Silicon Strip Detector - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Silicon Strip Detector


Silicon Strip Detector Extended status report Lilian Martin March 27th, 2006 Detailed Items Hardware Hardware on the cone Hardware on the TPC wheels Hardware on the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Silicon Strip Detector

Silicon Strip Detector
  • Extended status report
  • Lilian Martin
  • March 27th, 2006

Detailed Items
  • Hardware
  • Hardware on the cone
  • Hardware on the TPC wheels
  • Hardware on the pole tips
  • Hardware in the WAH and AB
  • Hardware on the south platform
  • Hardware in the DAQ room
  • Hardware in the control room
  • Documentation on the hardware
  • Documentation on operating the SSD
  • Documentation (general)
  • Software and data analysis
  • Online software
  • StSsdDaqMaker raw data converter
  • StSsdPointMaker hit finder
  • StSvtEvalMaker SSD global alignment
  • Pedestal and noise calibration
  • Gain calibration
  • Simulation chain
  • List of contacts

Hardware on the cone
  • Items
  • 20 SSD ladders are installed on the cone. They
    are attached to 4 separated sectors (2 big and 2
    small sectors) . The SSD has been progressively
    installed (1, 10 and finally 20 ladders).
  • An electrical shield (aluminized Mylar) separates
    the SSD from the IFC.
  • Expertise
  • The SSD was designed and built by both the IReS
    and SUBATECH groups.
  • The SSD structure, electronics and mechanics are
    described on the web.
  • G.Guilloux, S.Bouvier and L.Martin are experts in
  • S.Bouvier and L-M.Rigalleau are experts in the
    control and ADC electronic boards
  • L.Martin has some knowledge on the task related
    to the shield installation.
  • Maintenance
  • Failing ladders have been replaced several times.
    HV decoupling capacitances have been replaced on
    all ladders. For this task, the SSD has been
    completely removed from the cone. Maintenance on
    the SSD ladders has been routinely done.
    Dedicated tooling exist to remove and install the
    SSD sector on the cone.
  • Failing ladders have been usually replaced and
    shipped back to France for repair. Two spare
    ladders are always available to replace ladders
    featuring new failure (usually on the electronic

Hardware on the TPC wheels
  • Items
  • 4 readout boards read and communicate with 10
    half ladders each. Two are installed on each side
    of the TPC and on the top of 2 SVT readout boxes
    (at 6 and 7 oclock). The boards are installed in
    a box mechanically attached to the SVT rdo boxes.
    The backside of the box features a quick
    connector to plug an air hose for the cooling of
    the board.
  • The rdo board is a key element since a software
    is uploaded in its FPGA and in the FPGAs on the
    adc and control boards on the ladders.
  • Expertise
  • The boards were designed by the electronics team
    at Subatech. Christophe Renard designed the
  • Documentations Christophe Renard has posted all
    the information related to his board on the web
    at this URL
  • Experts Christophe Renard (Subatech) and
    Stephane Bouvier (Subatech)
  • Maintenances
  • The board has never needed any hardware
    maintenance during the last few years.
  • The weak connection between the optical
    transceiver and its socket on the board has been
    mechanically secured.
  • Several generations of rdo boards exist with
    minor modifications which can easily used as
  • The main maintenance operations were software

Hardware on the TPC wheels
  • Items
  • 20 flexible air hoses (tygon) emerged from the
    cone ends (10 on each side). They go through the
    air partition apertures and are connected to the
    air manifold.
  • 4 air manifolds connect the air hoses to the 4
    vortec and act as a fan in-fan out for the
    induced air flow. They fit inside partly opened
    tubes attached to the SVT water hose shoe located
    at 4 and 8 oclock.
  • Expertise
  • These elements were designed or selected by
  • A document posted on the web gives some
    indication on how to route the hoses.
  • Experts S.Bouvier, G.Guilloux and L.Martin
    (Subatech), B.Soja (BNL)
  • Maintenances
  • The air manifolds do not need any particular
  • The air hoses are quite soft and were collapsing
    when subject to small bending radius. Their path
    has to be carefully checked to make sure enough
    air flow is going through them especially at the
    location were they emerged from the SVT air
    partition. One has to carefully inspect the
    connection of the hose dedicated to the rdo
    boards since it is located into a very confined
  • Some of these hoses have been recently
    encapsulated into more rigid hoses (blue) with an
    inner radius slightly bigger than the air hose
    radius. Some connectors were also added in the
    middle of some hoses to allow quite
    disconnections and prevent the hose to collapse
    at these particular locations.

