability of finding those
words in any speech, times a normalization
46Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- Conditional distributionNotation P(XY)It
gives the values of p(Xxi Yyj) for each
possible i, j. -
47Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- Conditional distributionExample P(X,Y)
P(XY)P(Y)denotes a set of equationsp(Xx1 ?
Yy1) p(Xx1 Yy1)p(Yy1)p(Xx1 ? Yy2)
p(Xx1 Yy2)p(Yy2)...
48Probabilistic InferenceUsing Full Joint
49Terminology and Basic Probability Notation
- Simple dentist diagnosis example.
- 3 Boolean variables
- Toothache
- Cavity
- Catch (the dentist's steel probe catches in the
patient's tooth)
50A full joint distribution for the Toothache,
Cavity, Catch world
toothache toothache ?toothache ?toothache
catch ?catch catch ?catch
cavity 0.108 0.012 0.072 0.008
?cavity 0.016 0.064 0.144 0.576
51Getting information from the full joint
toothache toothache ?toothache ?toothache
catch ?catch catch ?catch
cavity 0.108 0.012 0.072 0.008
?cavity 0.016 0.064 0.144 0.576
p(cavity ? toothache) 0.108 0.012 0.072
0.008 0.016 0.064 0.28
52Getting information from the full joint
toothache toothache ?toothache ?toothache
catch ?catch catch ?catch
cavity 0.108 0.012 0.072 0.008
?cavity 0.016 0.064 0.144 0.576
p(cavity) 0.108 0.012 0.072 0.008 0.2
unconditional or marginal probability
53Marginalization, Summing Out, Theorem of Total
Probability, and Conditioning
54Getting information from the full joint
toothache toothache ?toothache ?toothache
catch ?catch catch ?catch
cavity 0.108 0.012 0.072 0.008
?cavity 0.016 0.064 0.144 0.576
p(cavity) 0.108 0.012 0.072 0.008 0.2
p(cavity, catch, toothache) p(cavity, ?catch,
toothache) p(cavity, catch, ?toothache)
p(cavity, ?catch, ?toothache)
55Marginalization Rule
- Marginalization rule
- For any sets of variables Y and Z,
- A distribution over Y can be obtained by summing
out all the other variables from any joint
distribution containing Y.
56A variant of the rule after applying the product
- Conditioning
- For any sets of variables Y and Z,
- Read as Y is conditioned on the variable Z.
- Often referred to as Theorem of total probability.
57Getting information from the full joint
toothache toothache ?toothache ?toothache
catch ?catch catch ?catch
cavity 0.108 0.012 0.072 0.008
?cavity 0.016 0.064 0.144 0.576
The probability of a cavity, given evidence of a
conditional probability
58Getting information from the full joint
toothache toothache ?toothache ?toothache
catch ?catch catch ?catch
cavity 0.108 0.012 0.072 0.008
?cavity 0.016 0.064 0.144 0.576
The probability of a cavity, given evidence of a
conditional probability
59Getting information from the full joint
toothache toothache ?toothache ?toothache
catch ?catch catch ?catch
cavity 0.108 0.012 0.072 0.008
?cavity 0.016 0.064 0.144 0.576
The probability of a cavity, given evidence of a
conditional probability
60Getting information from the full joint
toothache toothache ?toothache ?toothache
catch ?catch catch ?catch
cavity 0.108 0.012 0.072 0.008
?cavity 0.016 0.064 0.144 0.576
The probability of a cavity, given evidence of a
conditional probability
- If the propositions a and b are independent, then
- p(ab) p(a)
- p(ba) p(b)
- p(a?b) p(a,b) p(a)p(b)
- Think about the coin flipping example.
63Independence Example
- Suppose Weather and Cavity are independent.
- p(cavity Weathercloudy) p(cavity)
- p(Weathercloudy cavity) p(Weathercloudy)
- p(cavity, Weathercloudy) p(cavity)p(Weatherclo
- If the variables X and Y are independent, then
- P(XY) P(X)
- P(YX) P(Y)
- P(X,Y) P(X)P(Y)
66Previous Example
toothache toothache ?toothache ?toothache
catch ?catch catch ?catch
cavity 0.108 0.012 0.072 0.008
?cavity 0.016 0.064 0.144 0.576
The probability of a cavity, given evidence of a
67Previous Example
toothache toothache ?toothache ?toothache
catch ?catch catch ?catch
cavity 0.108 0.012 0.072 0.008
?cavity 0.016 0.064 0.144 0.576
The probability of a cavity, given evidence of a
- The term
- remains constant, no matter which value of Cavity
we calculate. - In fact, it can be viewed as a normalization
constant for the distribution P(Cavitytoothache),
ensuring that it adds up to 1.
69Recall this example
toothache toothache ?toothache ?toothache
catch ?catch catch ?catch
cavity 0.108 0.012 0.072 0.008
?cavity 0.016 0.064 0.144 0.576
The probability of a cavity, given evidence of a
70Now, normalization simplifies the calculation
toothache toothache ?toothache ?toothache
catch ?catch catch ?catch
cavity 0.108 0.012 0.072 0.008
?cavity 0.016 0.064 0.144 0.576
The probability distribution of Cavity, given
evidence of a toothache
71Now, normalization simplifies the calculation
toothache toothache ?toothache ?toothache
catch ?catch catch ?catch
cavity 0.108 0.012 0.072 0.008
?cavity 0.016 0.064 0.144 0.576
The probability distribution of Cavity, given
evidence of a toothache
72Example of Probabilistic InferenceWumpus World
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76Pit? Wumpus
Pit? Wumpus
77Pit? Wumpus
Pit? Wumpus
78Pit? Wumpus
Pit? Wumpus
79Pit? Wumpus
Pit? Wumpus
Pit? Wumpus
80Now what??
Pit? Wumpus
Pit? Wumpus
Pit? Wumpus
81By applying Bayes' rule, you can calculate the
probabilities of these cells having a pit, based
on the known information.
Pit? Wumpus
Pit? Wumpus
Pit? Wumpus
82To Calculate the Probability Distribution for
Wumpus Example
83Let unknown be a composite variable consisting of
Pi,j variables for squares other than Known
squares and the query square 1,3
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