Cor Schoen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cor Schoen


Huisstijltemplate oktober 2003: Beamerpresentatie voor s met blauwe achtergrond, incl. blauwe titel en afsluiter – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cor Schoen

On-Site Confirmation and Monitoring
  • Cor Schoen

29th Nov, 2010 Q-detect
WP7. On-Site Confirmation and Monitoring
  • Main objective To develop rapid, simple and
    reliable confirmatory and monitoring methods
    based on the detection of DNA

Overview of work for Task 7
Task 7.1 DNA extractions Task 7.2 Generation of
protocols for isothermal, singleplex and
multiplex amplification of targets Different
isothermal amplification strategies will be
tested for on-site confirmation LAMP, NAIMA
and PLP-RCA. Task 7.3 Generation of devices for
multiplex detection on-site Task 7.4 Evaluation
of promising on-site detection systems for
monitoring This task may comprise the following
subtasks 1) evaluate selected robust DNA
extraction procedure for each pathosystem 2)
compare classical PCR to selected isothermal
methods 3) select optimal single-plex and
multiplex detection methods 4) establish one
protocol with strong focus on simplicity Task 7.5
Implementation of procedure on user-friendly
detection system
Confirmation and Monitoring
  • DNA/RNA extractions on different substrates to be
    performed in the field and/or on-site
  • White flies viruses from traps
  • Bacterial pathogens from plant material
  • Potato pathogens from tuber and leaves

DNA/RNA Extraction Criteria - Easy -
Fast - Efficient - Cheap
With respect to simplicity, speed and pricing,
purification of nucleic acid (RNA and DNA) based
on lateral flow devices would be ideal.
Boonham et al 2008
Boonham et al 2008
Boonham et al 2008
  • Conclusion extractions
  • Qiagen DNeasy/RNeasy extraction kids have been
    successfully used for most of the described
    targets in WP7
  • LFD based DNA/RNA extractions
  • Easy to perform
  • Fast
  • Applicable for different substrates
  • (RNA and DNA viruses has to be tested)
  • Recovery has to be improved

To validate LAMP, NAIMA and PLP-RCA, different
TaqMan assays were developed as the golden
standard for target detection
Confirmation and Monitoring
  • DNA/RNA extractions on different substrates to be
    performed in the field and/or on-site
  • White flies viruses from traps
  • Bacterial pathogens from plant material
  • Potato pathogens from tuber and leaves
  • Monitoring
  • Isothermal multiplex and simplex amplification
  • LAMP (Optisense)
  • NAIMA ?
  • Confirmation
  • Isothermal multiplex and simplex amplification
  • LAMP (Optisense)
  • PLP in combination with RCA (Qlinea)

First line screening (monitoring via fast semi
specific method)

Second line screening (confirmation via target
specific detection methods)
Specific target detection
Real positive? Confirmation with another
  • Monitoring (first line screening)
  • Isothermal multiplex and simplex amplification
  • Easy
  • Fast
  • Sensitive
  • Applicable for DNA and RNA

Isothermal amplification
LAMP Loop mediated Amplification
- Amplification at a constant temperature (65oC)
using a DNA polymerase with strand displacement
reaction - Amplification and detection of the
target can be completed in a single step. - High
amplification efficiency, with DNA being
amplified 109- 1010 times in 15- 60 minutes
LAMP characteristics (summary) There is no
need for a step to denature double stranded into
a single stranded form. The whole
amplification reaction takes place continuously
under isothermal conditions. Amplification
can be done with RNA templates following the same
procedure as with DNA templates, simply through
the addition of reverse transcriptase. The
amplification efficiency is extremely high (10x
higher than PCR). LAMP is less prone to
inhibitors By designing 4 primers to
recognize 6 distinct regions, the LAMP method is
able to specifically amplify the target gene.
The total cost can be reduced, as LAMP does
not require special reagents or sophisticated
equipments. The amplified products have a
structure consisting of alternately inverted
repeats of the target sequence on the same
Monitoring of LAMP products
Quantitative analysis by real-time turbidimetry
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ABI microfluidic plate with prespotted
primers - 8 samples can be tested for 48
different targets. - Does not require liquid
handling robotics - Provides easy standardization
LAMP product monitoring (summary)
(By-)products of LAMP (pyro phosphate) can be
used for target detection and quantification
Multiplex LAMP can be performed in
microwells and different micro- fluidic devices

Confirmation and Monitoring
  • DNA/RNA extractions on different substrates to be
    performed in the field and/or on-site
  • White flies viruses from traps
  • Bacterial pathogens from plant material
  • Potato pathogens from tuber and leaves
  • Monitoring
  • Isothermal multiplex and simplex amplification
  • LAMP (Optisense)
  • Confirmation
  • Isothermal multiplex and simplex amplification
  • LAMP (Optisense)
  • PLP in combination with RCA (Qlinea)

First line screening (monitoring via fast semi
specific method)
Second line screening (confirmation via target
specific detection methods)
Real positive? Confirmation with another
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Target ligation with universal LAMP primers
Exonuclease cutting
LAMP detection

