BMET 4350 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BMET 4350


BMET 4350 Lecture 2 Components Circuit Diagrams Electric circuits are constructed using components. To represent these circuits on paper, diagrams are used. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: BMET 4350

BMET 4350
  • Lecture 2
  • Components

Circuit Diagrams
  • Electric circuits are constructed using
  • To represent these circuits on paper, diagrams
    are used.

The 4 Basic Circuit Elements
  • There are 4 basic circuit elements
  • Energy sources
  • Voltage sources
  • Current sources
  • Resistors
  • Inductors
  • Capacitors

  • Three types of diagrams are used
  • pictorial,
  • block, and
  • schematic.

Schematic circuit symbols
Pictorial Diagrams
  • Help visualize circuits by showing components as
    they actually appear.

Block Diagrams
  • Circuit is broken into blocks, each representing
    a portion of the circuit.

Schematic Diagrams
ENTC 4350

  • Voltage and Current

Atomic Theory
  • An atom consists of a nucleus of protons and
    neutrons surrounded by a group of orbiting
  • Electrons have a negative charge, protons have a
    positive charge.
  • In its normal state, each atom has an equal
    number of electrons and protons.

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Atomic Theory
  • Electrons orbit the nucleus in discrete orbits
    called shells.
  • These shells are designated by letters K, L, M,
    N, etc.
  • Only certain numbers of electrons can exist
    within any given shell.

Atomic Theory
  • The outermost shell of an atom is called the
    valence shell.
  • The electrons in this shell are called valence
  • No element can have more than eight valence
  • The number of valence electrons affects its
    electrical properties.

  • Materials that have large numbers of free
    electrons are called conductors.
  • Metals are generally good conductors because they
    have few loosely bound valence electrons.
  • Silver, gold, copper, and aluminum are excellent

  • Materials that do not conduct because their
    valence shells are full or almost full are called
  • Glass, porcelain, plastic, and rubber are good
  • If high enough voltage is applied, an insulator
    will break down and conduct.

  • Semiconductors have half-filled valence shells
    and are neither good conductors nor good
  • Silicon and germanium are good semiconductors.
  • They are used to make transistors, diodes, and
    integrated circuits.

Electrical Charge
  • Objects become charged when they have an excess
    or deficiency of electrons.
  • An example is static electricity.
  • The unit of charge is the coulomb.
  • 1 coulomb 6.24 1024 electrons.

  • When two objects have a difference in charges, we
    say they have a potential difference or voltage
    between them.
  • The unit of voltage is the volt.
  • Thunderclouds have hundreds of millions of volts
    between them.

  • A difference in potential energy is defined as
  • The voltage between two points is one volt if it
    requires one joule of energy to move one coulomb
    of charge from one point to another.
  • V Work/Charge
  • Voltage is defined between points.

  • A model of a straight wire of length l and
    cross-sectional area A.
  • A potential difference of Vb Va is maintained
    across the conductor, setting up an electric
    field E.
  • This electric field produces a current that is
    proportional to the potential difference.

  • The movement of charge is called electric
  • The more electrons per second that pass through a
    circuit, the greater the current.
  • Current is the rate of flow of charge.


  • Electric current within a conductor.
  • (a) Random movement of electron generates no
  • (b) A net flow of electrons generated by an
    external force.

  • The unit of current is the ampere (A).
  • One ampere is the current in a circuit when one
    coulomb of charge passes a given point in one
  • Current Charge/time
  • I Q/t

  • If we assume current flows from the positive
    terminal of a battery, we say it has conventional
    current flow.
  • In metals, current actually flows in the negative
  • Conventional current flow is used in this course.
  • Alternating current changes direction cyclically.

