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Book 2


New Horizon College English Book 2 Unit 7 Lighten your Load and Save your Life Book 2 Unit 7 New Horizon College English 1. Who is Dr. Robert S. Eliot? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Book 2

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7

Lighten your Load and Save your Life
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
  • Background information?
  • Watch and Discuss ?
  • Compound Dictation ?
  • Fun Time ?
  • Text
  • Reproduction?

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Background information?
1. A workaholic is a person who works excessively
or whose life is consumed by work.
2. The Stone Age  is the earliest known time in
human history, when only stone was used for
making tools and weapons, etc.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
3. The University of Nebraska
   The university (1869) has four campuses. Its
main campus is located in Lincoln, where colleges
of arts and sciences, agriculture, education,
architecture, engineering, and technology,
business administration, home economics,
journalism, and law are housed. Its Omaha campus
has courses leading to bachelors and masters
degrees. Its medical center has colleges of
medicine, nursing, dentistry, and pharmacy.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
4. Benjamin(Ben) Franklin A very famous
American of the 1700s, best known for his
experiments with electricity and nature, using
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
  • 5. Quotable Ben Franklin
  • Eat to live, and not live to eat.
  • Three may keep a secret, if two of them
    are dead.
  • Early to bed and early to rise, makes a
    man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
  • If you would not be forgotten as
  • you are dead and rotten,
  • either write things worthy of reading,
    or do things worth the
  • writing.

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
  • The worst wheel of a cart makes the most noise.
  • There are three faithful friends an old
    wife, an old dog, and ready money.
  • Glass, china, and reputation,
  • are easily crack'd, and never
  • well mended.
  • A country man between two lawyers, is like
    a fish between two cats.

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
6. Job Stress
Stress is another factor that can lead to
illness. Its not that stress causes a cold or a
flu, but it can lower your bodys resistance by
depressing the immune system. For many, a major
source of daily stress is their jobs, and stress
levels can be particularly high in a big city
emergency room, like this one. And unfortunately,
catching a cold is the least of a stressed-out
workers worries. More?
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Watch and Discuss
Directions Watch the video and then discuss
the topics as follows
  • What causes stress at work?

2. How to tackle the stress at work?
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
What causes stress at work?
Recent research finds that todays working
people, though exposed to less physical stress,
are experiencing much more psychological stress
than ever in history. The factors for such stress
can be listed as follows (1) The demand of your
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
(2) The control staff have over how you do your
work (3) The support you receive from your
colleagues and superiors (4) Your relationship
with your colleagues (5) Whether you understand
your roles or your responsibilities (6) High
staff turnover
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
(7) Lack of communication with your fellows (8)
Lack of feedback on performance (9) Radical
changes in technology (10) Inadequate awareness
of roles and responsibilities (11) Lack of
skills as required at work.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
How to tackle the stress at work?
How to cope with work-oriented stress, therefore,
should call for more and more of our concern. As
shown in the video, hugging each other in the
morning is just one way of keeping under control
the stress in the workplace. The manager here
focuses on keeping workers happy to relieve their
psychological burden.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
So good relations improve the working environment
and lighten the stress. Besides, holding an
interesting and rewarding job enables one to cope
with stress. Finally, enhancement of skills as
required in particular tasks, cultivation of team
spirit, and tolerance of fellows personalities
can be strong preventive measures to help one
avoid the serious health consequences of stress.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Compound Dictation ?
Directions You will hear a
passage three times. When the passage is read for
the second time, you are required to fill in the
blanks numbered from S1 to S8 with the exact
words you have just heard. For blanks numbered S9
to S11 you are required to fill in missing
information. For these blanks, you can either use
the exact words you have just heard or write down
the main points in your own words. Now listen to
the passage.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Compound Dictation ?
The time you spend at the office may be the
most stressful part of your day, but it doesnt
have to be. You have a greater ability to S01
_____ your office environment than you may S02
______. Take breaks throughout the day. It
will help clear your mind and S03 ______
pressure. Something as simple as going to the
water cooler for a drink may do the S04 ____.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Compound Dictation ?
Try listening to music recordings, such as a
pounding S05 ____ or songbirds, to help you
S06 _____. Such tapes are sold S07
____________. Use headphones if youll be
listening to them in the middle of the S08
________. Get to work early or stay late once
a week. S09 ___________________________________
You may be able to accomplish more when
you vary your routine
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Compound Dictation ?
_____________. Update your resume, and remind
yourself of your skills and strengths. S11
__________. This will make you valuable to
If your stress comes from job
insecurity, take stock of yourself
Also, make sure you
keep up with new developments in your field
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Fun Time?
IV. Fun Time
  • Birds Fly

