Title: 1-1. Health insurance: < 65 years
1Focus Area 1 Access to Quality Health
Services Progress Toward Objective Targets
Moved away from target Moved toward
target Met target
1-1. Health insurance lt 65 years
(1997, 2004) 1-3f. Provider counseling about
unintended pregnancy females 15-44
years (1995, 2002) 1-4. Source of ongoing care
(1998, 2004) a. All ages
b. lt 18 years c. 18
years 1-5. Usual primary care provider
(1996, 2003) 1-6. Difficulties or delays in
obtaining needed health care (1996,
2001) 1-8. Health professions (1996-97,
2003-04) a. American Indian or
Alaska Native b. Asian or
Pacific Islander c. Black or
African American d. Hispanic
or Latino Representation in nursing
(1995-96, 2003) e. American
Indian or Alaska Native f.
Asian or Pacific Islander g.
Black or African h. Hispanic or
100, 1
-100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50
75 100
Percent of targeted change achieved
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See notes at end of chart.
2Focus Area 1 Access to Quality Health
Services Progress Toward Objective Targets
Moved away from target Moved toward
target Met target
1-8. Representation in medicine (1996-97,
2003-04) i. American Indian or
Alaska Native j. Asian
or Pacific Islander
2 k. Black or African American
l. Hispanic or Latino
10 Representation in dentistry
(1996-97, 2003-04) m. American
Indian or
-40 Alaska Native
n. Asian or Pacific Islander
100, 3 o. Black or African
-18 p. Hispanic or Latino
17 Representation
in pharmacy (1996-97, 2003-04) q.
American Indian or
Alaska Native r. Asian or
Pacific Islander
100, 4
s. Black or African American
25 t. Hispanic or Latino
-100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50
75 100
Percent of targeted change achieved
Page 2 of 4
See notes at end of chart.
3 Focus Area 1 Access to Quality Health
Services Progress Toward Objective Targets
Moved away from target Moved toward
target Met target
1-9. Hospitalization (1996, 2003)
a. Pediatric asthma lt 18 years
b. Uncontrolled diabetes 18-64 years
c. Immunization-preventable
pneumonia or influenza 65 years
1-12. Single toll-free number for
poison control centers (1999, 2005)
1-13. Trauma care systems (2002, 2005)
a. Active advisory committee b.
Process for designating centers e.
Criteria for bypassing non-
designated hospitals f. Standard
inter-hospital transfer
protocols i. Trauma system
plan 1-14a. Pediatric protocols for online
medical direction (1997,
2002) 1-14b. Pediatric guidelines for emergency
and critical care (1997,
2003) 1-16. Pressure ulcers nursing home
residents (1997, 1999)
-100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50
75 100
Percent of targeted change achieved
Page 3 of 4
See notes at end of chart.
4Focus Area 1 Access to Quality Health
Services Progress Toward Objective Targets
NOTES Tracking data for objectives 1-3a through
1-3d, 1-3g, 1-3h, 1-7a through 1-7h,
1-10, 1-11a through 1-11g, 1-13c, 1-13d,
1-13g, 1-13h, and 1-15a through
1-15d are unavailable. Objectives 1-2 and 1-3e
were proposed for deletion at
midcourse. Years in parentheses
represent the baseline data year and the most
recent data year used to compute
the percent of the Healthy People 2010 target
Most recent value baseline value
Year 2010 target baseline value
Percent of targeted change achieved
X 100
Percent of target achieved cannot be calculated.
1The most recent value is 20.4 the baseline
value is 16.3 the target value is 4.0. 2The
most recent value is 20.1 the baseline value is
16.0 the target value is 4.0. 3The most recent
value is 25.1 the baseline value is 19.5 the
target value is 4.0. 4The most recent value is
21.5 the baseline value is 17.5 the target
value is 4.0.
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