  • Alkaline
  • Carbon-Zinc
  • Lithium
  • Nickel-Cadmium
  • Lead-Acid
  • Primary batteries cannot be recharged, secondary

Battery Capacity
  • The capacity of a battery is specified in
  • Life capacity/current drain
  • Battery with 200Ah supplies 20A for 10h
  • The capacity of a battery is affected by
    discharge rates, operating schedules,
    temperatures, and other factors.

Other Voltage Sources
  • Electronic Power Supplies
  • Solar Cells
  • Thermocouples
  • DC Generators
  • AC generators

How to Measure Voltage
  • Measure voltage by placing voltmeter leads across
    the component.
  • The red lead is the positive lead the black lead
    is the negative lead.
  • If leads are reversed, you will read the opposite

Voltage measurement
How to Measure Current
  • The current you wish to measure must pass through
    the meter.
  • You must open the circuit and insert the meter.
  • Connect with correct polarity.

Current measurement
Break the circuit
Fuses and Circuit Breakers
  • Protect equipment or wiring against excessive
  • Fuses use a metallic element which melts.
  • Slow-blow and fast-blow fuses.
  • When the current exceeds the rated value of a
    circuit breaker, the magnetic field produced by
    the excessive current operates a mechanism that
    trips open a switch.

  • Resistance

  • Resistors limit electric current in a circuit.
  • Insert figure 1-1

  • A resistor is a two terminal circuit element that
    has a constant ratio of the voltage across its
    terminals to the current through its terminals.
  • The value of the ratio of voltage to current is
    the defining characteristic of the resistor.

  • A resistor is a two terminal circuit element that
    has a constant ratio of the voltage across its
    terminals to the current through its terminals.
  • The value of the ratio of voltage to current is
    the defining characteristic of the resistor.

Resistors Definition and Units
  • A resistor obeys the expression
  • where R is the resistance.
  • If something obeys this expression, we can think
    of it, and model it, as a resistor.
  • This expression is called Ohms Law. The unit
    (Ohm or W) is named for Ohm, and is equal to
    a Volt/Ampere.
  • IMPORTANT use Ohms Law only on resistors. It
    does not hold for sources.


To a first-order approximation, the body can
modeled as a resistor. Our goal will be to avoid
applying large voltages across our bodies,
because it results in large currents through our
body. This is not good.
Schematic Symbol for Resistors
  • The schematic symbols that we use for resistors
    are shown here.

This is intended to indicate that the schematic
symbol can be labeled either with a variable,
like RX, or a value, with some number, and units.
An example might be 390W. It could also be
labeled with both.
Resistor Polarities
  • There is no corresponding polarity to a resistor.
    You can flip it end-for-end, and it will behave
    the same way.

Getting the Sign Right with Ohms Law
  • If the reference current is in the direction of
    the reference voltage drop (Passive Sign
    Convention), then

Resistance of Conductors
  • Resistance of material is dependent on several
  • Type of Material
  • Length of the Conductor
  • Cross-sectional area
  • Temperature

Type of Material
  • Differences at the atomic level of various
    materials will cause variations in how the
    collisions affect resistance.
  • These differences are called the resistivity.
  • We use the symbol ?.
  • Units are ohm-meters.

  • The resistance of a conductor is directly
    proportional to the length of the conductor.
  • If you double the length of the wire, the
    resistance will double.
  • ? length, in meters.

  • The resistance of a conductor is inversely
    proportional to the cross-sectional area of the
  • If the cross-sectional area is doubled, the
    resistance will be one half as much.
  • A cross-sectional area, in m2.

Resistance Formula
  • At a given temperature,
  • This formula can be used with both circular and
    rectangular conductors.

Temperature Effects
  • For most conductors, an increase in temperature
    causes an increase in resistance.
  • This increase is relatively linear.
  • In semiconductors, an increase in temperature
    results in a decrease in resistance.

