Companion Animal Behavior - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Companion Animal Behavior


Companion Animal Behavior ANSC2003 T. Tennessen K. Harrigan, D. Hunter, T. Martin March 2005 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Companion Animal Behavior

Behind Every Successful Dog is an Obedient Owner
  • Companion Animal Behavior
  • ANSC2003
  • T. Tennessen

K. Harrigan, D. Hunter, T. Martin March 2005
Behaviour problems are one of the most common
reasons pet owners give up their dogs.
  • 70 of surrendered dogs with behaviour related
    problems are euthanized
  • the leading cause of mortality in dogs is due to
    behavioural problems (4)
  • owners may inadvertently reinforce unwanted
    behaviour (5)

Doggie See, Doggie Do
  • Observational Learning Learning based on
    observing the response of another organism.
  • -indicator of higher mental abilities
  • -requires animal to understand the structure of
    another animals behaviour (8)
  • -involves learning by watching actions of the
    pack leader or human family (10)
  • A child takes a toy from the toy box and plays
    with the dog. Doggie soon learns where to get
    play things. (12)
  • When going to work or taking the dog for a walk,
    we proceed out the door, then leave the property.
    The door gets opened momentarily Doggie knows
    the routine. He runs out the door and up the
    street! (7)

Imitative Reinforcers Stimuli arising from the
match between the behaviour of the imitator and
the behaviour of the model. (14)
  • -involves recalling images of the owners
  • -causes dog to interact with things that
    symbolize the owner and imitate the owners
  • When we return home, we shower the dog with
    affection. We are generally very routine with our
    arrival. Sometimes we are late getting home.
    Doggie is anxious for us to arrive. He recalls
    pillow fluffing, books and magazines being put
    away, and the putting on of shoes before we left
    the house. The owner still hasnt returned
    pillows go on the floor magazines get chewed
    chair seats get dug up shoes come out of the
    closet. (2)

Mimicry Imitation that involves copying the
actions, behaviours or physical appearance of one
species by another. (14)
  • -involves mimicking daily routine activities
  • Some dogs attempt to reproduce human situations
    and postures. Mimicry is involved in training
    service dogs to do laundry, turn on and off
    lights etc.
  • We lay on the couch and watch TV. We get up and
    Doggie is soon in our spot.
  • We take the dog for a drive in the car. We stop
    for a treat. Doggie jumps from his spot in the
    car to the driver seat. (9)

Im waiting
Continuous reinforcement Schedule of
reinforcement in which every response is
reinforced. Usually used when first learning a
behaviour and particularly in shaping behaviour
(9) -inadvertently, we can reinforce a behaviour
every time it occurs (1)
  • Puppy eats dinner every night at the same time.
    Its late. Puppy bangs his dish, and we jump at
    his command. (12)
  • Sits by the dinner table and looks at us
    lovingly. We give him a scrap. Its cute now, but
    it wont be long before puppy will be able to lay
    his head on the table and drool over our meals.

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  • Contingency-shaped behaviour behaviour which has
    been learned by directly experiencing success or
    failure. (14)
  • The dog has your shoe! The only way to get him to
    drop it is by presenting a treat.
  • Doggie wins the game! (13)
  • Playing tug of war, a dog can soon become
    agitated while trying to get the tug toy from the
    owner. Doggie growls and shakes the tug toy until
    it is free. He has won his battle. This play
    behaviour can lead to aggressive behaviour in
    future situations that are similar. (3)
  • Chasing cars, bicycles and skateboards barking
    at trucks or other vehicles that pass by opening
    cupboards to sneak food holding out for a treat
    when called to come home can all be very
  • This behaviour is almost always self rewarding.
    Doggie knows the result, and the behaviour that
    makes it work! (10)

I Thought you said
Discriminative stimuli Stimuli that have
acquired the function of setting the occasion for
a behaviour to occur. (14)
  • -An animals behavioural expressions are often
  • the result of his sensitivity to environmental
  • stimulus.
  • -can involve audio, visual, textural or touch (8)
  • A signal or statement can acquire a different
  • meaning depending on how it is presented. (9)
  • The dog barks and we pat him to quiet him. He has
    not given us a desired behaviour but we reward
    his action. (4)
  • We all love to sweet talk puppies and giggle at
    their puppy kisses. We let them know this is
    acceptable by cooing over them. When the pup is a
    mature dog, we are not so likely to appreciate it
    . (1)

Look at me! Look at me!
Attention seeking Touch and physical contact are
primary reinforcers. (6) Nudging and mouthing
for attention are very common and instinctive
with dogs.
  • -starts as a puppy with mother
  • -there are degrees of reward the more valuable
    the reward, the faster the dog learns the
  • -contact is a potential reward to be used wisely
    and carefully( 6)
  • Gentle petting has a calming effect but lengthy
    sessions of petting can result in chronic
    attention seeking ( 6)
  • without realizing, owners may pay more attention
    to the dog when it is misbehaving
  • dogs who dont receive attention and
    reinforcement for appropriate behaviour may show
    undesirable behaviour to attract attention (3)

I Didnt Mean to!
  • Some times unwanted behaviour and/or aggression
    is not due to the dog misbehavin. It is because
    of physiological changes caused by injury or
    disease. Pain and disease can cause many changes
    in normal behaviour.
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Gum disease
  • Gastrointestinal irritation
  • Poor dietthe list goes on
  • It is wise to have the dog seen by a veterinarian
    to check his health status before assuming there
    is a behavioural problem. (3)

I feel the vibes
  • Emotional Transfer
  • We send messages to our pets without knowing.
    Dogs are capable of sensing our
  • emotional state which can lead to excitatory
  • We can affect behaviour by changing the way we
    hold the leash in response to a
  • situation. If the dog senses fear, his reaction
    may also be fearful or aggressive.
  • The owner holds Doggie in the veterinarian office
    and is worried that the vaccine will be painful
    for him. The doctor arrives and Doggie begins to
    snarl and growl. The owner cant understand why
    he would act like this. (12)

- http//
  • Many times we send dogs mixed signals and
    inadvertently reinforce unwanted
  • behaviours. If the behaviour becomes a problem
    for the owner, the human-animal
  • bond may become weak.
  • Some owners surrender their pets to shelters when
    they can no longer
  • cope with the undesired behaviour. Others are
    willing to live with the problem.
  • A few will seek out professional advice. Many of
    the owners who do find help,
  • usually start the retraining process full of
    vigor but tend to taper off in
  • enthusiasm. Soon they are back to the same old
    routine and the dog reverts to
  • misbehaving. The owner says the treatment did not
  • Environmental and social experiences play major
    roles in the behavioural
  • development of dogs. We as owners need to
    understand and appreciate this. (4)
  • Continued

  • Conclusion
  • Dogs are intelligent. Most can think and do
    circles around their owners. They are able to
    accomplish this because most owners have never
    taken the opportunity to think like a dog. Most
    dogs are fairly well behaved, considering they
    have had to learn how to function in a society
    where some owners do not correctly identify what
    they want or expect from the dog. (2)
  • It is sad to think that there are dogs that have
    had to suffer negative consequences for
    successfully establishing appropriate responses
    to our inadvertent behaviours.

Citation List
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