Title: Modernising Abortion Services
1Modernising Abortion Services.
Nurse/Midwife Led Provision
- Alison Jones, Consultant Nurse Sexual Health
Teenage Pregnancy - Pontypridd
Rhondda NHS Trust - 28 June 2007
- Introduction
- Developing nurse/midwife roles
- Opportunities challenges
- Over ¼ of worlds population live in countries
where abortion is strictly prohibited - 19,000,000 Women have unsafe abortions annually
- 70,000 Women die each year from unsafe abortions
- 1 in 3 British Women will have an abortion
4In Wales, England Scotland abortion can be
carried out providing that 2 registered medical
practitioners agree that
- Up to 24 weeks
- The continuance of the pregnancy would involve
risk greater than if the - pregnancy were terminated to the physical or
mental health of the - pregnant woman or any existing children in her
family - (ii) With no gestational limit
- If termination is necessary to prevent grave
permanent injury to the mental or physical health
of the pregnant woman - There is a risk to the life of the pregnant woman
greater than if the pregnancy were terminated - There is substantial risk that if the child were
born it would suffer from such physical or mental
abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped - (Abortion Act 1967, amended by the Human
Fertilisation Embryology Act 1990)
5- Note
- Parliamentary debate July 2005 upheld the 24 week
gestational limit. - Doctors attending the BMA conference June 2005
supported maintaining the limit by 31.
6Statistics (Wales Eng)
- Abortions increased by 0.4 2004-05
- Teenage abortion rates unchanged
- 89 of abortions carried out under 13wks, less
than 2 over 20 weeks (unchanged for 10 years) - 84 abortions were funded/carried out by the NHS
- (fpa fact sheet, August 2006, publisher Sexual
Health Direct, London)
7Modernising abortion services - national policy
- All Wales Sexual Health Strategy 2006
- Designed to Deliver (Wanless, 2000)
- RCOG Guidelines
8Modernising abortion services locally
- Working together multi professional,
multi-organisation - Identifying the need for change
- Organisational support
- Risk assessment, professional legal liability
- Clearly specified purpose, roles
9Principles of Nurse / Midwife Role Development
- focused on empowering nurses/midwives to develop
knowledge skills for the benefit of patient
care. - avoiding ad hoc acquisition of technical skills
or inappropriate delegation of unpleasant/unwanted
tasks by other professional groups.
10Nurse/Midwives Responsibilities
- Nurses work within the Abortion Act when they
- accept delegated instructions from a registered
- medical practitioner carry out treatment in
- accordance with his/her directions
11Areas of nurse/midwife role development
- Ultrasound assessment of gestational age
- Pre post abortion counselling
- Administration of abortificants
- Discharging patients
- Vaginal/speculum examination
- Assessment for provision of contraception
- Obtaining consent for abortion procedures
12Obtaining consent for abortion procedures
- Under 16 unaccompanied by an adult with parental
responsibility - The woman does not understand the procedures
- The woman is unsure
- The woman has bleeding / pelvic pain
- A medical condition that is contraindicated
- The nurse/midwife deems it unsafe
13Areas of nurse/midwife role development ..
Competency Framework
- Identifies qualifications, experience training
Registered Nurses Midwives require to enable
competent safe practice - Provides methodology to quality assure through
assessment audit
14Modernisation.. developing a dedicated service
- Specified referral process
- Developing enhancing expertise
- Responsive to individual needs
- Easily accessible for ongoing care
- One stop shop / community settings
- Speedier initial consultation
- One to one holistic assessment
- sexual health perspective
- High levels patient satisfaction
- Positive effects on other services
- Primary legislation
- Interface between primary secondary care
- Cutting edge. Expect the unexpected ..
- Sustainability
16Checklist for service development
- Working together!
- Clear identification of need
- Policy statement, protocols procedures
- Education training package
- Assessment theoretical practical
- Audit
- Identifying acting on clinical incidents
- Maintenance of competence
- Identifying opportunity for continued development
17Thank you
- Alison Jones
- Pontypridd Rhondda NHS Trust
- Alison-g.jones_at_pr-tr.wales.nhs.uk
- 01443 443443 ext 4246