Resistivity at 20ºC (?m)
  • Silver 1.645x10-8
  • Copper 1.723x10-8
  • Aluminum 2.825x10-8
  • Carbon 3500x10-8
  • Wood 108-1014
  • Teflon 1016

Temperature Effects
  • The rate of change of resistance with temperature
    is called the temperature coefficient (?).
  • Any material for which the resistance increases
    as temperature increases is said to have a
    positive temperature coefficient. If it
    decreases, it has a negative coefficient.

Temperature effect on resistance
Temperature coefficients ? (ºC)-1 at 20ºC
  • Silver 0.0038
  • Copper 0.00393
  • Aluminum 0.00391
  • Tungsten 0.00450
  • Carbon 0.0005
  • Teflon 1016

Fixed Resistors
  • Resistances essentially constant.
  • Rated by amount of resistance, measured in ohms.
  • Also rated by power ratings, measured in watts.

Fixed Resistors
  • Different types of resistors are used for
    different applications.
  • Molded carbon composition
  • Carbon film
  • Metal film
  • Metal Oxide
  • Wire-Wound
  • Integrated circuit packages

Variable Resistors
  • Used to adjust volume, set level of lighting,
    adjust temperature.
  • Have three terminals.
  • Center terminal connected to wiper arm.
  • Potentiometers
  • Rheostats

Color Code
  • Colored bands on a resistor provide a code for
    determining the value of resistance, tolerance,
    and sometimes the reliability.

  • The colored bands that are found on a resistor
    can be used to determine its resistance.

  • The first and second bands of the resistor give
    the first two digits of the resistance, and
  • The third band is the multiplier which represents
    the power of ten of the resistance value.
  • The final band indicates what tolerance value (in
    ) the resistor possesses.
  • The resistance value written in equation form is
    AB?10C ? D.

Color Number Tolerance ()
Black 0
Brown 1
Red 2
Orange 3
Yellow 4
Green 5
Blue 6
Violet 7
Gray 8
White 9
Gold 1 5
Silver 2 10
Colorless 20
  • The color code for resistors.
  • Each color can indicate a first or second digit,
    a multiplier, or, in a few cases, a tolerance

Measuring Resistance
  • Remove all power sources to the circuit.
  • Component must be isolated from rest of the
  • Connect probes across the component.
  • No need to worry about polarity.
  • Useful to determine shorts and opens.

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  • A two-terminal transducer in which the resistance
    changes with change in temperature.
  • Applications include electronic thermometers and
    thermostatic control circuits for furnaces.
  • Have negative temperature coefficients.

Photoconductive Cells
  • Two-terminal transducers which have a resistance
    determined by the amount of light falling on
  • May be used to measure light intensity or to
    control lighting.
  • Used as part of security systems.

  • Semiconductor device that conducts in one
    direction only.
  • In forward direction, has very little resistance.
  • In reverse direction, resistance is very high -
    essentially an open circuit.

  • Resistor which is sensitive to voltage.
  • Have a very high resistance when the voltage is
    below the breakdown value.
  • Have a very low resistance when the voltage is
    above the breakdown value.
  • Used in surge protectors.

Conductance and conductivity
  • The measure of a materials ability to allow the
    flow of charge.
  • Conductance is the reciprocal of resistance.
  • G 1/R
  • Unit is siemens S.
  • Conductivity ?1/?
  • Unit is siemens/meter S/m.

  • At very low temperatures, resistance of some
    materials goes to almost zero.
  • This temperature is called the critical
  • Meissner Effect - When a superconductor is cooled
    below its critical temperature, magnetic fields
    may surround but not enter the superconductor.

  • Ohms Law, Power,
  • and Energy

Ohms Law
  • The current in a resistive circuit is directly
    proportional to its applied voltage and inversely
    proportional to its resistance.
  • I E/R I V/R

E I ? R
  • For a fixed resistance, doubling the voltage
    doubles the current.
  • For a fixed voltage, doubling the resistance
    halves the current.

Ohms Law
  • Ohms Law may also be expressed as
    E IR and R E/I
  • Express all quantities in base units of volts,
    ohms, and amps or utilize the relationship
    between prefixes.

