Taste - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Taste circumvallate papilla labelled lines There are five recognised modalities: sweet, sour, bitter, salt & umami. All mature taste bud cells have prominent microvilli. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Taste

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circumvallate papilla
labelled lines
  • There are five recognised modalities sweet,
    sour, bitter, salt umami.
  • All mature taste bud cells have prominent
  • Taste bud cells are continuously renewed from a
    local population of stem cells and their
    half-life is about ten days.
  • Type I "dark" cells are glial (supporting) cells,
    but also contribute to salty (chloride) tastes.
    The full salt flavour may also require sodium
  • Sub-populations of type II cells respond to
    sweet, bitter, umami (glutamate) and possibly
    fats. They release ATP which stimulates
    purinergic receptors on type III cells and also
    on sensory neurons.
  • Type III cells signal "sour" after intracellular
    acidification. Only type III cells make synaptic
    connections, where they release serotonin.
  • The sensory nerves are labelled lines but it is
    not known how they specifically communicate with
    the appropriate sensory cells.

Taste bud
Recognised tastes receptors
  • Sour PKD1L3 or PKD2L1 (disputed)
  • Salty ENaC or TRPV1 (disputed)
  • Bitter T2R family about 30 members
  • Sweet T1R2/T1R3 heterodimer
  • Umami T1R1/T1R3 heterodimer plus
    other glutamate receptors?
  • Fats?
  • In addition to the taste buds, there is a
    closely-related family of entero-endocrine cells
    throughout the GI tract, which use similar
    transduction mechanisms to control food intake,
    digestion and incretin release.

Bitter, sweet umami taste transduction
gustatory adaptation
  • It is difficult to study sensory adaptation to
    continuing taste stimulation and there are very
    few published reports.
  • It has recently become apparent that taste
    sensitivity is modulated by external factors, and
    this has become a prolific area for research.
  • Leptin, a cytokine produced by adipocytes (which
    reduces food intake and increases energy
    expenditure) inhibits the taste bud response to
  • Glucagon (which is produced in response to
    hypoglycaemia) increases the taste bud response
    to sucrose, while the incretin hormone GLP-1
    maintains and enhances the response to sweet
  • Ghrelin increases the response to salty and sour
    tastants, and oxytocin also seems likely to
    modulate these responses.
  • Taste buds also respond to GABA, and it seems
    likely that complex networks of signalling
    molecules will be found to underpin taste bud
    physiology, just as they underpin other areas of
    the GI tract.

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olfactory signal transduction 1
  • Vertebrate odorant receptors (ORs) all belong to
    the immunoglobulin superfamily.
  • Some mammals may have two thousand OR genes.
  • Species (e.g. humans) with a poor sense of smell,
    have fewer OR genes, and many of these are
    inactive pseudogenes.
  • Each OR can bind a range of molecules, but each
    gene has a unique pattern of binding affinities.
  • Human olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) live for
    about two weeks and are replenished from a local
    population of stem cells.
  • Each ORN expresses one specific OR on about 20
    non-motile cilia.
  • Olfactory cilia cannot be properly described as
    primary cilia because there is more than one per
    cell, but they are similar.
  • All the ORNs expressing a particular OR converge
    onto one or two matching olfactory glomeruli
    within the olfactory bulb.

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olfactory signal transduction 2
  • ORs are G protein-coupled-receptors (GPCRs) which
    activate adenyl cyclase type-III via the G
    protein, Golf
  • cAMP opens a nonselective, cyclic-nucleotide-gated
    (CNG) cation channel, depolarising the ciliary
  • ORNs express a Na/K/Cl cotransporter (NKCC10)
    which maintains a high intracellular chloride
  • Ca2 influx through the CNG channels opens
    Ca2-activated chloride channels on the ciliary
  • Cl- leaves the ORN down its concentration
    gradient, which further depolarizes the cell and
    provides amplification.
  • Internal Ca2 binds to calmodulin which initiates
    multiple negative-feedback pathways that
    facilitate adaptation.
  • Action-potential generation in ORNs involves
    voltage-gated sodium channels and low
    voltage-activated (T-type) calcium channels.

