Title: Tundra
A. Schetinnikova
2About the Tundra
Temperature Average Yearly
Temperature16 F Average Winter Temperature
-10 F Summer Temperatures 35-55
F Precipitation Annual
precipitation, including melting snow, is 18
inches Solar Insolation Tundra does not
have traditional seasons, only a lengthy winter
and a brief mild season. Limiting Factors
Plant growth is hampered by the layer of
permafrost, or permanently frozen subsoil.
3Species Diversity
- About 1700 types of plants in the arctic tundra
- Vegetation Grasses, mosses, lichens, sedges,
shrubs, trees include birches and willows - Mammals Caribou, arctic foxes and hares, polar
bears, lemmings, porcupines, mountain goats and
elk in the alpine tundra - Birds Snowy owls, falcons, snow geese, tundra
swans, ptarmigans, ravens
4Food Chain of the Tundra
5Unique Facts about the Tundra
- There are two types of tundra arctic tundra and
alpine tundra - Arctic tundra is more common and is located from
the north pole to the forests of the taiga - Alpine tundra is located in high elevations
- Throughout the winter, the tundra gets only a few
hours of sunlight. In the summer, the tundra can
get up to an entire day of sun.
6The Tundra
7Tundra Biome Information
- Temperature -40C to 18C
- Precipitation 150 to 250 mm of rain per year
- Solar Insulation
- Winters long, dark, and cold
- Mean temperatures below 0C for 6 to 10 months of
the year - Summers Short season, Long days
- Top layer of soil thaws a few inches down
- Provides a growing surface for the roots of
vegetation - Rain and fog water gathers in bogs and ponds
- Limiting Factors low temperatures, the little
water is frozen, permafrost affects vegetation,
animal enzymes cannot function in cold
8Tundra Species Diversity
- Vegetation
- Permafrost prevents drainage of excess moisture
- Growing season is short and can last up to 60
days - Low diversity Few plants could survive extreme
temperatures, lack of water, and low soil - lichens, mosses, sedges, perennial forbs, and
dwarfed shrubs, heaths, birches and willows - Trees that do manage to grow stay close to the
ground - Insulated by snow during the cold winters
9Tundra Species Diversity
- Animal Life lower diversity due to extreme
conditions - Result Residents adapt to environment
- Morphological adaptations
- large, compact bodies
- thick Insulating cover of feathers or fur
- pelage and plumage that turns white in winter,
brown in summer - Physiological adaptations
- ability to accumulate thick deposits of fat
during the short growing season - Fat acts as insulation store of energy for use
during the winter, when animal species remain
active. - Population adaptations
- cyclical fluctuations in population size
- Predator populations and plant populations
respond in kind to the peaks and crashes of the
herbivore populations.
10Food Chain
Tundra food chains are short and highly
susceptible to changes
Woodland Caribou
Reindeer Lichen
11Interesting facts
- Permafrost
- temperatures are so cold that there is a layer of
permanently frozen ground below the surface (6
in.) - The Precipitation levels - 150 to 250 mm of
rain/yr - Includes melted snow
- Less than most deserts
- Still usually wet though the low temperatures
cause evaporation of water to be slow - Snowfall is actually advantageous to plant and
animal life as it provides an insulating layer on
the ground surface