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Ohms Law in Graphical Form
  • The relationship between current and voltage is

Open Circuits
  • Current can only exist where there is a
    conductive path.
  • When there is no conductive path we refer to this
    as an open circuit.
  • If I 0, then Ohms Law gives R E/I E/0 ?
  • An open circuit has infinite resistance.

Short circuit
  • If resistance R 0 exists between two points we
    refer to this as a short-circuit
  • If R 0, then Ohms law gives I E/0 ?
  • Never short-circuit a voltage source, infinitely
    large current will destroy the circuit, injuries
    can result
  • We often assume that the internal resistance of
    an ammeter is zero never connect it across a
    voltage source.

Voltage Symbols
  • For voltage sources electromotive force emf, use
    uppercase E.
  • For load voltages, use uppercase V.
  • Since V IR, these voltages are sometimes
    referred to as IR or voltage drops.

Voltage Polarities
  • The polarity of voltages across resistors is of
    extreme importance in circuit analysis.
  • Place the plus sign at the tail of the current

Current Direction
  • We normally show current out of the plus terminal
    of a source.
  • If the actual current is in the direction of its
    reference arrow, it will have a positive value.
  • If the actual current is opposite to its
    reference arrow, it will have a negative value.

Current Direction
  • The following are two representations of the same

Why do we have to worry about the sign in
  • This is one of the central themes in circuit
    analysis. The polarity, and the sign that goes
    with that polarity, matters. The key is to find
    a way to get the sign correct every time.
  • This is why we need to define reference
    polarities for every voltage and current.
  • This is why we need to take care about what
    relationship we have used to assign reference
    polarities (passive sign convention and active
    sign convention).

Voltage Sources
  • A voltage source is a two-terminal circuit
    element that maintains a voltage across its
  • The value of the voltage is the defining
    characteristic of a voltage source.
  • Any value of the current can go through the
    voltage source, in any direction. The current
    can also be zero. The voltage source does not
    care about current. It cares only about

Voltage Sources Ideal and Practical
  • A voltage source maintains a voltage across its
    terminals no matter what you connect to those
  • We often think of a battery as being a voltage
    source. For many situations, this is fine. Other
    times it is not a good model. A real battery
    will have different voltages across its terminals
    in some cases, such as when it is supplying a
    large amount of current.
  • As we have said, a voltage source should not
    change its voltage as the current changes.
  • We sometimes use the term ideal voltage source
    for our circuit elements, and the term practical
    voltage source for things like batteries. We
    will find that a more accurate model for a
    battery is an ideal voltage source in series with
    a resistor.

Current Sources
  • A current source is a two-terminal circuit
    element that maintains a current through its
  • The value of the current is the defining
    characteristic of the current source.
  • Any voltage can be across the current source, in
    either polarity. It can also be zero. The
    current source does not care about voltage. It
    cares only about current.

Current Sources - Ideal
  • A current source maintains a current through its
    terminals no matter what you connect to those
  • While there will be devices that reasonably model
    current sources, these devices are not as
    familiar as batteries.
  • We sometimes use the term ideal current source
    for our circuit elements, and the term practical
    current source for actual devices. We will find
    that a good model for these devices is an ideal
    current source in parallel with a resistor.

Voltage and Current Polarities
  • Previously, we have emphasized the important of
    reference polarities of currents and voltages.
  • Notice that the schematic symbols for the voltage
    sources and current sources indicate these
  • The voltage sources have a and a to show
    the voltage reference polarity. The current
    sources have an arrow to show the current
    reference polarity.