Hardware on the TPC wheels
  • Items
  • 20 LVHV power cables on each side are coming
    from the SSD rack on the south platform and are
    connected to the cables emerging from the cone.
    10 cables on each side carry the HV while the
    others are only providing LV (-2V, 2V and 5V).
    When reaching the STAR magnet, the cables are
    separated and following different paths depending
    on the ladder they are serving. The connectors at
    the end of the cables are AMP connectors and
    feature both male and female pins. Once connected
    to their corresponding cables emerging from the
    cone, the connections are secured using cable
  • Expertise
  • These elements were designed or/and selected by
    Subatech and IReS.
  • Documentations posted on the web give some
    indication on how the cables are routed around
    the TPC wheels and their specifications.
  • Experts S.Bouvier, L-M.Rigallaud (Subatech)
    and D.Bonnet, F.Littel (IReS)
  • Maintenances
  • Usually during the shutdowns, the cables are
    disconnected from the cone cables and they are
    removed from the TPC wheels up to the magnet
    radius. During that time the connector may be
    exposed. Few times several connectors had been
    broken, usually the body of the connector made of
    plastic. They are relatively cheap and can be
    easily replaced.
  • About 15 spare cables of various length are
    stocked in the STAR stock building. The shortest
    is long enough to reach the farest ladder.

Hardware on the TPC wheels
  • Items
  • 4 slow control cables, 2 trigger cables, 6
    optical fibers and 2 power cables are equally
    installed on both wheels. The trigger cables are
    coming from the trigger rack on the south
    platform. They are equipped at their end on the
    wheel with a flat cable extension featuring two
    connectors and properly terminated. All the other
    cables are coming from the SSD rack. 4 fibers
    (out of 6) are used. The others are available as
    spares and are only routed up to the south
    platform (where a patch panel provides lines
    already reaching the daq room). The two power
    cables are equipped at their end with a short
    Y-shape extension allowing to power the two rdo
    boards installed on each side.
  • Expertise
  • These elements were designed or selected by
    Subatech and IReS.
  • Experts S.Bouvier, L-M.Rigallaud (Subatech)
    and D.Bonnet, F.Littel (IReS)
  • Maintenances
  • These cables had not needed any maintenance
    operations so far. Two additional optical fibers
    have been installed and are routed up to the
    south platform and stored under the first floor
    near the trigger rack.
  • Spare fibers and round to square shape adapter
    can be found in the SSD cabinet.

Hardware on the pole tips
  • Items
  • 4 transvectors (vortec) are installed on the pole
    tips to produce an induced air flow into an hose
    connected to 5 individual ladders. The air flow
    resulted on the Venturi effect produced by 120
    psi compressed air liberated in the vortec
    volume. The flow amplitude is determined by the
    thickness of a shim in the vortec. Before
    reaching the vortec, the compressed air goes
    trough a filter and a manual valve allowing to
    reach a stable pressure of 5 bar). They are both
    very close to the vortec and share a common
    support on the pole tips.
  • Expertise
  • The system was designed by Subatech and BNL. The
    system has been installed by the STAR Technical
    Operation group.
  • Documents the SSD cooling system document is
    available online. The various elements (filter,
    gauge,) are described on the web.
  • S.Bouvier and G.Guilloux (Subatech), R.Brown and
    B.Soja (BNL)
  • Maintenance
  • The vortec have been maintained cleaning and
    shim replacement. It cost is modest and covered
    by the STAR maintenance budget. This maintenance
    has been performed by B.Soja

