Repositioning the Faculty of Agriculture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Repositioning the Faculty of Agriculture


Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Makerere University, P.O. Box 7062, Kampala-UGANDA Tel:+256-414-542277 Fax:+256-414-531641 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Repositioning the Faculty of Agriculture

Repositioning the Faculty of Agriculture
  • Dean,
  • Faculty of Agriculture,
  • Makerere University,
  • P.O. Box 7062, Kampala-UGANDA
  • Tel256-414-542277
  • Fax256-414-531641

  • Prof . V. Byaryamureba . Vice Chancellor
  • Prof L. Tibatemwa DVC Academic Affairs
  • Mr. K. Muhwezi Univ. Secretary
  • Mr. A. M. Namoha Academic Registrar
  • Mr.J Karamagi Univ. Bursar
  • Mr N Bazanye Ag Dir. Humana Resource
  • Mr. J. Ekudu Dean of Students
  • Mr Wabwire Director Planning
  • The entire management team

Objectives of this Visit
  • To acquaint the Management team with what goes
    on in the FA.
  • To share with management our achievements and
  • To highlight the challenges the Faculty is facing
    as we try to move forward.
  • To give an opportunity for members of staff to
    interact with top management.

Vision Mission and Niche of the Faculty of
  • Vision
  • The Faculty of Agriculture subscribes to the
    Makerere University vision that is To be the
    leading institution for academic excellence and
    innovations in Africa.
  • Mission
  • The mission is to Advance agricultural
    development through training, knowledge
    generation and service delivery in Uganda and the

  • As we consider the FA we need to remember that
  • Agriculture is production of crops, animals,
    fish and forest products.
  • The sector accounts for up to 40 of the GDP,
    and employs over 80 of the population with an
    average AgGDP of 43.
  • Growth in the agricultural sector has potential
    to change the lives of the vast majority of
    people in Uganda .
  • Agricultural productivity is on the decline.
  • The university produces the human resource that
    drive the economy thus we are partly
    responsible for the development problems of this

  • The FA is comprised of 7 Departments--,
  • Animal Science Dr. D. Mpairwe
  • Agric. Econ Agribusiness Dr. J Mugisha
  • Agricultural Engineering Dr. L. Kasisira
  • Agric. Extension Educ. Dr F. Mastiko
  • Crop Science, Dr. Ssebuliba
  • Food Science and Tech Prof J. Muyonga
  • Soil Science - Dr J.S. Tenywa
  • (MUARIK) Prof M. Tenywa
  • Continuing Agricultural Education Centre (CAEC)
  • Deputy Dean Training Dr. A. Kaaya
  • Deputy Dean Research . Dr. M. Nabasirye

Academic programmes Academic programmes Academic programmes
Bachelors Programmes Regular Post-Graduate degrees Regional Post-graduate programmes
Agriculture (five options Animal Sc., Agric. Econs., Agric. Extension/Educ. Crop Science and Soil Science) MSc Agriculture Engineering. MSc Plant Breeding and Seed systems,
Agricultural Engineering MSc Agric. Economics MSc Agricultural and Applied Economics
Food Science and Technology MSc Agrib. Management PhD Plant Breeding and Biotechnology
Land Use and Management MSc Agric. Extension PhD in Agricultural Extension and Education
Agricultural Extension Education MSc Applied Human Nutrition
Agricultural and Rural Innovations MSc Food Science and Technology
Agribusiness Management MSc Animal Science
Horticulture MSc Crop Science
Human Nutrition MSc Soil Science
7 PhD Programmes

Key contributions to training, research and development of the region (last three years) Key contributions to training, research and development of the region (last three years)
Capacity development Regional center of leadership for Plant Breeding and Biotech., Agric.and Applied Econ. and Agric. Extension and Education . Participated in Design of Strengthening Capacity in Agricultural Research and Development for (SCARDA). Training for DR Congo, and (over 100 students in total).
Research PI Lake Kivu site for SSA Challenge Programme. Leader Coordinator, East Africa IPM CRSP. Coordinator, Peanut CRSP Over 100 research projects over the last three years. Produced and released varieties and technologies (Soya bean varieties, Soil testing kits, rhizobia bio-fertilizer)r Over 100 research publications
Outreach and community action Pioneered farmer field schools in the country. Pioneered action research with farmers and others Strengthening value chains for smallholder farmers via the Link farmer to market project Developed new processed food products. Reached out to over 3000 small scale farmers Informed policy (polythene bags) Member of boards FARA, NARO, NAADS, ACB

Contribution of Research Projects
  • Established modest laboratories for
    Biotechnology, Biosafety, Tissue culture and
    Pilot food processing plant.
  • Subsidized undergraduate training programs
  • Purchase of vehicles and tractors
  • Expanded University land.
  • Maintained faculty infrastructure.
  • Publications
  • Participation in national and international for a
  • Agricultural trade shows
  • Awards

  • To train relevant human resources in an efficient
    and effective manner to meet development needs
  • To realign agricultural research and outreach
    activities to address national development
  • To broaden the funding and resource envelope to
    undertake innovative training, research and
    outreach activities.
  • To influence agricultural policy to support
    investment in agricultural training and research.
  • To use policy research as an entry point into the
    policy circles and to influence policy.
  • To change the way faculty transacts its business
    to ensure that the external clientele needs and
    expectation are full-filled.