LAMP amplicon cutting
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PLP based multiplex detection
Mechanism for amplified single molecule detection
Working mechanism for amplified single molecule
RCA based quantitative multiplex detection
Signal amplification and specific labeling
Target recognition and circle creation
Microfluidic analysis
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  • LAMP product confirmation
  • Ligation based spec-LAMP (LS-LAMP) will
    probably support point mutation specific
    discrimination of targets in different array
  • Ligation based Univ-LAMP (LU-LAMP) will be
  • PLP RCA based confirmation
  • High level of specificity and multiplexing
  • Target recognition and amplification
  • Universal downstream processing after ligation
  • Ligation Fluorescently stained blobs can
    easily be discriminated and identified in a
    micro-fluidic device
  • NAIMA confirmation
  • Improvement of NAIMA universal amplification
  • Hexaplex NAIMA amplification confirmed
  • Microarray platform detection experimented on
    hexaplex NAIMA

Deliverables D 7.1 Three protocols for DNA
extraction for selected set of targets in the
different matrices (Month 12) D 7.2 Provide
information to WP2 (partner 9) on the cost, time,
skill and conditions required for the
application of the detection method by
inspectors. And preliminary values for
parameters (or estimates) for uncertainties,
sampling, quality (sensitivity/specificity) and
protocols (Month 12). D 7.3 Two protocols for
isothermal amplification of selected targets
(Month 24) D 7.4 Three protocols for
single-plex/multiplex analysis of selected
targets (Month 30) D 7.5 Provide information to
WP2 (partner 9) on the uncertainties, sampling,
quality (sensitivity/specificity) and a full
protocol required for the detection method
developed (Month 30). D 7.6 Two Devices to be
used on-site (Month 30) D 7.7 Two monitoring
protocols (Month 36)
  • Task 7.1 DNA extractions (Month 12)
  • Three novel extraction approaches (devices,
    set-ups, reagents) will be developed.
  • Robustness of the three most promising
    extraction procedures will be determined.
  • Applicability of three different extraction
    procedures for the full-range of material
    encountered by end-user inspectors (fruit tree
    material flowers, shoots, rootstocks,
    branches, fruit potato leaf, wood shavings (for
    PWN), vector insects (e.g. whitefly and
    Monochamus beetles) and isolated nematodes (e.g.
    trapped PWN). will be tested).
  • Select and validate three on-site DNA
    extraction procedures to optimize assay
    sensitivity. Modification of three proven DNA
    extraction methods towards simplest possible
    manipulation for direct-in field application
    (e.g., one-step sample/DNA extraction in the
    field). This part has potential application for
    all project organisms.
  • The three best candidate methods will be
    evaluated in the different laboratories.

Task 7.1 DNA extractions (continued)
The following pathosystems will be addressed in
this WP PRI Targets pests will be white flies
(Bemisia tabaci) from traps ACW Target pests
will be bacterial fruit-tree pathogens (Erwinia
amylovora pome fruit Xanthmonas arboricola
pv. pruni stone fruit). NIB Target pests for
testing DNA extraction will be the potato brown
rot (Ralstonia solanacearum) and the potato ring
rot (Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus)
on potato leaves and tubers. Fera Targets will
be PWN directly on trapped nematodes, within
vector beetles and wood shaving material and
potato leaves. UNIBO Will participate on the
development of the extraction protocols for all
the bacterial species considered. In addition,
UNIBO will also focus on Pseudomonas syringae pv
actinidiae, an emerging pathogen that is
jeopardizing kiwifruit production in south
Europe. A new type of extraction and
amplification of target will be performed. CIP
Focus on DNA/RNA extraction of PYVV form
infected potato leaves. CAIQ Focus on DNA/RNA
extraction of Cotton leaf curl virus, transmitted
by white flies and also on Citrus greening.
  • Task 7.2 Generation of protocols for isothermal,
    singleplex and multiplex amplification of
    targets (Month 24).
  • Two different isothermal amplification
    strategies will be tested for on-site
    confirmation LAMP and NAIMA.
  • Optimized single-plex reaction procedures will
    be established for three key target pests (B.
    tabaci, Erwinia amylovora, Potato yellow vein
    virus) to enable assessing the performance of
    multiplex methods and to test limits of
    single-plex PCR methods with respect to speed
    and sensitivity.

  • Task 7.2 Generation of protocols for isothermal,
    single-plex and multiplex amplification of
    targets (Month 24).
  • Multiplex reaction procedures using diverse
    technologies will be developed.
  • The padlock probes technology will be
    investigated for simultaneous on-site detection
    of viruses (e.g. TYLCV, CYSDV, PYVV, TICV, ToCV,
    begomoviruses and including cotton leaf curl
    virus) within white flies (Bemisia tabaci).
  • The combination of multiplex NAIMA amplification
    with easy-to-use portable detection systems will
    be developed for simultaneous detection of DNA
    and RNA pathogens. The target candidates will be
    the bacteria Ralstonia solanacearum and
    Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus, and
    one viral pathogen to be determined (Potato
    spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd), the Potato Virus Y
    (PVY) or the Pepino Mosaic Virus (PepMV)).
  • The main focus will be placed on the robustness
    of the amplification process under variable
    conditions. Enzymes, buffers and amplification
    conditions (temperature, hold times, reagents
    etc) will be tested.
  • PRI, Fera, ACW and NIB will collaborate in the
    testing and evaluation process.

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  • Task 7.3 Generation of devices for multiplex
    detection on-site (Month 24)
  • Qlinea will develop a prototype of a multiplex
    (10-20) single molecule detection device to be
    used for on-site application
  • Optisense will provide access to a portable
    isothermal amplification reader to WP6 partners
    for validation purposes.
  • PRI and Qlinea will collaborate in testing and
    evaluating the device developed by Qlinea for
    Bemisia transmitted virus detection.
  • Fera and Optisense will collaborate in testing
    and evaluating the devices developed by Optisense
    for PWN and PYVV detection

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