ENTC 4350
  • Kirchhoffs Laws

Overview of this Part
  • In this part of the module, we will cover the
    following topics
  • Some Basic Assumptions
  • Kirchhoffs Current Law (KCL)
  • Kirchhoffs Voltage Law (KVL)

Some Fundamental Assumptions Wires
  • Although you may not have stated it, or thought
    about it, when you have drawn circuit schematics,
    you have connected components or devices with
    wires, and shown this with lines.
  • Wires can be modeled pretty well as resistors.
    However, their resistance is usually negligibly
  • We will think of wires as connections with zero
    resistance. Note that this is equivalent to
    having a zero-valued voltage source.

This picture shows wires used to connect
electrical components. This particular way of
connecting components is called wirewrapping,
since the ends of the wires are wrapped around
Some Fundamental Assumptions Nodes
  • A node is defined as a point where two or more
    components are connected.
  • The key thing to remember is that we connect
    components with wires. It doesnt matter how
    many wires are being used it only matters how
    many components are connected together.

How Many Nodes?
  • To test our understanding of nodes, lets look at
    the example circuit schematic given here.
  • How many nodes are there in this circuit?

How Many Nodes Correct Answer
  • In this schematic, there are three nodes. These
    nodes are shown in dark blue here.
  • Some students count more than three nodes in a
    circuit like this. When they do, it is usually
    because they have considered two points connected
    by a wire to be two nodes.

How Many Nodes Wrong Answer
Wire connecting two nodes means that these are
really a single node.
  • In the example circuit schematic given here, the
    two red nodes are really the same node. There
    are not four nodes.
  • Remember, two nodes connected by a wire were
    really only one node in the first place.

Some Fundamental Assumptions Closed Loops
  • A closed loop can be defined in this way Start
    at any node and go in any direction and end up
    where you start. This is a closed loop.
  • Note that this loop does not have to follow
    components. It can jump across open space. Most
    of the time we will follow components, but we
    will also have situations where we need to jump
    between nodes that have no connections.

How Many Closed Loops
  • To test our understanding of closed loops, lets
    look at the example circuit schematic given here.
  • How many closed loops are there in this circuit?

How Many Closed Loops An Answer
  • There are several closed loops that are possible
    here. We will show a few of them, and allow you
    to find the others.
  • The total number of simple closed loops in this
    circuit is 13.
  • Finding the number will not turn out to be
    important. What is important is to recognize
    closed loops when you see them.

Closed Loops Loop 1
  • Here is a loop we will call Loop 1. The path is
    shown in red.

Closed Loops Loop 2
  • Here is Loop 2. The path is shown in red.

Closed Loops Loop 3
  • Here is Loop 3. The path is shown in red.
  • Note that this path is a closed loop that jumps
    across the voltage labeled vX. This is still a
    closed loop.

Closed Loops Loop 4
  • Here is Loop 4. The path is shown in red.
  • Note that this path is a closed loop that jumps
    across the voltage labeled vX. This is still a
    closed loop. The loop also crossed the current
    source. Remember that a current source can have
    a voltage across it.

A Not-Closed Loop
  • The path is shown in red here is not closed.
  • Note that this path does not end where it started.

Kirchhoffs Current Law (KCL)
  • With these definitions, we are prepared to state
    Kirchhoffs Current Law
  • The algebraic (or signed) summation of currents
    through a closed surface must equal zero.

I 9 A
Figure 2.5 (a) Kirchhoffs current law states
that the sum of the currents entering a node is
0. (b) Two currents entering and one negative
entering, or leaving.
Kirchhoffs Current Law (KCL) Some notes.
  • The algebraic (or signed) summation of currents
    through any closed surface must equal zero.

This definition essentially means that charge
does not build up at a connection point, and that
charge is conserved.
This definition is often stated as applying to
nodes. It applies to any closed surface. For
any closed surface, the charge that enters must
leave somewhere else. A node is just a small
closed surface. A node is the closed surface
that we use most often. But, we can use any
closed surface, and sometimes it is really
necessary to use closed surfaces that are not
Current Polarities
  • Again, the issue of the sign, or polarity, or
    direction, of the current arises. When we write
    a Kirchhoff Current Law equation, we attach a
    sign to each reference current polarity,
    depending on whether the reference current is
    entering or leaving the closed surface. This can
    be done in different ways.