  • Strengthening undergraduate and post graduate
    training and research.
  • Engagement with Communities to stimulate and
    promote Agricultural Innovations and
  • Transforming the Faculty of Agriculture into a
    more efficient unit within Makerere University

Thrust area 1Strengthening Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training and Research and Outreach Activities Thrust area 1Strengthening Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training and Research and Outreach Activities
Objectives Activities Enhanced capacity to produce high skilled human resource Assess the demand for graduates from the faculty of agriculture for relevance of training, research and outreach activities. Review curricula to respond to new and emerging demands Retooling staff to better deliver learning using cutting-edge and more efficient approaches including ICTs Engage alumni and critical stakeholders in training, research and outreach activities Strengthening in-service capacity building activities for stakeholders, alumni and community. Develop and operationalize a post-training support/ programmes for graduates engaged in agricultural development processes Develop and operationalize MoUs with NARO, government agencies and other institutions to build their capacity and support training and research. Staff secondment and exchange programmes with new universities and other institutions
1.1 To develop and implement high quality agricultural-based training programmes that meet local, regional and international demands in the public and private sector Activities Enhanced capacity to produce high skilled human resource Assess the demand for graduates from the faculty of agriculture for relevance of training, research and outreach activities. Review curricula to respond to new and emerging demands Retooling staff to better deliver learning using cutting-edge and more efficient approaches including ICTs Engage alumni and critical stakeholders in training, research and outreach activities Strengthening in-service capacity building activities for stakeholders, alumni and community. Develop and operationalize a post-training support/ programmes for graduates engaged in agricultural development processes Develop and operationalize MoUs with NARO, government agencies and other institutions to build their capacity and support training and research. Staff secondment and exchange programmes with new universities and other institutions
Thrust area 1 Strengthening Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training and Research and Outreach Activities Thrust area 1 Strengthening Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training and Research and Outreach Activities Thrust area 1 Strengthening Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training and Research and Outreach Activities
Objectives Activities Deliverables
1.2 Develop and implement demand-driven RD programmes that meet current and future strategic needs of the country and region Strengthening Agric. innovations processes of the Fac. and its stakeholders Develop and align the faculty research agenda into the university, national and regional development agendas Partner with the private sector, public sector, civil society and other RD agencies in Agricultural and rural development innovations Institutionalise, restructure and operationalize the Faculty of Agriculture policy research centre Build competences for policy analysis and communication Strengthen comnity learning and engagmt in agric- innovation and development processes Extensive engagement of students in national development programmes through internship and other outreach programmes Develop and manage research extension programs to improve production, productivity and marketing of agricultural products by farming communities i. A responsive stakeholder-based agenda ii. At least 40 of R4D (research for development) activities of FA involve and target key stakeholders iii. Research products and knowledge generated in the following areas iv. At least half of FA staff trained in agricultural policy analysis v. At least 1000 students in FA involved in advisory and outreach activities such as NAADS, industry through internships vi. At least 80 of clients hosting students in internship exposed to novel approaches to production and marketing vi. At least 30 of clients hosting students in internship adopt novel approaches to production and marketing
Thrust area 1 Strengthening Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training and Research and Outreach Activities Thrust area 1 Strengthening Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training and Research and Outreach Activities Thrust area 1 Strengthening Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training and Research and Outreach Activities
Objectives Activities Deliverables