Hardware in the assembly building and the wide
angle hall
  • Items
  • A setup (compressor, filter, tank) is installed
    in the second floor of the assembly building and
    provide clean and dry compressed air (120 psi).
  • A line links the compressor to the vortec mixing
    copper pipes and flexible hoses.
  • A solenoid valve and a gauge allows to monitor
    and control the compressed air flow. The are read
    by the SVT slow control system.
  • Expertise
  • The system was designed by Subatech and BNL. The
    system has been installed by the STAR Technical
    Operation group.
  • Documents the SSD cooling system document is
    available online. The various elements used to
    build the compressed air line are described on
    the web.
  • S.Bouvier and G.Guilloux (Subatech), R.Brown and
    B.Soja (BNL)
  • Maintenance
  • The compressor had failed several times over the
    passed few years. A major maintenance has been
    done under the supervision of the STAR Operation

Hardware in a rack on the south platform
  • Items
  • Two CAEN power supply crates are installed in the
    SSD rack and are filled with LV and HV boards.
    Most of the slots are filled with used boards.
    Three different board models are used to provide
    HV (typically 50V) and LV (-2V, 2V and 5V).
  • The boards and the crates are controlled by the
    SSD slow control system.
  • Expertise
  • The CAEN system was chosen by the IReS group
  • The specs of the crate and boards are available
    on the SSD web pages.
  • Experts D.Bonnet and F.Littel (IReS)
  • Maintenance
  • The LV boards have been erratically failing
    during the last runs. During the last shutdown,
    all the boards have been inspected and very poor
    thermal connections between driver components and
    their supports have been identified as the cause
    of the failure. Bad contacts have been secured
    and most of the others have been visually
  • The number of spare elements is rather small.
    Only one spare board per model and no spare
    crate. The models used are obsolete and very

Hardware in a rack on the south platform
  • Items
  • Two patch panels are installed in the SSD rack.
    They are used to combine the various power lines
    (-2V, 2V, 5V, HV, senses) coming from the CAEN
    crates together to power individual
    (half-)ladder. One panel is dedicated to the
    N-side ladders (East side) while the other serves
    the P-side ladders (West side). Their are
    installed in between the two CAEN crates. All
    input on the patch panels are equipped with fuse
  • 40 LV cables and two HV cables. These short
    cables are connected to both the power crates and
    the panels. They are relatively short (1.5 m
    long) and partly dedicated to specific power
    lines. The 2V cables should not be used for an
    other power line. The HV cables are simple flat
  • Expertise
  • The panel and cables were chosen by the IReS
    group and the SUBATECH group.
  • The specifications of the cables and panels are
    available on the SSD web pages.
  • Experts D.Bonnet and F.Littel (IReS), S.Bouvier
    and L-M.Rigalleau (SUBATECH)
  • Maintenance
  • The cables and the patch panels never needed any
    particular maintenance operation.
  • Few spare cables and fuse boards are stored in
    the SSD cabinet.

Hardware in a rack on the south platform
  • Items
  • A slow control crate installed in the SSD rack.
    The crate is a WEINER VME crate remotely
    controled via its canbus interface. The crate is
    filled with several boards
  • A processor board (VME-167) running VxWorks OS,
    an interface board (V288 Caenet) to communicate
    with the CAEN crates and an interface board
    (Corelis CVME 1149) for the JTAG communications.
  • A distribution board is the key element for the
    communications with the SSD readout boards.
  • Expertise
  • The slow control system was designed by the IReS
  • Some documentation on the slow control hardware
    is available on the SSD web pages.
  • Experts D.Bonnet and F.Littel (IReS)
  • Maintenance
  • The slow control hardware has been working stably
    over the past runs.
  • A spare of each board (except the crate) is
    available and stored in the SSD cabinets. A spare
    version of the distribution board is currently in

