- Professor Chip Besio
- Cox School of Business
- Southern Methodist University
2Stages of the Product Life Cycle
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5Introduction StageISSUES
- Supply side
- Technological leap-froging
- Assume industry-wide start-up costs
- Demand side
- Some uncertainty in market size
- Some uncertainty in market tastes
- Innovators critical
6Introduction StageSTRATEGIES
- Market pioneers
- Very risky
- Need financial resources
- The bleeding edge
- Pricing
- Skimming
- Penetration
- Early followers
- Emergence of repeat buyers
- Options
- Imitate
- Innovate
- Differentiate
8Maturity StageISSUES
- Technical certainty
- Initial costs covered
- Experienced, well-informed buyers
- Replacement sales greater than initial sales
- Problem - Commoditization
9Maturity Stage STRATEGIES
- Pioneer new segment
- Head-to-head competition with leader
- Low cost strategy
- Catch leader asleep
10Decline StageSTRATEGIES
- Understanding reasons for decline
- Options in order...
- Maintain
- Harvest
- Drop
11What Is A New Product?
- New to the world
- New to the company
- Flankers
- Line extensions
- Brand extensions
- Repositioning
- Model changes
Dyson Products
Swiffer Products
12New Product Development
- New product development is the most important
strategic activity of any firm - However, it is the most risky venture
- Most new products fail!
13New Product Development Risks
- Study by Assoc. of National Advertisers (2004)
--across all types of industries - 27 of line extensions failed
- 31 of new brands introduced in categories where
company already had a product failed - 46 of new products introduced to new categories
failed - Only 1 in 7 new product ideas are carried to the
commercialization phase
14Why New Products Fail
- Poor planning and strategy
- Market is not attractive
- Poor concept
- Poor execution
- Poor use of research
- Poor technology
- Poor timing
- Changes in tastes/environment
- Bad support from channel
15How New Products Succeed
- Top-management commitment
- Start with the consumer -- not the factory
- Intelligent use of research
- Find a competitive advantage
- Move quickly
- Know when to get out
- Accept, but manage risk
16New Product Success Factors
- Be close to the market (trends)
- Set a strategic direction
- Strong organizational support
17Why Speed to Market?
- Markets are getting more specialized
- Intensified competition
- Changing technology
- Changing tastes
- Rampant copying
- Gaining shelf space early
18New Product Development Process
- Concept
- Development
- and Testing
19New Product Development ProcessIDEA GENERATION
- Gaps
- Are there unfilled current consumer needs?
- Growth
- Are there unfilled future needs?
- Synergies
- Is there unfilled potential in the firms
existing product portfolio?
20New Product Development ProcessSOURCES OF NEW
- Technology
- Market needs and user solutions
- Competitors and other firms
- Channels of distribution and suppliers
- Management and employees
- Environmental changes
21New Product Development ProcessCONCEPT TESTING
- Goal
- Use primary market information to better define
the product, forecast likely demand, and clarify
target buyer - Common tools
- Focus Groups
- Conjoint Analysis
- Web-based Panels
22New Product Development ProcessBUSINESS ANALYSIS
- Review Product Sales, Costs, and Profits
Projections - to See if They Meet Company Objectives
- If No, Eliminate
- Product Concept
- If Yes, Move to
- Product Development
23Business AnalysisWHEN TO STOP A BAD IDEA
- Rule 1 Remember the sunk cost fallacy
- Rule 2 Set benchmarks for success beforehand and
stick to them - Rule 3 Be sure to plan research so that it will
allow you to diagnose the cause of problems
24New Product Development ProcessTEST MARKETING
- Standard
- Test Market
- Full marketing campaign
- in a small number of
- representative cities.
- Controlled
- Test Market
- A few stores that have
- agreed to carry new
- products for a fee
- Simulated
- Test Market
- Test in a simulated
- shopping environment
- to a sample of
- consumers