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olfactory signal transduction 3
  • Mammalian smell has great sensitivity and a very
    wide adaptation range, as might be expected for
    outward facing receptors.
  • Adaptation in mammals occurs by a variety of
    mechanisms with very different time scales, and
    their relative importance is disputed.
  • Olfactory adaptation in mammals may involve local
    negative feedback loops with calcium calmodulin
    (see previous diagram).
  • Increased calcium export from ORNs may allow
    mammals to cope with sustained stimulation by
    high odorant concentrations.
  • Increased phosphodiesterase activity may help to
    remove excessive concentrations of cyclic AMP.
  • In addition, mammalian olfactory receptors may be
    phosphorylated, and / or internalised, and / or
    uncoupled from their G-proteins as part of the
    adaptation system.
  • Expression of mammalian OR genes may be
    downregulated as part of a long-term adaptation

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olfactory signal transduction 4
  • Odorants produce a graded concentration-dependent
    depolarisation within mammalian olfactory cilia
    an analogue response.
  • Spikes are superimposed on the receptor potential
    within the cell body of the ORN analogue to
    digital conversion.
  • The axons from the ORNs to the corresponding
    glomerulus carry fully digital action potentials.
  • The glomeruli are arranged in a fixed, inherited,
    spatial map, but related odours are not
    associated within the olfactory bulb.
  • Olfactory processing involves contrast
    enhancement between different odours, similar in
    some respects to retinal processing.
  • Calculation of time derivatives d(smell)/dt and
    d2(smell)/dt2 is probably important for following
    odorant trails.
  • Sniffing and head movements provide mammals with
    additional information about the source of the

Olfactory and retinal processing
Accessory olfactory areas
  • In addition to the main olfactory area, many
    species have various accessory areas, such as the
    vomeronasal organ, which are specialised for the
    reception of social and sexual smells.
  • Their function seems to be linked to the MHC
    system, with the result that many mammals prefer
    sexual partners that will optimise the immune
    capabilities of their offspring. It is disputed
    whether a similar system operates in humans.
  • MHC proteins and a subset of ORs are also
    expressed in sperm, where they may participate in
    sperm chemotaxis, thereby ensuring that eggs are
    more likely to be fertilised by an
    immunologically compatible sperm.

more slides to be added here
  • There is one recent paper and three important
    recently published reviews, all of which are
    highly recommended. I am preparing slides from
    these, but this is taking me longer than
    intended. In any event, you ought to read them
  • Kaupp (2010) Olfactory signalling in vertebrates
    and insects differences and commonalities.
    Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11, 188-200.
  • Sibbering Benton (2010) Ionotropic and
    metabotropic mechanisms in chemoreception
    chance or design? EMBO reports 11, 173-179
  • Kato Touhara (2009) Mammalian olfactory
    receptors pharmacology, G protein coupling and
    desensitization. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 66,
  • Pluznick et al (2009) Functional expression of
    the olfactory signaling system in the kidney.
    PNAS 106, 2059-2064.

Sibbering Benton (2010) Ionotropic and
metabotropic mechanisms in chemoreception
chance or design? EMBO reports 11, 173-179
Mammals have metabotropic ligand binding
receptors with second messenger signalling
cascades, which indirectly activate ion channels,
whereas insects use ionotropic receptors which
are directly gated by the chemical stimuli.
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Kaupp (2010) Olfactory signalling in vertebrates
and insects differences and commonalities.
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11, 188-200.
  • Key for next slide
  • The vertebrate nasal cavity contains several
    olfactory subsystems the main olfactory
    epithelium (MOE), the vomeronasal organ (VNO),
    the Grüneberg ganglion (GG), the septal organ
    (SO) and guanylate cyclase D-containing cells
    (GCDs) in the MOE. Sensory cells of the MOE and
    the SO project axons to glomeruli of the main
    olfactory bulb (MOB). Sensory cells of the GG and
    GCDs in the MOE send their axons to the necklace
    glomeruli (NG). Sensory cells of the VNO send
    their axons into the accessory olfactory bulb
    (AOB). Olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) in the
    MOE (right) have one dendrite, which ends in a
    dendritic knob. From each dendritic knob,
    approximately 15 cilia extend into the nasal
    mucus. ORNs are surrounded by supporting cells
    and are constantly generated from basal cells.

Kaupp (2010) Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11,
from Kaupp (2010) Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11,
mammalian transduction
mammalian adaptation
Kaupp (2010) fig 3
Figure 4 from Kraup (2010)Competing models of
insect OR signalling.Model a is considered
more likely.
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