Hardware in a rack on the south platform
  • Items
  • A relay box is installed at the back of the VME
    crate in the SSD rack. This box contains various
    relays and a voltage transformer used for the SSD
    control itself and the STAR interlock
  • A power supply (Lambda) dedicated to the SSD
    readout board power is installed at the same
    location. Between the power supply and the rdo
    board power cables a fuse box has been installed
    in order to limit the power consumption.
  • Expertise
  • The slow control system was designed by the IReS
  • Some documentation on the slow control hardware
    is available on the SSD web pages.
  • Experts D.Bonnet and F.Littel (IReS).
  • Maintenance
  • The relay box and the power supply connections
    have been improved and secured over the past
    years. P.Kuczewski who did some of these repairs
    has some experience on these parts.
  • A spare Lambda power supply and some spare parts
    of the relay box are stored in the SSD cabinet.

Hardware in the acquisition room
  • Items
  • A DAQ crate equipped with 4 receiver boards is
    installed in the STAR acquisition room and is
    dedicated to the SSD subsystem. Each board is
    dedicated to a SSD rdo board.
  • On the left side of the crate, 6 optical fibers
    are emerging from the DAQ room floor. Half of
    them is directly coming from the TPC wheels while
    the other half is first connected to the patch
    panel located near the middle of the daq crate
  • Expertise
  • The crate and its boards was provided by the DAQ
  • The matching table between the SSD rdo board, SSD
    optical fiber and the DAQ receiver boards is
    posted online.
  • Experts the DAQ group.
  • Maintenance
  • The DAQ group is maintaining the crate and the

Hardware in the control room
  • Items
  • A SUN station ( has been
    installed and is dedicated to the slow control
    and monitoring of the SSD. The epics software has
    been installed on this machine. The VME board is
    booting from this machine. The VME board software
    dedicated to the SSD monitoring is also loaded
    from this machine. A Web server and a channel
    archiver are also running on this machine.
  • A Linux box ( is
    installed near the sun station and was originally
    dedicated to online monitoring of the SSD data.
    For that purpose, the daq disk are mounted and
    specific software has been maintained for online
    analysis or offline analysis of collected data.
    Recently the slow control software has been
    duplicated from the sun station on this machine.
    The slow control monitoring can thus be done from
    it now.
  • Login conditions on these machines are explained
    in the SSD operation guide and/or can be obtained
    from the experts.
  • Expertise
  • The machines were brought from France and
    installed by the two French groups.
  • Experts D.Bonnet, L.Martin, J.Baudot
  • Maintenance
  • These computers are out of date but are running
    well since few years. Some software from the ITD
    has been installed on ssdsun01 to backup specific
    directories.W.Betts had some knowledge of these

Documentation on the hardware
  • Most of the hardware information is available
    online on the SSD web site
  • The  Documents  page contains links to various
    useful document
  • The SSD technical proposal and the SSD section of
    the STAR NIM paper
  • The status reports presented during the
    collaboration meetings
  • The talks/seminars given on the SSD while the SSD
    was under construction.
  • A collection of images and pictures (the
     photothèque  section)
  • The  Hardware  page contains more technical
  • A specific document dedicated to each particular
    aspect (electronics, cooling,) of the SSD
  • The mechanical drawings
  • Various documents (manual, reports, web pages )
    on specific item.
  • The documents describing the tasks performed
    during the shutdowns (past years section)