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Feel stressed? Now stop to watch how birds enjoy
their lives. Life is a chain of moments of
enjoyment not only about survival. So never
delay anything that adds laughter and joy to your
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
New Words Text Learning Paragraph Writing English
Equivalents of Chinese Text Understanding
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
  • Chinese to English
  • ?????????
  • ?????????
  • 44??????
  • ????????????
  • ???????
  • ???????
  • ????????????

learn to take charge of your life
you have to learn how to flow
suffer a heart attack at age 44
one step to calming down
attribute the cause of the disease to stress
find out where the anger is coming from
recognize there are many things beyond your
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
1. overwhelm vt. ???????????
2. spin v./n. (?)?? C??
3. title vt./n. ???C????
4. clinical a. ??????
5. react vi. ??
reactor n. C????
6. tense a. ???
7. tremendous a. ??????????
8. cholesterol n. U???
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
9. excess a./n. ??????U??
10. fiber n. C,U??
11. circuit n. C??
12. pump n./vt. C?(??)??
13. attribute vt. ????????
14. exterior n./a. C???????
15. interior n./a. C?????
16. destructive a. ???
17. perceive vt. ????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
18. perfectionist n. C?????
19. delegate v./vt./n. ???? C??
20. cycle n./ vi. C??,??????
21. emphasis n. C,U??
22. jam n./ vt. C?????
23. stir vt. ???????
24. outlet n. C??
25. physiological a. ???????
physiologically ad. ????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
26. recommend vt. ??????
27. financial a. ??????
financially ad. ??????
28. independent a. ??????
29. stimulate vt. ??????
30. temper n. U????
even-tempered a. ??????????
31. priority n. C??????U???
32. self-worth n. U?????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
33. viewpoint n. C????
34. troublesome a. ????????
35. politician n. C???
36. deadline n. C????
37. flee v. ??????
among other things among other things ????????
blow ones top blow ones top ????????
on ones trail on ones trail ???
cut down cut down ?????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
keep in mind ??
Robert S. Eliot ???S.????(??)
Nebraska ??????(????)
Ben Franklin ?????(1706 1790, ?????????)