Figure 2.6 Kirchhoffs current law example.
Kirchhoffs Current Law (KCL) a Systematic
  • The algebraic (or signed) summation of currents
    through any closed surface must equal zero.

For most students, it is a good idea to choose
one way to write KCL equations, and just do it
that way every time. The idea is this If you
always do it the same way, you are less likely to
get confused about which way you were doing it in
a certain equation.
For this set of material, we will always assign a
positive sign to a term that refers to a
reference current that leaves a closed surface,
and a negative sign to a term that refers to a
reference current that enters a closed surface.
Kirchhoffs Current Law (KCL) an Example
  • For this set of material, we will always assign a
    positive sign to a term that refers to a current
    that leaves a closed surface, and a negative sign
    to a term that refers to a current that enters a
    closed surface.
  • In this example, we have already assigned
    reference polarities for all of the currents for
    the nodes indicated in darker blue.
  • For this circuit, and using my rule, we have the
    following equation

Kirchhoffs Current Law (KCL) Example Done
Another Way
  • Some prefer to write this same equation in a
    different way they say that the current entering
    the closed surface must equal the current leaving
    the closed surface. Thus, they write
  • Compare this to the equation that we wrote in
    the last slide
  • These are the same equation. Use either method.

Kirchhoffs Voltage Law (KVL)
  • Now, we are prepared to state Kirchhoffs Voltage
  • The algebraic (or signed) summation of voltages
    around a closed loop must equal zero.

Kirchhoffs Voltage Law (KVL) Some notes.
  • The algebraic (or signed) summation of voltages
    around a closed loop must equal zero.

This definition essentially means that energy is
conserved. If we move around, wherever we move,
if we end up in the place we started, we cannot
have changed the potential at that point.
This applies to all closed loops. While we
usually write equations for closed loops that
follow components, we do not need to. The only
thing that we need to do is end up where we
Voltage Polarities
  • Again, the issue of the sign, or polarity, or
    direction, of the voltage arises. When we write
    a Kirchhoff Voltage Law equation, we attach a
    sign to each reference voltage polarity,
    depending on whether the reference voltage is a
    rise or a drop. This can be done in different

Kirchhoffs Voltage Law (KVL) a Systematic
  • The algebraic (or signed) summation of voltages
    around a closed loop must equal zero.

For most students, it is a good idea to choose
one way to write KVL equations, and just do it
that way every time. The idea is this If you
always do it the same way, you are less likely to
get confused about which way you were doing it in
a certain equation.
(At least we will do this for planar circuits.
For nonplanar circuits, clockwise does not mean
anything. If this is confusing, ignore it for
For this set of material, we will always go
around loops clockwise. We will assign a positive
sign to a term that refers to a reference voltage
drop, and a negative sign to a term that refers
to a reference voltage rise.
Figure 2.4 (a) The voltage drop created by an
element has the polarity of to in the
direction of current flow. (b) Kirchhoffs
voltage law.
Kirchhoffs Voltage Law (KVL) an Example
  • For this set of material, we will always go
    around loops clockwise. We will assign a positive
    sign to a term that refers to a voltage drop, and
    a negative sign to a term that refers to a
    voltage rise.
  • In this example, we have already assigned
    reference polarities for all of the voltages for
    the loop indicated in red.
  • For this circuit, and using our rule, starting at
    the bottom, we have the following equation

Kirchhoffs Voltage Law (KVL) Notes
As we go up through the voltage source, we enter
the negative sign first. Thus, vA has a negative
sign in the equation.
  • For this set of material, we will always go
    around loops clockwise. We will assign a positive
    sign to a term that refers to a voltage drop, and
    a negative sign to a term that refers to a
    voltage rise.
  • Some students like to use the following handy
    mnemonic device Use the sign of the voltage
    that is on the side of the voltage that you
    enter. This amounts to the same thing.