Documentation on operating the SSD
  • Most of the useful information to operate the SSD
    is also posted on the web
  • The Operations page contains essential
    information to operate the SSD
  • Various information important to the shift crew
  • The updated SSD operation guide.
  • A document on the SSD cooling system operation.
  • A page showing typical online SSD QA histograms.
  • A list of current problems
  • Expert email addresses and phone numbers
  • Some useful information for the experts and
    people allowed to play with the SSD hardware and
  • The Online page contains heterogeneous
  • Some old information on the slow control
  • SSD geometry information
  • A link to the page dedicated to the calibrations
    (pedestals, gain, alignment).
  • The DATA page contains test results and first
    data taken after a shutdown
  • Pedestal and noise measurement
  • Calibration results,
  • Matching tables between the ladder Id and the daq

  • The SSD web site has been migrated from a web
    server at Lyon to the STAR web server at BNL.
  • Most of the pages and documents have been
    transferred and should be available online.
  • Few documents have been recently posted on the
    STAR Drupal tool accessible from the SSD page
    stored in the sub-system area. (http//

Software and data analysis
  • Online software
  • Some online software specific to the SSD is
    located on the ssdlinux01 machine. This software
    is useful to quickly look at online data (besides
    the Panitkin plots) or offline data freshly
  • The code is run from the /home/star/Online
    directory. It has been developed from the
    template (special.c) provided by the DAQ group.
    Several histograms are produced (and saved in ps
    file) pedestal and rms distributions, ladder
    occupancy, raw signal distributions The code is
    self documented and is the same since several
  • A large fraction of the histograms defined in
    this code has been recycled as specific to the
    SSD in the Panitkin plots.
  • In order to analyze data, some daq disks are
    mounted (/evb01_x where xa, b, c or d and
    /starevpa and /starevpb). If not, a simple mount
    command with the directory as an argument will
    mount the disk.

Software and data analysis
  • StSsdDaqMaker raw data converter
  • Goal
  • The reconstruction of real data starts with the
    StSsdDaqMaker. This maker reads the raw daq data
    and converts them (with the help of a matrix)
    into a table containing a strip id and the signal
    value in adc count.It reads both physics data and
    pedestal/noise data and produces suited table
  • Status
  • The code is stable and in cvs
  • Know issues
  • For some ladders, an offset of one had to be
    introduced in the conversion matrix. Without it,
    the alignment plots do not show meaningful
    pattern. The exact reason for that offset is
    still not fully understood but the ad hoc
    correction works.
  • Signals from noisy detectors/ladders are
    converted while they can easily be suppressed in
    that maker. An (existing) configuration can be
    used to ignore specific ladders or wafers.

Software and data analysis
  • StSsdPointMaker SSD cluster and hit finder.
  • Goals
  • This maker reads the pedestal tables, convert
    them into a more suitable format and write them
    in a root file on disk with a filename containing
    the associated timestamp.
  • This maker reads the real (zero-suppressed)
    physics tables, does the cluster finding, cluster
    matching, hit reconstruction and finally write
    them into a StEvent hit container.
  • Several histograms are produced for QA
  • Status
  • The code is stable and in cvs
  • Know issues
  • In the cluster matching, the code does not decide
    yet which hit combination is the best. All
    possible combinations are written in StEvent. The
    association with the best (highest) probability
    must (and can easily) be selected.
  • The relative gain calibration results must be
    integrated in the code. This is important for
    dE/dx capabilities and for the ambiguous hit
    de-convolution in a high local particle density
    (typically AuAu at full energy)

Software and data analysis
  • StSvtEvalMaker SSD global alignment.
  • Goals
  • This maker is used to improve the global SSD
    alignment using track to hit association. It
    reads StEvents containing TPC (SVT) tracks and
    SSD hits, loads a given geometry and does track
    to hit associations based on relative distances.
  • Track and hit information are stored in an ntuple
    which is used to identify correlations signing
    possible misalignment.
  • Status
  • The code is stable and in a private directory
    (/afs/rhic/star/users/lmartin/Aligment2). Some
    documentation exist in the directory
  • Results for the CuCu at 62 GeV have been posted
  • http//
  • Known issues
  • The code would need some cleaning for a commit.