1.3 To build RD capacity and physical infrastructure of MUARIK and integrate it into national agricultural innovation systems Restructure MUARIK for efficiency and effectiveness in conducting f research. Create an efficient management and operational structure. Revitalize out-of-station research units such as Field schools, demonstration plots and model/technology villages. Partner with the private sector and other stakeholders in technology incubation and commercialization. Upgrade/expand physical infrastructure to support training, research and outreach activities Develop a master plan for the transformation of MUARIK into a viable research institute linked to the national agricultural research system (NARS). Undertake resource mobilization programme for rehabilitation and R4D.Implement extensive rehabilitation and rationalization of research infrastructure i. A management and operational structure approved by the University council by the end of year 1 ii. At least 3 satellite research and outreach units established in different parts in the country. iii. At least 4 major private companies partner with MUARIK in development and commercialization of their products. iv. At least 3 demand-driven enterprises established to demonstrate commercial viability of farming v. A master plan to guide the development of MUARIK into the NARS vi. Established physical infrastructure in place at MUARIK within four years (modern research and training complex including laboratories, lecture theatres, offices and irrigation system).
Thrust area 2 Engagement with Communities to stimulate and promote Agricultural Innovations and Entrepreneurship Thrust area 2 Engagement with Communities to stimulate and promote Agricultural Innovations and Entrepreneurship Thrust area 2 Engagement with Communities to stimulate and promote Agricultural Innovations and Entrepreneurship
Objectives Activities Deliverables
2.1 Operationalization of agro- technology incubation for adoption and commercialization of research outputs. Acquire the necessary facilities and infrastructure for incubation Renovate, rehabilitate and equip structures to host incubation plant(s) Establish a framework for incubation and commercialization of research products Take inventory and prioritise technologies and services for incubation from within and outside the Faculty Refine the candidate technologies for patenting Strengthen partnerships and networks with private sector and other actors at national and regional levels Develop management guidelines for the incubation process Build capacity of staff and incubates to support incubation processes One incubation plant for value addition of food products and field sites for commercialisation of new varieties and animal breeds established At least four value added products developed and commercialised At least two crop varieties and two animal breeds developed and released At least 40 of staff trained in the incubation processes involved in value-addition and commercialization activities At least 60 of incubatees trained in incubation processes in value-addition and commercialization activities The Faculty becomes an active and credible service provider for knowledge and technologies to the farming and agribusiness communities
Thrust area 2 Engagement with Communities to stimulate and promote Agricultural Innovations and Entrepreneurship Thrust area 2 Engagement with Communities to stimulate and promote Agricultural Innovations and Entrepreneurship Thrust area 2 Engagement with Communities to stimulate and promote Agricultural Innovations and Entrepreneurship
Objectives Activities Deliverables
2.2 Enhance knowledge access and utilization by the farmers, agribusinesses and agri-service providers. Develop a communication and knowledge management strategy for farmers, agribusiness and agri-service providers Package information and technologies that respond to priority needs Develop functional partnerships to facilitate engagement and service learning with community and to scale-out innovations and best practices Establish community learning centers to disseminate information and technologies Establish a management structure and recruit full time staff for CAEC based on performance contracts Acquire essential equipment and facilities for CAEC Implement priority skills enhancement short courses for stakeholders A communication and knowledge management strategy developed and streamlined At least 4 different communication products ( electronic and paper-based) developed and utilized At least 3 functional partnerships with stakeholders established At least 3 satellite research and outreach units established in different parts in the country A management and operational structure approved by the faculty board by the end of year 1 Human resources and infrastructure to operationalize CAEC acquired and installed ICTs for outreach purposes acquired and installed At least 2 distance learning programmes developed and implemented by the end of year 4 At least 4demand-driven short programmes developed and implemented by the end of year

