- Kim M. Ferroni, PennDOT
- LTAP Project Manager
- Barbara T. Harder, B. T. Harder, Inc.
- LTAP Evaluations
- PennDOT owner and project management
- Contracted operations -- Pennsylvania State
Association of Township Supervisors since
December 2005 - Sponsored during 2007
- Training workshops, 227
- Technical assistance sessions, 89 on-site
(field), off-site 251
3PennDOT LTAP Evaluation Activities
- Training Workshops
- Happy Sheet information evaluation of the
experience (facility, time, materials,
instructor) - Self assessment of learning
- Initiating pre- and post-testing
- Follow-up survey
4PennDOT LTAP Evaluation Activities
- Technical Assistance
- Self assessment of learning
- 6 month follow-up evaluation
- General benefits assessment
5Training Workshops
- Report some basic statistics
- 3 workshops for illustration
- Asphalt Roads Common Maintenance Problems
- Bridge Maintenance
- Work Zone Traffic Control
- Most frequent workshop offerings during 2 month
period of 2007 (representative sample about 60
of total)
6What Evaluation Sheets Tell Us
Workshop Self Evaluation Rated Average Learning Increase
Asphalt Roads Common Maintenance Problems 68
Bridge Maintenance 85
Work Zone Traffic Control 99
- Based on rating of three specific learning goals
for each workshop - 100 rating means doubled the knowledge
7Self Evaluation of Learning
- Self Evaluation of Learning
- Highest assessed learning reported in Work Zone
Traffic Control Workshops - Understand requirements or WZTC in accordance
with state and national guidelines (83) - Able to develop traffic control plans using
PennDOT publication (100) - Understand recent changes in work zone rules
(115) - 100 rating means doubled the knowledge
8Use of Training Information
- 95 of workshop attendees reported that what they
learned would improve job performance - 76 will use the information they learned within
6 months of the workshop - 9 use within 1 year, 13 unsure
9Happy Ratings
Criteria Rating
Effective instructor 4.7
Training materials relevant, easy to use 4.5
Can use materials as reference 4.6
Room, sound, visuals appropriate 4.5
Recommend to others 4.7
10Follow-up Training Workshop Surveys
- Initiating use of Survey Monkey to determine
follow-up actions (distributed 6 months after
training) - Performance
- Implementation
- Learning
- Do not yet have sufficient data to analyze
11Maintenance and Safety Technical Assistance
- Technical assistance
- Off-site telephone, email
- On-site
- Maintenance and safety topics
- Traffic signs
- Engineering and traffic studies
- Work zone traffic control
- Guiderails, posting and bonding
- Evaluation requested for every tech assist
session 40 response rate
12Maintenance Safety Tech Assists Types of
Evaluation Respondent Organizations June 06-Nov 07
County, 0, 0
13Maintenance Safety Tech Assists
Frequency of Benefits Evaluations ReceivedJune
06-Nov 07
14Maintenance Safety Tech AssistsUsefulness of
Information Evaluations Received June 06-Nov 07
- 80 of respondents anticipate using information
provided in Tech Assists within 6 months and 91
within one year - AND
- 94 of Tech Assist information adequately
addressed the issue of concern
15Maintenance Safety Tech Assists Happy
Ratings June 06-Nov 07
- Use as exception flag for problems
- Provides opportunity for suggestions and other
Element Quality Rating
Staff effective 3.88
Materials relevant easy to read 3.82
Time appropriate 3.83
Maximum rating 4
16Maintenance Safety Tech AssistsSummarized
Comments Evaluations Received June 06-Nov 07
- The LTAP staff was (multiple respondents) quick
to respond, answered all my questions, helped
to educate me throughout several processes, very
helpful, polite, and professional, excellent to
work with, easy to talk with, an encyclopedia of
traffic engineering and detailed issues - The information provided was (multiple
respondents) understandable, enabled us to
use the correct material for our signs, gave us
confidence in knowing the correct way, delivered
quickly - We learned a lot. Written info will come in
handy in the future also. Thank you for
providing this type of assistance.
17Technical Assistance Follow-up
- Follow-up evaluation for on-site visits, 22.6
response rate - Increase Safety and Do Job Right Way are
leader benefits after 6 months
18Types of Benefits
- Quantitative Benefits
- 10 of 34 Benefits Evaluations provided some
quantitative information (29) - Candidates for more in-depth assessment
- Qualitative Benefits
- 32 of 34 Benefits Evaluations provided some type
of qualitative information (94)
19Example Quantitative Benefits
- Engineering Traffic Studies
- Saved 10,200 did not have to do a traffic
study - Traffic Signs Guiderails
- 30 hours saved/month 11.50 rate/hour
- Saved the cost of putting guiderails at the wrong
places and the time to put up the correct signs
20Example Qualitative Benefits
- Risk reduced for walking and motoring public.
Liability risk reduced for Borough and school
district. Safety increased significantly. - The project was beneficial to establishing better
working relationship with the township. - Better or cleaner stone for chip roads. Trying
to make our tar chip projects last longer. - Avoid possible law suits made drivers more aware
of upcoming intersection.
21Questions and Issues for Discussion
- Training workshop pre- and post-testing what
works, what doesnt? - Literacy issues
- Voluntary or mandatory
- When used
- Learning assessment from supervisors
- What experiences have others had?
- Response rates
- Effort required
- Benefits measurements what programs are doing
this and how? - Who is providing the information?
22For More Information
- Kim M. Ferroni PennDOT LTAP Project Manager,
kferroni_at_state.pa.us - Carol Kilko Contract Manager, PSATS,
ckilko_at_psats.org - Barbara T. Harder B. T. Harder, Inc. Contract
Staff, Evaluations, btharder_at_verizon.net