Software and data analysis
  • SSD pedestal and noise calibration.
  • Goals
  • Pedestal runs are usually taken at the beginning
    of each store during the data taking period ie
    typically few times per day. The pedestal and
    noise values of each strip are used in the
    cluster finder procedure of the StSsdPointMaker.
    They are loaded in the InitRun of the maker from
    the db. The StSsdPointMaker itself is used to
    produce a root file containing the ped/rms values
    before insertion in the db.
  • .
  • Status
  • A complete analysis of the Run V pedestal runs
    has been done and results have been posted here
  • This calibration was performed from the directory
    /afs/rhic/star/users/lmartin/Calibration and
    the output files were stored in
  • Known issues
  • The very large amount of data to store in the db
    must be reduced. Typically, only pedestal and/or
    rms values that have changed by x with respect
    to their previous values must be inserted in the
    db. Temporarily fix can be done by using a unique
    cut in the StSsdPointMaker (a default value in
    the StSsdStip object constructor).
  • Existing root files are may be in an obsolete
    format. They should be easily reproduced using
    the xml files located in the dedicated directory.

Software and data analysis
  • SSD gain calibration.
  • Goals
  • Correction of the gain difference on a chip
    basis. Jerome Baudot had done an extensive study
    of the gain response of the SSD using pulser
    runs. It is assumed that the gain is uniform
    within a given FEE chip. The observed differences
    are of the order of few percents. This gain
    calibration is useful to refine the cluster
    charge matching results and the SSD capabilities
    in terms of dE/dx.
  • Status
  • Jerome has posted his results here
    and in the daughter pages (pulser runs and
  • Known issues
  • The gain corrections are not implemented in the
    StSsdPointMaker. A dedicated table must be
    defined to store the values in the db and to be
    loaded by this maker to correct each adc signal
    on a strip basis. Pedestal and rms values must be
    corrected accordingly.
  • Some FEE chip pulsers are not working. They thus
    need an other type of gain calibration. This can
    be easily achieved using real data and by
    selecting non ambiguous hits made of one strip
    clusters and by fitting the resulting charge P vs
    charge N correlations.

Software and data analysis
  • Simulation chain.
  • Goals
  • The geant description of the SSD has been
    recently updated.
  • The simulation chain is at the moment split in
    three parts
  • The StSsdSimulationMaker that takes hits from
    gstar simulated event, generates signals on
    strips and mimick the daq behavior (zero
    suppression, compression)
  • The StSsdClusterMaker that takes the simulated
    daq data and does the cluster finding and hit
  • The StSsdEvalMaker that takes the various tables
    produced by the simulation makers and evaluation
    the performances.
  • Status
  • The code is in cvs and has been recently cleaned
    by A.Kisiel.
  • Known issues
  • The StSsdClusterMaker and the StSsdPointMaker are
    doing the same tasks on simulated and real data.
    They should be merged in order to be able to do
  • The simulation maker assumes some homogeneous
    defects in the SSD. The best would be to
    simulated data using real data figures (pedestal
    and rms values for instance). Thus the code
    should be modified to read/load pedestal table.

  • People involved during the construction,
    installation and first years of operations who
    are good sources of information
  • At Subatech (email firstname.lastname_at_subatech.i
  • S.Bouvier engineer in electronics, broad
    knowledge on all aspects of the SSD, specific
    expertise on the electronics
  • C.Renard engineer in electronics, designer of
    the rdo board.
  • L-M.Rigalleau technician in electronics,
    designed the ADC board.
  • Gerard Guilloux engineer in mechanics, designed
    almost each mechanical piece.
  • L.Martin physicist, broad knowledge on all
    aspects of the SSD.
  • At IReS (
  • D.Bonnet engineer in electronics, specific
    expertise on the module electronics, designer of
    the slow control system.
  • F.Littel technician in electronics, specific
    expertise in the cabling and the slow control
  • J.Baudot physicist, broad knowledge on all
    aspects of the SSD.
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