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life
Para. 1 If you often feel angry and overwhelmed,
like the stress in your life is spinning out of
control, then you may be hurting your heart.
Para. 2 If you dont want to break your own
heart, you need to learn to take charge of your
life where you canand recognize there are many
things beyond your control.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 3 So says Dr. Robert S. Eliot, author of a
new book titled From Stress to Strength How to
Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life. Hes a
clinical professor of medicine at the University
of Nebraska. Para. 4 Eliot says there are people
in this world that he calls hot reactors. For
these people, being tense may cause tremendous
and rapid increases in their blood pressure.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 5a Eliot says researchers have found that
stressed people have higher cholesterol levels,
among other things. Weve done years of work in
showing that excess alarm or stress chemicals can
literally burst heart muscle fibers.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 5b When that happens it happens very
quickly, within five minutes. It creates many
short circuits, and that causes crazy heart
rhythms. The heart beats like a bag of worms
instead of a pump. And when that happens, we
cant live.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 6 Eliot, 64, suffered a heart attack at age
44. He attributes some of the cause to stress.
For years he was a hot reactor. On the
exterior, he was cool, calm and collected, but on
the interior, stress was killing him. Hes
now doing very well.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 7 The main predictors of destructive levels
of stress are the FUD factorsfear, uncertainty
and doubttogether with perceived lack of
control, he says. Para. 8 For many people, the
root of their stress is anger, and the trick is
to find out where the anger is coming from.
Does the anger come from a feeling that
everything must be perfect? Eliot asks.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 9 Thats very common in professional
women. They feel they have to be all things to
all people and do it all perfectly. They think,
I should, I must, I have to. Good enough is
never good enough. Perfectionists cannot
delegate. They get angry that they have to carry
it all, and they blow their tops. Then they feel
guilty and they start the whole cycle over again.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 10 Others are angry because they have no
compass in life. And they give the same emphasis
to a traffic jam that they give a family
argument, he says. If you are angry for more
than five minutesif you stir the anger within
you and let it build with no safety outletyou
have to find out where its coming from.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 11 What happens is that the hotter people
get, physiologically, with mental stress, the
more likely they are to blow apart with some
heart problem. Para. 12 One step to calming
down is to recognize you have this tendency.
Learn to be less hostile by changing some of your
attitudes and negative thinking.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 13 Eliot recommends taking charge of your
life. If there is one word that should be
substituted for stress, its control. Instead of
the FUD factors, what you want is the NICE
factors ? new, interesting, challenging
experiences. Para. 14 You have to decide what
parts of your life you can control, he says.
Stop where you are on your trail and say, Im
going to get my compass out and find out what I
need to do.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 15 He suggests that people write down the
six things in their lives that they feel are the
most important things theyd like to achieve. Ben
Franklin did it at age 32. He wrote down things
like being a better father, being a better
husband, being financially independent, being
stimulated intellectually and remaining
even-temperedhe wasnt good at that.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 16 Eliot says you can first make a list of
12 things, then cut it down to 6 and set your
priorities. Dont give yourself impossible
things, but things that will affect your
identity, control and self-worth. Para. 17 Put
them on a note card and take it with you and look
at it when you need to. Since we cant create a
26-hour day we have to decide what things were
going to do.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 18 Keep in mind that over time these
priorities are going to change. The kids
grow up, the dog dies and you change your
priorities. Para. 19 From Eliots viewpoint, the
other key to controlling stress is to realize
that there are other troublesome parts of your
life over which you can have little or no
controllike the economy and politicians.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 20 You have to realize that sometimes with
things like traffic jams, deadlines and
unpleasant bosses, You cant fight. You cant
flee. You have to learn how to flow.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Paragraph Writing
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Topic The statement or argument about sth. is
Cause / Effect Analyses are made of the causes
for sth. or effects of sth..
Effect / Cause Conclusions are drawn as to the
effects of sth. or the causes of sth.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
ExampleEliot, 64, suffered a heart attack at
age 44. (Effect) He attributes some of the cause
to stress. For years he was a hot reactor. On
the exterior, he was cool, calm and collected,
but on the interior, stress was killing him. Hes
now doing very well. (Cause)
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
???? Directions Have a look at the sample
cause-and-effect paragraph based on the outline
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Topic Driven out of a store Cause? wearing
casual clothes that hadnt
been ironed ? going to an upper-scale
Effect ? drawing prejudice ?
childrens staring and laughing ?
adults doubtful look ? clerks
following track ? refused to use
bathroom ? lack of trust
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Sample Composition The worst experience I
have ever had was the day a friend and I were
driven out of a store. (Topic) One day my friend
and I went downtown to shop. We were wearing
casual clothes that hadnt been ironed and went
to one of the large upper-scale stores. (Cause)
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Our down-scale clothing immediately drew
prejudice. Some of the children we encountered
stared, pointed, and laughed adults gave us
long, doubtful look. Clerks in stores followed
our tracks to watch our every move. And they even
refused to let us use the bathroom. Both of us
felt that there was no room for us and that the
lack of trust and rude stares virtually drove us
out of the store. (Effect)
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Writing Assignment Directions Write a paragraph
on one of the following topics showing a
cause-and-effect relation. One topic has been
given a detailed outline that you can follow.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Topic My friend has become a workaholic. Causes
? strong desire to prove himself ?
aim to do everything by himself ?
guilty of spending time with his
family and friends Effect becoming
a workaholic
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
More topics ? Good name brings him success ?
What lucky numbers have brought
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
???? My friend Jack has become a workaholic. He
has too strong a desire to prove himself.
According to him, good enough is never good
enough. While others want only to finish a few
things, he aims to do everything by himself.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Also, he feels guilty if he spends his time with
his family and friends, playing with the dog, or
going fishing. He even wishes that he could have
a day of 26 hours or even more. He has become a
workaholic whether he likes it or not.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
????, ???? Para. 1 ????????????,???????????????
???,??????????????? Para. 2 ????????????,????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 3 ?????S??????????????????????????,?????
???????????,?????????? Para. 4
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 5a ?????,????????,????????????,???????????
?????????,??????????????????????????? ?
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 5b ???????????,??5???????????,?????????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 6 ??64??????,?44????????????,??????????????
????????,??????????????????, ?????????????,?????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 7 ??,???????????????FUD???? FUD
??????????? ?? ?????????????? Para. 8
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 9 ???????????????????????????????,
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 10 ????????????????????????????????????,
?????????5?? ????????,?????????????????????????

