Title: God is on the move!
Be alert!
God is on the move!
Praise the Lord, heaven and earth! Clothe
yourselves with love. Christ the child King has
arrived and is moving to bind everything together
in harmony and peace.
2Call to Worship Leader On this day of joyful
celebration, let us join the praises of all
creation in heaven and earth. People By Gods
command, all things are created today Gods
glory shines in the face of Jesus today Gods
powerful Spirit is on the move in our
world. ALL Lord of life, receive our gifts of
thanksgiving and praise unite our hearts in
your peace, and make us partners in your work
to renew the earth as we gather in the name of
our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
3Prayer of Confession Mighty Lord, You have given
us the gift of your Son, whose reign is peace
and love. You call us to live in harmony, and
you offer us the clothing of compassion and
kindness. Open our hearts to receive your
wondrous gifts. Renew in us your gift of
forgiveness as we forgive one another. Restore us
to your love as the peace of Christ rules in our
hearts. Fill our hearts with gratitude as we join
in natures praise. In the name of your beloved
Son, we pray. Amen.
4Benediction Leader May the word of Christ
dwell in you richly, and may Christs peace
rule in your hearts. People May the unity of
Love bind us and all things together in
perfect harmony.
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