Thrust area 2 Engagement with Communities to stimulate and promote Agricultural Innovations and Entrepreneurship Thrust area 2 Engagement with Communities to stimulate and promote Agricultural Innovations and Entrepreneurship Thrust area 2 Engagement with Communities to stimulate and promote Agricultural Innovations and Entrepreneurship
Objectives Activities Deliverables
2.3 Promote entrepreneurship and farming as a business and increase the Faculty income generation and endowment through commercial production at MUARIK. Reform MUARIK to support commercial agriculture. Create income generation unit (s) at Kabanyolo and Makerere A policy to guide commercial production at MUARIK and Makerere in place At least 5 enterprises (2 in crop, 2 in animal and 1 in value addition) operating commercially by year four At least two outsourced produce supply chains established with stakeholders to support large scale commercialization by year 4
Potential Partners NARO, Government of Uganda, Overseas Development Agencies, Private sector, Civil society, statutory bodies, farm organizations and institutions, Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), Multinational organizations, media and communication houses. Potential Partners NARO, Government of Uganda, Overseas Development Agencies, Private sector, Civil society, statutory bodies, farm organizations and institutions, Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), Multinational organizations, media and communication houses. Potential Partners NARO, Government of Uganda, Overseas Development Agencies, Private sector, Civil society, statutory bodies, farm organizations and institutions, Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), Multinational organizations, media and communication houses.
Thrust area 2 Engagement with Communities to stimulate and promote Agricultural Innovations and Entrepreneurship Thrust area 2 Engagement with Communities to stimulate and promote Agricultural Innovations and Entrepreneurship Thrust area 2 Engagement with Communities to stimulate and promote Agricultural Innovations and Entrepreneurship
Objectives Activities Deliverables
2.3 Promote entrepreneurship and farming as a business and increase the Faculty income generation and endowment through commercial production at MUARIK. Reform MUARIK to support commercial agriculture. Create income generation unit (s) at Kabanyolo and Makerere A policy to guide commercial production at MUARIK and Makerere in place At least 5 enterprises (2 in crop, 2 in animal and 1 in value addition) operating commercially by year four At least two outsourced produce supply chains established with stakeholders to support large scale commercialization by year 4
Potential Partners NARO, Government of Uganda, Overseas Development Agencies, Private sector, Civil society, statutory bodies, farm organizations and institutions, Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), Multinational organizations, media and communication houses. Potential Partners NARO, Government of Uganda, Overseas Development Agencies, Private sector, Civil society, statutory bodies, farm organizations and institutions, Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), Multinational organizations, media and communication houses. Potential Partners NARO, Government of Uganda, Overseas Development Agencies, Private sector, Civil society, statutory bodies, farm organizations and institutions, Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), Multinational organizations, media and communication houses.
Thrust area 3 Transforming the Faculty of Agriculture into a more Efficient Unit within Makerere University Thrust area 3 Transforming the Faculty of Agriculture into a more Efficient Unit within Makerere University Thrust area 3 Transforming the Faculty of Agriculture into a more Efficient Unit within Makerere University
Objectives Activities Deliverables
3.1 To restructure departments, research and outreach units for relevance and efficiency. To review the management and operational structure of all departments, research and outreach units Undertake a management and operational audit of all units and departments Undertake the necessary reforms after the audit. Consolidation of departments including human resources and infrastructure. Rationalization of academic programmes. Expand research and teaching facilities. A management and operational report by end of year 1. New academic units created and operationalised. Infrastructure rehabilitated and expanded. Lecture theatres, labs, offices. Field research facilities. Outreach and training facilities.
Thrust area 3Transforming the Faculty of Agriculture into a more Efficient Unit within Makerere University Thrust area 3Transforming the Faculty of Agriculture into a more Efficient Unit within Makerere University Thrust area 3Transforming the Faculty of Agriculture into a more Efficient Unit within Makerere University
Objectives Activities Deliverables
3.2 Operationalize the college formation process. Consult prospective faculties and institutes FFNC, FS, MIENR and FVM and others. Consult leadership of prospective units Consult members of staff and other stakeholders Develop an implementation plan for the college formation. Undertake an operational audit for the college Develop the necessary structure for the college Seek University Council approval of the college Create the new college Mobilise resources for implementation Undertake phased implementation of the college A roadmap for creation of the college developed and agreed upon by the university leadership by the end of Year 2 Critical issues for the college formation agreed upon. An approved implementation plan by end of Year 3. College created by end of Year 4.
Potential Partners NARO, Government of Uganda, Overseas Development Agencies, Private sector, Civil society, statutory bodies, farm organizations and institutions, Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), Multinational organizations, media and communication houses. Potential Partners NARO, Government of Uganda, Overseas Development Agencies, Private sector, Civil society, statutory bodies, farm organizations and institutions, Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), Multinational organizations, media and communication houses. Potential Partners NARO, Government of Uganda, Overseas Development Agencies, Private sector, Civil society, statutory bodies, farm organizations and institutions, Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), Multinational organizations, media and communication houses.
  • Source of funding
  • Own savings. The Faculty of Agriculture will
    continue to reallocate a portion of its internal
    resources as an impetus for change and a catalyst
    to achieve the goals in the business plan. It
    will typically relocate about 10 per cent of
    their annual budgets to priority areas of this
  • Government appropriation. Through partnerships
    with Government of Uganda, the Faculty shall
    allocate and fund at least up to 20 of the
    business plan activities.
  • Development support from Government ODA. The
    Faculty will build on its good performance record
    to mobilize funds and others resources to meet
    40 of business plan.
  • Development support from Philanthropic agencies.
    The Faculty will build on its good performance
    record to mobilize funds and other resources to
    meet 30 of business plan.

(No Transcript)
  • Strengthening Undergraduate and Postgraduate
    Training and Research and Outreach Activities
  • Changing the doable first (Teaching on time
    Marking on time Submitting marks on time)
  • Curriculum review
  • Engagement with Communities to stimulate and
    promote Agricultural Innovations and
  • Renewed linkages with MAAIF
  • Ministry of trade tourism and industry.

  • Restructuring of the Faculty of Agriculture
  • Started initial consultation with FFN and
    Institute of Environment.
  • Brained stormed in the Faculty
  • Components of the proposed College
  • Institute of Food Technology and Human
  • Department of Agricultural and Environmental
  • Institute of plant and Agro-ecological Sciences
  • Institute of Agribusiness and Rural Development
  • Institute of animal and Range Sciences.

  • Staffing
  • Funds availability
  • Timeliness in follow of funds
  • Un explained budget cuts
  • Infrastructure
  • Limited lecture space
  • Limited computer numbers
  • Transport
  • Old vehicles
  • Unfriendly procurement process
  • Inadequate toilet facilities
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