Title: The Situation: Scott
1The Situation Scott Cathy had vacation time to
take. Scott wanted to vacation in Maui and Cathy
preferred to spend the week at home.
Vacation in Maui
Exotic Destination
Have a good vacation
Stay at home
Save money
We cant do D D
Press page down for assumptions injection
2Injection Vacation in Florida and stay with
friends. We can also drive and save additional
travel costs.
What are some assumptions?
Possible injections
A-B To get that vacationed feeling B-D Maui
is exotic A-C I want it to be inexpensive C-D
At home we wouldnt be spending money on
hotels, meals, travel, etc.
Florida would do
Maui is not the only exotic location
Stay with friends in Florida
Go somewhere and dont spend a lot of money
Back to toc page
Repeat pressing page down
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