Kirchhoffs Voltage Law (KVL) Example Done
Another Way
  • Some textbooks, and some students, prefer to
    write this same equation in a different way they
    say that the voltage drops must equal the voltage
    rises. Thus, they write the following equation

Compare this to the equation that we wrote in the
last slide
These are the same equation. Use either method.
How many of these equations do I need to write?
  • This is a very important question. In general,
    it boils down to the old rule that you need the
    same number of equations as you have unknowns.
  • Speaking more carefully, we would say that to
    have a single solution, we need to have the same
    number of independent equations as we have
  • At this point, we are not going to introduce you
    to the way to know how many equations you will
    need, or which ones to write. It is assumed
    that you will be able to judge whether you have
    what you need because the circuits will be
    fairly simple. Later we will develop methods
    to answer this question specifically and

How many more laws are we going to learn?
  • This is another very important question. Until,
    we get to inductors and capacitors, the answer
    is, none.
  • Speaking more carefully, we would say that most
    of the rules that follow until we introduce the
    other basic elements, can be derived from these
  • At this point, you have the tools to solve many,
    many circuits problems. Specifically, you have
    Ohms Law, and Kirchhoffs Laws. However, we
    need to be able to use these laws efficiently and
    accurately. We will spend some time in ENTC
    4350 learning techniques, concepts and
    approaches that help us to do just that.

How many fs and hs are there in Kirchhoff?
  • This is another not-important question. But, we
    might as well learn how to spell Kirchhoff. Our
    approach might be to double almost everything,
    but we might end up with something like
  • We suspect that this is one reason why people
    typically abbreviate these laws as KCL and KVL.
    This is pretty safe, and seems like a pretty good
    idea to us.

Example 1
  • Lets do an example to test out our new found
  • In the circuit shown here, find the voltage vX
    and the current iX.

Example 1 Step 1
  • The first step in solving is to define variables
    we need.
  • In the circuit shown here, we will define v4 and

Example 1 Step 2
  • The second step in solving is to write some
    equations. Lets start with KVL.

Example 1 Step 3
  • Now lets write Ohms Law for the resistors.

Notice that there is a sign in Ohms Law.
Example 1 Step 4
  • Next, lets write KCL for the node marked in

Notice that we can write KCL for a node, or any
other closed surface.
Example 1 Step 5
  • We are ready to solve.

We have substituted into our KVL equation from
other equations.
Example 1 Step 6
  • Next, for the other requested solution.

We have substituted into Ohms Law, using our
solution for iX.
ENTC 4350

(c) Voltmeters/Ammeters/Ohmmeters
  • A voltmeter is used to measure voltage in a
  • An ammeter is used to measure current in a
  • An ohmmeter is used to measure resistance.

  • Resistors limit electric current.
  • Power supplies provide current and voltage.
  • Voltmeters measure voltage.
  • Ammeters measure current.
  • Ohmmeters measure resistance.
  • Digital Multimeters (DMM) measure voltage,
    current and resistance.

  • KVLThe algebraic sum of voltages around a closed
    loop is zero.
  • The voltage rises equal the voltage drops.
  • KCLThe algebraic sum of currents at a node is
  • Current entering a node equals current leaving a

  • Scientific notation expresses a number as one
    digit to the left of the decimal point times a
    power of ten.
  • Engineering notation expresses a number as one,
    two or three digits to the left of the decimal
    point times a power of ten that is a multiple of
  • Metric symbols represent powers of 10 that are
    multiples of 3.

  • A voltage source is a two-terminal circuit
    element that maintains a voltage across its
  • The value of the voltage is the defining
    characteristic of a voltage source.
  • Any value of the current can go through the
    voltage source, in any direction. The current
    can also be zero. The voltage source does not
    care about current. It cares only about

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