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 11 ??????????????????????????????,????????
???????????? Para. 12 ?????????????????????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 13 ??????????????????????????,????????????
?FUD????NICE???? NICE ????????????????????
Para. 14 ???????????????????,????????,????,
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 15 ??????????????????????????6?????????32?
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 16 ?????,??????12??,?????6?,??????????????
????????????????????????????????? Para. 17
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 18 ??????????,?????????????????,????,????
?????????? Para. 19 ?????????,?????????????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Para. 20 ??????,???????????????????????,?????,??
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
to spin out of control
No matter how grave situations grow, he never
lets his senses spin out of control.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
beyond ones control
To keep your mind at peace, you neednt bother to
take on what is beyond your control.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
among other things
What he is best at, among other things, is to
lift the fruits from others labor.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
to be all things to all people / all men
For everyone to think highly of her, she knows
well the art of being all things to all people.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
to blow ones top
Informed of the news that his girlfriend had
become attracted to another boy, he blew his top.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
to have no compass in life

One who has no compass in life is the equivalent
of one bird with broken wings.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
to give emphasis to
Giving undue emphasis to your childs academic
performance is harmful to the development of his
/ her creativity.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
on ones trail
Hot on his trail of sciences frontiers, he has
no time to attend to domestic trifles.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
to set/ establish ones priorities
To meet many challenges you are faced with, it is
best to set your priorities.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
???/??/ ??
to flow with sth.
There are many things in your life, with which
you cant fight but must learn to flow.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
If you often feel angry and overwhelmed, like the
stress in your life is spinning out of control,
then you may be hurting your heart.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
If sb. , like (??), then sb. may
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
If you feel very hungry for a boy at the thought
of him, like everything would become tasteless
without him, you may fall in love with him.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
On the exterior, he was cool, calm and collected,
but on the interior, stress was killing him.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
On the exterior, sb. be / do, but on the
interior, sb. be/ do ???,?? ,??????
?????????????? ?
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
On the exterior, she is full of affection for
many, but on the interior, she has special love
for only one person.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
For many people, the root of their stress is
anger, and the trick is to find out where the
anger is coming from.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
For sb., the root of sth. is , and the trick/
key is to do ... ?????,??????,??????? /
???????????? ?
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
For you, the root of no pass in exams is your
failure to attend to your major business, and the
trick is to do what is worth doing.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
What happens is that the hotter people get,
physiologically, with mental stress, the more
likely they are to blow apart with some heart
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
What happens (to sb. / sth.) is that (????/??)
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
??????????,????????? ???????????,???????
When you take great pains to forget something,
what will happen is that the more anxious you are
to erase it from your memory, the harder it is to
make it.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Keep in mind that over time these priorities are
going to change.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
It must be kept/ born in mind that (??)
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
It must be kept in mind that one has to take
learning as a lifelong pursuit to keep rhythm
with times.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
From Eliots viewpoint, the other key to
controlling stress is to realize that there are
other troublesome parts of your life over which
you can have little or no controllike the
economy and politicians.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
From sb.s viewpoint /angle of view, the key to
doing sth. is to ???????,???????
???????????? ?
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
From the experts viewpoints, the key to breaking
with the vicious circle is to change the fixed
pattern of thinking once and for all.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Text Understanding
1. Who is Dr. Robert S. Eliot?
  1. __________________.
  2. __________________________.

Author of a new book
A clinical professor of medicine
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
2. What does Eliot say in his book?
  • You may be hurting your heart if
  • ___________________________.
  • b. You need to learn to take charge of your life
  • ___________________________.
  • Being tense may cause ____________________
  • __________________________ for hot
  • d. Stressed people have ______________________.

feeling angry and overwhelmed
not wanting to break your heart

tremendous and rapid increases in their blood
higher cholesterol levels
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
3. What causes stress?
  • _____________________________________.

FUD factors together with lack of control
b. ______.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
4. The anger is coming from
a feeling that everything must be perfect
not having compass
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
5. How to deal with stress?
Trying NICE factors
Write down six things like Ben Franklin
Learn how to flow
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
You should learn to take charge of your life
and recognize that many things are _________ your
control. Being tense may cause tremendous and
rapid __________in blood pressure. Alarm or
stress chemicals can literally ______heart muscle
fibers.The main factors causing stress are
____________ and doubt, together with
the______________. For some people, anger is
the ______of their stress. The NICE factorsnew,
interesting, __________experiencesare
recommended in order to calm you down. Like Ben
Franklin, you have to set your _________.To face
all the problems you have little control over,
you have to learn ___________.
fear, uncertainty
lack of control
how to flow
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Suppose you are a psychological doctor. A patient
suffering from depression consults you. Work in
pairs and role-play the situation. Use as many
expressions and ideas from the text as you can.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
  • Points to cover
  • Exchange of greetings.
  • Necessary inquiry about the patients life
  • job, present engagement
  • Harmful effects of getting stressed.
  • How to manage stress effectively.

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 7
Thank you
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