Title: ANZAP National Conference
1Richard Hill
Therapy and the Brain What has the brain got to
do with it?
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5Two Communities
Right parallel present Pictures Learns
kinesthetically Sensorial reality creativity WE
Left Serial Linear Past future Attention to
detail assessments Language I
- A process that regulates the flow
- of energy and information
7Interpersonal Neurobiology
Global Association for Interpersonal Neurobiology
Studies www.mindgains.org
8Mirror Neurons
Inferior Parietal Lobule
Pre Motor Cortex
PF/PFG - macaque
Inferior Frontal Gyrus
Superior Temporal Sulcus - visual input
Iacoboni and Dapretto Redgrave Nature Reviews
Neuroscience 7, 942951 (December 2006)
doi10.1038/ nrn2024
9Self monitoringPre Frontal Cortex
- Body regulation
- Attuned communication
- Emotional balance
- Response flexibility
- Empathy
- Insight
- Fear modulation
- Intuition
- Morality
Daniel Siegel The Mindful Brain 42-44
10Imprinted Memoryamygdala
11Automatic SystemsBasal Ganglia
12Social Rejectionanterior cingulate
- Attachment
- Stereotype threat
- Broaden and build
- Jaak Panksepp play
- Self Determination
- Self Efficacy
- Positive Psychology
14Psychosocial Genomics
- The deep psychobiological process of
activity or experience-dependent gene
expression and brain plasticity associated with
creativity and psychotherapy.
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- Right Wrong
- Good Bad
- Expectation
- Fault Blame
- Criticism
- Isolation Separation
- Guilt
- Hugs
- Gentle talk
- Listening
- Laughter
- Co-operation
- Achievable tasks
- Love kindness
21The Purpose of Life
22The Purpose of Life
To creatively participate in the experience
23- www.richardhill.com.au
- richhill_at_iinet.net.au
- MindScience Institute